Monday, September 2, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 14 Part 1

Volume 3

Chapter 14 Part 1

Tears of Slumber Reaching the Heavens 1

Translator : PolterGlast

The outskirts of the Central Capital, Kugatachi Mountain.


A sudden firestorm erupted in the plain below the mountain.

Young guardians wielded their spirit weapons, and each time they did so, the spirit light scattered brilliantly.


"The left flank is collapsing!"


"Remember your training, don't step out of formation!"


Shouts flew back and forth as the front lines had fallen into a stalemate against the encroaching Kegare.

Shockwaves roared through the air, and only the remains of defiled beasts were sent flying.


"Damn it, only the worthless ones, huh?"


"Don't let your guard down. Since we haven't seen any metamorphs, they are practically unharmed.

Where's the garrison?"


"We made them retreat. They'll only slow us down."



All hands, draw your weapons. We must defend the barrier at all costs."


It was a better decision than wasting lives with inexperienced leadership.

Those in command spat out their frustration and drew their spirit weapons.


The fire element is purification itself. If they do not have to consider the damage to the surrounding area, no matter how many defiled beasts there are, they will pose no problem.

However, no matter how superior their firepower is, if their formation collapses, their response will be delayed.


"...Damn it. Where the hell did all these defiled beasts come from?"


"It would make sense if I heard that there was a hole in the path to the underworld, wouldn't it?"


The apprentice guardian who complained looked at the cityscape of the Central Capital behind the encroaching defiled beasts.

A thin plume of black smoke was rising from the Central Capital, perhaps indicating that the invading defiled beasts had traversed their way through the city.

Without the time to recover from being attacked from behind, the guardians plunged into battle.


Even in the brief exchanges, there were no bright topics.

One squad, composed entirely of young guardians, was swallowed up by the overwhelming numbers of defiled beasts and disappeared.


"We should rescue them!"


"Hold on. If we break the formation, we'll be devoured right away.

Let's retreat in formation."


Without time to rescue their classmates, the main command decided to retreat.

It was a slow, turtle-like retreat. They were worried about the guardians who had been swallowed up by the horde of Hyakki Yagyo, but they were also barely clinging to their own lives.


With a bitter taste in his mouth at his own inadequate abilities, the young guardian took another step toward the next defense point―.






A creaking cry, like something gnawing at the back of his spine.

The apprentice guardian looked around but saw no threats other than the defiled beasts.

Unable to ignore the intuition that ran down his spine, the young guardian raised his spirit weapon.


He tried to adjust his breathing in order to knead his spirit power, but he was unable to calm down in the congested battle that he was experiencing for the first time.

His thoughts grew impatient. The shadow lurking at the young man's feet deepened its color to a dark black.


"Ugh," he stumbled. The ground split open and swallowed his feet. "―Uaahh!??"


Leaving behind only the despair that choked his throat, the torrent of red and black that overflowed from the ground swallowed the young man. The devourer took shape and the young figure disappeared into the depths of the opening maw.




An Armored Centipede that had appeared, glared at the guardians who were stupefied.

Beyond the gaze of the apprentice guardians, a huge Centipede towered toward the sky.

Its hideous sneers echoed. One of the young guardians raised his sword high perhaps to encourage himself.


"You bastard!!"


Perhaps because of his rage or his near-death experience, his sword stroke was filled with the greatest power of his life.

A cross of blazing flames carved through the void. The flames of the explosion blazed his vision, and the sneering Centipede sunk beyond it.


"I did it!"


"―Run! That Armored Centipede is a water element!!"


A feeling of accomplishment. But a warning flew towards the young man who had shouted in victory.

Immediately afterward, the jaws of the Centipede, which pierced through the explosion, lunged towards the young man.


He didn't have time to scream. Staring at the drooling fangs, the young man let out his final sigh...




A clear, feminine declaration. As she spoke, a flickering silver barrier appeared, blocking the Armored Centipede's attack.


With a single word, she halted the invasion, and her white porcelain figure slipped past the stunned boy.

Benedetta Casarini, having descended to the front lines, raised the book divine artifact, the [Blessing of the West], which she held in her hands.


The silvery-white divine energy that flowed out shone brilliantly at the knees of the fire element's sacred ground.


"Sir Torliani. Please cooperate with Sir Trovato and secure the perimeter.

I will handle the mid-range."


"As you command."


