Friday, October 4, 2024

[LN] Drowning in Summer : Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part 1

Volume 1

Chapter 1 Part 1

Translator : PolterGlast

The first time I spoke to Natsuno Hikaru was about a year and a month ago, in the summer of my sophomore year of high school.

The day of the closing ceremony. I, who came to school just to hand in my withdrawal letter, was aimlessly wandering around inside the school building.

Today, the temperature was reported to have reached its highest peak of 35°, hot enough to make me feel as if I could get burned just by the sunlight coming in through the window. Outside, cicadas were chirping frantically, and inside, rectangular patches of sunlight fell on the floor like pools of light.

In the quiet school building, even the sound of my shoes hitting the floor seemed amplified. The chirping of the cicadas outside couldn't quite drown out my presence in the empty building.

My already weakened physical condition after about three months of not going out made me think of taking refuge in an air-conditioned classroom, but the idea of suddenly running into a classmate was too dreadful.

There was a closing ceremony, so only a few people were inside the school building. As I passed the staff room, a skeptical-looking staff peered out at me from behind the door. Teachers who passed by seemed to know my situation and gave me silent, troubled expression. Their unreserved gazes irritated me. My fingertips tightened as I held the withdrawal letter in my hand.

I don't know whether this withdrawal letter that I printed out and filled in from a template on the internet has any legal force, but I was confident that my intention would be conveyed well.

Heading upstairs to a less crowded area, I found myself on the fourth floor before I knew it. There were chemistry and biology labs, and their respective preparation rooms. With two hours to spare before I planned to slam this paper down on my homeroom teacher's desk, I chose the chemistry lab, the closest one to the stairs, to pass the time.


When I opened the door, there was already someone else there. A male student sitting on the windowsill with his legs dangling outside. Looking at his unique wolf-cut hairstyle, I immediately recognized him.

His swaying black hair, broad shoulders, bright white T-shirt, and neatly arranged shoes. Right now we were on the fourth floor. If I were to push him even a little, he would likely fall.




I called out his name as his back was facing the room.

He seemed to have just noticed my presence and slowly turned around, then smiled with a calm expression.

When I tried to look into his eyes, I was blinded by the blinding sunlight and closed my eyes tightly. If it had been anyone else sitting there instead of him, I would have simply left without saying a word. Even if that person fell and died, I wouldn't feel much emotion. That was if the person sitting in what seemed like the prime seat for suicide candidates wasn't him—Natsuno Hikaru.

Although we weren't close enough to address each other so casually, the name "Natsuno" slipped out naturally. I've never been fond of addressing boys with honorifics like "-kun."


"So it's you, Yorunagi-san."


Natsuno Hikaru who was still sitting on the windowsill of the fourth floor called my name in a calm manner.

So, he remembered me. I had only been in the same class as him for the first ten days of our second year, so while he might have known my name, it surprised me that he could remember me by face. Maybe he remembered me because of my flashy former friend.


He didn't address me casually. Even though I don't like being called by the honorific "-san", we're also not acquainted enough that I can say "Yorunagi is fine".

Even during this time, Natsuno Hikaru remained seated on the windowsill of the fourth floor.

Honestly, I expected a more dramatic reaction. Knowing that he was sitting in a position where he could jump in a second, I thought he would be more shaken, perhaps even try to silence me. Or maybe he would jump the moment I spoke to him.

I thought he was the type of person who would be very reluctant to let people around him know about his problems and suffering, especially his suicidal thoughts. There are people in this world who consider it shameful to show weakness, and I was one of them.


"Just so you know, I have no intention of committing suicide or anything."


Natsuno said so, as if he could read my mind. But someone who wasn't planning to jump wouldn't skip class and sit in such a dangerous spot. And his face looked terrible. I think “haggard” is the best word to describe him right now. His face is pale, there are faint dark circles under his eyes, and his weak smile is somewhat painful. What I see in the depths of his eyes, which do not match his handsome face, is a sense of resignation toward the world.

I think a hundred people out of a hundred would assume he was about to commit suicide.

But since he said he wasn't, then I suppose he wasn't.

"I understand," I said so while turning away from him.

