Friday, September 27, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 4 Side Story 1

Volume 4

Side Story 1

After the Storm Passed, the Old Man Returned to the Noisy Chasm

Translator : PolterGlast

Central Province, Central Capital, Tenryō Station.


With the distant sound of a train whistle behind him, a man of a certain age, likely well into his twilight years, passed through the ticket gate.

A mountain gale, deepening its winter colors, ruffled the hair at the nape of his dry neck.


The nostalgic cold deepened the wrinkles around his mouth, and the old man squinted his eyes at the bustling crowd.


Central Capital, a city that changed slowly, was marked by significant ups and downs, especially in the bustling red-light district. Several brand-new shops, which had not been there before, were haphazardly lined up in the old man's field of vision.


They were not made of wood but of brick, imported from overseas. Through the clear, transparent glass, he could glimpse the interior of the shop.


"...Hmph. Even Central Capital is eager for novelty, it seems."


He sneered sarcastically and took a step forward. The old man stepped into the crowd, which was busier than usual. The heat of the bustling crowd immediately engulfed the old man's body.


A large cart loaded with piles of lumber overtook the old man, its wheels squeaking.

A cloud of dust kicked up. He patted his shoulder in exasperation and covered his nostrils with a handkerchief he had pulled out of his pocket.


"For commoners to strut about Takamikura's lap, the decline of the Colored Corps is clear. When I take control of the city, I will not tolerate such disgrace in the slightest."


Driven by irritation, he quickened his pace slightly. His Inverness coat flapped, and the well-trained back, visible even over his kimono, soon disappeared into the waves of the crowd.


One of the old families of the Central Capital's nobility. Mikuriya Shishin, the former head of the Mikuriya family, had returned home for the first time in several years.


High above the main road of Central Capital, in a section towards the mountain peak, stood the Mikuriya family mansion.

Far removed from the clamor of the main road, Shishin walked leisurely along the familiar pathway.


Avoiding the main gate, he went through the back, following the black-painted wooden walls.

As the sound of the gate creaking reached his ears, an elderly servant peered out.


"Sir, at what time did you arrive?"

"Just now. Arisuke, is there any change in the mansion?"

"Everything is quiet here. ...If you had informed us, we would have arranged for someone to pick you up."


Surprised by the sudden return of his former master, the elderly servant hurriedly followed behind the old man heading towards the mansion.

The old man took off his hat and coat. His body was then freed from the weight of the Inverness coat and heaped the weight onto Arisuke's arm.


"I don't like steam engines. I'll ride one if I have to, but I prefer walking.

Where's Hirotada?"

"Perfect timing. His only schedule for today is the evening gathering, so he's in his room."



Instead of replying, he snorted and took large strides into the depths of the mansion. Passing through a dimly lit corridor, he entered the main hall.

The sliding door opened with a smooth sound, and Hirotada looked up in astonishment.

Glancing at the papers scattered from his hand, they seemed to be some sort of petition.

Showing little interest, he sat down forcefully on the tatami mat next to the upper seat in the hall.


Arisuke, standing behind him, took the Inverness coat and left the main hall.


"Father, looks like you are wearing Western attire, even if it's just an Inverness coat, —have you decided to change your beliefs?"

"When it comes to skilled tailors in Central Capital, there are only specialists in Western clothing. So I had no choice.

I was urgently called back by Kuga-dono, who was worried about the Hyakki Yagyo invading the Central Capital. He wants to focus on the academy for a while before the Kannamesai Festival."

"That's admirable. —Haha. Judging from your appearance, have you seen the devastation in the main street?"


Without waiting for a response from his father, Hirotada returned his gaze to the documents. Only the sound of paper being turned filled the room. For a while, the minute hand of the wall clock ticked away.


"—I could see the entire western street from across the street. How despicable it was to see the commoners swarming over the rubble."

"It's necessary for the cleanup. They won't complain about the menial work we're giving them."

"You're too soft, Hirotada! Your foolish decision to overlook the collapse of the Five Elemental Barrier. If left unchecked, the city will eventually be devoured from within."


Hirotada looked back at his furious father emotionlessly.


He understood what his father wanted to say. As a common understanding among old families, the role of the main street was to support the travel of the nobility.

It was common knowledge that the reason the commoners used the main street was that the old families graciously allowed them to pass through while carrying their luggage.