Upon hearing Benedetta's words, Salvatore Torliani stepped forward.

In the hand of the red-haired big man was a black sword, a divine artifact.

Together with Alessandro Trovato, who raised his shield divine artifact, they charged fearlessly into the midst of the defiled beasts.


As the defiled beasts howled in pain, the divine artifact in Benedetta's palm emitted a fierce divine energy.

Several pages from the [Blessing of the West] fluttered about.




With a single breath, her declaration dyed the world in its color.

The defiled beasts were consumed by the scorching heat that manifested as she had spoken, leaving no trace.


The power of the [Blessing of the West]. The reenactment of the creation of the world as described within that book had turned the tide of the Hyakki Yagyo.


"Thank you for your assistance, Casarini-dono. I am sure it must be difficult for you, a Miko, to engage in battle in a distant land. So, I suggest you to retreat."


"Don't worry about it. This is nothing out of the ordinary for me."


A middle-aged man stood shoulder to shoulder with the girl, who let out an exhale and took a step back.

Benedetta, without being surprised, smiled at Kozaburo Rindo.


Their gazes crossed as they tried to discern each other's true intentions.


Kozaburo Rindou, the head of one of the Eight Families, has some knowledge about demi-gods and demi-humans.

The artificially created Kanna-no-Mikura. They share many of the same abilities as Mikura, but they also have the greatest weakness of being unable to leave the divine pillar they are devoted to.


Benedetta, being far from Vansuir and disconnected from the dragon veins, should not be able to fully utilize her powers.


But what about the attack just now?


In addition to the power of the divine artifact, she also exercised her divine energy. Kozaburo had anticipated that she would refrain from excessive use of divine energy to avoid revealing her weakness before negotiating with Takamagahara.


"......St. Ariadne's power is the representation of its people. Even in foreign lands, we can draw the blessings of our divine pillar if we have the right number of people.

And it's not a secret. It's fairly well-known information that you could easily find out if you look it up."


"I see. That's impressive.

However, I would appreciate it if you would give me some face from here on."


Shrugging, Benedetta turned her gaze forward.

The surrounding defiled beasts had thinned somewhat, but there were still many more beyond.


Kozaburo stepped forward towards the place where the defiled beasts and Armored Centipede were swarming.


"Understood. Do you need any assistance?"


"No need. From your words, I assume you know quite a bit about my divine artifact."


Spirit power swirled heavily at Kozaburo's feet as he advanced.

Defiled beasts fell, and he stood in the empty space created on the battlefield.




Confirmation came after a few beats. In the history of the province, which she obtained, the exercise of several divine artifacts, including legends, was described.

Among them, the most frequently described divine artifact was the Yashiori-no-Nobegane.


Its power was quite simple. it multiplied the power of an attack eightfold.


"From the looks of it, you must have thought it was a mere eightfold, huh?

Well, let me show you the truth."


A cruel smile pasted on his lips.

Reaching out into the void, Kozaburo declared proudly.


"Crush them."

In his hand, he held a sword with a blade 2 feet 6 inches (78 centimeters) long.



The blade had no edge, nothing more than a sheet of metal.

Holding it in an overhead stance, Kozaburo looked ahead.


"Eightfold, reverberating through nine heavens, Tamahagane."

Confirmed that there were no guardians ahead.

Without hesitation, he chanted the divine decree.

"—Flames of emptiness, numerous and swift."


Divine domain unleashed. At the same time, the tip of the blade, which he swung down, crashed forward with its primordial brilliance of red, white, and blue.


Step forward and sustain it with the hips. Twisting the transmitted power from the shoulder and strike down.

A total of four sections. To strengthen all of them eightfold was the divine attribute of the artifact passed down in the Rindou family.

A single blow, lightly released from overhead stance, crushed everything in his vision with a trail of searing heat.


An impact that exceeded sound echoed, dyeing the greatly gouged earth red.

The blow left no trace of life or even the terrain. Watching the artifact scatter its spiritual light, Kozaburo released his residual intent.


"—Tactics are unnecessary. Once they step into the range, all we have to do is simply crush everything."


The simplicity of the technique makes it powerful and difficult to counter.

Simple but difficult to counter and powerful.

Kozaburo showed his intent with indifference to the heat haze that still rose from the earth.


"Excellent work. ...There's truly a world of difference between hearing about something and seeing it for yourself."


