Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Can a Mob Highschooler be a Normie: Chapter 79


Mob Kousei No Ore Demo Boukensha Ni Nareba Riajuu Ni Naremasuka: Chapter #79

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain




Episode 79: The Second Day of Training Camp




 Second day of the camp.


 On this day, Oribe and Anna went into hiding first, and the training was to be conducted in anticipation of encounters with other adventurers.


 The situation was set up as follows: 'I will have completed the first dungeon in about 24 to 48 hours, own about 20 stars, and have about 100 million in assets at my disposal with no losses in forces.'


 I wondered why it was necessary to set the time of the dungeon treading and the property owned, not to mention the number of stars owned and the strength of the cards, but since the smart Teacher and Oribe took the trouble to set them, they must be meaningful settings.


 With this in mind, I gathered the clues and headed for the checkpoint.


 So far, I have not encountered Oribe or Anna once.


...... Aren't they supposed to be lurking and attacking first? But it wouldn't be a special training.


 When I arrived at the first checkpoint, wary of Anna and Oribe, who could be plotting anything, I found them there expecting me.


 What does this mean ......? As I approached the checkpoint, thinking that we should not be able to fight at the checkpoint......, Oribe spoke to me,


"...... Player Kitagawa, correct? If you don't mind, how about making a deal with me?"


"...... A deal?"


"Yes, would you like a hint to the next 12 levels, information on the checkpoints, and the stars I have?"


I see, so that's the situation. ...... Yes, there will be some players like that.


 I made eye contact with Suzuka and decided to get in on Oribe's role-play.


"I have three questions. One, why would you sell information that gives you an advantage over your competitors? Two, if I buy it, how will the deal be done? Three, is the information correct? And, will the management allow such a thing to take place in the first place?"


"First of all, I am no longer your competitor. I had given up on the top places in the race when I saw the top group in this dungeon. My cards are so worn out that it is unlikely that I will even be able to finish the race. Then, I simply decided that it would be more profitable to sell my pieces at a higher price to a potential top finisher while the information and stars are still valuable."


"Hmmm, ...... what about the second?"


"Regarding the second question, I would like you to buy my twelve stars for two million yen each. I'm sure you don't have cash to pay for them, and I don't trust you to transfer the money to me later. How about using a D-rank card worth a million yen each? ...... You're bringing a lot of cards that you don't need to buy stars, aren't you?"


 ......In fact, if there is a system where stars can be exchanged for unwanted D-rank cards, it is more likely that people will make such a deal, huh?


 I was not planning to buy stars with money, but if something like this happens, I might just bring as many D-rank cards as I can afford to carry.


"How will the exchange happen?"


"Naturally, by duel. As soon as I receive half of the cards, I will bet all my stars and surrender immediately. As soon as you confirm my surrender and the transfer of the stars, I want the other half of the cards. Then I will give you the information."


"......I understand now how to do this. One last question, how do you guarantee the validity of the information?"


 When I asked this question, Oribe grinned and answered,


"I'll just have to ask you to trust me on that. If you refuse, I'll just offer the same deal to other players. As for the management, as long as it's not forbidden in the rulebook, I can only assume it's been factored in."


So I guess I'll have to judge for myself whether it's a lie or the truth. As for the management, I'm sure this kind of development is also factored in for the sake of ratings.


 Should I make a decision here? Just as I was thinking this, a voice suddenly interrupted.


 Anna, who had been watching silently until then, made a move.


"Hey, wait a minute! Why don't you buy some information from me instead of those small boobs?"


"...Anyone who isn't involved should stay away."


 Oribe seemed to be angry without any acting, but Anna did not seem to be bothered by it.


"The woman there said she would sell information on the next 12 floors, but I can sell you checkpoints up to the lowest floor! And all it takes is one D-rank card and one star!"


"That's a lie.  There's no way you have information about the lowest floor. You go back and forth from the lowest floor to here in such a short amount of time?"


"I was one of the top people in this dungeon. All I did was go through the gate and back to the entry point. Well, I lost the battle for the right to challenge the Boss, and I’m sure I will have to retire. But that's why it's more reasonable to buy from me~."


"Don't be fooled, it's too good to be true. It is safer to buy from me."


 Two pairs of eyes looked intently at me.


 I pretended to be deep in thought and asked Suzuka,


...How is it? Which one is lying?


Ahh, I'm sorry. This is all an act, right? That means everything is judged false.


 At Suzuka's apologetic words, I involuntarily looked up to the heavens.


I see! Shit, it's like that! Acting is also a kind of lie after all...


 The countermeasure against other players' bluff that I told Oribe yesterday was Suzuka's [Deceit Detection].


