Friday, November 4, 2022

[Teaser] DCO Chapter 8 Part 35



In the forest shrouded in the darkness of the night, Nozomu was relentlessly exerting himself, just as he had done in the past when he was training with his master. 

He ran soundlessly like a fox or a cat over rough paths where an ordinary person would either stumble on a tree root or trip over a stone and fall down in a few steps.

After running for nearly two hours without releasing his chains and without being noticed by the demon beasts of the forest, Nozomu arrived at the goal point, Shino's hut, where he pulled out the katana at his waist and began to repeat his forms.

In front of the hut, which had been destroyed in the battle with the Undead Dragon, Nozomu continued to draw flashes of strikes in the darkness of the night with his blade and body clad in Qi. Single-mindedly, without rest.

How long had he been wielding the blade? Nozomu, having reached the limit of his physical strength, tossed his drawn katana and collapsed to the ground on his back.


"Haa, haa, haa..."


Rough breathing gushed out of his mouth, and sweat flowed unceasingly.

White steam rose from his heated body and melted away in the cold winter air.

A feeling of exhaustion gently enveloped his entire body, just like when he used to devote himself to sword training for the purpose of escaping. It was a nostalgic feeling.


"What can I say, it's been a long time since I've pushed myself this hard..."


Nozomu soliloquized amidst the exhaustion that felt as if his body had turned to lead.

Since entering the third year of school, Nozomu had been training alone less and less. The newfound connection and the warmth he had regained had helped him forget the loneliness he once felt.

But now he needed time to think alone.


"Since I'm a Dragon Slayer ...... no, that's not it."


Thus, alone, he dispelled his thoughts by pushing his body to the limit, and feeling the cold of the winter soil on his back, he lost himself in thought.

Aware of his former escape, he must clear his past, and now he must think about the future.


"What I want to do..."


The reason why he could not accept Lisa's confession. What he himself was supposed to do, and what he had decided to accomplish.

However, no matter how much he thought about it, he could not come up with an answer.

As if seeking light in the darkness, he thought back to the dreams of those closest to him.


"Iris wants to protect Somia-chan, and Somia-chan wants to become like Iris."


"Lisa wants to be an adventurer, Shina wants to reclaim her homeland, Anri-sensei wants to support her students... Everyone has some kind of dream."


Only Nozomu doesn't have a dream. Nor does he have a goal.

For him, training his strength as a Dragon Slayer is not a dream. It is just a duty, a responsibility.

He must learn to use it. Otherwise, he might hurt the people he cares about.

And indeed, he did, and it was almost irreversible.

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