Thursday, August 29, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 13 Part 7

Volume 3

Chapter 13 Part 7

Reverse the Spiritual Path, Follow it to the Sanctuary 7

Translator : PolterGlast

Hariin Homare, adorned in silver and blue glow, stood ready with her wooden sword inscribed with the name [Kashoku Ginboku].


The blade was merely a foot long, not sufficient even for a casual match. The distance between Homare and Giant Ogres was about half 50 meters. It was quite a gap, but it was still a distance that could be shaved off in a fraction of a second.


Waves of miasma surged towards them.

Homare was relatively tall, but compared to the towering Ogres, she seemed almost like a child.


"Alright, Homare. With my divine artifact, let’s annihilate these fools who dare to disturb the sacred grounds! ...Homare?"


Seiran, clinging to Homare's back, pointed at the approaching Giant Ogres. But her words went unanswered, and she turned to look at her with a puzzled expression.

The Giant Ogres drew closer, yet Homare still didn't move an inch.


"Homare? You better move soon, or you’ll be in danger."


Seiran urged her, patting her slender shoulder.


The Metamorph creatures were closing in.

Seiran's impatience accelerated as Homare remained motionless.


"Homare. The Giant Ogres is almost at the barrier, no, it's right in front of me,



Ga, aaaaaaa!!


Ignoring the divine pillar, who was practically in tears, a Giant Ogre's fist slammed toward Homare.

*Clash, boom*.


"Ah~! My barrier!?"


The impact shook the air, and the divine pillar's cry echoed.

As the boundary of the barrier rippled blue, the young miko raised her wooden sword, trailing silver light.


With a downward swing, the wooden blade sliced through the air.

Hariin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden, ―Enbi.


The slash, flying through the air, bared its fangs at the leading group of Giant Ogres that were swarming around the barrier.


The Giant Ogres, accustomed to the resistance of protectors, met the Enbi head-on.

The bursting impact mowed down their consciousness.


The leading Giant Ogres collapsed.

The others of the same kind who tried to catch up with them stopped in their tracks, bewildered.


Confronted by this unexpected reality, the Oni were thrown into confusion. As they hesitated, the Kashoku Ginboku danced with a blue divine energy.


It was true that the Oni had a high resistance to spirit techniques.

But that resistance was limited to the surface of their skin.


Even if their skin resisted spirit power, their internal organs weren't strong enough to withstand the shock transmitted through the air.


Furthermore, it was Seiran's divine energy that Homare exercised.

The shock, imbued with the might of a divine pillar, was something even the Giant Ogres couldn't withstand.


Homare's spirit techniques struck again and again.

After the vanguard of the Giant Ogres had been defeated, Homare finally spoke.


"As I thought, it seems the mountain's barrier is intact. If only the outer layer of the Five Elemental Barrier has been breached, then it can be assumed that only the core of the spiritual path has fallen.

What do you think, Ao-sama?"


"You fool! Of course, it can withstand the punch of the Giant Ogre, but that doesn't mean I like it when my sacred grounds are punched!"


Seiran shouted, exasperated by Homare's calm tone.

Every barrier of the Cornerstone Mountains was the last thin layer protecting the sacred grounds.


It certainly boasts the greatest durability, but that doesn't mean it's pleasant to be hit by a defiled beast.


"Even if they are Giant Ogres, there's still a possibility that it won't be strong enough to withstand such an attack. I'm relieved to have confirmed the barrier's strength."


"That's not the point! Beyond the barrier is my sacred ground! If you want to know about its strength, you should just ask me!"


Upon hearing Homare's flippant remark, which was clearly an excuse for using the barrier as a shield, Seiran shook the girl's slender shoulders.

Tears welled up in her eyes.


Homare, inwardly reflecting on whether she had gone too far in her teasing, turned her foot toward the Great Ogres.


"As I am exercising Arawakamioroshi, I myself will not be able to step outside of the barrier of Mt. Himorogi.

And now I am sure of it."


"...Uh-huh. Nurarihyon's goal is to cross the spiritual path of Aioi and reach Takamikura-sama."


Reluctantly, Seiran sharpened her gaze.