 If I know my opponent is lying, I can do business with people relatively safe unless they change their minds right before the transaction.


 However, in this mock race, which was only a role-play, the [Deceit Detection] did not seem useful.


I have no choice... I have to explain the situation.


"Ah~, sorry! I'm pausing the role-play!"


 I made a T-shape with my hands. Anna tilted her head,


"...? What's wrong? Do you have any questions?"


"Yeah... Actually, Suzuka here has the [Deceit Detection]. I was going to use that skill to detect lies... but since acting is included as lying..."


 The two girls looked at each other and then let out a deep sigh.


"You have a good skill for detecting falsehoods, Senpai. You will have no problem when trading within the dungeon. If you don't say that quickly, won't there be unnecessary acting and simulation?"


"That said, having that perception may also be Senpai's blind spot. ...Did you say Suzuka? Then I have a question for Hashihime over there."


"Go ahead~?"


 When Suzuka nodded lazily, Oribe made one coughing sound.


"...... Anna, was actually a bit of a bocchi in junior high school. Is this a lie or is it true?"




 Suzuka looked at Anna, whose eyes widened in disbelief, with a subtly familiar look.


'Ah~, I don't think it's a lie, Master."


"Oh, oh...... I see."


I see......


"Hmm, it looks like it's the real deal."


"Wa-, wa-, wait......, what are you saying all of a sudden, Sayo?!"


"I'm sorry. This is the only thing I could come up with on the spur of the moment that Senpai didn't know about. "


“That’s definitely a lie!”


That one's a lie, by the way.


 As if to reinforce Anna's statement, Suzuka added.




 Or rather......


"Anna didn't have any friends with this character ......?"


"I- it doesn't mean that I didn't have any friends! See! Sayo's been my friend since middle school!"


"Well, she had a few friends, including myself.  Incidentally, it's not that she didn't have any friends with this character, but because it was this character, she didn't have many friends. It was a prestigious school for young ladies, you see."




 I was somewhat convinced. This character would certainly appear a little frolicsome in young ladies' school.  It doesn't seem to be very compatible with the old-fashioned upper class......


 Oribe elegantly covered her mouth and said with a downcast look on her face,


"Anna Jushichiya-san is always energetic and has a very nice personality, but we just can't seem to get along......"


"Stop talking like those ladies! That means they don't like you because I'm loud and stupid!"


A- Anna-san......, you're really........


 As I looked at her with pity......, Anna noticed it and sagged.


"Aaaaahhhh ...... why such a stray bullet all of a sudden... My sunny, communicatively strong image is......"


 ......No, I'm sorry, but you didn't have that image to begin with, I think? I thought she seemed to have a bit of a communication problem, seeing the way she would throw some otaku jokes into conversations, the way she would blatantly put up a wall to people she wasn't interested in (like with Yujin-san), and then rush to close the distance to people she was comfortable with.


 I think it was a little bit more relatable from the point of view of an otaku/geek like me and the East-West duo.


 ...... Suzuka had seemed to be looking at a kindred spirit for a while now.


"Well, putting Anna aside, let me clear up this situation for you. If you choose my side, although the price is high, you can generally buy information up to the checkpoint. On the other hand, if you choose Anna, the deal was actually a lie, and Anna was just a companion of another top player who came early to this dungeon to stall the other players."


"I see......, because even if I win, I can't avoid being worn down, and once I'm tricked, I'll be reluctant to buy information from other players."


"That's it. Well, if you have the skill to detect falsehoods, then such deception should be okay. By the way, after that, today, there should be an adventurer who will offer fixed matches for a safe rest for an hour and an adventurer who offers to stop other players if you pay them a D-rank card. But..."


"Un, well, I think I can handle transactions between players fairly well."


"Then... what should we do for the rest of the day?"


 When Oribe put her hand on her chin and began to think about it,


"That's obvious! It's a fight with us!"


"Ee,...... why?"


"The reason, there, is no particular reason! If there has to be one, it is that Senpai has to accept our challenge! It will be a back-to-back battle with me and Sayo!"


"Hmm, that's fine, but... what about the number of cards?"


"Hum, the usual three-on-three is sufficient."


"It's decided! If I win, you'll have to forget what happened earlier!"


"I can't just force myself to forget my memory......."


 Anna summoned a familiar Elf, a Pegasus, and a new face, a knight in full armor.


 The knight was probably an angel, since they had shining wings on their back.


 Among angels, there was only one race that wore full-body armor that concealed even their faces.


 Dunamis. Also known as Angel of Strength, it was a B-rank card with an equipping skill.


