Saturday, August 26, 2023

King Returned with Gods : Chapter 38


The Knight King Who Returned with Gods : Chapter 38

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain





Episode 38 The Shifting Gate




Upon entering the gate, the light faded. Slowly, the scene ahead started to come into view.




What everyone saw was a vast battlefield.






Heteromorphic monsters were swarming around, each of them a demon. The horns protruding from their heads and the foul aura emanating from their bodies gave them away.


The demons were marching across the plains. And there stood an army to stop them.


"Stop them!"


"St- stop them?"




There were over a thousand demons at first glance, and the army facing them was only a few hundred. Not only were they outnumbered, but their equipment was inadequate.


Compared to the hunters who had advanced modern technology, their medieval armor and spears were no match for demons ten times their size.


And the recruits themselves were similarly bewildered by their encounter with the demons' forces.


"Wh- why demons?"


"A Demon Gate?!"


The recruits were baffled. Demons appearing from a yellow gate was unheard of.


Being summoned to the middle of the battlefield out of nowhere was baffling enough, but demons?


Even Gu Dae-sung, who had spent his life studying gates, had never heard of such a phenomenon.


"Raise your shield! Focus! Get in formation!"


Despite the sudden change of setting, Leon's orders remained calm.


The men quickly came to their senses as Leon mounted his pure white steed, brandishing his sword in the air and knocked on the men's shields.


"Ra- raise your shield!"


The first to the fifth group. Following their leaders' instructions, the formation was completed in a flash.


"Forward! Advance forward!"


Forward? Not just to hold their ground and then watch? Leon's order surprised the recruits, but they'd been watching and learning for four weeks.


Absolute obedience to the knight's orders. Needless to say, there was a price to pay for disobedience.


Aura of Lion's Heart


Above all, his presence alone granted an abundance of buffs. The men advanced slowly, shields raised.


'Aren't they afraid?'


Looking at them, Chief Kim Jin-soo wore a confused expression. He couldn't help but realize how reckless an order it was to advance toward that horde of demons, but the recruits obeyed dutifully.


And on top of all that, there was a profound sense of omnipotence in the air. Kim Jin-soo was startled by a barrage of system messages that obscured his vision.


'What are these enhancement buffs?! Are all the hunters being given buffs beyond what a Commander could give?!'


In the meantime, dozens of demons were charging this way.


"De- demon hounds!"


"They're coming!"


Bloodhounds. Commonly referred to as demon hounds, the dogs were human-sized demons.


They pounced on the huddled masses of shields and arrows, seemingly oblivious to their breathlessness.






Violent body slams, almost like suicidal charges. Kim Jin-soo had a hunch that the assault would break through the defense. But.......




"Hold on!"


The men withstood the four-legged creature's physical onslaught. Not just one or two outstanding men, but all of them held on.


'Aren't bloodhound's charges tough even for B-class hunters?'


Class B tankers would possess unique skills that help them with tanking. But these D-class hunters shouldn't have such a skill, yet they were able to block the bloodhounds' charge with their hands.




At Leon's command, the men thrust their swords through the gaps in the shields. Their swords easily pierced the flesh of the demon hounds.






The foremost demon hounds went down in a heap, but then another wave of demons arrived. They were Greatswords, wielding swords taller than their body.




They were the hunters who had already blocked the demon hounds' charge. The minion-level demons slammed against the shield wall with frenzied strikes, but the defense was solid.


Leon raised his sword and shouted,


"One step forward!"


The recruits advanced with their shields in hand, pressing up against the Greatswords, giving the enemy no room to swing their greatswords. Immediately, their leader ordered,






They endured four weeks of maddening training. The hunters pushed the demons back with an explosive push.




From then on, it was a series of repetitive, almost mechanical motions. Block, push, stab. There was nothing quite like this infantry tactic in close combat.


As the stream of demons was sliced and diced, a giant of a demon emerged.


"De, Demon Troll!"


"It's a demon troll!"


It was a heavy monster the size of a house and wielding a club that must had been at least two meters long. The recruits' pupils trembled as they realized that they were no match for it.


"Don't back down! Stay in formation and hold your ground!"


Leon's voice snapped them out of it. His presence was all they needed to 'hold their ground'.


-Corresponding to heavy targets. Sniping initiated.


It was then. A miniature machine gun opened fire, accompanied by a mechanical voice.