While the outer Five Elemental Barrier had been destroyed, the barrier of the Cornerstone Mountains remained intact. To create this situation, it was necessary to sever the spiritual path connecting to the Cornerstone Mountains.


Given that the main shrine had been half-destroyed by the rampaging dragon veins, it should be the Soukoku spiritual path that fell.


"Though, I have no idea how they destroyed the core of the spiritual path inside the barrier."

"We can think about that later..."



Was there any other question that should be prioritized?

Homare tilted her head at the divine pillar's voice, which still sounded stern.


"Hurry up and finish off those annoying beasts, you foolish girl.

Even if we're safe, I don't feel good about it!"


She glared at her miko with tearful eyes and pointed forward.

Ahead of them, the Giant Ogres were swarming around the boundary of the barrier, regrouping and swinging their fists down.


The spiritual path and the sacred realm. The sturdy barrier protecting Mount Himorogi was shaking under the onslaught, yet it repelled every attack.

A wry smile played on Homare's lips as she watched the scene.


"―Fufu. Shouldn't they be able to see the futility of this without even bothering to think about it?"


"Who cares about their thoughts? They are dumber than monkeys after all.

More importantly, hurry up, it's getting annoying."


Perhaps misinterpreting their banter as a provocation, the Giant Ogres intensified their attacks.

Undeterred by the looming fists, Homare stepped closer to the barrier.


The divine energy that was being kneaded from her tanden enveloped the girl's body.

Hariin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden, ―Gokōnanakamado.


"The Hariin-school isn't good at long-range attacks, but it's not impossible.

Let me show you one."


The intricately woven armor of divine energy came undone right before the Giant Ogres' eyes.

Dancing in the air like a sash, it was gradually condensed into purple electricity.


The noises resembling the crawling of multiple limbs tormented the ears of those who were standing there.


Hariin-style Spirit Technique, Uraden―



It was like a Centipede writhing its purple limbs. With blue divine energy woven into it, Homare swung and reaped it in all directions.


The purple electric charge left behind a trail of noises and residual shockwaves generated from its friction with the air.


Baring its fangs from the side, the spirit technique slashed through the Giant Ogres' torso without even allowing them to resist.

And the subsequent explosive pressure tore their bodies apart.


Homare had only launched a few blows. However, after the overwhelming devastation had passed, there was no Giant Ogres that remained alive on the spot.


"...Well. This spirit technique is not popular because it is difficult to master and it completely disregards one's defense which is one's strong point."


"Indeed, flashy moves is Aka's specialty.

Or rather, Homare. You're not using my barrier as bait to round them up or anything like that, are you?"


"........................... Well, I guess  that takes care of most of the commotion."


"Bullseye! That's what you really think, right, Homare?

How dare you a mere Miko use Mt. Himorogi's barrier as a shield!?"


One person and one divine pillar were making a fuss. Behind them, one of the guardians, who had been waiting patiently in the rear, called out to them.


"H-Homare-sama. We've gathered all the injured here."


"Thank you. To avoid worsening their injuries, please try not to move them anymore."


"Umm. Currently, only Lord Houjou is at the front lines.

Should we support her?"


"That's unnecessary.

On the contrary, if we were to interfere and try to steal her prey, we'd only incur Lord Houjou's wrath.

...There is no telling which one is the real monster."


Through the flickering barrier of the divine spirit, they caught a glimpse of Houjou Izana's rampage.


The sharp slashes of spiritual power flashed in all directions without wavering.

Each time they did so, the giant frame and parts of the Giant Ogre flew through the air as if it were a toy.


The girl, standing at the pinnacle of Kabeju Province, murmured these words and positioned her divine artifact in front of her.

Leaving the chaos of the battlefield far behind, Homare calmly exercised the power of Kashoku Ginboku.


"Well, that personality is a blessing right now.

Let's get ourselves back in order."


A gentle breeze, unlike anything one's expect on a battlefield, circulated around the girl.

A wave of cool, yet warm air caressed the cheeks of everyone present.


Once, twice. Delicate waves gently washed over their wounds, easing the pain with each pass.

Eventually, the lingering miasma and violence left the guardians' bodies, and Homare exhaled deeply.


"I think this is enough.

Can you move?"


