Monday, March 28, 2022

Dragon Chain Ori : Side Story IF - Master Survival Route

 Yooo guys, PolterGlast here.

I am very pleased to announce that this is the one-year anniversary of my blog. It was on March 28th, 2021 that I created this blog and started posting my first translation chapter.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many readers and patrons who have been with me and supported me over the past year.

So to celebrate this joyous occasion, I present you this bonus chapter.

Without further ado, here you go…



Side Story IF :

Master Survival Route



It happened when Nozomu was promoted to the third year after realizing his own escape.

The battle made Nozomu realize the fact that he had been shutting himself away to protect his weak heart, saying it was for Lisa's sake.

Under Shino's life-threatening teachings, Nozomu finally began to look forward.

Because of the injuries he sustained in the battle with his master, his grades at the end of the semester were not good, and he ended up in the 10th class again in his third year. But even so, Nozomu's mind was clear.

With a fresh start, Nozomu was waiting for Anri, his homeroom teacher, to arrive in the classroom.


"Um ... Good morning, everyone~. First~ take your seats~."


Anri entered the classroom,  leaking a somewhat crisp voice.

Her face, which should always be smiling and laughing, was filled with a puzzled expression.

What was going on? 

The 10th class students took their respective seats while tilting their heads at the unusual expression on Anri's face.

After Anri confirmed that all students have taken their seats, she checked attendance with the attendance sheet in her hand and began to speak.


"Well, everyone, your life in the third grade has just begun~. The classes will be very different from those in the second grade~, so I'm sure there will be a lot of difficulties ahead of you~. Let's do our best ~! Of course, I'll do my best too, so you can count on me~!"


With these words, an indescribable atmosphere began to prevail throughout the class.

This is a tenth-class classroom that started as a third year. There is almost no change in students in this class, but the number of students has decreased slightly.

The final exam of the semester is the culmination of the year. The students who had disappeared were considered to have performed poorly on that exam and had been expelled.

Also, seeing that their classmates had hardly changed, it was clear that most of them were not able to go to the higher ranks.

It would be no exaggeration to say that the results of these final exams would determine the rest of their lives for the next year.

Those who perform better will be treated accordingly. Conversely, those who do not perform well enough will spend another year in the lowest ranks.

However, the upperclassmen were also making desperate efforts. It won't be an easy task to overtake them.

That's why the 10th class students who didn't make it to a higher rank in the final exams must be extremely frustrated. The only one motivated in such a situation was Nozomu, who was involved in a commotion far more outrageous than the end-of-semester exams.

Perhaps Anri also sensed the atmosphere in the classroom, she raised her fist cutely and said, "Everyone, do your best!", but the students' reaction was not good.




Drowned by the gloomy atmosphere of the nearly unresponsive students, Anri's raised fist drooped down.


"T-that's right~. I'd like to introduce a new friend to everyone~. A transfer student has arrived in this classroom today~."


With a quick gait, Anri headed for the entrance to the classroom.

Her sullen tone and gaze swam in the air. It was obvious that she was trying to forcefully change the subject, but her cute little movements were reminiscent of a small animal.

Nozomu's cheeks were relaxed after looking at Anri's behavior, but he tilted his head when he heard the words that couldn't be ignored.


*Transfer student.*


Having lived in this city for 2 years, at least Nozomu had never heard of such a thing. Perhaps the other students felt the same thing, all of them looked surprised.

Inspired by the word "transfer student," whispered conversations began to unfold here and there.

What kind of person had arrived? Why at this time of the year? Why skip a grade or two? If he's coming to this class, he's probably not much of a guy anyway, right?

Putting her students' reactions aside, Anri put her hand on the classroom door.

She was sighing as if she was tired. This somewhat intrigued Nozomu. However, his curiosity will soon become clear.


"Umm ...  Alright then, I'll introduce her to everyone ~"


Anri opened the classroom door at once.

What appeared dashingly from the opened door was a beautiful woman ... no, a formerly beautiful woman, dressed in a white uniform with a single katana at her waist.

