Monday, October 14, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 4 Chapter 2 Part 2

Volume 4

Chapter 2 Part 2

Days Continue, Like a Buried Fire 2

Translator : PolterGlast

The day after the Hyakki Yagyo ended.

Akira hastened to Tenryō Academy along the main road where the traces of devastation were etched everywhere.

As he sprinted along, angry shouts flew in the air.


"There it is. It's still breathing."

"Be careful! —Bring some oil! Let's roast him with divine pillar's fire!"


Under a beam peeking out from the gap in a smoldering house, a dying dog gasped, exhaling miasma.

Perhaps struck by the swirling miasma, the fire ignited instantly.


Ku, ru, uoo~!


In a final struggle, its body, covered with the stench of decay, moved violently.

The beam screamed loudly under its strength.



"—Get out of the way! I'll pour the oil!"


Pushing aside the confused crowd, a man with his mouth covered threw a pot of oil.

With the sound of pottery breaking. —Suddenly, flames licked the surroundings.


The Fire Element, corresponding to the extreme of Yang among the Five Elements, governs destruction and purification.

The flames, which burn everything away simply by existing, are a method of purification and annihilation that even inexperienced citizens of the Central Capital can perform.


To be honest, they would have preferred to purify it with purifying water, but they couldn't afford to consume the limited purifying water on a low-ranking defiled beast.


Ku, ru, ruu~.


As if its throat had been scorched by the flames, its dying cry echoed muffled.

And then, perhaps the wailing had finally ended, the corpse sank into a pale blue flame in front of the men's glaring eyes.


Whew... A collective sigh of relief swept through the crowd. No one dared to make fun of the situation. For the people of Central Capital, who had always been safe behind the Five Elemental Barrier, even a low-ranking defiled beast was a sight they had never seen before. Even purifying a single, dying dog was a big deal for them.


"It's so hot. Can I take off this mask now?"

"Stop it, you fool. Didn't you hear what happened to the guy in the neighboring town who inhaled the miasma?"

"...His insides rotted while he was still alive. Yikes..."


Unable to withstand the swirling heat wave, one of the men put his finger on the cloth covering his mouth.

He was immediately cautioned and reluctantly let go of his finger.


What was most unexpected for Akira and the others was the lack of crisis awareness about the miasma.

Perhaps due to the long habit of being protected by the barrier, they had no preparations for the miasma at all.


The lack of purifying water and recovery talismans, which were supposed to be mandatory, was a situation that Akira had never imagined, and the citizens were thrown into confusion without knowing what to do.



Having concluded that at least they had secured safety, Akira turned on his heel.


"―Have you heard about the nobility?"

"Yeah. They've been fattening their purses with their family fortunes and fled to the Santen-ryō.

I wonder what they're thinking, causing so much trouble for the Imperial Families."

"I heard that Lady Kaoruko of Fujinomorimiya took command of the Imperial Guard because there was no one else.

...Ha! For what, I wonder, do they act so high and mighty all this time?"

"The garrison is no different. I heard that they were removed from the front lines because they were useless in the face of Hyakki Yagyo."

"I know the Imperial Families are kind, but... we're really struggling here, paying all those taxes for something useless."


Akira heard these muttered complaints and left the place, making a conscious effort not to let his emotions waver.


It was still good that they were venting their frustrations. The fact that they had an outlet meant that they still had some energy left to do their work.


Sighing, he looked up at the high autumn sky.

The heavy heat wave from the burning diesel oil fluttered the haori he usually didn't wear.


He stepped onto the side of the road, which was now nothing but rubble.

With each step on the road surface mixed with glass and rubble, black spiritual energy scattered into the air.


Apparently, his concentration had slipped, and his concealment came undone.

The water spirit, leaving a trace of concern, released the boy's presence. Yet, everyday life was so busy that the surrounding people paid no attention to the slight change.


With that as his only salvation, Akira was eventually swallowed up in the swirl of the passing crowd.



Tenryō Academy, Left Wing Building.


Kuga Ryōta sat in his seat by the window in the classroom, which was bustling with the morning's activity. The wrinkles between his eyebrows were a usual sight, and he didn't seem to mind as the chair in front of him was pulled out with a noise.


Komine Toyohiko, one of his few classmates, gave him the same friendly smile as always.


"Yo." "Yeah."


