Thursday, August 22, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 13 Part 5

Volume 3

Chapter 13 Part 5

Reverse the Spiritual Path, Follow it to the Sanctuary 5

Translator : PolterGlast

At the same time, in the southeast of the Central Capital, on Kugatachi Mountain.


A thunderous blast reaching halfway up the mountain shook the ground and knocked the guardian candidates off their feet.

The boys, still inexperienced on the battlefield, looked around while clinging to the thicket of trees without falling over.


"Bastards! Are you guys really guardians!?" A fearless man scolded them as he passed by the backs of the candidates, who were unbearably flustered.

"Regroup according to ranks! ―Get a grip on the situation!"




As soon as the candidates realized that the man was Rindo Kozaburo, the head of the fifth rank of the Eight Families, the backs of the guardian candidates straightened up.


The Eight Families, who are granted affiliation to the Four Sovereigns and the Three Imperial Families, are high-ranking families that have been entrusted with the responsibility of protecting the country.

Even if their rank within the eight families is low, they are the leading members of the nobility. The name of the Eight Families was highly respected throughout Takamagahara.

Especially in this kind of battlefield, the titles of the Eight Families were unparalleled in their impact.


Amidst the clamor of the crowd, Kozaburo turned his gaze toward the other side, where he could see the main shrine of Mt. Kugatachi.

The sight reflected in his vision was the roof of the main shrine, with only the rib beams remaining more than half of it.

The vermillion gold glow still filled the area, though he was confident that Tsuguho was safe and sound.


Lord Rindo, the squads have finished lining up."


"Good. Get in line and descend to the foot of the mountain to prepare for the enemy attack. Leave the command on-site to your superiors and stay as close together as possible."


The broader the squad that transcends factional and family relationships is, the more competent the leadership must be.

Although it may be possible to unite as a Shumon Province faction, the only people here are juveniles with little experience in purifying Kegare.

They are all youngsters who have not yet developed their resolve. Kozaburo quickly abandoned his unreasonable expectation for them to unite beyond acquaintance.


He distributed the divided ranks into evenly spaced units and proceeded to take a broad, thinly spread defensive formation.

The strategy he chose was one of the safest and most basic ones. Normally, this would be an option to avoid, but Kouzaburou did not even think twice rather than move the troops poorly and cause a friendly fire.


"Military drill... garrison... As I recall, that Genji fellow was very skillful in handling Saki. I'd like to meet him for the first time in a while and ask him about his tricks over some drinks."


It was four years ago that the second son of the neighboring fiefdom, whom he had known well, had become a guest of the Naze territory by chance.

He was skilled, but unsociable. He was given the role of Saki's guardian in the hope that it would give him a chance to get used to things, and it seemed to suit him quite well.


He remembered the young man he once knew, who had grown into a gentleman.

Chuckling quietly in the back of his throat, Kozaburo was about to check on Tsuguho's situation when―,




"Saki? Have you finished your business?"


The echo of a childish voice thrown on his back made him stop in his tracks. He looked around and saw his youngest daughter walking toward him from the other side of the crowd, with her ponytail swinging.


"Un. .......I've finished what I was investigating.

What's with all this commotion?"


"No doubt this is a ploy by the enemy.

For the time being, let them focus on defense, but despite their numbers, their experience is lacking."


If Nurarihyon were to invade, now would be the perfect time to do so, since the defense network based on the Five Elemental Barrier had collapsed.

Expressing this conviction on his tongue, Kozaburo looked at his youngest daughter, who counted twelve years of age.

She must have come running from the academy because she was breathing slightly raggedly.


"You rushed here in a hurry, huh?"


"I ran through the Central Capital with Hayabusa-gake.

Is Tsuguho-sama at the main shrine?"


"Yes. Even from here, we can see the roof is blown off.

But since the mountain's barrier is not destroyed, I'm sure she's fine, but we need to at least check on her situation.

Saki, can you take charge of the battlefield?"


"Father, Tsuguho-sama is a woman. She would not want a man to see her vulnerable state, even if that man is the head of the Eight Families. ―It would be better if I went to Tsuguho-sama instead."