It was a hail of holy grail rounds. A bullet fired from the fuselage of the Grail Knight was a holy attack in itself.


"Sir, Sir Yappy?!"


"Why is Sir Yappy here?"


Regardless of the hunters' reactions, the Demon Troll that had been marching with terrifying momentum now wailed in pain and slowed to a crawl. It was because the holy machine gun bullets fired by Yappy had shattered its knees.




But the troll didn't stop its stride and raised its club. This troll was at least Class B... but its large stature put it on Class A difficulty.


There was no way D-class hunters would be able to stop a boss-level monster from exiting a yellow gate──




Gu Dae-sung raised his shield. It properly protected his comrade's right shoulder. The hunters, who heard it enough that their ears would bleed, naturally followed suit and closed in alongside Gu Dae-sung's shield.


- Boom!


Gu Dae-sung and the other hunters felt their bodies being pushed backwards. The insurmountable difference in mass breached their defenses and sent shockwaves through them.




But a shared puzzlement flashed through the minds of the men who had blocked the Troll's blow.


'Is it lighter than His Majesty charging?'


'There is at least a fourfold difference in strength.'


'What? We stopped him?'


In the past four weeks, they hadn't been able to stop Leon's charge even once. The slightest bit of slack in their footing would send them hurtling into the air.


Strongest Assaulter


Compared to that, a troll's swing would only make the recruits' shields tremble!


"Well done!"


In the meantime, Leon, who had already reached the Troll's back, swung his holy sword with a whizz, and the Troll's head was sliced off before it could react.


The neck of the Troll was sliced off as if it was tofu.






The demons' momentum waned as the Troll, who had been their trump card, fell to its death. On the other hand, the hunters gained momentum.


The demons, demoralized, took notice and began to retreat. It was because the Demon Troll had 'disappeared'.


-Kiii... dead.


-Troll... really dead.


For demons, life does not end with death. They were immortal creatures who gained flesh and played around in the material world.


When they died, they merely returned to the spirit world, losing nothing more than their material vessel.


The Troll that had just died, however, did not go through the process of passing into the spirit world. It was sucked into Leon's summoned Grail and 'disappeared'.


"Th- they're backing off!"


"We won! We won!"


As the men rejoiced in their accomplishment, a horseman approached Leon and the hunters.


Judging by the appearance of his armor, he was likely to be a commander or a knight, and he bowed to them first, expressing his gratitude.


"Thank you, for you have come to save our Spero Kingdom, warriors!"


The hunters each checked their system windows at the words.


[The Spero Kingdom is being invaded by demons. Defend the kingdom from the invasion of the demon lord].


Time remaining: 1 week


"What is this quest......."


"Demon lord, does it mean a monarch-class demon?"


"It can't be a monarch-class demon, there's no way that such a demon would appear at a yellow gate!"


The hunters were very confused. Some insisted on exiting the gate immediately. But.......


"What, the portal is gone?"


"How did this happen... Is this a shifting gate?"


"No way!"


The hunters' faces turned pale. The joy of victory was gone in an instant, replaced by despair.


"Quiet! Don't make a scene!"


Leon's voice boomed over the crowd. The Lionheart King's aura, lifting the morale of his soldiers by his mere presence, brought the half-dazed hunters to attention.


Only when they were quiet enough did Leon speak,


"Sir Spinner, what brings you here?"


- Observation of anomalies. Entry of another party.


Yappy holographically displayed an image of its vision. A figure in robe, not Leon and the other hunters. It appeared that the individual was using some sort of invisibility spell, as they were only visible in infrared.


"Is this person up to something?"


-Lack of evidence.


"Is there anyone who can explain the current situation?"


Gu Dae-sung carefully raised his hand.


"Thi- this is a shifting gate."


"What is that?"


"It's a gate anomaly... To put it simply, the gate's difficulty spikes and we can't leave until we clear it."


Blocked from the outside. A sudden increase in difficulty.


No way out, and no way in.


Leon looked at the portal, which had disappeared unlike the one at the orc gate, and understood that the way out was closed.




How could something like this happen to the group of recruits? A coincidence? It was unknown.


As Leon pondered, the hunters' complexions grew darker by the second.


Usually, the raid group would not be able to cope with the sudden increase in difficulty as gates were pre-measured and the appropriate party would bid accordingly.