"I am relieved that you understand.

It seems that things have quieted down a bit, we should be able to fortify our defense in the rear..."


If anything goes wrong, Kozaburo Rindou would stand at the forefront and sweep everything away.

Kozaburo nodded upon hearing Benedetta's gentle voice who had heeded his previous warning.


Kozaburo, who was about to turn on his heel, stopped his movement at the density of the miasma crawling on the ground.


As he turned around, he saw in front of him, in the midst of the still-scorching inferno, a blackish-red centipede head appeared.


Gya, ha ha ha ha ha.


Its head was several times larger than the previous one. The length of its body was also considerable, and there was still no end in sight as it crawled out of the ground.


"Are you going to use your power again?"


"I can, but... it's too close." Kozaburo responded bitterly as he saw the shadow of the insect falling from a height above him.

"I'd rather avoid blowing up our own allies."


The Yashiori-no-Nobegane is powerful and easy to fire in rapid succession, but it is also extremely difficult to adjust its power.


After all, it turned just a simple overhead stance into a single blow that swept away everything in sight.

Due to its overwhelming power, it inevitably limited the situations in which it could be used.


Can I adjust the power by releasing it into the sky?


Just as he grasped the hilt of the artifact with determination, a violet spirit light connected heaven and earth on the other side of the armored centipede. The radiance that his daughter should have possessed became thin and strong, and it shone clearly from faraway heights.


Divine energy. The moment the word came to Kozaburo's mind, a ray of dissolved radiance flashed through the center of the Armored Centipede.

A girl holding a pure white naginata leaped over the Armored Centipede, which was split in two and collapsed, and landed in front of Kozaburo's eyes.

His beloved daughter, Saki, gazed at her father with eyes dyed in crimson radiance.


"Haa, haa. Father, are you alright?"


"I'm fine. No, that's not it.

You, those eyes..."


"Sorry, let's talk about it later. I don't have the spare capacity to control my divine energy.

Where's Akira-kun?"


As if clearly reflecting Saki's anxiety, the violet divine energy surrounding her stirred noisily.


"He has not arrived yet. Or rather, Saki-sama, when did you come down from the mountain?"


"Oh, right. Shouldn't you have gone to Tsuguho-sama a while ago!?"


"What are you-... I see. That means he outran me."


Cutting off the question, Saki turned her gaze to the void.

A phantom of a girl that emerged there made her father and Benedetta retreat in shock.


Ignoring their astonishment, Saki's reply was directed towards Ezukahime.


"Even if we head towards the wood element, I know we'll only arrive late.

Mount Kayanowa (water element) is our last chance. Ezukahime, let's enter the Soukoku spiritual path."


Ezukahime nodded in agreement without hesitation at Saki's determination.

The girl's fingertips who had become a divine spirit pointed towards the entrance of the spiritual path in the middle of Mount Kugatachi.


Even though Mt. Kugatachi itself was not that high, climbing the mountain would take up a lot of time.

But there was no hesitation. Lowering her waist slightly, the girl refined her divine energy.


Her gaze was fixed on the intersection of the spiritual path in the middle of the mountain.

It would take a long time to climb the mountain, but it wasn't that far if she ran in a straight line.


"Wait, Saki. Let's talk about the current situation first..."


As Kozaburo raised his voice to stop her, Benedetta put her hand on his shoulder and shook her head.

She opened her divine artifact and used a protective power on Saki.


"May Saki-sama be protected.

This should protect you from the pressure of the ley lines for a short time."


"...Thank you."


The gratitude she returned was short and simple.

Carving the residual flames into the ground, the girl's body leaped high. Only a few people can use this spirit technique. A spirit technique that allows the user to leap to high places and sprint across pathless paths.

Although Saki knew the theory behind it, this was the first time she had used it.


This spirit technique, which guides one to the sky for a moment, is called so because of its strange nature.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Uraden, ―Hayabusa-shoke (Soaring Falcon).


A burst of flames scattered beneath Saki's feet as she leaped into the void.

Using the scattering flames as a foothold, the girl leaped even higher. Residual flames caved footprints as Saki's body accelerated further.


The Soukoku spiritual path, pointed out by Ezukahime, is reflected in her field of vision.


Her gaze crossed with that of the surprised Tsuguho only for a moment.

However, before she could be stopped, Saki jumped into the Soukoku spiritual path that had opened.