"Yes, there's no problem. After leaving those in critical condition behind, we'll return to the frontlines."


"Alright, go ahead. But don't rush.

It seems things have calmed down on the other side as well."


Homare replied lightly and turned her gaze towards the other side of the barrier.


Purple lightning danced in front of Homare's field of vision, and spirit power gushed out following the trajectory of the slashes.

The Giant Ogres collapsed as their torso was split apart.


After that, only silence remained on the battlefield.


"...Something's off."


"What's the matter, Homare?

I believe we should've successfully eradicated the majority of the Hyakki Yagyo."


"That's exactly why. Even with Giant Ogres as the core of the group, calling this scale a Hyakki Yagyo is a bit of a stretch.

This must be a decoy, but it's too weak for targeting Takamikura-sama's dragon den."


The enemies must have spent a long time planning this. That much is certain, based on the information they've gathered.


A plan that the divine pillar, who has no concept of age, had spent a lot of time coming up with.

Certainly, it's a powerful group attack, but considering the amount of time and effort invested, Homare's intuition tells her something is amiss.


"If our information is accurate, similar-sized groups should be attacking all of the Cornerstone Mountains.

If we multiply this group by five, it would undoubtedly be the largest-scale Hyakki Yagyo in history."


"...Historically, multi-front attacks have been considered foolish tactics. If the goal is to conquer the Cornerstone Mountains, a concentrated attack would be the best approach.

But with this move, it's as if they want to keep the Divine Pillars occupied at the Cornerstone Mountains―"


Just as Homare's doubts were taking shape, the torii gate leading to the spiritual path behind her rumbled.


The spiritual path of Aioi, directly connected to the dragon veins, expelled divine energy that rippled like the ocean.

Witnessing the unprecedented glow of divine energy and the two figures that appeared along with it, Homare involuntarily muttered in confusion.





The heavy spiritual pressure that had weighed down on Akira suddenly lifted.

His eyelids, tightly shut as he was swept by the turbulent dragon veins coursing through the spiritual path, were filled with brightness.


I'm out.


Before he could fully realize it, he was tumbling down the sloping ground.


"Ugh, gah!"


"―Hee, hee. Perhaps because we didn't follow the procedure, the exit was reversed.

But now, there are only a few Cornerstone Mountains left for us to traverse."




Akira's body tumbled and rolled, losing to the momentum.

A mocking voice descended from above as he groaned in pain.


Instinctively, driven by a sense of crisis, Akira raised his Rakuyō Zakuro as a shield. The crimson blade narrowly intercepted the hatchet that protruded from the dust cloud.


A bluish talisman ignited at the fingertips of the Noh-masked man, and the divine energy of ocean depths soared up. The flickering divine energy enveloped the damaged hatchet, then extended its blade further.


Witnessing this scene, a question formed in Akira's mind.


"You're sealing divine energy within the talisman? Wait... come to think of it, that's always been the case. Whenever you activated a talisman, divine energy was generated."


The talisman technique originates from Taoism and is a technique that flourished in Tsonma. Its greatest advantage is that anyone can use it.


Its convenience is so great that it has spread even to Takamagahara, a country beyond the ocean. There is no wonder that Nurarihyon, who was once regarded as a divine pillar of Tsonma, would use it.


However, the technique that exercised the divine artifact (Pārijāta) is completely different.

Suddenly, a conclusion dawned on Akira's mind.


"―Hee, hee. Did you finally notice?"


"Yeah, I was wrong to think it was a completely different technique. The origin of the talisman technique―"


Before Akira could finish, the Noh-masked man slashed forward with force. The unleashed slash caused sparks to fly between them.


The sudden change in the opponent's offensive was proof that Akira's conclusion was correct.


Basically, the techniques used by Nurarihyon originate from the Taoism of Tsonma.


But Taoism is, after all, merely a human technique.

It is not something that can interfere with the powers of a divine artifact like the Pārijāta.


The technique that he taught Ambrosio to pull out the Pārijāta.

It is not a technique that could be attained even if it were imbued with divine energy.


The shape of the Pārijāta formed an image in Akira's mind.

The surface of the white, twisted stone stake was densely covered with mantras.


He remembered a passage he had come across when he was researching Nurarihyon's origins at Tenryō Academy.