I had no right to question his words or tell him to get off that dangerous windowsill. We weren't that close after all.

As I stepped out of the chemistry lab into the hallway, I heard a burst of laughter from the window. It was obviously him.


"Seriously? You're just going to leave like that?"


The boy who I thought was going to commit suicide laughed heartily. I tried to recall what was so amusing about the situation, but I couldn't think of anything.


"You could at least show some concern. I was seriously about to jump, you know?"


Natsuno said so, spinning around and leaping from the windowsill to land gracefully on the floor. He looked at me with a bright smile, and the light reflected off the earcuffs he wore, momentarily dazzling my eyes.


Even though he had claimed he was not going to commit suicide, I realized he was expecting me to "read between the lines," something I wasn't very good at. It reminded me of a former friend who looked at me with disdain and said, “Rin, you don't understand how people feel, huh?"


Wouldn't someone who wants to commit suicide normally not want to be stopped?

Yet he stopped me as I was about to leave, and surprisingly wanted me to worry about him. If it had been a mere attention-seeking stunt, I could have understood, but he wouldn't have chosen the timing coinciding with the closing ceremony for that, and he was usually surrounded by people anyway.


Natsuno approached me with light steps.


"You could have at least said something like, 'That's dangerous,' since we're classmates."

"We're not classmates tho."

"Eh? Weren't we in the same class?"

"I'm quitting school."


To me, I was just stating a fact, but he seemed quite surprised. His beautiful eyes widened and he muttered, "Sorry about that." Even though he hadn't done anything to warrant an apology.


"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but why?"

"Health problems."

"I see."


What an annoying guy. If he knew my name and face, he should have known about my absence from school and the many bad things that people I was close to said about me. And yet, he still says, “Take care of yourself,” with a gentle expression as if he doesn't know anything about me. I know that he is trying to be considerate, but the perfect smile he made made me somewhat annoyed.


However, I also understood something from his demeanor. ―He didn't know about the 'incident'. If he knew, he would have looked at me with disdain.

Serina, she hasn't told Natsuno.

She was talking to Natsuno a lot, so I thought she would have told him about 'that incident' as well. Certainly, talking about such things to the person she loves would lower her own reputation.

It didn't matter anymore, though, because I decided to quit the school anyway.

The chemistry lab was not air-conditioned. The air was lukewarm, and the only coolness came from the occasional summer breeze coming in through the open window.


"Right, let's exchange contact information,” Natsuno abruptly said.

"Huh? Why?"

"Yorunagi-san, you're not even a member of our class LINE, are you?

If we don't exchange now, who knows when we'll meet again."

"That's exactly why I'm quitting school."

"That's even more of a reason."

"I left my phone at home."


That's a lie. My phone is actually in my pocket.

I erased all the contact information of everyone I met in high school. I didn't want to leave anything that would remind me of this school.


"If that's the case, let's go get it, right now."

"Huh, you want to go that far?"

"Of course."


Natsuno smiled with a very beautiful smile. I remembered the comments from the girls in class saying that his gentle demeanor contrasted with his appearance, making him even more attractive.

How can this be called 'gentle,' I thought as I glared at the man who was pulling my arm and urging me on. I could understand why he would be concerned about someone who wanted to quit school, which is rare at this school, but, would anyone normally go this far?

Besides, he―


"Aren't you going to commit suicide?"


"You were just about to commit suicide, weren't you? What's the point of getting your classmate's contact information if you're planning to die?"


Just a moment ago, he was on the brink of committing suicide. A fourth-floor window. If he'd fallen, he would have probably died.

Natsuno's hand pulled away from my left arm. His eyes widened in surprise, and then he looked away, lost in thought.

In that brief moment, his face and eyes, stripped of any expression and devoid of light, revealed the darkness that he harbored, and it made me feel strangely uncomfortable.


"I think I'll hold off on that for a while."


Natsuno said nonchalantly and turned his eyes toward me again.

Talking to him, it was hard to believe that he was about to commit suicide a moment ago. He looked like a normal, good-looking high school student, calm and composed. Yet, the occasional blank expression on his face made me wonder if it was a habit of someone contemplating suicide.