That Anna, did she already upgrade Dullahan to Dunamis? Yesterday, it was still a Dullahan.......


No, that doesn't matter. The problem is that Anna's B-rank card is Dunamis, of all things.


 I'm aware of Dunamis' skills too, as they have a rare equipping skill.


The Armor of Integrity and Virtue: Advanced class of equipping skill. By possessing other cards or the master, they can increase their combat power, and they can share one inborn skill other than their equipping skill, plus all their acquired skills. This armor has a high defense against evil forces and can break undead-type immortality simply by an attack.


 Basically, it was like a complete upgrade of Dullahan.


 It can now completely boost its combat power, has strong resistance against demonic types which is a characteristic of angels, and can dispel undead-type immortality, and can even share one inborn skill in addition to its acquired skills.


 And among Dunamis' inborn skills, there was [Miracles on Earth], which was the best choice.


Miracles on Earth: The authority of Dunamis, which governs miracles in the form of actual phenomena. This skill cures all the status ailments of the entire group, nullifies them for a certain period of time, and greatly enhances tolerance and durability.


 Angel-type monsters excelled in the power of exorcism and defense, but Dunamis entirely specialized in the defense aspect.


...... Anna, you have thoroughly filled the Pegasus Knight's loophole. It appears that the failure in the battle with the Mother Goat had been deeply etched in her heart.


Now, what to do?


 Eliza's immortality will be broken...... the sun is rising, so it doesn't matter to begin with, the problem is the Pegasus Knight's ridiculous combat power.


 The maximum combat power of an Elf was 920, to which Dunamis' 1680 combat power would be added, totaling 2600 ....... Add to that Pegasus' strength and speed with 860 combat power, and it can deliver six times the destructive power at any given moment.


 This would be a complete overkill. It really was a brain-muscle configuration that said strength equals power.


 Even if I reinforce our defense with Dullahan, it would be paper-thin in the face of the Pegasus Knight's overwhelming destructive power.


 The only thing that could counter it would be the full synchronization of Renge and Yuki, but even then, it is uncertain whether they could hold the Pegasus, which specializes in strength and speed. I mean, Yuki will not be able to take on the Elf when they keep sniping with her bow from the air.


 Against this type of opponent, it is standard practice to attack with status ailments, but Anna also has the countermeasure to that.


 ......Heh. I laughed a little.


What should I do......? I have no idea how to overcome this.


If there's one thing I can do.......


 After a few seconds of silent contemplation, I put back Renge, Mea, and Suzuka, leaving Yuki, Eliza, and Athena.


"Hee......, you chose Athena. She seems to have a heavy negative skill set, but let's see what she can do. ....But, I didn't expect you to pull back Renge-chan."






 When I didn't answer, Anna also perceived something, and the tension increased without a word.


 Oribe saw us like that and said,


"Hmmm. It looks like the trigger to start the game is lacking. Then I will give you my signal."








 We moved at the same time the moment we heard the signal.


 First, Yuki bent down and disappeared from sight in an instant. At the same time, Eliza activated [Shield of Devotion] and Athena summoned Nike.


 On the other hand, Anna wrapped herself in Dunamis straight away and let the Elf snipe me, aiming for a direct attack.


 The platinum armor of Dunamis blocked the blow of Yuki, who appeared behind Anna at super speed due to Shukuji, and Eliza's [Shield of Devotion] blocked the snipe.


......Tsk, it was read after all.


"Huhu, as I thought, aiming for a direct attack. Well, the only drawback to the Pegasus Knight here is that in a three-on-three battle, the master is left defenseless. Naturally, Senpai would see through this. If it were four against four, I could have welcomed Senpai with a perfect lineup, but alas..."


 Anna, who had noticed my small click of the tongue, said with an annoyingly smug look on her face.


Hmph, say what you want. At least now we've broken one corner of the trinity. ...... Instead, though, the Elf has taken off to the skies on the Pegasus.


 Staring at the Elf, who was raining arrows from above toward us, I said,


"Nike, use the [Laurel Crown] on Eliza."


"Huh?!! Why are you commanding Nike, my servant?!"


 Athena's cheeks puffed up at my words.


 Apparently, she was annoyed that I went over her head and gave Nike instructions.


 I thought this was not the time for this, but I bowed my head to her pride as a goddess.


"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. Athena, could you tell Nike to use the [Laurel Crown]?"


"Even though I have lost my power, I will not allow you to disrespect me as a goddess! ......Nike, do it for me."


"I understand. ......Athena-sama who can't read the air even though she's in the middle of a battle is too cute, isn't she, hu~ hu~"


 While muttering something in the latter part, Nike gave the blessing to Eliza, who continued to do her best to defend against the rain of arrows with her shield of devotion.