She was a bit petite in stature compared to women of her age. She had simply shrunk in height over the years.

Her bare legs peeking out from her skirt gave a pure shock to the students, followed by a raging sensation from the depths of their bellies. As they say, don't show it, but hide it.


"This is Shino Mikagura-san, who will be a student in this class from today ~"

"Umu! I'm Shino Mikagura. Pleased to meet you."


An 80-year-old woman in a pure white uniform stood in front of the 10th class students.

Everyone present was stunned with open mouths. It was reasonable.

And by the way, some of them were even looking down and holding their mouths. If they opened their mouths, they might utter some abusive words. Either way, the mismatch between Shino's figure and the student uniforms left everyone speechless. Except for one person ...


"What the hell are you doing----------!!"

"You can see it for yourself, can't you? I also came to this school!"


It was Nozomu, her only disciple and successor to the art of katana technique, who raised a loud voice that seemed to echo throughout the school.

On the other hand, Shino, Nozomu's master, was puffing out her chest with a confident look in response to her pupil's cry. Nozomu had no idea what the basis for her self-confidence was, given the way she was dressed ...


"That's not what I'm talking about! Why are you here at the academy!?"

"I came to check up on my cute, adorable disciple. There's nothing strange about that, right?"

"Why do you think what you are doing is not something strange? Do you still have any shame!"


While banging on his desk, Nozomu raised his voice, but Shino kept tilting her head in puzzlement. 


"And also, aren't you dead already, shishō?"


In fact, the person in front of Nozomu was supposed to have died just the other day. If she had lived, Nozomu would have cried tears of joy because she was an important person to Nozom.

However, the extraordinary scene in front of his eyes made Nozomu involuntarily scream out loud.

Shino, on the other hand, crossed her arms with a mysterious expression on her face.


"It should be that way, right..."


"I found myself crawling out of my own grave! For some reason, I seem to have been cured. The world is full of things that even at my age I still don't understand. Hahahaha!"

"There's something more difficult to understand than that, why are you wearing that outfit-----!"


Nozomu pointed at his master's outrageous outfit and raised his voice.

To be honest, Nozomu didn't want to point it out, but he too had reached his limits.

Nozomu has finally made a fresh start after reflecting on his future school life and himself. It went without saying that Shino was a big part of his life.

It was no wonder he would be so ...... upset to see someone he respected dressed like this.


"I mean, why are you here being a "student"? In your case, you are better suited to be an "instructor"!"

"Umu, I did have such a talk with Jihad-dono about it ...... Well, umm....... I'd rather do it this way, so I can observe my disciple's behavior! I taught you everything I know about the Mikagura style, but there are still some things you are not ready for. As your master, I have a duty to watch over you!"

"If that's the case, why come to the school as a student when you are better suited to be an instructor!? I've never heard of an S-ranked student you know!"

"Well, I've never heard of an S-ranked instructor too~~"


In response to Nozomu's loud voice, Anri muttered weakly as her shoulders slumped. Apparently, she too had been swept away by Nozomu's master.

She looked exhausted, which was unusual for her, who was always cheerful and full of energy. It might be a terrible thing to ask her what happened.


"Well, isn't it alright? There's no age limit to becoming a student at this school, is there?"

"That's ... true ~~"


Shino interrupted Anri, who was about to raise her voice in protest. Sure, there is no age limit, but then again, this is not the problem.

What in the world did this shut-in would do by coming to school......?

Caught between the urge to ask and the refusal to listen, Nozomu took a deep breath to calm himself down.


"I don't agree with you on a lot of things, but assuming that you'll really become a student ...... couldn't you at least do something about those uniforms!"

"Hmm? What do you think, doesn't it look good on me?"


Putting her hands on her hips, Shino picked up her skirt as if to show it off. At that moment, Nozomu's composure was instantly shattered.

Some of the students who had been holding their mouths ran out of the classroom, and Nozomu couldn't blame them. If he was honest, he wanted to get out of there too .......


"It's the opposite! There are so many things I need to say that I don't even know where to begin!"

"What do you mean by, "it's the opposite" !?"