"Come, let's go, before the ceremony ends. You can submit the withdrawal letter another day."


Natsuno said, pointing to the A4 sheet of paper in my right hand.

After a few seconds of hesitation, I replied, "Fine," folded the withdrawal letter in half, and took my phone out of my pocket.




I had exchanged contact information with many people before, but most of those interactions had fizzled out after the initial "nice to meet you" message. I had expected the same to happen with Natsuno Hikaru. However, contrary to my expectations, we started contacting each other frequently. Perhaps it was because he was good at closing the distance between us, or maybe it was because, being not attending school, I had a lot of free time and our interactions became a kind of enjoyment for me.


We started by sharing our favorite movies and novels. I was surprised that a popular guy like him would read novels. But I was starting to realize that literature wasn't as exclusive as I thought.


Surprisingly, we had similar tastes. He knew most of my favorite novels, and many of his favorite movies were also my favorites.


"Although it's classic, I prefer boy-meets-girl stories. It's even better if there is a crime or mystery involved."

"Even though you say 'classic,' it's a bit different from the typical coming-of-age stories. The plot is grand, but there are only two important characters involved in it."

"I like that sense of isolation. A story that begins and ends without anyone else knowing. It's a common trope, but just like 'One Summer Getaway'. There's a really good movie called 'Hymn of Summer.' Have you seen it?"


"Yeah, I've seen it. It's about a middle schooler who accidentally kills a classmate and runs away with a friend during summer vacation, right? It's the kind of film with very beautiful visuals of the original landscapes. However, although the visuals in that movie are superb, it's a shame that the script is a little bland."


"I know, right? The film's direction could have been a little better. If they could have kept the momentum from the beginning to the end, it would have been perfect. It's a shame because the visuals are so good, especially the climax scene, which was so beautiful. I heard that some people criticized the beach at sunset for being too generic."


"I think visuals are really important. The minimum requirement for a story is to have a decent plot, and after that, direction and thematic elements are required. Otherwise, it will be either a noisy, unmemorable story or a boring and lacking in excitement story."


And so on.

All messages are sent in writing. No phone calls. I guess he remembered that I had told him at the beginning that I was not fond of phone calls.

Every time I learned more about his preferences, I felt a strange sense of wonder and asked myself, "Is this really Natsuno Hikaru?" I even seriously doubted if the person I was messaging was Natsuno Hikaru or someone else.


Natsuno Hikaru's personality was like an all-rounder character that often appears in fictional stories directly popping up in the real world.

He had black hair styled in a wolf haircut with bangs in a trendy center parting, which accentuated his well-shaped forehead and sharp nose. He wore tough-looking earcuffs, giving him a slightly rebellious impression, but his gentle demeanor perfectly compensated for it. In our rural high school filled with uncouth students, someone as refined as him was rare.

In addition to his good looks, he excelled academically and was naturally at the top of the school's hierarchy.

He was the epitome of perfection. ―And yet, such a person was trying to jump from a fourth-floor window.

I understand that everyone has their own problems. But it just seemed so wasteful that someone so intelligent and well-liked would die. I, who wasn't liked by anyone, couldn't help but think so.


Despite our contrasting personalities, it was only natural that we shared similar tastes. ―It wasn't just our preferences for movies and novels, it was more about our fundamental values and perspectives on things.

For example, we both liked things like summer clouds, quiet beaches at dusk, train tracks with no trains, old bus stops, and abandoned train stations. He, too, was strongly attracted to such things with a sentimental, somehow beautiful, and melancholic atmosphere, or, to put it bluntly, “emo” things.

Whenever I grew to like him, the incident in the chemistry lab would come back to my mind, casting a shadow over it.


As we kept in touch, he started calling me "Rin." Perhaps it was because my LINE username was "Rin,"  but I felt it was somehow unfair to continue calling him “Natsuno,” so I started calling him “Hikaru,” too. Hikaru didn't stop me.

We continued our interactions, but around winter, Hikaru suddenly stopped replying. My messages, like "Have you seen this movie?" still remain unread.

And so, I have not received any messages from Hikaru since then.



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