Among the old families whose descendants are mostly divine messengers and shrine maidens, the Mikuriyake family has been producing guardians for generations.

In the old days, they were guardians who protected the northern frontier, and they were also known as the foremost samurai of the Tsukinomiya-style.

For Shishin, who had suffered the misfortune of decline due to political struggles, regaining power in the Central Capital was one of his lifelong ambitions.


"The decline of the Imperial Guard and the Central Capital garrison is obvious.

Especially the Imperial Guard. I hear they abandoned the protection of Mt. Shōrō (the Cornerstone Mountain of the Earth-element) under the pretext of guarding the Santenryō. I also heard that some of the Colored Corps have retreated into the interior of Central Capital."

"Damn. I allowed those self-serving commoners to have their way, and it was my mistake.

Who is the commander-in-chief of the garrison?"

"I believe he is the direct second son of Nikuruwa-dono."

"A descendant of a petty branch that abandoned the pride of the old family and fawned over the West. It is a shame that someone from an old family would abandon his duty. —But he can be useful..."


Stroking his beard, Shishin suppressed his dissatisfaction.

If he could skillfully exploit the blunders of the old families, the Mikuriyake family's revival could be realized.

Shishin's perspective naturally coincided with that of his son, Hirotada.


"I thought you would say so, that's why I intend to speak about it to the Three Imperial Families during the Kannamesai Festival."

"...Hmm, I see. That's interesting."


Glancing at the bundle of papers handed to him, Shishin's mouth twisted into a sneer.

Every item listed in the documents pointed out the incompetence of the garrison.

In a place where merits and demerits were discussed, it would be equivalent to questioning the garrison's, and by extension, the commander-in-chief, Nikuruwa Akiyoshi's authority to supervise the garrison.

Nikuruma would probably try to deny it, but it was easy to imagine that it would be difficult to do so under the watchful eye of the Three Imperial Families.


"As a first step in regaining our military power, we will take back the Central Capital garrison from the Nikuruwa family."

"It's a pity that we can't kill that weed, but it's a good start if we can cut down his followers.

It's been a long time since I've met the Three Imperial Families. Well, maybe I should pay them a visit."

"Father, are you serious?"


Hirotada's tone was laced with genuine surprise.


It had been several years since Mikuriya Shishin, who had insisted on the importance of ties with the provinces for the restoration of Central Province, had attended the Kannamesai Festival.

It was difficult for Hirotada to predict how the court sparrow, which had laughed at Shishin's attitude, would respond.


Nevertheless, Shishin insisted on attending the court, more determined than usual.


"I, the previous head of the Mikuriya family, am not to be forgotten by the Lords of the Three Imperial Families.

Besides, it wouldn't be so unusual for me, who has connections with the Ugetsu family (the first of the Eight Families) and the Kuga family (the second of the Eight Families), to attend the Kannamesai Festival."

"That's true, but..."


Imagining Shishin exchanging greetings with them, was indeed a promising performance. However, although it held considerable potential as a performance, it was unclear to what extent it could be fully appreciated.

But, rather than not doing it and losing something, it was better to try.

With that thought in mind, Hirotada nodded in agreement.


"...I understand. I will report to the Imperial Families that father will be attending."

"Make sure to do it without any mistakes, Hirotada."


Hirotada's father was in an unusually good mood, perhaps because of his optimistic view of the future.

Considering that, Hirotada nodded deeply, thinking that even the labor would be minimal.




After finishing the formalities of their plan to bring down the old families, Shishin (the father) and Hirotada (the son) had a late lunch.


On a black-lacquered tray, sour pickles and charcoal-roasted sweetfish were lined up. The thin, shiny skin of the sweetfish was crunched with a satisfying sound.


As the father and son enjoyed the seasonal fish with its rich fat, their conversation eventually turned to the damage caused by the Hyakki Yagyo.


"I've seen the western street, but was the eighth district also destroyed?"

"Yes. Because they were so confident in the protection of the Five Elemental Barrier, the damage seems to have spread even further."

"—With all the large stores damaged, when can we expect the main street to be restored?"

"Since winter is approaching, they say they will prioritize the homes of the commoners. Even if all the carpenters are mobilized, it will take until next year to restore the eaves."


Hirotada's response, which could be seen as pessimistic, was close to tarnishing Shishin's ideal image of Central Capital.

