Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Can a Mob Highschooler be a Normie: Chapter 80


Mob Kousei No Ore Demo Boukensha Ni Nareba Riajuu Ni Naremasuka: Chapter #80

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain




Episode 80: Adventurer's Strength




 For the next three days, I continued to be bullied by everyone in the Adventurers' Club in every way possible under the banner of 'assuming every possible situation'.


 On the third day of the camp, we entered the 20+ floor area where D-rank monsters appeared and practiced dealing with monster trains and traps created by other adventurers using Stinky Bags to draw the monsters over.


 As one would expect, no one would be stupid enough to attack directly with their cards, but traps and monster trains set up by other adventurers were a gray area from a lawful standpoint, so it was impossible to say that there was no chance for those.


 The reason that traps and monster trains set by adventurers in the dungeon are not explicitly prohibited in the laws is that they are a common occurrence in the space called the dungeon.


 Regarding monster trains, the guild could not say, "As a result of continually running away from monsters, you form a monster train and cause trouble for other adventurers, so you should just man up and die.".


 As for traps, it is considered one of the skills of an adventurer to use traps against an enemy that is more in number and more powerful than themselves, and as long as one wanders around a dungeon that is originally full of traps, if they are caught in a trap set by another adventurer, it is because the one caught was basically judged to be careless.


 Still, it is clear that the act of setting up a monster train or trap and leaving it alone is a nuisance, and if evidence of such behavior is caught, the Guild may issue a stern warning or, in the most severe cases, suspend the license.


 Though...... it is rarely caught as a crime.


 These acts are only punished if the person is clearly targeting people with malicious intent, which is generally overlooked. The only exception is the installation of traps in F-rank dungeons, where there are essentially no traps, and the law obviously forbids this.


 Although it is unlikely that many people would do this during a race that is constantly being filmed, it still does not mean that it is completely impossible.


 So, I was made to deal with those adventurers who set up monster trains as well as the non-lethal but vicious traps that Anna and Oribe had placed.


 On the fourth day of training, I trained to run away from other adventurers for more than 50 meters within three minutes.


 In the race, the more you fight, the worse your disadvantage becomes. Not only would your cards be drained, but your competitors would advance further and further while you are fighting. Sometimes, others would challenge you right after a battle to gain a better catch.


 Therefore, training to run away from other adventurers ...... especially those who attack in a formation is a must.


 During the course of this training, Teacher joined us as a professional hunter. Of course, it was a surprise, as he did not tell me. Naturally, there was no way I could escape the first time, and I was beaten to a pulp. The reason I was beaten one-sidedly was not only because of the difference in skill between my Teacher and me, but also because I was forbidden to use Renge and Athena because of the assumed difference in strength between me and the professional hunters. On the other hand, Teacher was using his best members, including Aradia. There was no way I could win.


 That night, I was made to camp alone, and the three of them took turns subjecting me to noises and lights, harassing me so that I couldn't sleep.


 Fifth day. Today, the last day of the camp, with no sleep, to recap the whole camp so far, I trudged from the fifteenth floor to the lowest floor, to the Boss. The reason for starting from the fifteenth floor instead of the first floor was because it was impossible to complete the entire journey in half a day.


 Along the way, there were monster trains, artificial monster houses using smelly bags, attacks by Anna and Oribe, and even Teacher's pursuit.


 I managed to escape from them, at times battling them, and when I reached the lowest floor, what awaited me was an attack during my battle with the Boss. As expected, it was tough to deal with the Boss and Anna at the same time, and I had no choice but to escape. And afterward, as a matter of course, Oribe set me up for a duel as well.


 However, it was fortunate that I realized before the real thing that there was no merit in a confrontation with the Boss. As long as no bonus would be given for being the first to conquer the dungeon, it would be more advantageous to leave the battle with the Boss to other adventurers, except for the last dungeon.


 The Succubus with the [Zero existence] skill is 150 stars, so I'm fine with third place or better. I would have preferred to take first place if possible to be sure of getting it, but depending on the case, it was also a good idea to give up first place in the respective dungeons.


"----These are the points on which we have learned from the mock race, and the basic principles for the real race. Is there anything else you noticed?”


 That night.


 After finishing all the training, we had a review and strategy meeting for the real race as a summary of the camp.


I have nothing else. Well, I think we did what we could do within the limited time we had. The rest depends on Maro's effort."


"I don't have anything in particular either. All that remains is for Senpai himself to cope with the situation."


 At the words of both Teacher and Oribe, I bowed my head to everyone again.


I'd like to thank everyone again for the many days you've spent for me this time. You've really helped me out."


"If you want to thank us, just make sure you win the race, that's all you need to do. I'm sure you'll be interviewed as the winner, and you'll be able to raise publicity for you and the Adventurers' Club. That will benefit us all if you do."