It said that mantras are syllables that have been compressed into shapes to interfere with the real world.

By describing the present world as text, it is possible to reproduce the miracle of reincarnation, which is the destruction and regeneration of all things.

This knowledge, originating from Bharatush, states that if one delves deep enough, it is possible to freely manipulate any existing concept.

It is said to have been spread by some unnamed divine pillar, and there are even theories that claim it is a kind of divine artifact.


"...Mantras are your divine artifact.

If we assume that you are the embodiment of that knowledge, then it makes sense that you can interfere with Taoism which is based on that knowledge along with techniques related to it.

You, Nurarihyon, are a divine pillar of Bharatush."


There was no reply to Akira's assertion. Divine energy traced a trajectory through the void and bared its fangs at Akira.

The Rakuyō Zakuro intercepted the attack, and sparks flew as Akira began to retreat.


The divine energy, which contained the ocean depths' radiance, eroded the divine energy that Akira had kneaded.

Water overcomes fire. Just as his fire-element divine energy was about to be overwhelmed, Akira exploded his divine energy in defiance.


He squandered the remaining spiritual energy within him. The recovered divine energy began to dwindle in the stalemate.

While feeling the sensation of his divine energy running out again, Akira continued to speak.


"A divine pillar who has a strong affinity for water and was exiled from Bharatush. If we trace it back to this point, there are only a few possibilities for your true identity."


"―Hee, hee. Even if you know that, it's a bit rash to become arrogant and think you can defeat me."


Akira could not respond to the Noh-masked man's remark. Instead, a more intense sword fight dominated the area. For several exchanges, sparks flew as the Rakuyō Zakuro and the hatchet clashed.


The Noh-masked man's remark was correct. Even if Akira knew Nurarihyon's origins and managed to find a way to win, he was not prepared to reproduce the history of defeat that his opponent may have suffered.


Nevertheless, this was the only chance left for Akira to win against a divine pillar. Akira had no choice but to gamble.


The moment when the being before him mistakenly believed that his bet was Nurarihyon's origins.

This was the moment for him to make his final bet.


"Seeeiii~!" "―!?"


With an exhalation, the divine energy that resided within Akira flared up.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden, ―Kyūshou.


The clashing blades of divine energy created a slight gap in Akira's offensive.

That gap, caused by the divine pillar's carelessness, was the final bet Akira had aimed for.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Consecutive Technique, ―Ranguri Itoguruma.


With the residual flames of Hayabusa-gake at his feet, Akira continued his attacks with waves of slashing blows.


Just a little more, and he could reach the Noh-masked man's throat.

Having expended all the divine energy he had poured into the Rakuyō Zakuro, Akira thrust its tip towards the Noh-masked man.


A dull, grinding sound echoed.

A thrust delivered with all his might merely pierce the belly of the hatchet that had blocked it at the last moment. Although it had come close to the Noh-masked man's eyes, the thrust lost momentum there.


The vermillion gold divine energy scattered and dissipated, and a momentary silence returned to the battlefield.

Just like that, a mocking smile adorned the mouth hidden behind the Noh mask.


I won.


Akira's divine energy was probably running low. If he continued to press without using Rakuyō Zakuro (the God-Slayer), there was no way he could defeat the Noh-masked man.

With that certainty, the Noh-masked man met Akira's eyes. However, upon being pierced by Akira's unwavering eyes, he shuddered with a cold shiver down his spine.


The Rakuyō Zakuro turned into vermillion-gold droplets and disappeared.

The hatchet, which had been severed, snapped off at its base, and the suddenly freed upper part swam in the air.


Without stopping, Akira launched another thrust, this time with his bare hand, towards the now-exposed torso.


"Be resplendent!"

It was the very image of a phoenix swimming in the sun.

The unsheathed blade was imbued with a resplendent vermillion-gold glow.

"Jakuen Gayou!!"


Even without the God-Slayer, there was nothing that could withstand the radiance of a single flame that held the power of judgment and subjugation.

The divine energy of the southern sky transformed into a giant spear and struck the Noh-masked man's torso.


Their respective divine energies foamed in a struggle, and eventually, the vermillion-gold flame overcame the radiance of the deep ocean.