"Hmm. That may be true.

......But such a flashy move might be a diversion by Nurarihyon. So, you might be a hindrance to Tsuguho-sama, you know?"


"I, too, am a member of the Eight Families. After reuniting with Tsuguho-sama, I will go to a place near the spiritual path to protect it. Akira-kun will also be returning through the spiritual path, and that should be the closest place for us to meet up."


I see. Kozaburo nodded his head, and at the edge of his vision, the toe of the girl who had turned on her heel stopped as if in hesitation.

Is there something that makes her doubt?


As Kozaburo looked at her, the girl's gaze wandered off into the distance.

The tip of her ponytail swayed slightly, caught in the girl's emotion.






A stunned and bewildered monologue.

Kozaburo glanced around upon witnessing his daughter's doubt.


There was just a quiet grove of trees without any tension.

Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, Kozaburo turned his attention back to his daughter.


"What's wrong?"


"―It's nothing, father.

I was just surprised that a piece was broken at this stage."


In response to Kozaburo's question, Saki showed a smile that did not show the confusion she felt earlier.

Seeing her smile, which was devoid of any confusion, Kozaburo stopped pursuing the matter for the time being.

In any case, it was a muttering that could not even be questioned. The priority should be to stop the Hyakki Yagyo, which could occur anytime soon.


I should ask her about it later.

Kozaburo barely managed to keep his thoughts from drifting away and nodded his head in understanding to the girl who had turned on her heels.


"......I see. I shall leave Tsuguho-sama to you then."


"―Yes. I wish you good luck, father."


Those were the only words exchanged.

She left and blended in with the crowd of people passing by.


Kozaburo watched his daughter's back as her ponytail swayed.

He had no time to be preoccupied with his daughter's movements, so he turned his body to descend the mountain.

He turned around, and the wind coming down from the mountain was tinged with a golden hue.


"―Sorry to keep you waiting, Rindo-sama. I saw you were talking to someone. Who was it?"


"It's my daughter. She has finished her business and arrived here a short while ago."


Benedetta tilted her head at Kozaburo's reply.

Although she was a bit left out, the atmosphere around her was one she was familiar with.


The smell of smearing blood and scorching odor.

It was the smell of a battlefield.


The conversation between the father and daughter seemed rather cold in the face of the battlefield, where life and death cannot be guaranteed.


"If that was the case, wouldn't it be better if you had exchanged a few more words?

I wouldn't mind waiting a little longer, you know?"


"No need to worry about it.

I would be grateful if you would also retreat to the rear, Cassalini-dono.

Frankly speaking, don't you think bringing an important person on a battlefield is a situation that should be avoided at all costs?"


I beg you, please behave yourself.


Benedetta smiled faintly and firmly declined Kozaburo's request without saying a word.

She was not interested in the Hyakki Yagyo, but if she could sell the achievements she had made in assisting them as a favor, that would be a different story.


Since Shumon Province did not have the manpower to send troops to the Central Capital, Benedetta's offer was not something that could be ignored.


"It is our responsibility to lend a helping hand to our allies in their time of need.

Rest assured. We will prove that the prestige of St. Ariadne is still strong even across the ocean."


"Very well. In that case, I'll rely on you.

......But I think it will be in vain, though. Hyakki Yagyo is no more of a threat to me than a bunch of flying insects."


"You seem to be very confident.

Well, with the prestige of the Eight Families reverberating far and wide, we can certainly have high hopes for you."


The exchange of lighthearted banter lightened their spirits as they leaped up the steep slope.

The sound of kicking gravel did not stop until the last few people had left.



Amidst the residual glitter of vermillion gold, Tsuguho furrowed her brow from a headache she hadn't experienced in a long time.

The altar, which had been blown away and scattered in a mess, was reflected in her twin eyes that finally opened.


No. Rather, the visibility was much brighter.

Following the source of the light, she looked up at the ceiling and found that it had been blown away, leaving the beams exposed. Tsuguho's eyes widened as she beheld the damage caused by a direct hit.


"Kuh. ―Are you alright, Aka-sama?"