Perhaps out of dissatisfaction, the old man twisted his mouth.


"So the lowly creatures crawling on the ground take priority. I wish they would be grateful that we old families are merciful enough to allow them to breathe in Central Capital."

"I understand how you feel, but I wish you to bear with it here.

Even those weeds protested, but Fujinomorimiya-sama refused to yield."


Since the decision was made by Fujinomorimiya, the supreme leader of military authority, the old families had no right to express their dissatisfaction.

After all, Fujinomorimiya was undoubtedly one of the highest authorities in Takamagahara.


"It is more than understandable that the Imperial Families feels sympathy, extending their benevolence even to the commoners.

However, it is not appropriate to direct it towards such creatures who cannot even understand its value."

"Father's opinion is correct, but there is nothing we can do about it.

The outcome of the Hyakki Yagyo seems to have been diverted by the Cornerstone Mountains of the five elements. As a result, they managed to prevent the invasion of Santenryō."

"So, the Imperial Guard who abandoned the protection of the Cornerstone Mountains has completely lost face?"

"Exactly. Not only the Central Corps, but even the Colored Corps ended up trembling on Santenryō when they heard the news of the end of the battle."


The Imperial Guard, which Central Capital was proud of, was divided into the Central Corps, the elite of Central Province, and the Colored Corps, composed of elites from each province.


Until a few decades ago, when Shishin was in charge, the Imperial Guard had a quality that lived up to its reputation.

However, hearing about the current state of affairs, it was enough to conclude that the tyranny of the Ishibuki family, which currently commanded the Imperial Guard, was the root of all sorts of misdeeds.


"Because of this incident, Tsukuba has lost a great deal of credibility.

We must reclaim the Imperial Guard as soon as possible and begin to rectify the situation."

"I'm sure Ugetsu Tenzan-dono will be relieved to hear of father's lofty spirit.

I met him the other day when he ascended to Gioin's Temple, and he often expressed his dismay."

"I must meet him at the Kannamesai Festival. I hope he would focus more on my grandson, Souma, who will be joining the Giōin family."

"That's more than enough. It was my first time meeting him, but Souma's demeanor as a young warrior was very impressive."

"I see, I see!"


Shishin's frowning expression softened into a benevolent smile at Hirotada's response.

The rumors he had heard were more praiseworthy than anything happening over a hundred years.


It was the crystallization of Takamagahara, where the bloodlines of the Eight Families and the old families were intertwined.

With each confirmation of the rumor, Shishin could not help but be delighted.


If the marriage with the Giōin family went well, it would be made public at this year's Kannamesai Festival.

It was the fruition of the efforts he had continued to make, spreading rumors among the old families.


Because the old families, whose only interest is the struggle for power in the Central Capital, were particularly fond of these kinds of popular rumors.

Hirotada, to whom he had reluctantly handed over the family head, had proven to be quite capable in politics, although his martial arts skills were still in need of improvement.


"Thanks to that, regaining the actual power of the Imperial Guard from Ishibuki is now within sight."


As the old man neared the end of his life, with the prospect of turning the tide within reach, a hope he had almost given up on, Shishin took a large mouthful of white rice.

He savored the rich flavor of the fresh ayu fish together with the sweetness of the new rice.


His chopsticks danced with an appetite that belied his age, and he reached for the pickled mountain vegetables.

Suddenly, a lingering worry stopped Shishin's chopsticks.


"...Speaking of which, Hirotada. How is the secret agreement you were working on to transfer water rights?

I haven't heard about any progress on that lately."

"As you've pointed out, it's not going well," Hirotada frowned, his secret worries exposed. "We made a secret agreement with Ijitsu-dono. In exchange for supporting him to become the head of the Provincial Council, he would cede the water vein leading to the Central Capital.

But lately, no matter how many times I try to contact him, it's like throwing pebbles into a pond. The spies I've planted in Nanatsuo are also slow to respond."


Sighing in dissatisfaction with the answer, Shishin pondered.


"He's just a commoner from the outskirts after all... Could it be that our plans have already been exposed?"

"Your concerns are reasonable. However, I don't think that is the case.

Because Kokuten Province isn't making a move, it's just that they're focusing on the benefits of the water rights."


Hirotada smiled at Shishin's deep and bitter concerns.


Ijitsu Narikane has nothing but the ability to take advantage of immediate benefits.

