Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Can a Mob Highschooler be a Normie: Chapter 81


Mob Kousei No Ore Demo Boukensha Ni Nareba Riajuu Ni Naremasuka: Chapter #81

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain




Episode 81: The Race Begins!




 The Adventurers' Club training camp was over, and the next day was spent resting. Then, the fifteenth day of the summer vacation arrived.


 Finally, the day of the race was here.


 The Tokyo Dome dungeon arena, the starting point of the race, was crowded with as many as 100 three-star adventurers, and a tense atmosphere that was almost murderous was in the air.


 As I looked around while doing my warm-up preparations, I noticed that most players were alone, meditating or doing preparatory exercises. Still, a few people gathered together in groups and chatted.


 Although I could not hear what they were talking about due to the soundproofing, I guessed that they were not simply deepening their friendship.


 The fact that there were players who had already established groups and were planning a strategy had given a strong sense of caution to the players around them.


 There were three main reactions to this.


 Those who quietly kept to themselves while preparing their own state, as if it was none of their business.


 Those who went around talking to others, saying that they, too, should build friendships.


 Finally, the majority of the players simply looked around, concerned, wondering, “What should I do, should I make friends too...?”


 Among them, I belonged to the minority, the 'quiet and just conditioning themselves' camp.


 The reason was simple: there was little point in forming a group now.


 Those already in groups must have known each other before the race or have pre-arranged and formed teams for this race.


 They must already have talked about the distribution of rewards after the race and will be working extremely efficiently.


 On the other hand, those who formed their group now would have to start by discussing the distribution of rewards and the division of roles. Even if they do reach an agreement, there is no guarantee that it will be adhered to, and they will simply run the risk of breaking up the group.


 I commend them for their initiative in moving quickly here, but they were a step or two behind those who had already formed their own groups. Even compared to soloists like me who have made preparations and come up with a plan to win on their own, they were probably one step behind in terms of determination and preparation.


 The last camp was out of the question. They do not have a strategy to win alone, nor do they have the drive to create a group here and now. It was already clear that their primary goal was to survive the race safely not to lose their cards.


 Among the three-star adventurers present here, these people belong to the lower ranks.


 They were now as good as tributes to the groups and soloists for earning stars.


 While I was observing my surroundings in this manner, a young man in an eccentric outfit with a camera held by his monster card - probably a Silky, since she was wearing a maid's outfit - approached me.


“Ee~, everyone is very tense, as I expected. ...I wonder if anyone would be interested in talking to me. Ohh, I found a celeb. I think he'll be okay. I'll talk to him."


 At the same time that I had a bad feeling about that remark, a man who looked like a dungeon tuber started talking to me. He had two-tone red and black hair, a clown-like phantom mask, and a very flashy appearance.


This guy... I've seen him before. He's not as bad as the flaming types, but he does get into flames from time to time......, right, he's a dungeon tuber called 'Solomon' or something like that.


"Hello! You are Kitagawa-san, the student tournament champion, right? Do you have a few minutes to talk?”


Solomon greeted me in an affable voice and a surprisingly polite manner.


I hesitated about how to respond, but in the end, I decided to talk normally.


 Solomon had a lot of haters, but also a lot of fans in general. Instead of responding poorly and risking a malicious edit and having the fans latch onto me, I should play it safe and slide away.


"Um... it is fine."


"Thank you! I'm actually filming as a dungeon tuber, is it okay if I tape it? Of course, if you are not okay with it, I'll cut this footage."


"Well, as long as it's before the race starts... Erm, you must be Solomon-san, right?"


"Oh! You're watching my video! Thank you! Uwaa, I'm so happy!"


 I mentioned his name before he introduced himself, just to flatter him, and it was easy to see how it elevated his spirits.


“Well, sometimes. I've been so busy lately that I haven't seen much, though."


"No, no! In fact, I'm glad you know my name! Kitagawa-san has been the talk all over the place. From the discovery of [Spiritual recurrence] to solving a heinous crime! ...Are there any other team members here today?"


“No, it's just me.”


 Hearing my answer, Solomon sighed in relief.


Hearing my answer, Solomon sighed in relief.


"Ah! That's good! Well, if the members who caught the Houndmaster are all here, there's no way I could win! No, but Kitagawa-kun alone is still a formidable competitor!"


