Friday, September 20, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Epilogue Part 1

Volume 3

Epilogue Part 1

Gold is Gloomy and Lapis Lazuli Runs Wild with Righteous Indignation at Night 1

Translator : PolterGlast

The Central Capital Sacred Precinct, Santenryō (mountaintop ridge).


Whoosh. A gentle breeze, whispering softly, ruffles the surface of the lake.

A natural breeze that caresses the cheeks. Takamikura-hime-gimi, seated on the sacred rock, smiled slightly.


A natural breeze is something that shouldn't exist in the sacred precincts of Santeneryō.

The fact that the wind coming from the mortal world conveyed meant that a considerable extent of the surface of the sacred precinct ruled by the golden girl had been exposed.



"—The Kugai Bakufu has descended."


The sky, colored azure towards the zenith. Takamikura-hime-gimi looked up at the black obsidian canopy that covered everything in sight.

Divine artifact of the heavenly canopy that descended for the first time in the mortal world. The girls of the sanctuary involuntarily let out exclamations of admiration.


"Fufu. The fulfillment of a thousand-year prophecy. Even if it has existed for a long time, the moment when it is fulfilled is still very satisfying."


"It has yet to be settled, though..."


"It's already decided. Once the divine artifact of the tortoiseshell descends, the outcome will be unshakable.

No matter how Ravana may try to manipulate the situation, the end is as good as decided."


"Is that so?"


Two people are standing in the sanctuary, excluding Takamikura.

One of them. A girl who serves beside her, said so to Takamikura.


A white blindfold covered her eyes, with the yin-yang symbol and a bell family crest dyed in the center. It was impossible to tell what kind of emotion was floating in the girl's eyes through the cloth.


Upon hearing Utanomiya Aya's words, Takamikura's golden eyes, which could discern the truth, shook with laughter.


Haa. At this sight, the last woman deliberately let out a sigh.

It was tinged with a strong sense of sarcasm rather than a sigh.

Her furrowed brow seemed to foreshadow the future troubles of the commotion that would follow.


"...Regarding this matter. Even if you are the 'Hime-sama', I would have liked to hear a word or two."


"Sorry. No matter how well I devised a plan, the enemy's victory remained unshakable.

Well, it was worth hiding my youngest daughter's Kanna-no-Mikura and forcibly giving him the Celestial Throne."


"Is that really the truth? After all, it is I who must explain to the Four Sovereigns."


The woman's eyes, colored in black and red, signifying neutrality, were filled with worry.

They are the three Imperial Families that ruled the Central Capital of Central Province.

Tsukinomiya Amane, the head of Tsukinomiya, glared at Takamikura.


She didn't want to criticize the divine pillar she served, but it couldn't be helped. After all, she had only learned of what Ravana, the divine pillar of Bharatush, was aiming for a few hours ago.


Although she could understand that it couldn't be helped, the fact that she was being left out of the picture as the head of Tsukinomiya was not something that she felt good about.


Moreover, the oracle was given a thousand years ago.

The golden girl, however, pouted in response to the natural resentment directed at her by Amane.


"It couldn't be helped. No matter how hard I searched for the oracle, my victory was not certain.

The scales of victory began to waver only after I chose to stop giving the oracles to the Tsukinomiya and Fujinomorimiya."


"The ability to disguise oneself and sneak into the human world. —The Nine Dharma Treasures Canon, you say? There aren't many divine artifacts as powerful as that."


If it infiltrated the social foundation within the Central Capital, it would be difficult to deal with, even for Tsukinomiya.

The governance of the Three Imperial Palaces and Four Sovereigns is undoubtedly strong, but the fact remains that it is maintained by humans.


Whether it was the Tsukimiya or the Fujimori-miya, as soon as either of them learned of the oracle, their movements would have been revealed to Ravana.

Through this incident, she was made to realize that although Ravana's direct power was not great, her authority was immense.


"......She dedicated herself to a solitary struggle. It's only natural, isn't it?"


The feats of the divine pillars are generally arduous, but Ravana's is on a completely different level.

She cut off nine of her own necks and burned her divinity. This ascetic practice, which was equivalent to suicide, also brought with it a powerful ability.


"We (Tsukunomiya) understand, but please apologize to Fujinomorimiya (Kaori) later.

Because she was left alone in the situation and still had to run around outside."


"I know that."


Of the three, the one who suffered the most from this incident was undoubtedly Fujinomorimiya, who was entrusted with military affairs.

Despite being responsible for defense, they were caught off guard and allowed the Hyakki Yagyo to invade the Central Capital.


They couldn't get away with saying they didn't know. It was obvious that the old families, who had recently become bolder even within the court, would pursue the issue of Fujinomorimiya's responsibility.


"Yes. Therefore, I have given the actual power of the Imperial Guard to the old families and those who are connected to them.

