Monday, September 11, 2023

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 1 Chapter 5 Part 2

Volume 1

Chapter 5 Part 2

The Muddy Stream of Hatred, Resistance is One's Determination 2

Translator : PolterGlast

It was less than 2 hours before the arrival of the announced Hyakki Yagyo that Akira and his men hurriedly made preparations, rushed into their assigned position, and completed their interception arrangements.


"......It's so quiet."


The boy who had taken over Kansuke's place as vice leader, muttered to himself as he stood next to Akira.

Perhaps it was because the residents had locked themselves inside their houses in anticipation of Hyakki Yagyo.

Normally, this would be the time when one could feel the excitement of people in the hustle and bustle of life, but all Akira and the others could see was an eerie stillness and darkness.


"......Yeah. But don't let your guard down. The southern sky has turned red. Things are going to get noisy soon."


Akira warned the boy when he saw that the sky on the other side, where the sun should have set long ago, was filled with a glow that was darker brown than red.

It was not a fire or something.

It was a glow of a dense miasma so bright that it could be discerned even from this far away.


This fact made him realize that his shoulders were getting too tense.


"―Eh? You are......."

As Akira forcibly shook his body to relieve some of the tension in his body, a voice called out to him from behind him.


When he turned his head to look behind him, he saw the duo of Rindo Saki, who had a friendly smile on her face, and Kuga Ryota, who looked grumpy and unhappy, approaching him.


"I knew it. You're the one from the mountain hunt, correct?"


"Yes. Rindo-ojousama, thank you for your help the other day."


As Ryota's gaze grew increasingly stern, Akira stopped his greeting with a slight nod.

However, not paying attention to the mood that Ryota was giving off, Saki stared at Akira as if scrutinizing his face.


".................. Umm, ojou-sama?"


The tone of Akira's voice was laced with impatience at Saki's behavior, which would normally be described as disrespectful.

...... Or rather, Ryota's gaze has become so fierce that Akira wants her to stop it as soon as possible.


"...... Hey, did something happen?"


However, ignoring her surroundings' bewilderment, Saki asked such a question dubiously.

Akira tilted his head wondering what she was talking about, but her earnest gaze gave no indication that she was joking, and he straightened his posture to answer.


"...... No, nothing in particular. If I had to name one thing, maybe it's because I became a Shrine Parishioner."


"Hmm. I don't mean it that way, it's just that somehow your atmosphere has changed. ...... but, I see, you've become a shrine parishioner. Congratulations."


"Thank you. ―I think it's all thanks to you, ojou-sama."


Although he himself didn't know to what extent she actually helped him, it was true that Saki's words gave him a big encouragement.

He bowed his head, honestly expressing his gratitude.


"Un, I'm glad to hear that. ―By the way, what's your name?"


"My name is Akira, nice to meet you."

He had introduced himself once before, but well, this is just typical treatment for the leader of a trainee squad.

So, without feeling any particular resentment, Akira introduced himself.


"Akira-kun, huh? ....... Un, I'll remember it. Pleased to meet you."


"Yes, I'm looking forward to working with you."


After saying so, Akira bowed to the two as they left toward their own positions.




The miasma has become an invisible pressure and begins to waft toward them.


"―Kuga-kun. How many mid-range spirit techniques can you use?"


Saki opened her mouth to Ryota as the time for the battle to begin was drawing near.

This is the thing that Saki is concerned about just before going into battle.


Saki and Ryota were positioned on a main street in a residential area built along the riverbank.

The surrounding area is lined with cedar plank walls, which is a common way to separate residential buildings.

Although the walls along the riverside were plastered with fire-resistant materials, the fire would spread quickly if a fire broke out on these plank walls.


It would have been a mortal blunder to use a fire-type spirit technique in a place like this, and it would normally be a punishable offense.


However, since Saki and Ryota have no other effective means of attack, the options available to them are considerably reduced.

After all, Saki's spirit belongs to the fire element, and all of the offensive talismans provided to her were fire-based.