The balance collapsed in an instant. A crashing sound echoed as the divine artifact's blade pierced through the Noh-masked man's torso.


Akira, transformed into a spear made of divine energy, took a large step forward, and with the momentum of the thrust, both Akira and the Noh-masked man crashed into the entrance of the spiritual path.


"This is the end, Nurarihyon!" "―Hee, hee, hee! Well done."


Akira's declaration and the Noh-masked man's praise intersected.

An immense amount of heat surged up from his torso to his face, and the lower half of the Noh mask cracked and shattered.


Peering from behind it were Disheveled teeth and blue-black skin. A shallow, vulgar miasma spilled out from the gap in the Noh mask.

The golden, turbid eyes of the Ogre met Akira's gaze.


"!?" "—Hee"


Before Akira could utter a question, both of their bodies were swallowed by the spiritual path.



For a brief moment as the vast amount of divine energy clashed, Homare could do nothing but watch.

If one were to receive such a level of heat at such close proximity, even a skilled Miko would not be able to escape unscathed.


No. More than that, Homare couldn't comprehend the situation.


"Why does he have that?"


She was familiar with one of the faces that emerged from the spiritual path. It was the boy she had briefly spoken to just before leaving Tenryō Academy.

The crimson blade flashing in his palm bore the characteristics of the Rakuyō Zakuro, a legendary artifact.


It is the treasure of Shumon Provinceu, only permitted to be given to the head of the Kihoin clan.

Even if Akira was betrothed to Kihoin Tsuguho, it would be an abuse of authority for her to give the divine artifact to him.


But reality unfolded before her eyes, scattering vermillion-gold divine energy, transcending these understandings.


Akira and the Noh-masked man's divine energies clashed, attacking and defending.

Overwhelmed by the splendid and magnificent sight, Seiran murmured from behind Homare.


"...What's going on?"


"Ao-sama, do you know something?"


"I know. ...No, I don't.

I don't understand anything. Who is that?"




"Depending on the situation, things could get worse.

That divine energy, Aka?"


"Right. He's a boy who's staying at Tenryō Academy.

...I think his name was Akira."


As Seiran murmured, Homare heard the sound of grass being crushed behind her.

Before she knew it, a presence was standing there.


Was it the guardians she had stationed behind her?

Without paying particular attention, Homare simply kept searching through her memory and said the name on her tongue.


Next to Homare stood 12 boys. The firce battle where divine energy was flying about was reflected in their vision.


Eventually, the battle concluded, and a raging fire pierced the Noh mask, leading into the spiritual path.

At the end of the battle, one of the boys caught a glimpse of Akira. ―His pupils dilated wide.



How many times he had dived into the spiritual path?

Bracing himself against the oppressive spiritual pressure with nothing but willpower, Akira still did not stop driving his sword into the Noh-masked-man.


The blade, cutting its way up inch by inch, scorched the dark blue skin of the Noh-masked-man, which had revealed its true nature.


What had been Nurarihyon's divine artifact was now nothing more than burnt wood.


Deep within, a golden, turbid eyes distorted in mockery.


Witnessing this deformity that didn't seem like a divine pillar, Akira's murmur was leaked out into the void.


"What... the hell are you...?"


"―Hee, hee, hee. We won. I've fulfilled all my duties, my Lord!!"


Scorched by the surging divine energy, the Noh mask turned to ash.


What was revealed was a person with disheveled hair and blue-black skin, with a disorderly set of teeth and two horns.


One of the demon species and said to be the spirit of a woman who died of starvation.

Hannya cried out a one-sided victory and was unceremoniously engulfed by the divine energy of the Jakuen Gayou.


"What the...



Akira's thoughts came to a halt at the unexpected outcome.


In confusion, he stopped.

Suddenly, a light sound struck his back, followed by a searing shock.


About to collapse in agony, he looked back.

In his blurred vision, he saw Saki's expression, devoid of emotion.


"―Hee, hee. Were you surprised?"




"Correct. I have only one more trick left.

Please bear with me for a little while longer."


His vision and the world began to rumble.

As everything crumbled into the depths of the divine realm, the final battle between Akira and Nurarihyon, wearing the Noh mask of Saki, began.


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