A casual greeting, simply showing his right hand as a gesture towards a friend who had survived the war. Not caring about social standing, the friendship he had gained at the academy was precious to Ryōta.


"You survived, huh?"

"Same to you. —I'm glad to see you're not injured either."


Snorting at the light exchange, he leaned back against the backrest. As he scanned the classroom, he noticed scattered empty spaces that were different from usual. No one around him seemed to want to intrude on those spaces.


"...How many?"

"About five. They were unlucky enough to be tripped up by the Armored Centipedes' assault."


Just yesterday, someone had been sitting in those places. He still hadn't gotten used to that fact. It didn't take long for Ryōta to become aware of this.


Although they are guardian candidates, everyone here is a child of a feudal noble family. Thanks to the blessings of the local deities and the combat skills honed over many years, the shortage of guardians has been a distant memory in recent years.


"...To be outdone by such a creature is pretty pathetic."

"This is the Central Capital, you know? Don't say that.

Their hometown is far away. Given the limited protection, I think they did well."



Beneath the curse words he uttered was a deep sorrow. Toyohiko, who had barely noticed Ryōta looking away, tried to comfort him.


"They initiated the battle with the guardians as the front line, then built a siege line with the protectors in the second phase.

In the third phase, they deployed the recovered guardians and stopped them with a decisive battle.

The tactical command of the head of the Rindō family was quite effective against the swarm of Armored Centipedes."

"He is not as dumb as he looks, huh."

"Even if he's in his decline, he's still the head of one of the Eight Families. —If Lady Saki heard you say that, you'd be in big trouble."

"We've lost many valuable guardians. Well, they probably expected this many casualties anyway."


Despite the gentle reprimand, Ryōta's sharp tongue did not stop. Toyohiko, who didn't seem to have any intention of stopping him, leaned back into his chair as well.


"So, where were you, young master of the Kuga family, in the midst of all that?"

"I was on my way to Mt. Shōrō (the Cornerstone Mountain of the Earth Element) as planned, and then got caught up in the Hyakki Yagyo. —I cleared the surrounding area and moved to Mt. Mitsuzu Torii (the Cornerstone Mountain of the Metal Element), and finally joined the battlefield of Kayanowa (Water Element) on foot."


What Ryōta said was only the facts that were to be made public.

All he could give to his friend was a vague answer that avoided anything that might be confidential or related to oral tradition.


"You've been to many battlefields, huh? Even for someone from the Eight Families, your spiritual power won't last forever, right?"

"I actually only swung my sword at the beginning and at Kayanowa.

If anything, Yuge Kōjō-dono and Captain Asōgi bore a greater burden."



That casual reply was unexpected for Toyohiko, who knew Ryōta well.

After all, Ryōta Kuga clearly distinguished people between enemies and allies.


He is kind to those whom he allows into his heart, but his attitude before that was too thorny and poisonous.

His extreme attitude could be seen in his previous obsession with Saki Rindou.


But what happened after one summer?

He was the same as usual. But his previous attitude had greatly subsided.


Only a few people had noticed Ryōta's growth.

But the prestige he is gaining has certainly made him more reliable and dependable.


With that, he could expect more next year, even though he had been content to be in the second place of the school year.

Toyohiko twisted the corner of his mouth as he reached that conclusion.


There are too many new issues arising for that to happen. And one prime example of those issues...


Outside the window, waves of students arriving from the academy's main gate swayed.

The undulating wave was more of a bewilderment before the foreign object was brought into view.


Eventually, a boy wearing a haori stepped out as if the flow of people was avoiding him. The plain haori, indicating that he was a protector, was rather unusual in Tenryō Academy, where only guardian candidates were present.


I know who that is. His name is... yes, Yosturugi Akira.


A boy from the Kihōin family, whose reputation had soared since subduing the Hyakki Yagyo at the beginning of July. A commoner hero who had accumulated enough merit to even be granted a surname and become a noble.


Even when Toyohiko heard that Akira had been temporarily transferred to Tenryō Academy, he had only felt sympathy for being caught up in the whims of the Kihōin family. He thought that Akira would soon be buried and forgotten in the daily life of the upper nobility.

Without a moment's pause for that sympathy, Akira had begun to show a quiet prominence.


Because he had been so quiet until now, Toyohiko hadn't paid much attention to him.



"What is it?"

"What are you planning to do with him?"