Deep in the Kayanowa Mountain, Akira groaned in agony from the stabbing pain in his back as he emerged from the spiritual path.


This wasn't the first time he'd been stabbed.

Without resisting the shock of being stabbed, Akira threw his body forward.


Rolling to avoid the follow-up attack, he activated a regeneration talisman.

A blue-white healing flame burned. Fortunately, the wound was only a graze, and the pain disappeared without any poison or curse being felt.


Breathing a sigh of relief, Akira aimed an offensive talisman at Nurarihyon who was wearing Saki's mask.

There was almost no divine energy left in Akira.

The only means Akira had left were the few talismans he had created himself.


"—-Hee, hee. I'm glad if I surprised you."


"...Since when?"


"Since the beginning. Did you not think it strange? We started our invasion from Mitsu-Torii Mountain in a spectacular fashion, waited for your pursuit, and went on a pilgrimage.

Everything is all part of my plan."


The scene ahead, pointed out by Nurarihyon, crumbled and fell into the depths of the sanctuary.

This time, Akira understood the whole truth of what had been planned.


In order for the Nurarihyon to reach Takamikura, it was necessary for him to reach Mitsutorii Mountain (metal element) last.

That was something that Akira and the others had anticipated as welle.

In reality, however, the sanctuary was beginning to sink at the moment he reached water element.


The fact that the pilgrimage was completed one step earlier means...

"The place you actually aimed to invade was Kayanowayama (here), wasn't it?"


Nurarihyon wearing Saki's Noh mask nodded in affirmation.


Akira had also been wondering about this for a while.


The fact that Her Eminence Takamikura had warned about Hyakki Yagyo even before they invaded the spiritual path of Mt. Mitsutorii.

The fact that everything from his appearance to his physical strength seemed so weak was strange.


If all of his seemingly flashy actions were decoys, then everything could be explained.


Akira had assumed that the invasion on Mt. Shorou (earth element) was his aim, but it was not.


"—Hee, hee. With this, my plan has also been accomplished.

All that's left is to rake down Takamikura. My goal is within reach."


"I won't let you!"


Akira roared with determination, kicking the ground, and challenging the mocking Nurarihyon.

Several offensive talismans flew into the air, burning a blue-white flame as they were activated.


Without hesitation, Akira infused one of them with the Jakuen Gayou.

All the offensive talismans were fire element talismans created by Akira.


The divine energy of the talismans scattered sparks of fire, and the sword blade, dyed in vermillion gold, approached Nurarihyon.

Nurarihyon's right arm blurred, and a silver flash deflected the blow.


"!" "You sure have the luxury of being stunned, huh?"


Akira was shocked by the metallic impact.

What Nurarihyon held in his palm was a blade that shone a faint metallic luster.


"An iron whip!?"


The weapon of Bharatush, known as the iron whip, tore through the air and coiled like a snake.

Gnashed his teeth, Akira took another step forward.


The divine energy contained in the talismans at most can only be used for a single strike per talisman.

He released the activated divine energy of the offensive talisman and infused it on the Jakuen Gayou's slash.


However, all of the vermillion-gold slashes were knocked down before they reached Nurarihyon.


Even the blow unleashed with all his might, the blow strengthened by divine energy was meekly parried.Beyond the scattering sparks of the clash of blades, Saki's Noh mask was distorted hideously.


"You've gotten stingy with your divine energy. It seems you've reached your limit."


"We'll see."

Even with his movements restrained by the iron whip, Akira smiled firmly.

Battle after battle. His divine energy was depleted, and he had no more means.


Yet, Akira was certain of victory.

The Soukoku spiritual path leading to Mount Kugatachi suddenly shone and opened.


As silvery white divine energy fluttered about, the shadow of a petite girl leaped high.

Her gaze was fixed on Nurarihyon's back.

At the same time she chanted an incantation, her slender arm struck down from an overhead stance.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Finisher Move――


Quicker than Nurarihyon, who was caught off guard, violet divine energy turned into raging flames.

Akira's hand left the Jakuen Gayou, and his freed legs kicked Nurarihyon toward her.


"Saki! I'll leave it to you!"


"—Ishiwari Tonbi!!"


The tip of the swirling flame shattered Nurarihyon's Noh mask.

As the surrounding area was dyed in the released violet glow, a pure white naginata dug into the Nurarihyon's shoulder.


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