Tuesday, September 24, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Epilogue Part 2

Volume 3

Epilogue Part 2

Gold is Gloomy and Lapis Lazuli Runs Wild with Righteous Indignation at Night 2

Translator : PolterGlast

The obsidian blade was swung down, scattering the glow of the night sky as it disappeared into the surroundings.




Releasing his lingering mind along with his burning emotions, he watched Kugai Bakufu fade away.

It was a divine artifact that could create Genrei's divine domain regardless of its location. It was a divine artifact with extraordinary powers, but it was also correspondingly heavy.


After all, instead of being pulled out from deep within the heart, it was pulled down from the heavens.

In proportion to its power of manifestation, its operation was nothing short of sluggish.


Genrei, who was originally standing in a place where even the descent of a god was not expected, was losing her presence as the connection to the divine domain was severed.


But there was still a little more time.

The girl with the black obsidian glow, still hesitant, pulled on Akira's sleeve.


"A-Akira. Umm..."


"Long time no see, Kuro-sama..."


"Genrei is fine. Ah, do you dislike my divine name?"


Tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes, dripping down in countless streaks of despair.

Akira shook his head with a troubled expression at the emotion reflected in that expression.


If he were to be asked whether likes and dislikes, it would probably be in the category of likes.

However, the problem is that things had passed the stage of simply all about that matter.


His gratitude, his foundation as Akira, and even the intense sense of reality of having lived, all of that was in Shumon Province.


"N-No. Let's go back to my sanctuary.

Will you go back with me?"


"It won't be possible right away. But will you allow me to visit Kuroyouden sometime soon?"


"U, uuuuuuu..."


Clinging with overflowing emotion, Genrei buried her face in Akira's bosom in an attempt to hold on to what little time she had left.


At that moment.

With the disappearance of the divine artifact, the connection to the Divine Domain was severed.


"Ah, Akira. About Kannamesai-..."


The ability to rewrite the laws of the world was a miracle only possible with the power of the Kugai Bakufu.


Now that the divine artifact had disappeared, no matter how much the divine pillar wished, the world would not allow Genrei to stand in this place that was not Mount Kayanowa.


Leaving behind a momentary flicker, Genrei returned to the divine realm.

After witnessing this to the end, Akira collapsed on the spot.


"Are you okay, Akira? You've worked hard."


"Saki, ...Yes."


They had both gone through a lot.

But for Akira, the most pressing issue was what happened right after this.


Although he was happy to reunite with Genrei, as Kihoin Shion had warned, it did not become a time to rekindle their old friendship.

It was also true that Shuka didn't want that to happen.


What should I do?

Saki reached out to Akira, who was lowering his gaze in endless worries.


"Come on, let's get up first. You know that answers won't come just by groaning here, right?"


"Of course."


"That's good then.

I've got a difficult problem, myself."


Akira stood up, touching Saki's hand.

Saki smiled wryly, barely felt Akira's weight on her fingertips.


"Speaking of which, about the naginata..."


"I returned Pārijāta to the depths of my heart.

Ravana has banished it, so I can't even draw it now, but the connection is not severed, so it should be okay."




Although Saki was stating that it was a divine artifact, her tone was casually nonchalant.

Akira's reaction was slightly delayed due to her natural response.


Akira's eyes widened as a spirit in the form of a young girl manifested behind Saki.


Although not as powerful as Kanna-no-Mikura, divine spirit user is a rare existence.

Since Souma is also stood in that field, it is certain that no one will be born for the next decades.


"S-Saki, that girl..."


"Ah, Ezuka-hime?

After making a promise with Sita, Ezuka-hime was promoted."


No. Before that, Akira had confirmed that Ezuka-hime was not a divine spirit.

Although high-ranking spirits and divine spirits are categorized under the same category of high-ranking spirits, the difference between them is clear.


Moreover, Akira had never heard of a mere high-ranking spirit being promoted to a divine spirit.

As he was about to question what was going on, Akira took a step towards the two girls who were smiling at each other.


The laughing girls avoided his steps and stepped out onto the slope of the grove of trees.

Their toes danced softly, kicking against the stones as they slid down the slope.


Following behind, Akira kicked down the slope and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Saki.


In the distance, beyond the grove of trees, they could catch a glimpse of the lights of the Central Capital.

Using only that as a guide, Saki and Akira headed for the foot of the mountain.


There were no breaks in the city lights, and there were no signs of any major fires.

Relieved by that fact alone, Saki and Akira looked at each other and sighed in relief.


"Most of the people must be safe."


"I hope so, but it's nighttime so we don't know the details."


"——That's true. But we've defeated Ravana. The only thing I'm worried about is that Giant Ogre."


