Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Can a Mob Highschooler be a Normie: Chapter 78


Mob Kousei No Ore Demo Boukensha Ni Nareba Riajuu Ni Naremasuka: Chapter #78

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain




Episode 78: The First Day of Training Camp (3)





"---- Adventurers each have something called an attribute that they are especially good at."


 At night (though it was still sunny around us), after having eaten dinner, we listened to Teacher's lecture on the art of Linking.


"Linking is the technique of overlapping the card and your mind. Therefore, the individual's preferences and disposition will inevitably influence the Link. For example, in the case of Oribe-san, she is good at Linking with the undead types due to her preference, and on the opposite end, Jushichiya-san has difficulty in Linking with the undead types. It is also common for a person to be good at Linking with a certain attribute due to their innate nature."


 In my case, for instance, because I have been using girl cards ever since I became an adventurer and because I personally like girl cards, it is by far easier for me to Link (such as synchronize) with them than with male cards. On the other hand, asexual cards are easier to Link with than male cards.


"The 'inborn attribute' is what being good at Linking due to one's disposition. When a person grows to be good at Linking due to personal preference or the use of a particular card, it is called an 'acquired attribute'.”


 The inborn attributes are unchanging, as they are innate, while the acquired attributes can change depending on the state of mind and the card usage.


 For example, an adventurer like me, who is good at using girl monster cards, may suddenly become bad at using girl cards if I receive a video letter from someone who slept with my girlfriend or something.


"To find out what your inborn attribute is, if you find a card that you have never used before but are strangely comfortable with, that's usually your attribute. This is easier to find the earlier you use the Link. If you can't find any other cards than your favorites, it is most likely that you are fortunate enough that your inborn attribute matches your acquired attribute. Maro is one of those types."


 I nodded in response to my Teacher's gaze.


I am lucky enough to have matching inborn and acquired attributes. It is not just out of a dirty mind that I have my party made up of girl monster cards.


This is a completely rational thought.


 I could hear some kid saying, Isn't it proof that you're a congenital pervert? but I will ignore that.


 By the way, Anna's inborn attribute is ‘virtue’, and her acquired attribute is angel/spirit type card. Oribe's innate attribute is ‘evil’, and his acquired attribute is demon/undead. Both of them have relatively uniform innate and acquired attributes.


 It should be noted that just as these two people with opposite attributes are close friends, there is no influence on their friendships due to their attributes as adventurers.


 It was not unlike the sort of thing that happened in games.


"Basically, the narrower the range of an attribute, the stronger the effectiveness of the attribute. For example, Oribe-san, who specializes only in a specific race of undead, has more distinct strengths and weaknesses than Maro, who is strong in all types of girl monster cards. But there is no clear evidence of this, as there are differences in the talent in the Link itself. I just have a feeling that's the case...... based on the general tendency of the military and adventurers as a whole."


 Teacher then tightened his expression and put on a serious air.


"The reason I have been talking about attributes that are well-known information to everyone is that these attributes have to do with the endpoint of the Link for adventurers."




 As my Teacher's mood changed, we straightened our posture to listen.


 From here on out, I heard the information for the first time.


"The Links used by adventurers--Personal (civilian) Links--are a small fraction of the things leaked from the Secret (military) Links.

The reason the military has left these leaks alone is that these are the Links that are most likely to be acquired naturally as you use your cards more and more. The 'Unique Link' that I am about to discuss is a technique that is as close as possible to the pinnacle of the personal Link, which is the result of pushing this Personal Link to its limits."


 The pinnacle in Personal Linking......


"The Unique Link is actually a Link that I have not yet acquired, so I only know about it as information............, but this Link, it is said that the effect is to 'awaken the adventurer's own skills'."




 That brought a bit of a shock to us.


"Wait a minute. Does that mean we will be able to use recovery magic like Renge and the others?"


"Not exactly," said Teacher, shaking his head.


"Unique Link is a Link that puts an effect like a card's skill on a card with your attribute. So it's a little different from being able to use your own skills. ......For example, some of the Unique Links I know of include: "The efficiency of training the cards of your own attribute increases dramatically," "Any number of cards of your own attribute can be fully synchronized," and "A single skill can be shared among all cards of your attribute". or "A single skill can be shared among all the cards of your attribute". Well, I don't know much about it because it's just hearsay. It seems that many of them have activation conditions."


What the, crazy! The last one, in particular, means that [Aegis Protection] of Athena will be able to be used by Renge and Eliza if it works? What about [Spiritual recurrence] and [Breakthrough of Limits]? ......But, it seems like it won't be that simple.