Nevertheless, Nozomu was the only one who can stop this mass of disasters now. Driven by this unfamiliar sense of mission, Nozomu continued to raise his voice.


"I mean it exactly as the words say! Are you not aware of it, you idiot!"

"What did you say! Even though I've gathered all my courage!"

"I understand that for such a shut-in like you it takes courage to go out in public, but you're going in the wrong direction!"

"Umm~. Both of you ~. Calm down a little~."


In this case, what Shino meant by courage was, of course, the courage to show Nozomu her appearance.

On the other hand, what Nozomu meant by courage was the courage of his master, who hated people, to start a new life in the city.

Being told that what she did was for him, and the fact that she was still alive, should be a happy thing for Nozomu. But all that happy emotion was ruined by the miserable scene in front of him.

In addition, their feelings for each other were causing a strange misunderstanding, but there was no way that their true feelings could be conveyed because they were too heated up.

With the two of them gradually heating up like a forest fire in the dry season, Anri was desperately trying to extinguish it.


"Why is it that you don't understand such a maiden's heart!? That's why you got into all this trouble!"

"I can't deny it ...... but if it's about sloppiness, shishō is just as bad as me!"

"Please~. Listen to your teacher~!"


However, the fire was already at a level that Anri could not handle. The argument between master and disciple became even more heated.


"What a not so-cute disciple! Where's that auspicious attitude you had the other day!" 

"If shishō is someone reliable, I will do so......, or rather, I was until just now! But right now shishō is just a disaster!" 

"Fue~! The two of them won't listen to me~!"


Finally, Anri got teary-eyed. The students could only feel frustrated by their argument. Or rather, there was no way they could intervene in such an argument.


"Especially with those uniforms! Frankly, I'd be convinced if they said it was a new deadly weapon!"

"... What did you say!"


At that moment, *snap!*

The sound of something breaking echoed through the classroom. Then, *crash!* With that sound, a big shadow covered Nozomu.




A large object fell from above the stunned Nozomu's head. It was a table made of hard wood.

Shino, who had lost her temper at Nozomu's abusive words, kicked the table away, and the pitiful Nozomu was pinned under it.


"No-, Nozomu-kun~. Are you alright~ !?"


A panicked Anri rushed over to help Nozomu by moving the table out of the way.

However, just as she was about to touch the table that had been blown away by Shino, *kin!*, with a high-pitched sound, the table was cut in half.

Nozomu crawled out from under the table.


"Haa, haa ... that was dangerous ..."


"Why are you clicking your tongue shishō! Do you want to kill me!? If I wasn't careful, I would be dead right now!"

"Such a level is not going to kill you! You had drawn your katana and sent your Qi into it before the table hit you."

"That's not the point------!"


Yes, in the nick of time, Nozomu had drawn his katana and enveloped it in Qi, putting his katana between the table and himself.

Therefore, although he fell down due to the force, it did not hit his head, and he was able to get out easily by cutting the table in half.

However, for Nozomu, that treatment was unbearable. His head was already in a hot state from the argument they had just had, and his self-control was completely gone because the other party was his master.


"I'm so mad! Give me back my sadness of that time!"

"Hohoho! So you're motivated, all right! Just in time to see how my body is feeling now that it's fully recovered! And while I'm at it, I'll knock your guts out one more time and remind you of your master's greatness!"

"Even if you say that, it's not convincing if you talk to me while dressed like that!"


They stepped forward and swung their katanas at the same time. A storm of slashes erupted in the small classroom.

Desks were cut in two, chairs were blown apart, and stationery was scattered.



"Uwa! I got grazed! I got grazed just now!!"

"Someone! Help me------!"


Amidst the screams and shouts of their classmates, the battle between the two swordsmen became even more intense.


"Kakaka, I see, I see now! I feel sixty years younger!"

"Tch! You're going faster and faster! Now you've become even more troublesome, old hag!"

"S~t~o~p! Don't break the classroom~!"


Shino easily parried Nozomu's slash, and she struck a blow in return.

Nozomu threw swearing words at her as he managed to deflect the oncoming attack. Anri shouted desperately with tears in her eyes, but they didn't seem to hear her at all.