"You have done it now, Nurarihyon.

You stole my divine energy and thrust it into the spiritual path of Soukoku."


The anguish that even the divine pillar could not hide colored Shuka's lovely voice.

Hearing these words, Tsuguho finally understood what had happened.


The spiritual paths of Aioi and Soukoku that support the Five Elemental Barrier. These two spiritual paths closely influence each other, but they still form a separate chain.

If the spiritual path of Soukoku, which is responsible for control, is destroyed, the out-of-control dragon veins themselves will directly impact the Five Elemental Barrier.


The dragon veins that support the Five Elemental Barrier, which boasts unparalleled robustness, are reversed and become the blade that strikes the divine pillars that support the Cornerstone Mountains.


It is such an obvious weakness, but of course, it is not structured to be easily pierced.

Except for the Cornerstone Mountains, which connect the base points, the spiritual paths of Soukoku do not touch the outer edges of the barrier.


Penetrate into the Five Elemental Barrier and invade the pivotal sacred realm.

A difficult task that would be impossible to accomplish by simply destroying it.


"Aka-sama' divine energy......?"


"Exactly, I understood his tricks.

The Pārijāta that was kept in this Mistress's sanctuary. Its authority is most likely to create a spiritual connection with its counterpart. Interference with water flow is a mere facade."


"The sacred artifact entrusted to Saki-san!?"


As Shuka explained in frustration, Tsuguho also began to understand.

Shuka's sanctuary (Bankyū Daigara) is filled with Shūka's divine energy.

If such divine energy is channeled into Saki's Pārijāta through the spiritual path, which cannot be interfered with, simply swinging it down will become almost as powerful as the divine artifact's authority itself.


Based on the outward appearance of the stakes, and their authority themselves, they are not suitable for combat. It was an easy assumption that Nurarihyon would refrain from retrieving Pārijāta if it was inside the Five Elemental Barrier.

Clearly, that judgment was a blunder on Tsuguho and the others' part.


"We can only pray for Saki's safety.

It is a blessing in disguise that this Mistress was the only one who had reinforced the Five Elemental Barrier."


"Yes. The Divine Pillars that descended were Takamikura-sama, Shiro-sama, and Aka-sama. The only one whose divine energy went out of control was Aka-sama.

It is not a coincidence, is it?"


Tsuguho's confirmation was met with Shuka's affirmative response.


Only when the Four Sovereigns and the Three Imperial Families are all present can Nurarihyon's schemes be fully effective.


However, despite the threat of Nurarihyon being fully reported, the movement of the Three Imperial Families remained slow.

Before the Four Sovereigns had even arrived, the Hyakki Yagyo occurred at a time when the sun was high in the sky.


As a result, Shuka's divine energy caused the spiritual path of Soukoku to collapse and only stripped the outer edges of the Five Elemental Barrier. This result is too favorable for Central Capital to be considered as a lucky coincidence.


"Since there are so many coincidences, it's nothing but a foregone conclusion.

The moves were mostly made by Takamikura-sama."


"Did Central Capital receive an oracle about Nurarihyon, after all?"


"I suppose so. Nurarihyon's schemes are so ingenious that she probably decided to stop defending, thinking that it would lead us to defeat if she interpreted the oracle poorly.”


The shock that had pierced through her body and mind was gone, and Tsuguho stood up and activated a regeneration talisman.

The pale flame was dyed with the divine energy of vermillion gold, and the feeling of discomfort that remained in her body disappeared.


It was Gensei's talisman retrieved from Akira, as part of the Talisman Association instruction.

It was especially blessed by Shuka's divine energy and brought tremendous healing to Tsuguho's current condition.

Relief leaked from Tsuguho's throat as she was comforted by the pale flames.


"Could it be that Nurarihyo has successfully invaded the spiritual path?"


"―With Shōrō (earth element) most likely having retreated to the Central Sanctuary, and the barrier of Mount Kugatachi having received this Mistress' divine energy head-on,

It would be foolish for Nurarihyon, who had already played his hands, not to take a gamble at this point."


Hearing Shuka's reply, Tsuguho invoked Arawakamioroshi.