Yeah, okay."


 When I nodded, Anna clapped her palms together.


"Now! Since this is the end of the training camp, let's have a little recreational activity at the end to wrap things up!"


"Recreational activities... What do you mean?"


"Summer! Training camp! If it's the ocean, it should be ...... fireworks!"


 Anna pulled out some fireworks from the tent with a big smile on her face.




 We looked up at the sun, which was still shining brightly above us even though it was past nine o'clock at night.


...... With all this light?”


 When we looked at Anna with eyes like we were looking at a poor child, she shook her finger in a slightly annoyed manner and said,


Tsk, tsk! You think I don't think about that?”


"Oh ...... right, once we leave the dungeon, we can do it in front of the convenience store. Well, why not?"


Then the cards won't be able to join in!”


Then we'll have to do it under this light after all.”


So! That's where this comes in!"


 She de-carded a card and brought out a huge, old-fashioned shimenawa (sacred rope).


 The shimenawa was as thick as a full-grown man's arm and nearly 10 meters long, making it the longest shimenawa I've ever seen.


 Is it some kind of magic item......? As I was looking at it intently, Teacher seemed to notice something and clapped his hands.


"Ah! Could it be, that is...... Amano-Iwato1 shimenawa?"


As expected of Kannadzuki-Senpai, you already knew about it.”


 Anna smiled proudly.


"Teacher, what is the Amano-Iwato shimenawa?"


“It is one of the magic items whose usage has been discovered only recently. It is one of the so-called field modification magic items. I believe it can make the state of a specific floor turn nighttime for an hour or so?"


 My eyes widened in shock at what my Teacher said.


"Field modification magic items... aren't they ridiculously expensive?"


 The field modification magic items that can rewrite the environment of the floor to suit your monster card are all priced at least a billion yen. The most expensive types are those that can change the terrain, such as 'ocean' or 'mountain', or those that can change the state like 'daytime'. And since there are so many cards that show their abilities under conditions like 'rain' or 'nighttime', there are no cheap field modification magic items.


 To bring such a thing out for the sake of fireworks,......, this person really is somewhat out of touch.


Fufufu, this was bought by the Jushichiya family for research before its value was discovered, so it wasn't really expensive at the time. I borrowed this from a storage unit where it had been lying around for this training camp."


 Ah, I see. ......The fact that the use of the item was only recently discovered means that it had been sold at a bargain price as an item of unknown use for nearly 20 years. Right, there’s that.


 Some speculators who buy up magic items with unknown uses in this way, anticipating that their value will increase once their use is discovered, but I heard that most end up failing, as they end up holding on to the worthless junk for years, only to find out it has no significant effect and goes for less than when they bought it.


'Unknown uses' means 'it has the potential to be more valuable in the future', and a certain value is attached to the magic items for its unknown use. Conversely, when its use is revealed, its value can decrease.


 It is a kind of gacha, so to speak.




If you want to see fireworks, we can just go to a nighttime dungeon. Going to the trouble of turning a daytime ocean dungeon into night is a staggering move."


"If we go to the night dungeon, we won't be able to enjoy the ocean in the daytime! I want to have a memory of enjoying the ocean with all the members of the Adventurers' Club and our cards! Memories are one of the few things money can't buy!"


"...I see."


 Well, after all, there is no other person who can be our club leader but Anna.


 Looking at Anna's blue eyes that had no shred of doubt in them, I was strangely convinced.  






 In the darkness, lit only by the moonlight of the full moon and the lights of the tent, colorful flowers of flame bloomed.


 Watching the hand-held fireworks changing their colors from red to blue to green with time, I couldn't help but mutter to myself,


"It's so beautiful."


"It is......”


 Oribe, sitting next to me, nodded.


"Senpai, do you know? I heard that fireworks these days actually don't get extinguished in water.”


"Really?! Does that mean they are magic items?"


"No, it's chemistry. They contain a chemical that generates oxygen."


"Wow~, that's some craftsmanship."


So the fireworks we casually enjoy are the fruit of various people's efforts and innovations.......


 I was looking at the flames of the fireworks in a daze......


Maro, you look kind of glum,” my Teacher said suddenly,


"Is there something bothering you?"


"Ah, no....."


 For a moment I hesitated whether or not to speak, but in the end, I decided to do so.


 I thought that maybe Teacher could help me to relieve this feeling of anxiety in my heart.


Actually, I think I don't have any strength as an adventurer.”


"Strength as an adventurer?"


“For example, Oribe is good at strategizing, or rather, planning a strategy, and reading the  opponent’s mind, right? Teacher has a high level of skill as an adventurer. ......I don't have any of those things."


"I see."


 Oribe, who had been listening to the conversation between me and my Teacher, looked puzzled.