"It is said that a Unique Link is a Link unique to that adventurer who has taken his or her attributes to the limit. That's why there is only one Unique Link for each person, and your own inclinations will have a big influence on it. I hear that it is not possible to awaken it with the desire to have it. I guess this is another reason why some of them were omitted from the Secret Link. One of the rules of the Secret Link is that it's likely to be shared by the entire military."


"Unique Link, huh....... I've heard of it, but it sounds more and more like a psychic power."


 Everyone made a face at Anna's words, like, "Ooh! She said it!"


 Teacher coughed awkwardly and said,


"Well, well, it is not a skill that can be learned immediately, but everyone should be aware of their own attributes before using Links. The Unique Link is one of the most advanced Links that even professionals do not necessarily have, but once you awaken to it, it will become your one and exclusive weapon."


 That was the end of the talk.



"Now, would you like some more massages, young lady?"


 After Teacher's lesson was over, I asked Oribe, whose shoulders had been massaged by me throughout the entire lesson.


"Hmm ...... well, I think that's enough for today."




 Oribe gave me the green light, and I took my hands off her shoulders in a big motion.


 Of course I was rubbing her shoulder because she was the winner of the race.


 This chuunibyou1 girl, who should have lost some time due to battling me, apparently caught up with Anna after that and succeeded in getting Anna to select "Escape" verbally and wait there for her to leave.


 As a result, Oribe, who came in first place, ordered me to give her a shoulder massage during Teacher's lecture as a privilege of the winner.


 At first, I was secretly overjoyed to be able to legally touch the skin of a younger woman, even though it was a game of punishment, but it was actually exhausting to continue to squeeze her shoulders during the lesson, which lasted almost an entire hour.


"You did pretty well. Keep up the good work next time."


"There is no next time."


 She made it sound as if I would be in the last place again next time.


"That's right! I'll be the one having Senpai massage my shoulders next time!"


"I won't massage your shoulders either. I'd rather have one of you massage my shoulders."


 Teacher laughed when he saw our exchange.


"If I participate in the race, Maro will give me a shoulder massage? It's a shame I can't join in."




 I looked away and kept silent because as expected, I couldn't say I would win if Teacher entered the race.


"Well, tomorrow is not going to be a fair race, we'll be the 'other players' that will be trying to obstruct Senpai in every way possible, so there will be no penalty game."


"What the, so it's like that......"


 Oribe muttered sadly.


 It was a shame that I couldn't get my revenge either.


"Ah, but if Senpai didn't fulfill the conditions, maybe we can make a penalty game."


"Who would take it, such a one-sided condition. Unless, you will be punished with a naughty penalty game if I fulfill the conditions. I may take you up on it."


"That's not going to happen. Unfortunately, there won't be a penalty game."




"For today's review session, let's talk about how to spot your opponent's bluff and outwit them. After all, both I and Senpai were well beaten by Sayo at this point. "


"Mmm... I already have a countermeasure for that."


"Ho... then let's see how things go tomorrow, shall we?"


 Oribe grinned at me, but sorry to say, I was confident that I could seriously see through most of their tactics tomorrow.


 In fact, I wasn't really supposed to fall for it today either.


...If only I remembered that skill properly.


"Also, Kannadzuki-Senpai, can't you do something about the hints.....? It's a bit difficult to decipher a mathematical formula to determine the coordinates of a checkpoint..."


 Anna, who is not very good at studying, complained bitterly to Teacher. But she's right, I thought those clues were a bit problematic too. Catfight probably won't give any hints like that either.


"Huh? I thought it was a good one. Well, I see. Then, from tomorrow, I'll use a method where if you connect the dots of the four clues, you can find the checkpoint."


"Like the Road Poneglyph method from a certain pirate manga. I think it's a good idea."


"...... Actually, I think that method is more likely to be used in the real game. Then you will have to collect the four clues and go to the checkpoints. If there are checkpoints at every fifth floor and the dungeon has 26 levels, it should be a rather good race, don't you think?"


"The problem is the missions that the management sends out, right? Since we don't know the details of these missions, we can't reproduce them in the mock race, so we'll have to let Senpai handle it on his own."


 Having finished the review meeting like that, I looked around to see what the cards were doing and found the kids gathering sneakily to do something.


 When I got closer to see, it seemed that Renge, Mea, Athena, and Jeanette (my Teacher's Aradia) were giving riddles to each other.


 ...... Perhaps a countermeasure for riddle skills?


"Now here's the question. What is the one thing in the middle of the world?"


 Jeanette the Aradia, with a book of riddles for young children in her hand, asked the question, and Renge and Mea folded their arms and began to think.