 A crown made of luminous bay leaves descended on the beautiful vampire's head, and her entire body became enveloped in a pale blessed light.


 This greatly boosted Eliza's stats and also allowed her to temporarily raise one of her general-purpose skills to a higher level. It was the [Intermediate Auxiliary Magic] that was upgraded.


 Immediately, Eliza employed Protection, an advanced auxiliary magic. This was defensive magic that completely blocked medium-level attacks and greatly reduced advanced-level attack/offensive magic as well.


 This greatly reduced the pressure of the attacks that her [Shield of Devotion] received.


 Furthermore, Nike herself also took turns putting up Protection, thereby closing the void in each other's chanting time.


 With this, our protection should be perfect. ...... Although, we will have to stay on until Pegasus is finished.


 Until then, Yuki needs to tear down Dunamis's defenses.


 Yuki was in the midst of a fierce battle with the Dunamis-clad Anna.


"Guhhhh?! How can a C-ranked Lycanthrope stand firm against a B-ranked Dunamis?! The synchro rate isn't that high, but I'm using synchro too! I knew there was something wrong with Senpai's cards!"


 Anna was clearly flustered, but the sword blows that she delivered were sharp and heavy.


 The advanced-level equipping skills can not only eliminate the obvious weakness of the master on the battlefield, but can also transform the master into a first-rate warrior depending on the acquired skills.


 Additionally, Anna had been taught self-defense skills since childhood. It was no ordinary feat to break down her defenses, as she used techniques specialized for defending oneself.


 Yuki also tried to confuse Anna by feinting with the bunshin/clone technique or by using the earth and water jutsu to create a surprise attack from the ground or water, but she was still unable to break down Anna's strong defenses.


 Looking up in the sky, the Pegasus had gradually been moving faster, and the power of the arrows had been increasing in heft along with it. ....I think it is almost ready for the charging power to be maxed out.


 Once the charging power is maxed out, Anna will probably suggest surrendering.


 If that happens, I have to accept it. Do not persist until the cards are Lost. That is the manner of a mock battle.


 Somehow, we need to break down Anna's defense before then.


There is no choice ...... it may appear a little weird, but I should use full synchronization.......


Yuki, [Wolf Clothing] and [Awakening of Instinct].


Yes, Master.


Now, I hope no one will notice the unnaturalness of the increase in combat power.....




"Kh! Turning into a werewolf here, huh......?!"


 Anna voiced her irritation at Yuki, whose body was rapidly growing.


"Then, us too!"


 With that declaration, countless wings of light rained down on Anna's cards.


 ...... Did she just use [Miracles on Earth] to boost their defenses?


"Fufu, with this, it won't be easy to--?!"


 Before Anna could finish talking, Yuki's fist slammed into her abdomen ......, or rather her entire upper body due to the size difference.


 Yuki, now a werewolf, stood at nearly five meters, easily exceeding four meters, and was one size larger than a normal lycanthrope.


 The blows delivered from her huge body were no longer point-blow strikes, but rather full-on VIOLENT strikes.


 Even so, her blows were sharp and fast, despite her huge size.


“…Kh!? Gh?!?!?!”


 Anna, who could not follow the blows with her eyes at all, noticed the attack only after she was hit and could only be confused.


 Yuki ran after Anna, who was rolling like a soccer ball, grabbed her body and pulled her straight up to her maw.


"......Surrender. Or I'll chew you up until your Dunamis is Lost."


"Hh?! Wha.....?!"


 Although Anna was not harmed, she was confused and didn't seem to grasp the situation.


 I've been wondering about this for some time now..., but this red-headed young lady tends to be vulnerable to unforeseen circumstances.


It can't be helped, let's put a little bit of a scare into her.


 I (as Yuki because we synchronize) put a lot of pressure on my jaw, and I let the great sword-like fangs sink a little deeper into the armor.


 Anna screamed at the sound of the cracks in the platinum armor,


"Hiii......! Fi, five hundred million armor is ......?!"


Is that the first thing you dread? No, I understand the feeling, but .......


 Then Oribe, who was watching from the sidelines, stopped the match,


"That's enough! The match is decided as a victory for Senpai! ......Anna, that's fine, right?"


"...Ah, yeah."


 Anna nodded her head in a daze, and I lowered her to the ground as I released her.


 After unequipping Dunamis, she slumped powerlessly into the seawater.


"Huh......? What does this mean? Isn't it weird ......?"


 Anna was mumbling something to herself.