Well, that was to be expected.


The great deity that reigns in southern Shumon Province is a divine pillar that presides over fire.

Those who live there are strongly drawn to its nature, and their spells and spirit techniques tend to be compatible with the attribute of fire.


Especially the Kihoin style practiced by the guardians of Shumon Province is specifically designed to demonstrate its full potential through fire-oriented spirit techniques.


While it excels in instantaneous output, it lacks sustained power, and since most of the techniques are designed for one-on-one attacks, there are only a few mid-range or long-range attacks, and the degree of difficulty in mastering these techniques is correspondingly high.


In fact, Saki has only mastered four ranged attacks, including some that are difficult to use.


"I have five ranged attacks that I can use, and I can only use them depending on the situation."


He only has one attack more than Saki, which is probably the result of his personality and his tactics centered on one-on-one preying on bigger targets.


"I have four, but two of them are useless because I can't control their attack range. ―Kuga-kun, since it is less likely for you to cause a fire, you can use them except for the flashy ones, alright?"


"What? Are you concerned it might cause a fire in the surrounding area? They are just a bunch of commoners with no power to resist, so don't bother worrying about them."


"Don't do anything foolish. What are we going to do if we get caught in a fire in the middle of a city like this? It won't be easy to extinguish a fire in the midst of Hyakki Yagyo, won't it? Besides, if the fire were to spread, it would impede our vision as well."



As if to evade Saki's piercing gaze, Ryota folded his arms and looked away.

"Then again, your uncle sure is lucky. He got assigned near the riverbed. That way, he could hunt the defiled beasts as much as he wanted."


"Haven't you been briefed on this many times already? My uncle is there to make sure that the Hyakki Yagyo doesn't overflow the river with excessive amounts of defiled beasts. Besides, it would be a disaster if we provoked the apparition, the core of the Hyakki Yagyo, and caused it to turn its attention toward us."


"I dunno about that."


Ryota's grumpy reply made Saki's sense of crisis grow endless.

It's no good. His attitude clearly showed that he was not satisfied with the situation at all.


"...... Hey, don't ignore the orders and act like a hero, you hear me? You understand that it is not a situation that can be handled by you rushing forward on your own, right?"


"Isn't that mean we will be no different from those who are packed in upstream? There's no way I am willing to be like those 1st battalion guys."


"The 1st battalion is packed with guardians. Moreover, right now, the head of the Rindo family is also stationed there. It's unthinkable that they couldn't defeat the apparition after setting up such a large force."


As expected, he had not given up on the idea of hunting the apparition.

Ryota's true feelings must have spilled out unintentionally, to which Saki responded with a rebuttal tinged with sarcasm.


"The head of the Rindo family, huh? I hear rumors that he is a coward and an opportunist though."


Ryota's somewhat mocking tone was likely because he believed what the rumors said.

Although Saki already knew that such rumors were going around, when she heard it coming out of Ryota's mouth, it made her feel a little hurt inside.


"My father is certainly a cautious man, but he is also a very competent one. Besides, having my father here means that we have a divine artifact, that has been handed down in the Rindo family, with us. If he could unleash its divine domain, he could scorch an entire Hyakki Yagyo in a straight line upstream with a single blow."


Perhaps he felt that he had spoiled Saki's mood.

He didn't try to argue any further, but only shrugged his shoulders as he lost his momentum.


Besides, Saki's point is correct.

The divine artifacts given as proof of the heads of influential families of the nobility are considered to be superiors to spirit artifacts, whereas in reality, they are the crystallization of the divine will woven and forged by the Divine Pillars themselves.

Especially, the various effects that are manifested by releasing the sealed divine will are called "divine domain" and they have the amazing ability to temporarily reproduce the divine will in the body of a mere mortal.

The power of divine artifacts of the eight families that stand at the top of the nobility can only be described as a wonder.


"Speaking of Rindo's divine artifact, I believe its name is......."