Recalling Kankyō Dōji who had attacked them on Mount Kayanowa, Akira nodded in agreement.

However, in truth, Akira wasn't too worried about that.


"The divine artifact that Nakiri-senpai possesses, Hyakkimaru, has the power to defeat any ogre species. Since that Giant Ogre cannot escape from that category, I believe there is a 99% chance that he will win by a landslide."


"......I see."


There is one more thing to be concerned about. The outcome of the Hyakki Yagyo that has invaded Central Capital.

Among them, the horde of Giant Ogre that Kankyō Dōji had used as a decoy to invade Cornerstone Mountains. Although they were decoys, they were a force that could not be ignored.


It was still fresh in her memory that during the Hyakki Yagyo caused by the Kutsunagahara Phenomenon, only one of them had appeared and calmly confronted Saki and Ryōta.


Saki found it difficult to be optimistic that the lax Imperial Guard and the garrison of the Central Capital could suppress the Hyakki Yagyo led by Giant Ogres.


As if reading Saki's concerns from her expression, Akira returned a smile.


"I think that won't be a problem either.

On Shiro-sama's orders, Captain Asogi and Kuga are heading to Mount Kayanowa on foot.

Once they've finished the first aid, Yuge-sama will also join them as reinforcements, so it should be over by now."


Saki let out a big sigh as Akira comforted her.

Battles are unpredictable. Although they couldn't let their guard down until the end, it's safe to say that all their concerns have been taken care of.


"If it's Uncle Asōgi, he'll be fine.

Hey, Akira. Once we've reported to Tsuguho-sama, let's take a break."


"Can we? I think it would still be a difficult situation."


If Ravana's words were true, at least two Hyakki Yagyo had traversed the Central Capital.

The damage must be considerable and it was easy to imagine the confusion.


Saki was also concerned about that. But more than that, Saki was worried about Akira's situation.


"There's nothing we can do by worrying about it.

More importantly, now that the Kokuten Province, or rather, the Giōin family, knows about Akira, I'm sure they'll definitely get in touch with us to settle things."




There is no doubt about that.

Recalling Genrei's tears from earlier, a bitter taste mixed with Akira's reply.


The sound of nostalgia and a slight pain.

What should Akira do from now on? The only person who could answer that question was Akira himself.


Saki looked sideways at Akira's profile.


What had happened? What was he thinking?

Saki tried her best to act normal to disguise the fact that she was entranced by his profile, which had rapidly matured in less than a day's time.


"A~aa. Despite our best efforts to hide it, Akira-kun just went ahead and spilled everything.

I wish you would know a little of the hardships we went through."


"Well, umm ...sorry."


Akira's tone was flustered, perhaps losing his composure.

Finding the same Akira as before in that expression, Saki felt an immense sense of relief deep inside.


That's why she didn't want to let go of that expression, didn't want to forget it,

She smiled mischievously and peered into Akira's eyes.


"Ehh~, just apologizing?

You think that's enough, after all the hard work I going through?"


"E-Eh. But, other than that..."


Her gaits were light.

The shadow of the girl danced over the shadow of the boy, who tried to move out of his confusion.


"Then. Take me to a cafe."


"A cafe?"


"I remember Nakiri-senpai bragging that he went to his favorite cafe with you, Akira-kun. Places like that aren't places where girls can go, even if we want to. So, would you take me there?"


"That's, umm ...Yes."


"Alright. That's a promise."


Akira was overwhelmed by Saki's gaze, unable to come up with a convincing argument.

As he pondered what to do, the radiant smile the girl directed at him made him only able to move the words he had formed in his mouth.


At that time, when cafes had just appeared, they were more than just places to enjoy coffee; they were very much considered social gatherings for adults.

Naturally, it was uncommon for women to go there, and it had a stimulating connotation for men and women to visit together.


In other words, wasn't it a date?


Akira wondered if Saki was aware of this fact.

If she didn't know and said it out of ignorance, he should have rejected it somehow...


...No, wait. Would it be rude to reject it if she knew?


While the young man was agonizing over the dilemma, Saki lightly turned her gaze back to the distant lights of the Central Capital.


Suddenly, they stopped in their tracks as a glow of lapis lazuli blocked their path.


The lapis lazuli glow was flexible and strong, shining brightly far above.

Thin, multi-colored rays danced in the night sky.




They couldn't even utter the words.

As the two of them involuntarily stopped walking and looked upward, the spiritual power emitting the lapis lazuli glow disappeared into the ground.



A burst of spiritual light exploded in the trees beyond where Akira and Saki were headed.


With a single flash of intent to cut everything apart, it crossed the air and bared its fangs at Akira and Saki without making a sound.


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