Following his friend's pointing finger, Ryōta understood the meaning of his words and curved his lips.


A gust of wind carried a biting chill, making one's skin bristle. Akira's haori fluttered, revealing a tattered uniform beneath it.


The lacerations told of the recent fierce battle. Even in silence, it was overwhelmingly persuasive, emphasizing the boy's history of warfare.


Everyone knew there was a system where commoners could be promoted to protectors. Although it was called "recognition," it had become a mere formality in modern times, even though it had been established several times in the past.


That was because even if someone became a protector, they couldn't surpass the history that the nobility has made over generations. As an individual, they were simply too powerless.


But Akira was different.

Even after taking into account both his literary and military skills, Akira was so different that one couldn't find any flaws.


A commoner who was only recognized as a protector had achieved feats greater than others.

Ironically, the children of the nobility who belonged to Shumon Province, just like Akira, couldn't remain calm in the face of this reality.


"...Leave him alone."

"Kuga, I'm glad to see your growth. It means that you have the qualities to lead us.

But this is definitely strange."


Ryōta quickly dismissed Toyohiko's concerns.

Their master, the Kihōin family, had accepted Akira.


It would be disrespectful to question a decision made by one's superiors. Understanding that it might be unreasonable, Toyohiko stopped talking.


Vested interests were synonymous with the history of the nobility. It was a custom, a crystallization of blood ties that have been intricately and diversely intertwined.


This was especially true of the Central Capital nobility, but to a greater or lesser extent, all nobles had this aspect.


Akira, as an anomaly, would become a clear crack in the foundation of the vested interests built up by the nobility. Toyohiko's fear was taking shape with a sense of reality.


"Toyohiko, I understand what you want to say. ...As well as your concerns.

But if we don't reward his merits, it will distort our own existence even more than as nobles."


Their eyes met across the space between them.

A moment of silence. —Then Toyohiko raised both hands in surrender.


"...Alright. Well, today's harvest is that I found out Kuga-dono knows something about that commoner."

"Don't tell anyone. You never know what kind of trouble you might get into."

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the reminder."

"Sorry. But as long as we don't interfere, Akira won't turn his fangs on us.

He has that much reason, besides, he still owes me a favor."

"I see. In that case, let me give you some advice as well.

Those guys who avoided the commoners earlier were mostly from Hakudō Province and Kabeju Province.

I don't know what they know, but be prepared for their investigation."

"Kabeju Province?"


Ryōta sharply turned his gaze to Toyohiko's casual advice.

It wasn't so strange that Hakudō Province might be interested since they had seen Akira unleash his secret techniques.

But the information about Kabeju Province was new to him.


"I thought they had nothing to do with him."

"Well, there are a lot of things we don't understand.

Especially that one."


Ryota turned his gaze again towards the direction indicated by the finger.

This time, it was farther away, to the entrance of the right-wing building.


This time, Ryōta squinted his eyes sharply.

The Kihōin family, Shumon Province's main family, and the Giōin family, Kokuten Province's main family. The two powerhouses were silently confronting each other.


The tense atmosphere between the two was something that had not existed before the previous semester.

The silence that lasted only a few dozen seconds, which almost seemed like a battle, ended as both of them looked away simultaneously.


The tension that could be felt even from the window of the left-wing building melted away like thin snow in that instant. Both of them unknowingly let out a sigh.


"I don't know what happened, but there's been trouble everywhere.

Last night, it suddenly turned to day. I thought it might be a natural disaster, but no one has even mentioned it."

"I don't know what you expect, but even I know only a little. Everyone is on edge before the Kannamesai Festival. Even my father...


"What is it?"

"Your family has a large trading company, right? —Could you use your connections to investigate Kokuten Province?"


Toyohiko's expression suddenly became hesitant at Ryōta's gaze.

Under the current situation where it was unclear what was causing the conflict, this act would literally require a determination to risk everything.


"I'm not telling you to contact the Giōin family or anything. You just need to have a casual conversation with someone over there and tell me what's going on."

"If that's all, then..."


With a difficult expression, Toyohiko nodded in agreement.


Behind the two of them, who were looking out the window, the sound of a sliding door opening echoed. It was Akira.

Drawing attention to his tattered uniform, Akira sat down in his seat.


No one tried to talk to Akira.

With Akira, this foreign object, among them, the classroom where only the upper nobility gathered was about to start another day.


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