Thursday, September 12, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 14 Part 4.1

Volume 3

Chapter 14 Part 4.1

Tears of Slumber Reaching the Heavens 4.1

Translator : PolterGlast

In that instant, Genrei's consciousness shifted to a space that was nothing but white.


"This is..."


A sigh escaped her lips at the familiar sensation of the space.

The sight that stretched out as far as the eye could see was the same one she had experienced when she had dyed Akira.


Akira's innermost heart.


As the glamorous remnants of vermilion-gold scattered like ashes, her own blackness regained its luster and swayed into the innermost heart.


"—Have you finally woken up, sleepyhead girl?"



A sudden, teasing whisper.

She wrinkled her nose and glanced over her shoulder.

"How dare you seal the divine name I engraved on Akira!"


Literally baring her fangs, she glared at Shuka who had sealed her away.

The girl clad in vermilion-gold laughed leisurely and looked around at Akira's innermost heart where the divine energy was scattering.


She had a good grasp of the situation.

The shackles that Shuka had placed on Akira had been undone by Ravana, and everything about Genrei, who had been sealed within the innermost heart, had awakened.


The greatest privilege of the highest throne, capable of accommodating two divine pillars. That was probably what made the impossible miracle of Genrei and Shuka conversing outside the divine realm possible.


"I see. Ravana's Nine Dharma Treasures's divine realm is a curse of defeat specialized against divine pillars.

From the moment it touched my Akira, the possibility of defeat seems to have been rewritten into inevitability."


"After stealing my husband, you dare to act like the legal wife.

A bird-brained concubine like you has quite a difficulty understanding things, it seems."


"What are you saying? The first time we met, Akira was crying, you know?

He said he wanted to live in a corner of Karen."



The black girl's throat choked with regret at the words she couldn't continue.

Regardless of what she had to say, it was an unchangeable fact that Genrei had made a blunder in the past.

Three years have passed since she neglected Akira. No matter how she tried to remedy the situation, it would still remain a root of disaster in the future.

"—Well, never mind. Akira is the priority now."


Both of them were simply clashing over their opinions. Genrei cut off the conversation and returned to the task of re-dyeing Akira's innermost heart.


She had no intention of leaving behind even a fragment of such flashy remnants as vermilion-gold.

A surging wave of black began to fill Akira's innermost heart in an avalanche.


"Fufu, indeed. Protecting the place where Akira sleeps is one of the conditions for being a good wife.

Though, it's a truth that a sleepy turtle who's gotten herself stuck as a virgin wouldn't know."


"Shut up!"

Unable to bear Shuka's condescending tone, Genrei raised her voice.


Instantly, the black radiance roared with hostility, taking on the curse of freezing water.

Tenfold and twentyfold, spells based on their antagonistic relationship surrounded Shuka.


"—Have you forgotten, Aka?

No matter how many times the sun rises, there is no divine pillar in this world that can compete with me."


"I haven't forgotten.

Therefore, Kuro, hurry up and defeat that guest god called Ravana and be done with it."


Crack, crack. Frost crept up Shuka's cheeks, but she maintained her superiority and laughed at Genrei.

The Shuka in front of Genrei was an illusion created by the remnants of the divine blessing.


Even understanding this fact, Genrei's divine energy still froze Shuka's phantom.

Eventually, when the blizzard subsided, Shuka's phantom would be swept away along with the fine ice.


"Remember this, Aka."

Her voice could no longer reach the other party. Nevertheless, confident that her intention had been conveyed, Genrei declared.

"We'll settle this matter soon. —At the Kannamesai Festival!"



Moisture, accompanied by a black radiance, swirled around Akira and Genrei.


This enormous mass was a defensive wall that would bare its fangs the moment someone stepped into it carelessly.

Hesitating to step in recklessly, Ravana distorted her eyes with hatred.



A denial filled with resentment leaked from her blue-tinted throat.

Even though she understood, she couldn't accept it. —There was no way she could accept it.


Ravana was fully aware that Shuka's blessing had filled Akira.

Naturally, it was impossible for a mere Kanna-no-Mikura to instantaneously replace its divine protection with another one.


There's only one exception. The Void Rank / Celestial Throne. A literal miracle, capable of simultaneously housing multiple divine pillars.

For such a thing to appear at the last minute was beyond the realm of possibility. Even as a divine pillar, one couldn't have predicted it.


"How could such a convenient coincidence happen!! The Celestial Throne, which cannot be obtained twice, right at the moment when my plan is about to bear fruit...

Wait, it's the exact opposite."


Ravana's eyes, filled with rage, widened at her own impulsive words.

At that moment, a casual voice was thrown at her, which stood rooted to the spot in disbelief at the unbelievable reality.


"...Are you satisfied now?"

The young girl, who was nothing but a black radiance, glared at Ravana calmly.

"Then be gone. I'm in a very good mood right now.

If you swear in the name of your divine name that you will not set your sights on Takamagahara again.

I will overlook your wrongdoing this time, as a special favor."


"D-Don't play me for a fool, Genrei-hime."

A pompous declaration against a divine pillar of the same rank, even though she had lost her dragon lair.

Driven by an unyielding pride, Ravana's expression contorted in fury.

"For me, the mortal realm is nothing more than a playground.

Since I am free to come and go as I please, there is no reason for a being like you, who is bound by the dragon lair, to put any restrictions on me!"