"In the middle of the world......?"


"Eh~? I don't know. ....... It's in the middle of the world...... so what?"


 As the two of them tilted their heads, Athena, who was making a wonderful, smug face, began to answer,


"Hmph, this is too easy a problem for Athena, the goddess of knowledge. The middle of the world is the center, or for humans, the navel. In other words, it must refer to Ayers Rock, which is called the navel of the earth. Ayers Rock is a sacred place that was originally called Uluru by the Aborigines. The origin of this name is that Ayers Rock was believed to be the egg of the rainbow-colored snake they worshipped. In other words, the thing in the middle of the world is a rainbow-colored snake, or its egg! How is it? Am I right?"


"Not at all. You are thinking too much."


"Huh?! That's ridiculous......"


 When Athena was stunned and overwhelmed, Renge snapped her fingers and answered,


"Ah, I got it. It's a mosquito. It's a mosquito ('ka') because it's 'se'-, 'ka'-, 'i'2, right?"






"You mean to tell me that such a childish answer is the correct answer?!"


"Ah, well, since it's a riddle for children....."


 That Athena was becoming a typical know-it-all but blockheaded one.


"Ah~, why didn't I think of that? Hey, hey, let's have another one! Mea will answer next!"


"Understood. Now, next question."


 I watched their riddle contest with a smile on my face.


...By the way, I also figured it out, Master. I figured it out instantly. Aren't I amazing?


 Such a Link arrived from Suzuka, who was sitting on the floor holding her knees about 10 meters away from them.


Suzuka....... Are you quietly participating from such a distance...? You're not very good at getting into everyone's circle as usual, huh......


 Well, it was certainly a hurdle to mix in with this group of little girls, I guess.


Then why didn't she just chat with the others ...... and so I looked around. Yuki was talking with Oribe and her cards, and Eliza was talking with Anna and her cards.


 I couldn't see my Teacher anymore, maybe he had gone to the restroom or something.


This is .....! That Suzuka is completely isolated......!


As usual, huh...


Suzuka, I'm going to go around to Anna and Sayo's place now, ...but if you're free, do you want to go with me?


......I don't know those people well, so I don't know what to talk about. And I'm not good with all that glitter......


 Hmmm, this is a total no-action.


 I decided to go to Anna first, hoping as a master that she would stand on her own two feet (it was a pain in the ass, so I abandoned her).


 With Suzuka's abandoned puppy stare at my back, I headed towards Anna's place to find Eliza talking with Tanya the Elf and Dungeonteo the Pegasus.


"Yo, this is an unusual combination. What are you guys talking about?"


"Oh, Senpai. It seems that Eliza-san has something she wants to ask."


"Yes, Master. I was asking about the trinity attack with Pegasus that we saw before."




 The one that put the Mother Goat in a good position......, I recalled.


"That was definitely a good combi. So what's that?"


"Hmm... I might fight with Senpai tomorrow, so I don't want to reveal too much of my hands..."


 I was also curious and asked her about it, and although she hesitated, she eventually told me.


"Well, I guess it's the club leader's job to lead the club members. That one was a combination of

Amdo's equipping, Dungeonteo's cavalry mount skills, and Tanya's riding skills together."


 Saying this, Anna showed me her phone and gave me the details of the necessary skills.


 I will skip over the [Armor even for the departed3] because I know it already... What was important was Pegasus's inborn skill of [Heavenly Horse Racing through the Sky] and Elf's acquired skill of [Whip for Running Horses].




Heavenly Horse Racing through the Sky: Allow to traverse the air as if running on the ground. By continuing to move, strength and agility are greatly increased at the expense of endurance. After reaching the maximum value (double), [Thunder and Lightning Carrier] can be used in a straight line with the aid of distance. Contain high-speed flight and cavalry beast skills.


(Cavalry Beast: Can add their own attack power and agility to the status of the rider with a riding skill)

(Thunder and Lightning Carrier): For one strike only, triples the rider's stats and unleashes a charging attack.




Whip for Running Horses: Lower the endurance of cards with the [Cavalry Beast] skill, while temporarily doubling its muscle strength and agility. However, it places a great burden on the cavalry beast. This is a higher level skill of the riding skill.


"Well, I reinforced it with various other skills, but the core of it is these three skills."


Humhum......... It seems like the aim is to thoroughly strengthen offense and mobility.


I see, she mentioned that this is a countermeasure against strong enemies, and this will be able to inflict a lot of damage on much stronger opponents! I feel a strong resolve That said, it seems to be weak against ranged attacks and aerial attacks.....