"No, no. I'm already lucky if I can reach the finish line."


"No, no, no, no, that's not true! You're the favorite to be the champion!"


…… A favorite to be the champion, huh?


 Since this was a type of MonColo, the process and the winners were subject to betting.


 The most basic betting method was to divide the 100 players into 20 groups and predict whether any one of them could finish in 1st place or the top three.


 The groups were made up of an assortment of well-known and unknown players, and the odds were determined primarily by the popularity of each of the players.


 The ten most popular players, in order of popularity, were considered the favorites to win this year's contest.


 ...By the way, all of these ten players were recommended by the program, and I was about the third or fourth most popular. So, some people still consider me a favorite to win.


I have some popularity, but not so much that I am the front-runner.


 Solomon lifted me up a little, then said,


“......This is a very impolite request, but could you show me the deck you will use today?”


 He begged me with his hands together.


......Here it comes, at last, the real point. There's no way I can show it, you idiot!


 I swore inwardly, then folded my arms and pretended to be thinking about it for at least a minute.


“........................Mmm, I guess that's a tough one.”


"Please! I swear I won't let anyone catch it during this race! I swear! If I break it, I'll quit being a dungeon tuber!"


You will post it online as a video after the race, right? No way I will reveal that.


"Hmm, I see............"


 Then I pretended to be contemplating hard about it for another minute.


"Hmm, after all, I think I can't do it. I don't think it is good if I show it to Solomon-san. In fact, I consider you my biggest competitor."


"No, no, no, no, I'm not even close to Kitagawa-kun, really! Okay, think of it as a handicap! I'm sure the people watching the video will be very happy!"


You keep saying things you don't mean. I won't expose my cards for the sake of your video's rating. That's why I don't like dungeon tubers.


They have a lot of influence and the power to spread their opinions, which is very troublesome.


"Ah, handicap? I'd rather have you with a handicap, you see."


"Isn't a handicap given to the higher-ranked player? If it's too hard to show it because we're competitors, why don't you team up with me? If we teamed up, we would definitely finish in first and second place!"


.................. Oh, maybe this was the real plan all along?


 I glanced at the program staff. ......A little more, huh?


“Hmm, isn't it a hassle to share the rewards when you work with other people?”


"I think we can divide it equally. We can discuss it in detail along the way, right?"


 And, Solomon proposed that we split up in the middle as a strategy. It seems like he's going to use me and throw me away. I guess this is not his real purpose after all.




 As I crossed my arms and pretended to think, Solomon gradually got impatient toward me.  “Don't dwell on every single thing, you idiot! If you are an adventurer, make a decision quickly!" It was as if I could hear his voice in my mind.


 I was blatantly stalling for time like that, when,


To all the players gathered here! I will now give you an additional explanation of the race and some rule changes, so please be quiet.



Finally, it was time for the race to begin.


"Ah, I see the time has come. I'm sorry, but it seems there's not enough time for us to talk about teaming up. Bye!"




 Ignoring the slight click of his tongue that I heard, I left the place with a relieved look.


Thank you for coming today. We have some additional explanations to make before we start the race. First of all, please receive the magic item that will be used during this race.


 As the emcee man said this, a sphere the size of a basketball with a propeller flew to each player.


 A sphere flew to me, dropped a watch-like object in my hand, and hovered around me.


What flew over to you is a camera eye that will take footage of the race and forward it to the management. As stated in the official rules, if the camera breaks, please return to the previous checkpoint as soon as possible. Please note that if you go to the next checkpoint with a broken camera eye, it will be invalid. Now then, please take a look at the clock-shaped magic item in your hand.


 Asked by the emcee, I dropped my gaze to my hand. The watch-shaped magic item had a simple design, silver-colored, with only a rectangular black crystal-like object on the watch part.


 It was said to be a magic item, but how in the world is it used?


The magic item you are looking at is called Card Gear, a new product from Emerald Tablet Company. The person in charge will be here to explain its functions in detail.


 The emcee stepped back, and a beautiful woman in a suit and career-woman look went up the podium.


The Emerald Tablet Company..... it is the largest company in Japan that develops and sells artificial magic items.


 The Air conditioner pendant, the Magic stone generator, and the Mermaid's swimsuit I won from the packs were all developed and sold by this company.