"[Yashiori-no-Nabegane]. I've never seen it firsthand either, but I did see it once from a distance. It could obliterate a fairly large horde of defiled beasts with a single blow, though not as big as the Hyakki Yagyo. Although its use is limited, it should not be a problem in this situation."




Ryota snorted once and fell silent.

Having diminished Ryota's words, Saki turned forward with a sense of satisfaction.

A brief silence flowed between them.



But the silence did not last long, and Ryota broke it by opening his mouth.




"......D-do you prefer a guy like him?"





Saki, unable to keep up with the sudden change of subject, tilted her head in a nonchalant voice.

When she looked at Ryota with a confused expression and wondered what he was saying, Ryota pointed at Akira, who was standing 5-ken away, with a tilt of his chin.


"Akira-kun? Why?


"You seemed to get along well with him. Have you known each other before?"


"The day before yesterday was the first time we met, though? To begin with, I have never visited Karen that often. I've only been here once as an escort for my father. ―Why are you asking me this, anyway?"


Saki has been educated as a daughter of a noble and warrior family.

Naturally, she knew as a matter of basic knowledge that upper-class girls do not have the freedom of romance.

However, despite this, she is still a teenager.

Talking about other people's love life is the number one topic of conversation at the academy, and Saki herself has talked about this topic with her friends many times.




"I-I just want to give you a piece of advice for your own good, you better stop it. He is a commoner and an outcast. And you are a descendant of one of the eight families, don't do anything that will damage the family's reputation."


"What are you talking about, Kuga-kun? Akira-kun looked a little different from when I saw him yesterday, so I was just a little concerned about him. How should I say it, his atmosphere, I guess. It wasn't actually that bad the day before yesterday, but today he seemed much more approachable."


For Saki, talking about romance was something she would do with someone of the same gender.

Even though they came from the same background, they were of the opposite sex and, moreover, it was not a topic of conversation that she would discuss with someone she had not the slightest interest in.


"The atmosphere? What are you talking about? He didn't seem to have changed at all."


"It should be like that, but......"


Saki tilted her head and searched for the right words, but in the end, she could not find any suitable expressions, and the words just kept dancing in her mouth.


Perhaps gaining momentum from Saki's reaction, Ryota was about to open his mouth in an attempt to take a further step ......


Then, the darkness in front of him glared at him.




"―Un, they're coming."

Saki, too, changed from the somewhat distracted expression she had earlier and looked sharply into the same darkness.


As if to confirm, she glanced at the captain of the squad that was accompanying her.

He nodded silently and checked his yin-yang meter, knowing exactly what she wanted him to do.


"...... Miasma concentration is rising rapidly."


"All personnel, listen up. We will now commence the battle. Prepare your offensive talismans. Fire on my signal. Shield bearers, while preparing the next shot, prop down your shields and cover yourself behind them. Protectors, fire a ranged attack spiritual technique while supporting them."


"""Yes, ma'am!"""


"...... Even if we prop down our shield, they can still jump over it, right?"


"That's fine. At least it will slow them down."


Saki opened her mouth, without looking at the squad leader who had asked her this question while putting away his yin-yang meter.

"Think of the horde as waves of miasma. They are definitely on a different dimension from the hordes of defiled beasts we usually encounter. The moment you try to fight them head-on, you'll be blown away and turned into minced meat on the roadside."


"Then, even if we hide behind the shields, won't they just trample us down?"


"If you resist them head-on, you will die for sure. At least, by hiding behind the shields, we'll survive if we're lucky."


Which one do you think is better?

Being asked such a question with her gaze, the squad leader averted his eyes and covered himself behind the shield.

Which do you think is better, life or death? He did not have the words to defend himself against such a question.


The other party's reaction was almost predictable, so Saki, who had no time to pursue the matter further, turned her attention to Ryota, who was standing next to her.


"Kuga-kun, please use a spirit technique that will cause a blinding effect after we shot our talismans. I believe you've mastered it, right?"




"I will then send a rushing attack to the center of the horde. I'll use my front-extending spiritual technique so that I can strike the defiled beasts with my second strike as they try to disperse."



