Thursday, April 4, 2024

[LN] PAS : Volume 2 Chapter 5.1

Volume 2 Chapter 5.1

Dusk, Hounds, and Doubts Brought on by Scars Part 1

Translator : PolterGlast

"Look how beautiful the sky is."

"Ah, yes, it is."

"Those clouds look kind of weird, don't they?

"Yeah, it looks like a cat curled up asleep."

"No, not that one. It's the one right above that mountain."



With their conversation devoid of any productivity, the two somehow managed to mask the disturbing scent.

It is not clear whether the person tailing them could hear their conversation, but it is not surprising that a person who is appointed as a spy by the school headmaster could at least use lip-reading skills.

The two of them wandered aimlessly through the school grounds until they arrived at the woods near the girls' dormitory, which they had set as their final destination. They passed several students on their way to this place, and heard whispers about they are being in a relationship, but Nina did not have the time to worry about such things.

Because she could not hear the footsteps of the person who had been following her.

There was nothing that could be a concealment except for a faint street lamp on the path she was walking now. If Jin had not told her, she would not have believed that there was someone following her.

Just how powerful could the school principal's pawn - the <Shepherd's Dog>, who has yet to be seen, be?

Of course, this person undoubtedly has psychic abilities. And if he is capable of such advanced tailing techniques, he may have the same level of combat ability as a combat soldier.

Naturally, this is an opponent that Jin and Nina would never be able to defeat in a frontal battle.

The only chance for them to win would be that they were already used to fighting such opponents.

In the center of a thicket of trees shrouded in darkness, Jin stopped in his tracks.

A smile welcoming the extreme thrill is plastered on his face.

At last, the battle against the stalker is about to begin.


"...... By the way, Nina, do you smell something disgusting?"

"Yes, it smells like an annoying fox."

"What shall we do then?"

"Isn't that obvious?"


Nina briskly turned around with a wicked smile on her face.


"I'm gonna twist him to death right here so he won't make me feel any more uncomfortable."


Standing behind her was a figure dressed in a black coat with a hood. He was wearing an inorganic white mask with lenses for eyes, and his face was indistinguishable. The coat, which was fluttering in the wind, made it difficult to discern his physique.

It was obvious that this was not an ambush by a mere student.


"Huh, it seems that he is not a student of the Heiberg Academy. What was the proper way to deal with this case again?"

"Looks like we don't have to go to the trouble of getting such an intruder to agree to a <duel> before we kill him."

"...... Or so he said, poor fox. I guess I don't need to warn you anymore, do I?"


Nina raised her palm to the sky and waved her arm as if to grasp the air and throw it away.

With that as a signal, the trees that covered the sky began to make noises.

The next moment, a black mass was shot out of the trees.

The assailant, who rolled on the ground to avoid it, realized that it was a stone the size of a human head that had attacked him from above.

Of course, a direct hit from this would have resulted in more than minor injuries.


"......You're surprisingly soft, Nina Stingray."


A thick male voice could be heard coming from the mask.

The voice seemed to have no sense of humanity, with a great deal of noises mixed in. Nina never heard of such technology before, but perhaps that mask has a function to change voices.


"I thought you would dismember my limbs without question. ...... Or is there some reason why you can't attack a human body directly?"

"I'm just trying to be considerate of those janitors who do the cleanup afterward. If I get serious, you know ...... the battlefield tends to become horrible."


A normal student would have screamed and fled at this point, but the assailant didn't seem to be phased. With military knives in both hands, he gradually closed the distance between them.

Behind her ruthless smile, Nina was fighting desperately against her own fright.

There are only about ten traps left.

She has to somehow conquer this formidable opponent before he realizes that her psychokinesis is just a bluff.

Nina recalled the night she was summoned to this woods.


One Week Ago


"Nina, your <Queen of Calamity> needs to go to the next stage."


Relying solely on the moonlight, Gasta and the other landscapers were working on something.

There is no end to the questions that need to be asked. But for the time being, Nina decided to start with the biggest question.


"What do you mean the next stage?"

"There will be more and more people to whom bluffing alone won't be enough. It was the same with Bennet Lohr."


That's for sure, Nina bit her lip.

The monsters who were exempted from the entrance exam are not the least bit afraid of the bad rumors about Nina.

No matter how much she tried to scare them with her outstanding acting ability, it would be difficult to get them to surrender on that merit alone.


"From now on, it will be necessary for you to produce some physical manifestation with your psychic abilities."

"Ah, so that's why we set up such a large-scale mechanism ......."


Diagonally ahead, on a tree, two workers were working together to install a device painted green.

Judging from the huge stones they were placed on top of it, it might be some kind of projectile. A string, the same color as the tree trunk, was extending to the ground, and it seemed to be activated by pulling it.

In the back, a similar device was covered with branches and leaves by the president, Gasta.

The purpose is not just to defeat the enemy, but to demonstrate Nina's psychic abilities, so it is a process that must be carried out with particular care.


"My prediction tells me that assailants will arrive not too long from now."

"Does that mean they know who we are?"

"No, I'm sure they haven't got the evidence. But I think they will attack us when the level of suspicion exceeds a certain level."

"Eh? Such a vague thing......"

"The best way to get evidence is to torture us and make us spit it out ourselves. Even if turns out that we were innocent, they could just dispose our bodies by making it look like an accident or suicide. Nina, you are well aware of what the <White Knights> are doing behind the scenes, no?"


The <White Knights>, who are hailed as heroes of salvation and to which Nina's two older brothers belong to, had once killed Jin's foster parent. Torturing them horribly and burying them in the darkness of history.

When great power and violence join forces, the idea of choosing one's own means easily disappears.

The <Shepherd's Dogs>, who share the same ideology as them, must have similar ethics.