My name is Sagawa and I am in charge of public relations for Emerald Tablet Company. I look forward to working with you. Please allow me to explain about the Card Gear. First of all, please put a drop of your own blood to the crystal for activation. A needle is stored in the side of the magic item.


 The players frowned for a moment at Sagawa-san's words, but then quietly used the needle to stab their fingers and drop a drop of blood on the crystal. There were obviously no adventurers here who would complain about dripping blood with a needle at this point.


 As blood dripped onto the Card Gear, a three-dimensional image of about 30 centimeters in height and 20 centimeters in width emerged from the Card Gear's crystal.


 I couldn't help but let out a startled “Ohh!".

It's kind of cool, like something from science fiction!


 The three-dimensional image had a number of icons lined up like a smartphone screen.


Next, please place one of your cards over the crystal. It will only take a moment.


 Then I tried to put Renge's card in contact with the crystal.


 And then .......


...Huh?! This is...




 The upper half of Renge's body appeared in the three-dimensional image.


“What is going on?"


I don't know...... it's like a window to the outside suddenly appears inside the card.


I see...... it's a magic item that allows you to talk to the card without summoning it. This is very convenient.


 Just as I was thinking like this, Sagawa-san said something that caught me off guard,


With Card Gear, you can now talk to your cards outside the dungeon, something you could only do inside the dungeon in the past.




 The place was abuzz with commotion.


 What did she just say? Did she say that we will be able to talk to the cards outside the dungeon?


Card Gear is a next-generation adventurer's equipment developed based on the concept of making it easier for people to become closer to their cards....... At present, the number of cards that can be registered is only eight, but we plan to gradually increase it.

 In addition to the conversational function with the cards, it has various functions such as auto-mapping function within the dungeon, rescue request function equivalent to the license, communication function with other Card Gear owners in the same dungeon. And as a new type of artificial magic item that is machine-free, it is not subject to [Mechanical Destruction] by gremlins.


I, see...... so, it's, like that.


 It had an auto-mapping function in the dungeon, rescue request..... and the characteristic of not being destroyed by gremlins.


 Obviously, it was a magic item that was developed under the influence of the Hound Master case.


Probably, it was not developed only by the Emerald Tablet Company... Behind the scenes, military technology is being appropriated by the country.


 Countermeasures against mechanical destruction by gremlins and other means have long been the biggest challenge for the militaries of various countries.


 If it is just gremlins, it would be enough to find and eliminate them first, but in dungeons of C-rank or higher, it is not uncommon for the floors themselves to have a machine-destroying effect. The difficulty level of the conquest surges simply because some of the dozens of floors have a machine-destroying effect.


 Therefore, every country has been researching countermeasures against mechanical destruction as a top priority.


 The most promising research project was the creation of artificial magic items that do not rely on machine operation.


 With the exception of those that were slightly modified from magic items found in dungeons, most of the artificial magic items that are currently being made incorporate microchips and circuits for control.


 When it was first announced, it made headlines: “At last, mankind can make magic items on their own!", but unfortunately, it was not the all-important countermeasure against mechanical destruction.


 A few years later, before long, it seemed that it had become possible to create artificial magical items that did not use machines at all.


 Until now, the military probably had a monopoly on this technology, but after the criminal case, the government decided to start appropriating it to private use.


 That was how seriously the government was taking the case of the Hound Master.


 I thought it was quite generous to offer a participation fee worth 10 million yen to each of the 100 adventurers, and to reward the top finishers with nearly 1 billion yen, no matter how big Catfight was...... I see, so the government and Emerald Tablet Company were the sponsors.


 Most likely, this race was also a final test for this Card Gear to see if it works properly, as well as a publicity stunt.


The Card Gear we handed out to everyone is a prototype in the development stage, but its performance is that of the high-end product. If you like it, please purchase the official version.


 Sagawa-san stepped back and the emcee stepped forward again.


The prototype Card Gear will only be usable by those who have registered their blood, so the Card Gear handed out this time will be given to you all free of charge by Emerald Tablet Company.


 Woow!! The crowd cheered and a burst of joyous applause was directed to Sagawa-san on the stage. She bowed her head in embarrassment at that.


 To get a pre-release product in advance....... I'm honestly happy about this.