Shino's kick caught Nozomu's body and blew him to the back wall of the classroom. Just before the kick reach his body, Nozomu put the sheath in the trajectory of the kick and prevented a direct hit, but when he was blown away, he hit his entire body against multiple desks.

As Nozomu was groaning at the pain, a sprinting shadow appeared at the edge of his vision.


"~ !?"


Forcing his aching body to get up, Nozomu readied his katana. At that point, Shino had already caught Nozomu in her blade range.


"You're too late, Nozomu!"


A flash of a slash attacked Nozomu. Nozomu reflexively twisted his body to escape the katana's trajectory.

Shino's slash passed right in front of Nozomu's eyes, scraping the floor and cutting through the back wall of the classroom.

At the same time, the Qi technique [One Billion Severance] was activated. Numerous blades of Qi burst forth, deeply gouging out the back wall of the classroom.

A straight cut in the wall. Beyond that cut, Nozomu's gaze crossed with the eyes of the homeroom teacher in the next class.



"A~, Excuse me."


Nozomu sent a brief word to the homeroom teacher of the next class and returned to the battle. To fight the mighty monster in front of him. And to avoid further disclosure of the shame that his master had caused.

However, Nozomu's head was so hot that there was no such thing as forgiveness or hesitation.

Nozomu sent his Qi into the katana blade and then thrust it toward Shino.


Qi technique [Core Piercing].

This Qi technique has an extremely high ability to kill by combining [Phantom] and [One Billion Severance].


However, Shino smiled and, to Nozomu's surprise, she placed the tip of her scabbard's mouth on the tip of Nozomu's katana blade.

Nozomu's blade thrust into the mouth of Shino's scabbard. Perhaps because she had poured more Qi than Nozomu, it did not even seem to flinch.

The next moment, the Qi technique [Core Piercing] was activated. However, Nozomu's Qi exploded inside Shino's sheath, and all the Qi blades were canceled out by the Qi inside the sheath.


"Huh !?"


While Nozomu was making a surprised voice, Shino spun her body once by using Nozomu's [Core Piercing] explosion. She then launched a kick into Nozomu's solar plexus.



"Ha! What the hell are you guys doing!?"


Nozomu's body was blown to the next classroom, further widening the hole drilled by Shino earlier.

The ninth-class homeroom teacher was startled by Nozomu's sudden jump into the classroom.

Shino, who had been chasing Nozomu, jumped into the next classroom as well. Her figure was full of fighting spirit, and her eyes were shining with vitality. It was hard to believe that she was dying just a few days ago.


"Hahaha! Nozomu, round two~!"

"Damn it! That's enough, idiot shishō!"

"Stop it already ~~~~~~~!"


Thus, the ruckus between the two spread to the classroom next door, and the master and disciple continued to run amok until Jihad and Inda came in to stop them.

Caught in the middle of this battle, three classrooms were damaged to the point of being unusable, and the equipment in them was almost completely destroyed. Inda was so stunned by the damage that she stood still for a while. It was a wonder that there were no human casualties.

Well, it can be said that this level of damage was only caused because Nozomu did not release his Ability Suppression. ......

What would have happened if Nozomu had released his Ability Suppression? It was frightening just to imagine it.

Because of this disturbance, Shino was expelled from school as soon as she transferred. Nozomu was suspended for a week. It was reasonable. In fact, it could even be said that they were given leniency.

By the way, after that, Shino was later hired as a part-time instructor at Solminati Academy by Jihad, in consideration of Shino's high ability and her outrageous personality.

However, even after that, this master and disciple would cause a tremendous uproar, but that would be in another "what if" story.




Author’s note

This is an IF story with some changes to the original setting. In addition, this is just a gag.

Some people may feel uncomfortable because I wrote the story based on a different setting from the main story.

Since I wrote this story as a one-shot, this is the end of the story for now. There are no plans to continue it at this time.

After this, I will think about the many unusual disturbances between master and disciple that occur at Solminati Academy ...... if there is demand for it.

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