I think your Senpai's strength lies in your last-minute flash of ideas, or better said, your strength in dealing with unexpected adversity.......”


"No, I don't think that's what Maro is talking about. You're saying you don't have much of an adventurer's distinctive features, right?"


"Yes, that's it."


 I nodded strongly at my Teacher's words.


 For instance, if I were to define an adventurer's strength as three things: Linkage, strategy, and card quality, I would say that I am mediocre at each of them, and the only better aspect I have overall is the quality of the cards I have.


 And that was the only one of the three that could be compensated for with money.


Hmmm... I think there are four things that make an adventurer a good adventurer, not three."




Yep. That other one, is card nurturing."




“Although it is kinda changing as of late, even now in MonColo, people don't raise their cards. They use the cards they get a few times in matches and then resell them. Just because a card has been used on TV by a pro, it adds value and fetches a high price. And perhaps because gladiators are the most common adventurers in the public eye, the ability to nurture or train the cards tends to be neglected among amateurs because of the lack of immediate results. It's quicker to get stronger cards than to spend months learning a skill. But.....”




I believe that the ability to nurture cards is an important aspect, no less important than the ability of Linking. Combat powers, inborn skills, and acquired skills are only a small part of the cards, visible on the surface, but there is a much greater power hidden deep within them. I especially think so when I look at Maro's cards."


 Teacher looked deeply into my eyes as he said this.


I think Maro's strength as an adventurer is that you're really good at nurturing your cards."


"Well, that's.......”


 I smiled wryly and .......


That's a rather low-key strength, huh."


"But it's a power befitting you, Senpai."


 Oribe said this with a slight chuckle.


 As we were enjoying the fireworks like that,


"Senpais, Sayo, look, look!”


 When we turned to look, we saw Anna standing there with fireworks in her hands while playing an anime song on her music player.


 As we were wondering what was up, Anna started to dance waving her hands in the air.


 Anna was performing a superb otaku dance with sharp movements, however......


Hot! Hot!”


 Naturally, if you swing a firework around like that, most of the sparks will fall on you.


 Anna yelped out in pain, but she danced through to the end.


...H- how was it?”


Oh, oh.... it was amazing. But......"


Anna, wasn't it scalding hot ......?”


"Did you get burned?"


 We asked, worried.


"It was rather painful! Actually, it hurt! But it was funny, wasn't it?"


"R- right!"


Anna, you even put your body on the line......


 I can't help but give her a look of respect mixed with astonishment.


"Come on, Master, you're getting too excited."


 The elf, Tanya, chided Anna.


"Why couldn't you have used lightsticks like you did at practice?'


"It's only funny because it's fireworks! The card's barrier will prevent burns and it's only hot for a moment, so it's okay, it's okay!"




 ...This was the first time I'd ever heard such a conversation between Anna and Tanya......, but I felt like they were kinda like sisters.


 It was a little surprising.


 After that, while I was enjoying the handheld fireworks with Anna and the others, I heard a noisy voice coming from the edge of the water.


"--Take this! Serpent King Flame Slayer Black Dragon Blast!"


"Hyaaaah?! Hey, Renge! Don't shoot rocket fireworks at people!"


 Mea was running away while screaming, and Renge chased after her with rocket fireworks.


At times like this, Renge suddenly becomes childish... Sometimes she looks so grown up that it's shocking... I thought as I watched her.


"Um... Master, is it okay if we leave them alone?"


 Yuki asked me with a reserved tone.


"It's fine. Mea is smiling too."


"Ah... I see. Well, I guess it's fine to leave them alone then."


 Saying that, Yuki lit a mouse firework and threw it.


 She had been doing that for a while now.......


"Yuki, do you like it?"


"Yes. The movement is very interesting."


 Humhum ...... I definitely thought it was pretty interesting the first time I tried it too.


 I looked around to see what the others were doing and saw Suzuka playing with the sparklers together with Eliza.


 I walked over to them, thinking, “Oh, this is an unusual combination.”


"Ah, here comes the master who abandoned me the other day."


 Suzuka noticed me and said resentfully.


Is this guy still holding a grudge over what happened on the first day of the training camp?


I told you it was because I wanted you to have the courage to jump into the circle, didn't I?"


"I suffered deep emotional scars as a result of that, okay? ......Do you know how I felt when the quiz ended as soon as I had participated and it ended like I was a joke?"


"Ah, un,...... I'm honestly sorry about that."


 I bowed my head obediently.


But I think your way of mingling was wrong for that one too. Your first comment was, “You can't even understand such a simple problem? I figured it out right away."


 Athena's response, "It seems like a woman who can't read the atmosphere has come. Shall we end it here?" was harsh, though.


 The sight of Suzuka, left there all alone and shaking her shoulders, was indeed too pitiful.


B, by the way, Eliza and Suzuka are an unusual pairing."