"No matter how I think about it, it doesn't add up, does it? Lycanthrope's combat power is 800, and even if Senpai can use full synchronization, the maximum is about 1600. Dunamis' combat power is just over 1680 at this point, so there is actually not much of a difference in combat power. In fact, with our synchronization, we should have a slight advantage. ...... Even if there was an increase in stats due to werewolfication and the [Awakening of Instinct], it would have been covered to some extent by the increase in defenses due to the [Miracles on Earth]. It's weird....., no matter how I think about it, the difference in strength is not enough to be so one-sidedly beaten thoroughly......."




 At Anna's musings, I did my best to maintain a poker face, keeping my face from twitching.


 Rather than being sharp......, was it that unnatural?


"What does this mean? What in the world was that trick?"


"No, no, there's no such thing as a trick."


"Don't you say that! Come to think of it, even though Renge-chan has [Spiritual recurrence], she's too strong, isn't she? Maybe... it's a skill for which you know the conditions for acquiring......?


Ugh, that's not good. The spark even jumped to Renge!


"No, no, no, there really are no tricks. ...It's bad manners to probe too much into other people's cards, you know?"


"....If it's not the card, is it a new Link? Now that I think about it, I forgot to ask, but how did you know the location of the Hound Master who was embedded in the Mother Goat in one shot at that time? It's not like you hit it in the stomach by accident and found the Hound Master there, was it?"




 Anna's doubts were unrelenting, perhaps having been harboring doubts for some time, and her pursuit of them was severe.


  But, both Perfect Link and [Breakthrough of Limits] of Renge and Yuki are secrets that I cannot disclose to anyone else. It can't be revealed no matter what.


 Perhaps reading my firm determination from my expression, Anna changed her course of attack,


"...... Of course, I won't say it's for free. I promise to pay you something that is befitting the information."


"I told you that was nothing. The whole thing with the Hound Master was just a coincidence too, really."


"......A, a little is fine, I think... something n, naughty for the reward, I guess?"




An unexpected orijikake?!


 I thought I heard a slight, very slight crack in my resolve, which should have been as hard as a rock.


 But on this one, that was not enough to make me nod my head.


 [Breakthrough of Limits] is a skill I don't exactly understand, and the Perfect Link is my trump card in the truest sense of the word.


 It has to be at least a super-naughty reward, not just a little bit naughty......


"----Leave it at that, Anna."


 And that was where Oribe's intercept came in.


"Whether it's information about rare skills or personal Links, it's not something you should force them to talk about, even if you're close. If you're going to do it in exchange for your body, you're going to be subjected to all kinds of perverted play. "


"Uh...... true, Senpai seems like a pervert."


  Anna glanced at me and looked terrified. Even though there was no evidence, what an accusation! I was outraged.


I really wish they wouldn't say such a thing until they see my search history. If they see it, well, I guess I can't really complain......


"That's why, give it up for now."




 Anna nodded grudgingly.


 I had a mixed feeling. I felt relieved but also like I had lost a very valuable opportunity.......


 Oribe turned around and looked at me. There was a smile on her face that reminded me of a carnivore.


"Now, Senpai."


"Wh, what...?"


"The flow has gone haywire, but the mock race should continue. Oh boy, just before you could breathe a sigh of relief after getting through the battle with Anna, her companion rushed over to take her place. Now, what do you do?"


 Saying so, Oribe called out Tsucchi and the Honoikazuchi no Kami.


 My face twitched at the hint of a continuous battle.





[Tips] Toilet circumstances in the dungeon


 Trash in the dungeon basically does not disappear unless it is cleaned up by humans. it is common etiquette for adventurers to take their trash home with them, but there are some cases where this is not possible. In other words, the excrement.


 In the safe zones on each floor, there are temporary toilets installed by the Self-Defense Forces when they surveyed the dungeons, and these toilets are great because they instantly cleanse the waste with the effect of magic items, but outside the safe zones, adventurers must dispose of their own excrement by themselves.


 Most amateur adventurers will hold out until they reach a safe zone or, in the worst case, dig up and bury their own waste, however, it is common practice for adventurers to carry a portable toilet.


 Most professional and semi-professional adventurers who have the money to spare tend to carry their own carded private toilets.


 As a side note, many dungeons in foreign countries do not have toilets temporarily set up in safe zones, and the sanitary conditions in these areas are, to put it mildly, is hellish.




Sign for time out

Bocchi: be always all alone or isolated (or such people)

Shukuji: A magic method of contracting space

Laurel Crown: A mark of glory that Nike gives to the victor of the battle. Doubles the target's status, temporarily nullifies status ailments, and increases the rank of general-purpose skills by one. Contains advanced auxiliary magic.

Orijikake: use of seductive techniques to get what they want


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