With the Five Elemental Barrier destroyed, there was little point in protecting the main shrine, which was a sanctuary. If one assumes that Nurarihyon has invaded the spiritual path, then it is the spiritual path that should be protected.


Tsuguho's feet, with a hint of vermillion gold dwelling in them, trampled on the gravel in front of the main shrine.

The place is close to the summit of Mt. Kugatachi, but the atmosphere of a battlefield is still distant.

She lowered her hips slightly and leaped.

The leg strength boosted by the tremendous force made Tsuguho's body flew into the sky.


The passage leading to the shrine with a row of torii gates was located halfway up the Kugatachi Mountain. The body of the girl wearing a white robe fell down as if dancing, looking at the narrow passage with her blue-tinted eyes.


The square where the girl set foot without a sound was the base point of the barrier where the spiritual paths of Aioi and Soukoku intersected.


"There's no one around here within my observation radius.

Is this some kind of command by the head of the Rindou family?"


It might be better this way, wouldn't it?

This is our battlefield, and unnecessary distraction will only hinder our movements."


The fierce rivalry between the spiritual power and the miasma that was erupting at the foot of the mountain was transmitting the presence of the Hyakki Yagyo to the hillside where Tsuguho was standing, which was some distance away.

Although it seemed as if they were concentrating their forces on the foot of the mountain, in fact, this small square, where the paths from the foot of the mountain converge, is the true battlefield.


"That would be the case if it were anyone else, but if it were the head of Rindo, he'd be a force to be reckoned with.

......I don't sense any fluctuation in the divine energy, from which direction will Nurarihyon appear?"


"Since Soukoku has fallen, there is no other way but through Aioi.

As I predicted. ―Here they come."


A brief warning came from Shuka. The path leading to the spiritual path of Aioi was submerged in the color of the ocean floor.

This color, swaying endlessly like in the ocean's depths, deprived Tsuguho of her vision.




"―Hi, hi. As I thought, you won't let me through so easily."


"It's been a while, Nurarihyon. I hope your coming here means you're ready to have your neck severed."


"―Hi, hi. Kugatachi Mountain is our next stop. Now that we have our goal in sight, we will let you off the hook if you just quiver in the corner."




A slash approached from behind. However, just before it reached Tsuguho, it collided with the drawn dagger.

Through the flying sparks and clashing blades, Tsuguho and the Noh mask's gazes met.


The Noh mask was modeled after an ordinary man with only a short mustache as a distinguishing feature. It gave an even fainter impression than when they crossed blades in Karen, but Tsuguho, not to be outdone, slashed out her dagger.


With nimbleness that belies his ordinary appearance, the man with the Noh mask jumped back.

With no intention of allowing the man to gain momentum, Tsuguho stepped forward with a great heave.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden, ―Enga.




A slash imbued with flames crossed the air sharply from outside the gap, which was supposed to be out of reach.

The spirit technique, which rendered the gap futile, came close to Nurarihyon's throat as he attempted to retreat.


A direct descendant of the Four Sovereigns. Even as a Miko, she is still a bit naive.


A smirk appeared on the mouth behind the Noh mask, and the machete blade was swung out vertically at the same time as he activated a talisman.

The slash, accompanied by the radiance of the ocean floor, confronted the flame-infused flying slash.


Clash. The sound of the collision echoed throughout the area, and the Enga, which was infused with divine energy, shattered into fragments.


"......Is that your divinity, Nurarihyon?"


"Well, I wonder. It is indeed a nostalgic radiance, ...... but it is long gone from our memories."

Despite feeling a little dazed, he lowered his hips and readjusted his stance.

"Whichever side you are on, if you don't back down, we will attack you. I have no intention of retreating this time, so please rest assured."


He declared so with a sneer. Before his exhale was even over, the Noh mask closed the gap between them from a low, ground-encroaching position.

Caught off guard, Tsuguho's initial move was slightly delayed.


The Noh-masked-man's throat unintentionally vibrated as he seized the perfect opportunity for victory.



Hearing his own sneering voice, Nurarihyon's mouth gnashed with impatience behind the Noh mask.