"Yes, Master. Since becoming Hashihime, Suzuka's skills are irreplaceable and excellent, so I was wondering if I could somehow learn them too."


 Watching this, Suzuka averted her gaze and muttered,


"If I'll lose my job, I obviously won't teach you....."


"Why not? Master should be pleased that the entire party's strength will be improved."


 The jealous demon that was stared at by the red eyes without a single cloud in them scrunched up her face.


 Eliza had no selfish desires, while Suzuka was a mass of desire to be exclusive.


"...I've wanted to ask you for a while, why do you want to learn so many skills, Eliza? Whenever a new member joins the group, the first thing you do is to ask if you can learn their skills."


"That's .......”


 Eliza was unusually reticent in her response to my question,


Because, that's the first emotion, that sprouted inside me. When I was still a ghouler, seeing the joy on Master's face, when I developed new skills, I certainly felt happy, that's, how I felt."


 Seeing Eliza speak like that, as brokenly as she did when she was a ghouler, I felt like I had been enlightened.


 I had known her since before she awakened to her ego, and I had thought I knew everything about her, but I was being arrogant.


 I had no idea that Eliza had that in mind and that that was the origin of her wanting to learn the skills.......


"...O, kay."


 Suzuka mumbled.


"I'll make an exception and teach you some skills, Eliza. ...Though I don't really know how to teach you."




"Thank you, very much."


 Eliza bowed her head, making her blonde hair swish in a smooth motion.


 The air was somewhat damp, and we continued to play sparklers in silence for a while.


 And then.


Senpa-i! Please help us here a little!"


 Anna called me over, and I found that she was in the process of setting up a Niagara Falls.


 We all worked together to set up the super-sized Niagara Falls, which was 10 meters wide in two layers.


 When the final long line of fuses was in place, Anna started the countdown with a candlestick in one hand.




 The fuses sparked intensely, igniting all the tubes in an instant.


 At the same time, the Niagara Falls began to rain down sparks with great vigor.




 The scale of the fireworks was so large that it was hard to believe it had been done by ourselves, and the crowd couldn't help but erupt in cheers.


 First red, then green, then blue, and so on, the color of the waterfall of sparks changed from section to section.


 As I gazed at the brightly colored lights, I was suddenly struck with a strong sense of nostalgia.


Come to think of it, how many years has it been since I've had a fireworks display with friends like this......?


 When I was in elementary school, my friends and I used to do it several times a year during the summer, but since I entered junior high school, we haven't done it at all.


 Maybe that's why, when I see the fireworks, I strangely recall the most enjoyable days of my elementary school days.


 In those days, when there were still no boundaries between boys and girls, we would ride our bicycles in mixed-sex groups to a forest several stations away and build a secret base out of tree branches and cardboard.


 It was a conservation area where fireflies were raised, and when it got dark, a firefly or two would sometimes wander into our secret base by the creek.


 We were all so absorbed in watching them that it got really late, and our parents frequently scolded us.


I wonder what Daisuke, the guy I considered my best friend back in those days, is doing now. We've grown apart since we went to junior high school in different areas of the city.


 I haven't heard from him since then, even though I've been going into MonColo.


Come to think of it, there was Miyuki-chan, who I liked at the time. I remember when I went to junior high school, she started going out with a senior who was a yankee (delinquent) and had a bad reputation.


......Ah, I see. Now I know why I didn't set off fireworks. It's because it reminds me of the best days of my elementary school days.


 Subconsciously, I was afraid of letting my happy past disappear, and that's probably why I was avoiding fireworks.


However, now, that is----


"----What do you think? Isn't it beautiful? Don't you think it was worth going to the trouble of turning day into night?”


 Anna, who was standing next to me, smiled at me while bowing her body and peeking at me from below. A proud, childish smile, like an elementary school kid.


"Yeah, it's beautiful......"


----That will be the last time, though. I will no longer think back to elementary school as the memory of the most enjoyable summer of my life.


 Today, the memory of the most enjoyable summer of my life has been painted over.


 Next year, I'm sure I'll remember today's fireworks when I see fireworks.


 Thus, the first training camp of the summer came to an end.




[Tips] Field Modification Magic Items


 This magic item can change the dungeon's environment, which is normally supposed to remain unchanged. Monsters in the dungeon are naturally designed to perform at their best in that environment, so simply changing the rain to sunshine or the night to day is enough to make it possible to gain a significant advantage in battles.


 Some items even change the land into sea or desert into forest, which by itself can annihilate all the monsters in the field.


 The higher the rank of the dungeon, the more demand for field modification items, so they are all sold at very high prices.





In the story of the sun goddess, Amaterasu, there was one told that she hid in a cave and deprived the world of light until a series of lively dances lured her from the cave (The cave's name is Amano-Iwato). In the process, she returned light to the world.


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