He seemed to be dissatisfied, perhaps because he did not like being told what to do by Saki, whom he regarded as someone lower than him.

However, Kuga Ryota has a strong tendency to be self-centered, and it was clear from his past behavior that he was not the right person to lead a group.


Since the blame for Ryota's behavior would be directed at Saki, who was teaming up with him, Saki would have to keep Ryota's behavior in check.


"Shield bearers, fire the next shot through the gap of the shields immediately on my signal."


"Without proper aim, our shots will lose their power."


"If it goes well, it will frighten the beasts. That's good enough."


Greedy attempts to score achievements will only increase their mortality rate. That's why, in order to limit their selfish actions, she gave a lot of instructions without giving them a chance to think of anything else.


"After that, it's just a matter of repeating it, are we clear?"


"""Yes, ma'am!!!"""


The clear instructions given were answered by the squad members, who responded to Saki with a resounding reply.

The squad leader was deprived of his position, but even so, he showed no resistance in accepting the words of someone who, although an apprentice, is still a guardian of the higher rank.


Saki glanced around.

She could see that Akira and his men, who were standing some distance away, were preparing to hide behind their shields, perhaps giving the same instructions.


At that moment, the wind blowing from the front carried a distinctive putrid smell.

The wind itself smelled rotten and corrupt.

It was a smell of dense miasma that could not be compared to that of the previous mountain hunt.


And then, there was the ground-shaking presence of hordes of defiled beasts marching toward them.


"―All hands, get ready!"


The troops nervously hold up their talismans in front of their eyes.

Saki herself boosted her spiritual power and poured it into the naginata, her spirit vessel.

The familiar light of her own spirit light tinted her vision a pale violet color, resisting the miasma.


And then, she waits.


The figures of the defiled beasts were still beyond the darkness.




But the unconcealable tremor of the earth informs her of the intensity of the defiled beasts' rampage.




Beyond the darkness, separated by a thin layer of veil, is a murky stream of madness and malice.





As someone exhaled at the height of the tension, an avalanche of even more dense miasma raged in from beyond the reddish-black darkness.


At a quick glance, it was a horde of defiled beasts composed of frenzied dogs and deer.

But there was no time to ponder on it.


The speed of the Hyakki Yagyo was faster than expected.




The fire-type offensive talismans were unleashed in response to Saki's voice, and they turned into a firestorm, scattering sparks of fire as they rushed toward the Hyakki Yagyo.




The defiled dogs were wrapped in flames and cried out in anguish.

Their cries were short-lived, as the fire quickly turned them into charcoal.

They were merely lesser-type defiled beasts, but even so, it was still impressive to be able to burn them down as a whole pack.




Saki, seeing that the wall of flesh in the form of dogs had been reduced to charcoal, signaled so to Ryota.


The defiled deer, which could not be exterminated with talismans alone, stepped over the charred remains of the defiled dogs and rushed toward them.

Ryota took a large step forward, not caring about the overwhelming pressure of the onrushing hordes.


His slightly larger-than-average physique was enveloped by a peculiar light of spiritual power that was imbued with the radiance of Kihada.

Whenever the light flashed, a purple radiance, as if expressing his fierce emotions, flashed through his surroundings.


Regardless of his personality, Ryota's reputation as a child prodigy is not a mere fluke.

Among the five elements of the attributes of spirits, the earth element is the rarest and most powerful.

This is because he possesses a spirit of the earth element in his body.


Spirits that hold earth element are, almost without exception, powerful spirits.

Especially when it comes to high-ranking spirits that can be possessed by the eight families, it can be said with certainty that they possess unparalleled abilities.



Ryota held his katana, his own spirit vessel, high in the air.

A yellowish light enveloped the silver blade of the raised katana, and a thunderbolt of immense intensity shot across its surface in layers.


Tsukinomiya-style Spirit Technique, Middle Transmission―


"―Jinchu Akirei!!"


Starting from the katana blade that was swung down, purple lightning crawled across the ground in a fan-like pattern.