"So, what did Eliza want to ask? Did you want to get a riding skill and do something similar?"


'Yes, Master. I was considering acquiring the riding skills, but I was also considering acquiring the [Cavalry Beast] skill."


"The [Cavalry Beast] too......?"


  For a moment I imagined myself straddling Eliza on all fours, and then I shook it off, realizing that I had just caught a glimpse of the entrance to a sensual and naughty world.


"Yes, Master. I can also transform into a wolf, so I thought I could carry you on my back, just like Yuki used to do."


 Eliza transformed only her right hand into a wolf's head and made it howl.


"Oh, ah ...... I see, so it's like that. Maybe we can do that......, but then I think it would be more efficient to have Dragonet learn the [Cavalry Beast] skill and Eliza learn the riding skill."


'Yes, Master. I will make an effort to follow that plan. .....It's just, I feel a little disappointed."


A, a little disappointed.....?


 While feeling nervous inside, this time I went to Yuki and Oribe’s group.


 Yuki seemed to be talking with Oribe and Tsucchi, the former Tsuchigumo and currently a Jurugumo.


"Yo, Yuki, Sayo… and Tsucchi."


"Master." "Oh, Senpai."


"Oh! Kitagawa-dono! Is there something my lord needs?"


"No, I was just wondering what you were chatting about."


"......A, actually,"


 Yuki scratched her head in embarrassment and replied,


"I was asking if it is possible to somehow carry Master around like before."


"Eh, this one too...?"


 When I was surprised, Yuki tilted her head.


"Hmm? What do you mean, this one too?"


"Ah, no, I'm talking about here... Anyway, why did you consult Sayo?"


 When I asked this question, thinking that it would be fine if she had just asked me for advice, Yuki answered somewhat embarrassedly,


“Uh, no... Master can already ride on the Dragonet. This is my personal wish... I consulted with Oribe-san because I know that Tsuchhi-san is still active as a mount even after becoming a Jurugumo."


"Yuki... you don't have to worry yourself about that. ...But Sayo is still riding Tsucchi as always, huh?"


"Humm, unlike Senpai, I'm not the kind of rascal who switches from one partner to the next."


Do you have to use such a way to say it......?


"Jokes aside....... From what I've heard, it seems that the reason Yuki-san can no longer be a mount is that even after turning into a werewolf, she walks on two legs, making it uncomfortable to ride. Then it is simple. Just be able to transform into pure wolf form as well."


"Un? Is that possible?"


 There was no mention of such a thing in the app's skill catalog, and I've never seen a lycanthrope transform into a pure wolf in a MonColo match.


"It's possible. The bipedal form is more dexterous, so there is no practical benefit to shifting to the four-legged form, but it does exist as a form. It does seem to require some training, though."


I didn't know that.....


"If you're stumped by the training, you might want to work on acquiring some cavalry mount skills. It also has the effect of making corrections to the body to make it easier for people and cards to be carried.  In fact, my Tsucchi also became able to reform her skeleton a little bit after acquiring the [Cavalry Beast] skill. A lycanthrope essentially has a dormant wolf form, so it should be easier to bring out that form."


I see....... If she could learn a cavalry mount skill, it would create a synergy with the riding skill that Eliza is trying to learn, and that could be good.


"But how does one learn a cavalry mount skill?"


"You just have to keep riding."


Keep riding? .......It is difficult to ride, so I want to get the cavalry mount skill, though.....


 I looked at Yuki.


"For now, let's start by practicing transforming into wolf form, okay?"




 That was what she said with a smile on her face.






[Tips] Inborn Attributes and Acquired Attributes


 Adventurers each have their own unique card attributes that they are good at. This is because Linking is a technique of connecting minds, and therefore the preferences and disposition of the master can influence it.


 Of these attributes, the attributes that one is good at due to one's disposition or other innate reasons are Inborn Attributes. The attributes that one becomes good at due to personal preference or the use of a particular card are called Acquired Attributes.


 Inborn Attributes and Acquired Attributes affect the ease of Linking and card development. While the former cannot be changed, the latter can (and does) change due to changes in preferences and usage.


 There are also master-specific links that exist beyond the master's mastery of these attributes.





Chuunibyou = eighth grader disorder. A term typically used to describe early teens who have grandiose delusions, who desperately want to stand out, and who have convinced themselves that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers.

‘Sekai’ is the term for ‘world’ in Japanese, and ‘ka’ is ‘mosquito’

An intermediate-level equipping skill. By possessing another card or the master, it can add half of its own combat power and share its own acquired skills (or all combat power and skills if it is equipped to the master).


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