No matter how eagerly they try to attack, I have also arranged it so that the final responsibility will go to the old families."


"......Is that why you have been slow to respond to the tyranny of the old families in recent years?

That's good then. It's about time the old families remembered who rules Central Province."


Aya, standing at the foot of Takamikura, chuckled.

Amane shook her head slightly, looking at the young girl who was barely reaching the age of 20.


Regaining her composure, she turned her gaze back to the north-northeast.

As she watched, the canopy filled with the black obsidian glow disappeared silently.

Is things finally settled?


If what Takamikura-hime-gimi said was true, then this should be the end of the Hyakki Yagyo that shook Takamagahara, which had descended a thousand years ago.


The blue sky deepened in color and returned to its original crimson. The mysterious color of twilight did not last long, and the night sky spread out there, leaving only a slight trace of regret.


"Kanna-no-Mikura, huh? And the Celestial Throne at that. Was there really a way to intentionally create it?"


"It was a coincidence. ...As far as that's concerned.

I can't use the same method twice."


"I don't think it was necessary to go to such lengths though."


It was only a few decades ago that she learned of the upcoming birth of Kanna-no-Mikura.

It was difficult to interfere, and the most she could do was manipulate the information submitted to the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs.


It was understandable why Takamikura sought Kanna-no-Mikura's help, as the oracle said that her defeat was all but certain.

Kanna-no-Mikura. A being who was promised freedom in all things. Even in rewriting a fixed oracle.


But, to go as far as creating a Celestial Throne is overkill.

Amane expressed her bitterness about a method that she heard required considerable sacrifice.


But even so, the reply that came from Takamikura remained unwavering.


"It was necessary.

Especially if the God Slayer's power (Rakuyō Zakuro) were wielded, we would have been deadlocked without anything we could do."


"God Slayer, you say?"


"That means severing the concept that the divine pillar bears.

Killing Ravana would have caused her concepts in this mortal world to be lost."


From the perspective of Akira and the others, it would probably be seen as nothing more than a divine artifact that ignores even the divine protection of a divine pillar.

But that is not the true essence of it.


Because severing the concept of a divine pillar, that is, the concept that the divine pillar represents, also means losing that concept.


Ravana's concept.

"To say, 'Be just human'. ...There was a possibility that humans would cease to be human."


"There was no concrete proof, but there was a strong possibility that this would happen.

As an insurance measure against such a possibility, it would be necessary to perform spirit birth."


That is the greatest privilege of the Celestial Throne. The connection between the Age of the Gods and the present day, the aspect called the pile driver that separates and connects the divine pillar and humans.


"Bringing down the Age of the Gods is also dangerous for humans."


"But we can't hasten the departure of the gods.

That's why I granted the Pārijāta, the thorn that guides the Ocean Milk, to my daughter."


"...Even though it was to avoid the worst-case scenario, it left a considerable grudge between Gioin and Kihouin."


"Even if we try to intercede, it depends on Akira's will in the first place."


Amane avoided mentioning it, simply sighing at the decision that could be considered an act of ignoring.

Because that is the only thing that can be done when it comes to Kanna-no-Mikura.


The right of freedom possessed by Kanna-no-Mikura. The divine pillars, as well as ordinary mortals, will accept whatever decision Akira makes.

In the end, it is up to Akira to decide and open up the future.


"I understand for the most part. For now, let's hurry up with the Kannamesai Festival.

No matter how it goes, there will be trouble afterwards."


"Hmm. —Ah, a last-ditch struggle, huh?"


She turned her gaze to the distant direction dyed in the darkness of night.

Following Amane's gaze, Takamikura shook her shoulders and laughed amusedly.


The light of the eternal night is weak but certain,

But at the moment when the last embers are extinguished, it will surely regain its final brightness.



He glided down the slope, leaping high into the air.

He took deep breaths as he weaved his way through the gaps between the approaching trees.


As he galloped at a comfortable pace, something deep inside his heart returned a boiling energy.


The never-ending heat that was being burned was black and sticky, accumulating in his belly.

At the same time, pure joy mixed with the new energy.


He didn't know where that emotion came from.

To be honest, he had simply started running, following the impulse that was driving him forward.


He refined the spiritual energy circulating through his body and accelerated by the exhalation.

Transforming into a gust of wind, he flew across the ground, leaving the trees reflected in his field of vision behind.


Haa~. He exhaled the scorched emotion mixed with spiritual light and let it drift away.

Roughly and hastily urged on by his excessive passion, he reached for his own spirit weapon.


He snipped the koiguchi. Roughly, even from a familiar gesture.

A brilliance of spiritual power overflowed from the slightly exposed blade.


It was more like a pure desire for revenge.

Without a shred of doubt, he naively declared it justice.


He had no idea beyond the end of his own distorted emotions.


If he dared name this emotion, which he did not even know the name of,

He would call it righteous indignation.



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