Now, let us go back to the rest of the explanation of the race. In the race, you will use this Card Gear to choose between 'fight or flight' and enter the number of stars you wish to bet. The map app will also show you the distance and direction of checkpoint hints, so you can rely on that to help you reach the finish line.


 After explaining the detailed operational instructions for the Card Gear, he moved on to talk about the stages of the race.


First, I would like to inform you about the two dungeons you will face. ...... One is a daytime ocean-type dungeon in Tokyo Dome City LaQua, which is not far from here. The other is an underground dungeon a little distance away, in the Tokyo Station area.


 Upon listening to this, I looked at the location information sent to the map app. ......The distance to the underground dungeon is about 30 minutes one way by train plus walking.


 Even if I check the Guild's app for these two dungeons, there was no information on how to conquer them. In other words, they are secret dungeons that are not open to the public.


 I had expected this since there would be some drawbacks with dungeons open to the public, but this confirms what I had expected.


 Moreover, unlike lower-level secret dungeons, which are open to professional adventurers only, these secret dungeons are completely monopolized by the government.......


 I could feel the entire crowd of adventurers in here get excited. We could dive into secret dungeons which were usually closed to the outside world. It was natural for adventurers to be excited, regardless of the competition.


The dungeons are a little special, with a definite appearance of Vivilles in the ocean-type dungeon and several Carbuncles1 per floor in the underground dungeon.


Hey, hey......!  Viville, seriously?!


 In short, Viville is a monster that is a direct superior version of Carbuncle. When defeated, it increases the combat power of monsters participating in the battle to their growth limit and will definitely drop a diamond from its forehead.


 The diamonds are called 'Viville diamonds', and they can be traded for a minimum of 100 million yen. By giving them to cards, the cards could learn skills that would increase their fighting power.


Because of the expected disorder in the main battle on this occasion, there will be a one-hour bonus time at the lowest floor of each dungeon for the first one who arrives. During this bonus time, the following adventurers will not be allowed to enter the lowest floor. The prohibition will not be lifted even if they defeat the Boss within one hour. However, if they fail to defeat the Boss within one hour time, the first to arrive will be asked to leave the lowest floor and the second place to arrive will take their turn.


 So if you can kill the Boss in the blink of an eye, you can be ahead of your competitors for an hour.


 There's a lot of merit in being the first.


 I don't consider the latter case it is impossible for a player who is strong enough to arrive first to not be able to defeat the Boss.


Also, we will buy the Viville diamond for 100 stars and the Carbuncle garnet for 2 stars apiece. Of course, you can choose not to sell them to us and take them home with you.


 One hundred stars for the diamond and two stars for the garnet. Considering that several Carbuncles appear on each floor and that the dungeon has more than 25 floors, the total number of stars is probably greater in the underground dungeon.


 However, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to monopolize all the Carbuncles.


 Should I go for the Viville diamonds to get the 100 stars exclusively, or should I go to the underground dungeon to obtain a small portion of stars....?


That will be all for the explanation. The race will start in five minutes from now, at exactly 10:00 a.m.


 With these words, the emcee stepped back, and the adventurers began to finalize their preparations and review their strategies with each other in their groups.


 The groups, in particular, seemed to be in a bit of a panic because of the revelation of new information that could cause a deviation from their initial strategy.


 However, as the time drew nearer, the clamor died down, and about 30 seconds before, the place became completely quiet.




Race!! Staaaaaart!


 The starting buzzer rang loudly, and the players all took off running at once.





[Tips] Emerald Tablet Company


 A large company with the largest market share in Japan for the development and sale of magic items. Almost all of the magic items that Maro won in the pack were manufactured by this company. In addition to magic items, the company also sells a variety of goods for adventurers.


 With the motto of 'Making the world a better place', the company aims to create magic items closely related to daily life and is highly trusted by people, but behind the scenes, there are many black rumors.


 For some time, they have been working in secret with the government to develop magic items that cannot be destroyed by mechanical destruction, and now they released Card Gear which can be called the culmination of their efforts.


 This race also serves as an advertisement for the product.





Chilote mythology of southern Chile told that the carbuncle is the 'guardian of the metals'. The descriptions vary: a luminescent small dog; a luminescent bivalve; a cat with a luminescent chin; a greenish-red fiery light reminiscent of fireflies.


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