"If someone is about to target us, let's lead them to this place first."


Jin continued, pointing his index finger toward the ground.


"When the battle begins, Nina, I want you to use your best acting to get their attention. I'll make sure to mask my presence and activate the trap myself."


If one thinks about it calmly, this is a childish trick.

But Nina knows that Jin's tricks always have a double or triple purpose.

She finds herself even looking forward to the decisive battle that will sure to come.



The assailant, with knives in both hands, was attacked by an attack that was disguised as Nina's psychic ability.

A stone shot from a sling on a tree.

Explosions from gunpowder buried in the ground.

The sun is already setting, and there is hardly any light in the woods. Although the assailant was wearing a mask that restricted his vision, he easily evaded all the attacks.

Superhuman physical ability and reaction speed. It is amazing that he can move so agilely in this darkness, but how can he even avoid the gunpowder that is supposed to be buried in the ground?

Don't tell me that he has clairvoyant ability.


"You sure love meaningless attacks, huh?"

"...... You, on the other hand, seem to enjoy running away in an ugly manner."

"No, not really."


Suddenly, the assailant rushed toward Nina at a tremendous speed.

Oh no, I'll be killed!

Just as she was about to scream, the assailant's feet suddenly caved in.

A pit that was cleverly concealed - the reason Jin had specified in detail where to stand was probably to lead the assailant into this trap. Nina quickly turned her palm to the ground and made a show of causing the assailant to sink into the ground with psychokinesis.

The assailant, now sunk into the ground up to his waist, could no longer move. A projectile with a perfectly calculated trajectory had already launched as a finishing blow.


"I see, so you can use such a tactic."


The assailant, who muttered in an inhuman voice, reacted in a way far beyond the human realm.

He lifted himself up using only the strength of his arms from the pit, and finally leaped up to evade the projectile.

The stone seemed to have slightly grazed his right hand, but that would only be a minor scratch.

This is bad, this is bad, this is bad!

Nina desperately tried to remember the layout of the traps, but all that came out was that she was running out of ammunition. Even Jin, for whom she was relying on, looked bitter as he hid behind a tree trunk.

The other party had not even used its psychic ability, but their strategy had been easily destroyed.


"...... You sure are quite persistent."


The only weapon left for Nina is her acting.


"I was planning to just knock you out, but now I have changed my mind. I don't care what happens to you anymore."


Nina put her hand on the brooch that glowed red on her chest.

Her removing the brooch is a requirement for fully releasing her psychic ability. It is a signal that she is willing to kill her enemies. It is like a de facto sentence of execution.

Jin and Nina had painstakingly created this rumor, and of course, the other party knew about the rumor as well.

And yet, the assailant did not even show the slightest sign of retreating. Is he simply pretending to be calm, or does he really feel no fear?

Either way, if things continue as they were, the future ahead of them is clear.


"Well, well, this is truly amazing."


As if to lighten the tense atmosphere, Jin made silly clapping sounds.


"I don't know whether I should describe you as someone who's fearless - or someone who's desperate to die, perhaps? Surely, only such a fool would think of fighting Nina head-on."

"What's up with you all of a sudden, Jin Kirihara? Did you feel lonely because you were being left out?"

"I'm just giving you some advice for your own safety."


With dark eyes and a playful smile, Jin walked toward the assailant.


"Although this school is almost like a lawless zone, there are still at least a few rules. An outsider like you isn't supposed to be allowed to fight against the students."

"That's new to me. And I don't really care about it."

"I think you should be a little concerned about it. Because-......" Jin said in a theatrical tone, spreading his hands out. "-there's such a big audience here."


The assailant's feet stopped.

Looking around with an unreadable mask on his face, he saw a group of students who had gathered after hearing the explosion.

From the beginning, Jin had never thought that such a trap alone would be enough to defeat his opponent. It was only a matter of showing a glimpse of Nina's psychic abilities, so he had to prepare another way to win the battle.

What Jin came up with was a plan to force the battle to end.

Of course, it was not as simple as calling the students nearby with the sound of explosions. The biggest trap of all was the fact that Jin and Nina had been walking around the school grounds together in a random fashion until they led the assailant here.

They deliberately chose a route with a lot of pedestrian traffic to make as many students as possible aware of their presence.

All of this was a preparation to efficiently gather a crowd of onlookers.


"...... I don't know who you are or what your purpose is, but if you're hiding your face from us, you must have some kind of dark secret, right? Are you sure you want to risk your time here?"


Nina decided to take advantage of Jin's words.


"I'll let you off the hook this one time out of concern for your safety. The next time you come into my sight, ...... you know what the consequences will be, don't you?"


The assailant made a gesture of a deep sigh and tucked the two knives around his waist.

Then, with the agility of a cat, he ran up the thick trunk, through the trees like stepping stones, and disappeared into the darkness.

Seeing that the danger was over, Nina whispered.


"...... Can we call this a victory?"

"At least that's how it seems to everyone."


The onlookers gathered near the entrance to the wooded area were staring in awe at Nina. The smoke rising from the gunpowder and the holes drilled in the ground were also interpreted favorably by the onlookers.

Today, too, Nina Stingray broke the spirit of the daredevil who foolishly confronted her.

Yet the girl in question realized that her situation was not getting any better.


"...... Perhaps it's time to stop doing the scheme thing for a while."

"You're damn right."

"I wonder if I'm going to be attacked in my sleep......"

"Well, at least, I don't think they'll do it today."

"Doesn't that mean they might do it tomorrow!?"

"It'll be fine. So far, it's as I predicted. All we have to do next is wait for the final piece to come together......"

"What do you mean?"


At that moment, the last light from the setting sun disappeared, and Jin's face was covered in complete darkness.


"Meet me at the hideout tomorrow after school. I'll tell you the final plan there."



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