Even if their plans were exposed by chance, Ijitsu would not have hesitated to sell the water vein to Central Capital.

For him, the water vein was of little value, and he could only see the glittering summit of the Provincial Council.


Central PRovince lacked water veins, and the monopoly of a stable water vein had long been a cherished dream of the Central Capital nobility.


That was certainly true to a certain extent. —However, for the Mikuriya family, there was another side to it.


"—Will it take a little longer to tamper with the water dragon vein?"

"Please be patient for a little while longer. If we succeed, we will be able to control the Ministry of Onmyou."


It was true that the water vein was a water vein. But behind it, the fact was that the water vein also served as a dragon vein of water element.


Earth overcomes Water. Central Capital (the dragon's lair of earth elements) has very few water dragon veins as it is overwhelmed by the earth elements.


By drilling a hole in the water vein they've obtained, they'll build a well (an artificial wind hole) in Central Capital.

A personal water dragon vein. It's a coveted item sought after by onmyōji in the Central Capital.


That was the real goal of Mikuriya Hirotada, who wanted the water rights.

Once his plan is succeeded, even the Ishibuki family would have no choice but to show some consideration to Hirohada.


With a sense of relief, he put a pickled vegetable in his mouth.

The unique bitterness spread with the spiciness of the mustard greens. Disliking the taste, Shishin's mouth twisted unhappily.


"—It's not very tasty."

"The meaning is more important, so I've deliberately toned down the flavor. If you put it that way, you might find it more flavorful."


Following Hirotada's suggestion, Shishin looked at the pickles again.

Amidst the mustard greens, he saw a dark green vegetable.

He realized what it was.


"I see. In that case, it's delicious..."


Clearing his throat, Shishin ground the pickles between his molars.

A strong, bitter smell remained in his throat. Driven purely by hatred, he swallowed the pickled Tsuwabuki and mustard greens without a second thought.


"...Thanks to Souma-kun's marriage, we have more leeway for our plans.

Even in the worst-case scenario, we can delay the completion of the well until Souma-kun graduates."

"That's my grandson for you!

Naturally, Ugetsu will also see this as proof of the Mikuriya family's worth.

Have you been informed about the outcome of the Hyakki Yagyo?"


Perhaps still holding on to the pride as the former commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard, Shinshin asked a sharp question. Hirotada bowed his head in response.


"Two Hyakki Yagyo invaded Mt. Shōrō. Their intentions are not clear, but it is obvious that they were acting under some kind of scheme."

"Are they heading straight for Mt. Kayanowa (the Cornerstone Mountain of the Water element) and Mt. Kugatachi (the Cornerstone Mountain of the Fire element)? If the Imperial Guard has retreated, then all that remains are the troops from each province.

Can't we at least find out how things are proceeding in Kokuten Province?"

"I apologize, but they seem to be in confusion as well. ...However, a distant relative I left in the Imperial Guard heard a rumor.

It seems that there is a guardian who protected Giōin at the Water-element Cornerstone Mountain and stopped the metamorph at the last moment..."


Shishin cleared his throat pleasantly at his son's news.


The number of those who are allowed to stay by the Gioin family is very limited to two attendants.

Since the task was not officially conveyed, the only remaining possibility was that Giōin Shizumi had allowed someone else to stay near her.


For Shishin, there was only one person who would fit the category.


"Is Souma doing well? Hmm. It wouldn't do to be laughed at by the Giōin family when we first meet at the Kannamesai Festival. Hirotada, can we ask Tenryō Academy directly to arrange an advance meeting?"

"That's too hasty, Father. —Let's at least put in a request, as they must be busy."

"That's fine. It's unthinkable for a noble to refuse the words of an old family.

It is only natural for them to do as requested, even if it is a bit unreasonable."


With a brisk nod, the conversation in the Mikuriya family ended.

The remaining conversations were mundane, everyday things.


In mid-October, Central Capital.

It was a chilly day, just before the Kannamesai Festival.

It was a peaceful afternoon, the first time in several years that the Mikuriya father and son had exchanged words.


Mikuriya Hirotada undoubtedly sent a request to the academy that very day.

Normally, it would have been an easy request to grant.


However, contrary to expectations, there was no reply to that seemingly trivial request.

Several days passed mercilessly, and the Kannamesai Festival arrived without any change in the situation.


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