The fact is, he can no longer retreat.

He has spent a long time and a great deal of time and effort to get to this point. And he cannot even start all over again from the beginning.


If retreating means nothing but destruction, then there is no choice but to advance.

Even so, there remained a question in Nurarihyon's mind that he could not shake off.


From the sensation he felt in return, it was certain that Yamamoto Gorozaemon had perished.

His demise was within his expectation, but to die so soon at this stage was completely unexpected.


The speed at which the Hyakki Yagyo is progressing is still accelerating even now.


The speed is so fast that even improvised correction cannot catch up with it.

It is a speed that is too strange to be described as smooth. Glancing up, the sun is still high in the sky.


If things continue to proceed smoothly, he will surely reach Takamikura's sanctuary before evening.


Even though he still has a trump card namely Kangyo Doji lying in wait, the situation is so abnormal so far. He was convinced that Takamikura was pulling the strings behind the scenes.


Had Takamikura, of all people, discovered our origins?


The concept that Nurarihyon governs over is strongly connected to the water element.

The water element, which is the culmination of Yin Qi, can only demonstrate its true potential at night.


But that is nothing more than a margin of error.

The acceleration of his schemes coincides with the fact that it is also encouraging the reappearance of Nurarihyon's myth.


His myth that he had accomplished in the past, the Nine Dharma Treasures.

Under a karma that converts the pain of being roasted by fire into faith, even a slight disadvantage becomes meaningless.


There is still a way to cut down Takamikura.


The release of the divine attributes that his divine artifact boasts of.

If only he could accomplish this, Nurarihyon's victory would be secured.


Suppressing a trace of anxiety behind his Noh mask, Nurarihyon slowly took his first step.



Without moving to evade the slash that was accompanied by the glow of the ocean's depths, Tsuguho simply gazed at the way the deadly blade was closing in.

It was not out of desperation, she simply realized there was no need for her to do so.


At the edge of her vision, the spiritual path of Soukoku was stained with darkness that she could not even see the depths of.

If the destination connected to the fallen spiritual path was Mitsuzutorii Mountain, then there should only be one person who would pass through it.


The legs that stepped out from the depths of the spiritual path were unreliable and not strengthened.

As if to show that he had been in a series of battles before this, even the traces of divine energy he had been blessed with had been completely depleted.


First step. Fallen leaves danced slightly under his feet as he stepped out.


Second step. Divine energy instantly filled him and cast a lingering flame in its wake.


Third step. Leaving behind the fallen leaves, which burned and scattered with the brilliance of vermillion gold, the speed melted the distance between the boy loved by the Divine Pillar and the Noh-masked-man.

The Noh-masked man prioritized Shuka and Tsuguho, who stood before his eyes. ―The trajectory of the deadly blade approaching their throats.




While staring at the Noh mask, seemingly caught off guard, the boy, who had finished filling himself with divine energy, reached out his hand into the void.

He grasped one of the two swords stored in his heart.


The shadow that undermines the sun. The flame of rebirth that wishes for the setting sun.

The moment when the crimson lotus flower sinks is the moment when the setting sun appears.


His lips announced a prayer for the divine artifact wrought by the divine pillar.


"Sink into the setting sun, ―Rakuyou Zakuro!!"


An endless scorching light pierced through the dimly lit square.

The boy's body intervened in the trajectory of the machete blade, and the slashing motion of the dancing divine artifact severed the machete in half.


"―You caught up, huh?"


"Yeah. I've caught up with you, Nurarihyon.

I'll stop you here."


He could not hide his frustration. The tone of the ordinary man's Noh mask was laced with a hatred that didn't seem to fit him.

Holding a machete and a talisman in each hand, the Noh-masked-man danced his small frame in the air.


In the hands of the boy who confronted him, Rakuyou Zakuro responded to the boy's call, raised its vermillion gold brilliance, and rampaged.

Standing behind Tsuguho, Shuka's face lit up with joy that could not be concealed.




The mountain wind blowing down from the Kugatachi Mountain created a whirlwind that danced through the air.

Akira's haori fluttered loudly on his back.



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