Monday, September 9, 2024

[LN] Drowning in Summer : Prologue

Drowning in Summer


Translator : PolterGlast

As we approached a hill, the vehicle swayed wildly.

I was not used to riding with two people, and not knowing how to balance myself, I clung desperately to Hikaru's shoulders.

After skipping the opening ceremony and running out of the school, Hikaru kept pedaling his bicycle along the countryside road.


"Are you serious about not going back to school?" I asked.

"Yeah," Hikaru nodded. "There is no way I can go to school after what I did. If I get caught, I'll probably end up in prison, not just a juvenile detention center."


Hikaru, who had just killed his mother, continued to pedal with a blank expression on his face.


"That's why I'm running away. Until this summer is over."


Despite being late summer, cicadas were shrieking loudly. The riverside road was littered with dried-up earthworm carcasses and overturned cicadas.

Summer in Hokuriku is surprisingly hot. People tend to think it’s cool because it’s a snowy region, but the summer heat is intense, and heat stroke alerts are issued frequently. As someone who’s sensitive to heat, I'd considered moving to a cooler country, but gave up because I can't speak English.


After cycling on the asphalt for a while, we got off the bike and sat on a bench in the shade of a tree. Sunlight filtering through the leaves created dappled patterns on the ground. Staring at the white clouds drifting across the deep blue sky, I thought about how I should be in an air-conditioned classroom right now.


"I thought of a fun game. Want to hear it?" Hikaru asked.

"Sure," I said.

"It’s a bit of a weird game, but I think Rin will like it. You’ve got a twisted sense of humor, after all."


Hikaru, who knew my taste well, said confidently. I replied, "How rude," but was secretly excited. He never failed to surprise me.


However, as Hikaru explained the game to me, I gradually found the blood draining from my face.


"Are you serious?" I asked, and Hikaru replied in a serious tone of voice, "Of course."


Seven people are going to die in the game. And that too, will be committed by us.


"That's ridiculous, there's no way I'd do something like that."


When I refused, Hikaru smiled wryly.


"It’s just a game. Relax."


There’s no way to relax when human lives are at stake. Hikaru said such an outrageous thing with a light, casual tone. I involuntarily fell silent.


Meanwhile, my eighteenth summer was drawing to a close. It was late August, and the temperature had exceeded thirty degrees Celsius since morning.

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