Genrei snorted, showing no disappointment at Ravana's rejection.

As long as there was a possibility of lies, there was no way a divine pillar would change their mind.


Now that the Nine Dharma Treasures, which contain the authority to tell lies, had been lost in exchange for the divine attributes, Ravana had no choice but to abide by the oath.


"If that's the case, there's no other way. Perish here, Ravana!"


With Genrei's encouragement, Akira's foot kicked the ground.

There was no hesitation in his step, and water gathered in his raised right hand.




His exhaled breath was short. The immense amount of water, thin and strong, turned into a single blade, following his swinging palm.

Even as a divine pillar, it was impossible to laugh it off as something like a mere single drop of water.


Even if it wasn't a God Slayer, its mass could still cause irreparable damage, going beyond a divine pillar's protection.



Ravana previously mocked Akira, saying he had no other options, but the situation was the same for this guest god.

A divine pillar without a divine domain was only granted divine energy gained from the faith it had acquired up until then and the miasma it had accumulated.

All that was left for her was the divine attribute that granted her the curse of defeat, obtained by sacrificing all of her divine artifacts.


Involuntarily, she turned her gaze to her own hand.

When she had thrust with the Nine Dharma Treasures, there had been no unnatural resistance.


There was no sign that the Nine Dharma Treasures, which was now silent, had reduced its usage limit.

Grateful for the fact that she had not wasted any unnecessary uses, Ravana kicked the ground hard, propelling herself forward.


The power to kill divine pillars is possessed by a divine pillar whose body is made from the sun.

Ravana was absolutely certain that she had successfully sealed the power she had been most wary of.


With that as her only salvation, she swung her iron whip.

The slash that split the air was released from outside the vortex of water,

However, just before it reached the black maiden, it was blocked by a hexagonal black radiance.


Gritting her teeth, the girl's feet danced, and with each flip of her frail body, she delivered a slash.

The roaring iron whip soon left no shadow, and only the lethal sound echoed through the air.


The slashes, which were impossible to track, were repelled by the black radiance that was born and then vanished repeatedly.

After a while, the repeated offensive also ended, and only the murmur of the swirling water remained.


Neither was injured.




Ravana, realizing the futility of her attacks, distanced herself, leaving behind the sound of her gnashing teeth.


Strong in defense. As its reputation suggested, the water element specialty was defense.

What Ravana couldn't understand was how it could even defend against the power of the Nine Dharma Treasures.


The curse of defeat was no joke.

Even if the other party focuses on defense, if it could touch Genrei's divine energy, Ravana's victory should be guaranteed without question.


Genrei's technique, which nullified the divine attributes, even though it wasn't even an authority. This incomprehensible phenomenon robbed Ravana of her momentum.


She glanced at the back.

Seeing the spiritual path of Musubi that stood ahead of her, Ravana made up her mind.


"—Do you think I'll let you go?"




A momentary gap was created as her thoughts wandered. Rindo Saki thrust her pure white naginata into the stagnant Ravana.


The tip of the blade narrowly grazed the blue skin, barely being evaded.

The vajra and iron whip surrounded Saki. But the spinning naginata knocked both away, andas if being sucked in, it fell onto Ravana's shoulder.


"You detestable thorn.

Are you going to engrave a second defeat on me?"


"Yes. It is Sita's wish to subdue you.

I'll say it one more time.

Return to Lanka, that's where you belong."


Saki's skill was far inferior to the divine pillar (Ravana) before her.

But regardless of this fact, Saki's Pārijāta, as the history inscribed on it dictated, brought defeat to Ravana.


A reenactment of history, not even an authority, let alone a divine attribute.

Ravana's mouth distorted at the bitter defeat she once suffered, in which it ignored even the protection of a divine pillar.


"No, Sita's puppet. —This is my victory."


The tip of the blade, which should have dug into her shoulder, was trembling on the surface of her now cold blue skin.

The blade hadn't left a single scratch on it.


The divine attribute of the Nine Dharma Treasures. The curse of defeat made Pārijāta disappear like a mist

Focusing on the girl who had become unarmed, the vajra in Ravana's hand bared its fangs at Saki.


A momentary attack and defense. Fixing her gaze on Vajra, Saki flipped her hidden left hand.

It was the half-broken Shojinbina. She poured her divine energy, refined it to the limit, and thrust it at Ravana, causing it to become red-hot with self-destruction.


The divine attribute of the Nine Dharma Treasures was, after all, directed at divine pillars.

Its greatest weakness was that it was meaningless against spirit weapons.


Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden―



Striking with all her might, a cage of pure purification and destruction. Ravana's figure disappeared into the scorching depths woven from divine energy.

Saki coughed on the spot as she jumped back from the thermal sphere that rolled up around her.


"Saki!" "Cough, it's not done yet!"


Akira's voice of concern was met with a sharp warning.

A momentary opening. Ravana's figure leaped up into the distance and disappeared into the spiritual path of Musubi.


At this point, there remained only two people, Akira and Saki, who were qualified to dive the spiritual path.

Saki's eyes were filled with determination.

Akira shook off his doubts and jumped into the spiritual path of Musubi with Saki.



Genrei's voice clutched at his back

"Don't forget. What you have—"


As soon as he dived into the spiritual path, his connection with Genrei was severed.

Nevertheless, without hesitation, he ran with Saki towards what lay ahead.



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