The defiled deer jumped into the lightning net that was laid out.


The number of deer caught in the net was no less than twenty.

Spears of lightning skewered all of them, thrust upward from under the deer's feet.


Kyo, kyo, kyo~~!!


However, their speed did not seem to be affected just by stopping 20 of them, and the defiled deer that followed behind them was about to walk through the side of the skewered deer and close in on Ryota.


However, he was waiting for it.


Ryota's lips twisted with delight.


Tsukinomiya-style Spirit Technique, Linked Move―


"―Naruko Watashi!!!"




A moment later, a new surge of purple electricity rushed through the space between the lightning spears that were protruding, scorching all the deer that tried to slip through the sides.


The heat generated by the lightning split the atmosphere, creating an inescapable shockwave that overwhelmed the street.

The wooden walls protecting the houses were unable to withstand the pressure, and the entire foundation, even if only a portion of it, flew through the air.


That brute~~!


Just after I had warned him not to cause unnecessary damage, this happened!

Shouldn't he have another technique that has a minimum impact!?

Saki gritted her teeth inwardly, but still, in order to maintain her duty, she stepped further in front of Ryota.


Whatever the process, she had managed to take down most of the smaller ones, including the dogs and the deer, which were just fast.

The boars, which were slightly slower than the dogs, were still putting on the pressure to close in on Ryota.


Although the boars' speed is slow, it has greater pressure than those of the dogs and deer.

However, without thinking twice about it, she readied her naginata and accelerated from her forward-leaning posture at maximum speed in a single breath.




With her physical strength strengthened by Aragamioroshi, she instantly closed the gap and thrust the naginata into a boar's nose, which was running at the front of the horde, and without even giving the boar time to react, she unleashed a spirit technique,


Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, First Transmission―




The tip of the naginata's blade was dyed vermillion, and a spiral of flame pierced the boar, sending a ray of fire through the boar and into the distance of about 3-Ken.


She stabbed about five boars to death, and as if that wasn't enough, she took another step forward, pouring her spiritual power into the naginata.


Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Linked Move―


"―Sazanami Tanzaku!!"


Instantly, the flame extends horizontally, creating a blade of flame.




The defiled beasts, screamed in agony as they died while being burnt. She escaped from the hordes at once and returned behind the protective fence built by the shield team.


The spirit techniques used by the protectors and Ryota struck the still-raging horde of defiled beasts as if to keep them at bay.


The battle is going better than expected.


Saki joined in the fray, knocking down the avalanche of defiled beasts, while thinking so in the corner of her mind.


Although the quantity was an order of magnitude different, the quality was not so much different from those defiled beasts during the mountain hunt.

Even though one could see that they were being enhanced by the thick miasma, the upper limit of enhancement was probably too great to keep up with the sheer number of them.


If this is the case, we can hold this place down.


Just when she had a little bit of hope, a roar and a tremor similar to an earthquake shook the street.




What happened!? Unable to voice such words out, Saki turned her gaze in the direction of the roar and saw a large number of debris that used to be a house flying through the air, and this time, she was speechless.

Along with the pieces of debris, an enormous cloud of dust rose up, and beyond it, she could see a figure with reddish-copper skin and tough muscles that were enlivened by the debris.


A huge physique that could be seen even across a few houses away.

If she were to describe it in broad terms, it would be closest to a human figure, and although it was the first time she had ever encountered it, it was one of the most famous monsters she had ever seen.


"A giant ogre!!"




While shouting a fierce howl from the gaps between its disorderly teeth, which were too messy to fit in its mouth, the great demon stepped out toward Tatehami River.





TIPS: About Divine Artifacts.

A general term for spirit vessels given by beings who have attained divinity.

It is often regarded as the same as a spirit vessel, but although it is called a vessel, it is not strictly speaking a physical object, but is essentially a spiritual one.

Its true nature is that it is a manifestation of an essence governed by a Deity in the form of words and divine energy. It is not an exaggeration to say that it could be called a tiny divine realm.


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