In other words, it was no exaggeration to say that when a shifting gate appeared, the hunters inside were destined for annihilation.


And now they found themselves trapped in a shifting gate with an infinitesimal survival rate.




Despite this, there was one reason they didn't panic: the presence of the Lionheart King in front of them.


"Your, Your Majesty... do you have a plan?"


As the anxious hunters' attention was centered on him, Leon spoke with a calm expression to prevent them from losing faith,


"We'll attack with our usual formation. The quest said to defeat the demon lord."


"Demon lord... maybe a monarch-class demon."


"Humph...! I am the Lionheart King who slaughtered two demon lords and over 30 archdemons. Do you doubt my strength?"


"Oh oh oh..."


"Yes, His Majesty has three demon-related skills alone!"


Terror of the Demonic Race


Demon Lord Slayer


Most Accomplished Demon Slayer


These were the demons-related skills that were revealed by the system message. The hunters' faces brightened with hope.




Leon didn't bother to mention that the battle was fought on his world, which was filled with divinity.


He didn't tell them that they were no match for a demon lord in their current state.


They simply had to lean on the hope that was him. A knight must remain firm at all times.


* * * * *


Meanwhile, Reynald Shelman, the culprit behind the change of Gwangju Gate to a Daemon Gate, was watching as Leon crushed the demons.


"In one blow, a mid-level demon, a Demon Troll is......."


No matter how much the hunters had been drawing the Troll's attention, it was a shocking sight to see such a tough creature decapitated in a single strike... Above all, the Troll's 'demise' was a shocking sight.


Demons were immortal creatures. They existed in the spirit realm, and their physical manifestation was nothing more than a shell.


They were more like remote-controlled drones, and thus their deaths did not kill the demons themselves.


However, this Lionheart King's sword could bring the end to the demons he slashed.


It goes through the spiritual cord and forcibly enacts a 'death' result: the pilot of the drone dies when the drone is destroyed.




He could see why the Great Demon beyond the Jewel of Wisdom would flee in terror.


[Hee hee… Hee hee hee!]


"Great One?"


Despite witnessing such a dreaded existence, a sinister laughter emanated from the Jewel of Wisdom.


[Weakened! You've weakened! Lionheart, Leon Dragonia Lionheart, you are only a human after all! Hee hee hee!]


Weakened? That?


The one who killed a Demon Troll, which wasn't a normal troll at all, with a single blow?


Apparently enjoying the fact, the Jewel of Wisdom cackled and replied to Reynald's inquiry,


[Hee hee, if he had the power of his heyday, he would have annihilated about a thousand demons in one blow! If he had enough holy power, he would have unleashed his holy sword!]


"Holy sword... Do you mean that...?"


His blade had emitted a brief but brilliant light when he beheaded the Demon Troll. Such power, and it hasn't even been unleashed?


[Heh heh heh... Even if he strikes well, he's only slightly stronger than a Holy Grail Knight. He's already fallen!]


As the Great Demon of the Jewel of Wisdom rejoiced, Reynald spoke cautiously,


"Great One... then shall we perform a ritual for you to descend?"




The Great Demon was dumbfounded.


[No! No matter how weak he is, he's still the Lionheart King! He's a lunatic!]


But you said he was weakened.......


Reynald swallowed his discontent and asked,


"Then... who will take care of him?"


[Hehehe... ! The demon lord here.]


"The demon lord......."


Reynald also saw the quest. There is a demon lord here.


"No way... There really is a demon lord?"


If there was such a being, it was a sure win. In the history of the thirty years of fighting since the cataclysm, a demon lord was a monster among monsters that slaughtered countless S-class Hunters...


[The energy of this gate is not worth a penny for a demon lord to descend, but... there is a demon that has been designated as a lord here].


"Oh, oh......."


Reynald swallowed hard at those words. Humans who serve demons often wish to become demons themselves at the end of their roles.


They long for the immortality of demons and harbor the ambition to become an archdemon themselves.


But a lord who can even dwarf an archdemon?


[Heh, heh, heh... there is a being here that those ugly, corrupt demons have been working on for a hundred years...! That would be enough to kill the weakened Lionheart King!]


But for that, Reynald would have to move like their limb.


Using the fragile hope of the Spero Kingdom, he will awaken the 'Queen'.






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