Monday, August 12, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 13 Part 2.2

Volume 3

Chapter 13 Part 2.2

Reverse the Spiritual Path, Follow it to the Sanctuary 2.2

Translator : PolterGlast

Akira was witnessing the whole process.


Even though he had heard the briefing beforehand, it was still difficult for him to comprehend.

The only thing that can be said with certainty is the fact that it is impossible to reproduce Tenrai, even with divine authority.


Individually, the techniques are not that difficult to master.

Even with Akira's technique, it is possible to reproduce only the fire talisman technique.


If one were to ask someone about wood, earth, and water talismans, the same answer would be received.

However, the skill required to link and control all of the techniques was beyond measure.


Even a skilled Onmyoji could control at most three techniques at the same time.

Including spirit techniques, controlling five techniques of different elements at the same time is, to put it lightly, a feat of extraordinary skill.


It does not depend on the rank of the spirit, but on the power of controlled techniques.


"Are you alright, Akira-kun?

Well, maybe that's not something wise for me to ask. This kind of thing shouldn't be something Kanna-no-Mikura should worry about, right?


"No. I still have a long way to go.

I have nothing but admiration for Yuge-sama's strike."


Until now, Akira had also guessed the possibility that his true identity had been discovered by Kojou.

But now that Kojou saw Akira pull out Jakuen Gayou, there was no doubt that he was convinced.


Akira tried his best not to react to the words that were so blatantly spoken to him.


"I see, so you want to see how much of the divine artifact will drain your divine energy.

I understand that this Hyakki Yagyo is your last opportunity to do so.

......I'll make some cover-ups to tell Genji later, so you don't have to worry about your back."


"Much appreciated. What are you gonna do now, Yuge-sama?"


"I need to fortify Kagura's protection.

Metal element is strong on the offensive, but poor on defense. The remaining forces we have mobilized will not be enough."


"I believe the Imperial Guards has been mobilized as well."


"I'm not so gullible as to pin my hopes on those who have been protected by the barrier.

Besides, if I don't protect my own daughter, I will lose the place to stand as a parent."


"Parent, huh?"


For Akira, it was nothing more than a dream. He smiled at Kojou and, without being able to concur, gave him only a formal nod of understanding.

Kojou looked up at Mitsuzu-Torii Mountain in front of him, chuckling at the expression on the boy's face, which showed no signs of mental preparedness.


"Before you proceed to Mt. Kugatachi, could you please have a little chat with Kagura?

She's in the middle of a devotional retreat, and I'm sure she'd like to relieve some of her boredom."


"I would be happy to do it, but I think it would be difficult under our current circumstances.

Especially the blow earlier. Even though we were able to crush Hyakki Yagyo, I don't even have the feeling that we reached Nurarihyon."


"Well, we've cleared pretty much the whole area.

Looks like neither of us had much of a response."


Akira's power and Kojou's spirit techniques are powerful enough to mercilessly annihilate the surrounding area, so much so that they do not even consider distinguishing between any of their enemies.


Akira and Kojou's blow would certainly have brought about the annihilation of the whole area.

But Akira was not convinced that Nurarihyon, who had prepared so carefully, could be deterred by such a single blow.


"Especially Nurarihyon's divine artifact has the power to impersonate others.

Since we don't know what he looks like―"


"It is possible that he has already infiltrated the garrison.

Although the Mitsuzu-Torii mountain's barrier is still in place, as long as we don't know what our enemy is up to, it would be foolish to let him get any closer."


He glanced bitterly at the apprentice guardians.

The apprentice guardians were making a lot of commotion as they tried to finish off the surviving beasts, and even if a Nurarihyon were to infiltrate their ranks, there would be no way for Kojou to tell who it was.


He might be alone, but he is still a fallen divine pillar. And although it is unlikely that he will be able to breach Mitsuzu-Torii Mountain's barrier, Kojou is not so complacent as to allow him to approach the barrier.


Akira could sympathize with Kojou's concern, but he still had deeper-rooted doubts.


"Aka-sama said that Nurarihyon's aim was to seize the sanctuary of the Central Capital.

 ......If that is the case, I don't think there is any point in bringing down the Cornerstone Mountains."


The protection of the Five Elemental Barrier, with the exception of the Cornerstone Mountains, has been virtually lost.


At this point, the prerequisite for the scheme that Nurarihyon plotted has been accomplished.

Since the Cornerstone Mountains is not the stronghold of the dragon den, there is no longer any point in being fixated on it.

The most efficient course of action for Hyakki Yagyo would be to ignore the Cornerstone Mountains and give priority to the invasion of the Central Capital.


Yuge Koujo smiled lightly and quickened his pace a little as he headed for Mitsuzu-Torii Mountain.

Sensing that Akira was following suit, he continued his words.


"Not necessarily the case. The only way to reach the sanctuary of the Central Capital, the cornerstone of Takamagahara, is by following a specific route."

The key is to understand the purpose of the Cornerstone Mountains.

"The pilgrimage to the sanctuary is a simple but powerful ritual.

By going through the pilgrimage around the cornerstone mountains, which is based on the five elements, it is possible to reach Takamikura, the sovereign of the dragon den."


The Central Capital is one of the largest divine realms in the world, but the area inhabited by people only encompasses the top layer of the divine realm.

The only way to reach the true sanctuary, which is located at the base of the dragon den, is to travel along the spiritual paths that connect the cornerstone mountains.


"If Nurarihyon wanted to go to the dragon den, he would have to go through the spiritual path connecting the cornerstone mountains.

I don't know how he will infiltrate though......"


"I can see through Nurarihyon's disguise. Shall I try searching?"


Slipping between the bustle of apprentice guardians, the two reached the outer edge of the barrier.

At the entrance to the high mountain path, they stared at the bustling crowd of guardians.

There was no sign of Nurarihyon within sight.


"A tempting offer, but I don't want to incur the Kihouin family's enmity.

Akira-kun, you should prioritize going to Mount Kugatachi."


"―I knew you would make that decision, Kojou.

I also would like to thank you once again for allowing Kagura and Kanna-no-Mikura to meet."


As Akira felt slight disappointment that his expectations were not fulfilled, a woman's voice with a clear seductive tone sounded behind his back.

As Akira turned his head in surprise, pure white shone down on the mountain path.


It was the Jinroin Kagura he had met the other day. Everything about her was enveloped in a pure white radiance.

Her limbs were wrapped in a white robe resembling that of a miko (shrine maiden).


Her silver-white hair, trimmed at the shoulders, fluttered gracefully around her ears.

The golden eyes peeked out from the bangs, glaring at Akira with a mischievous gleam that contradicted her childish appearance.


"Shiro-sama, is it all right for you to leave the main hall?"


"My main body is still inside. There's no problem with just borrowing Kagura's body.

The entrance to the spiritual path is right behind you. If we don't protect this place, where else are we going to protect it?"


"Your insight is beyond wise."


"Since they showed us this much enthusiasm on their first move, even I can guess what the enemy's plan is.

It's a bit nauseating to be used as a gateway to the sanctuary, but it makes sense for them to take advantage of our weakness, doesn't it?"


Arawakamioroshi. Akira realized from the girl's response that she was not someone he was acquainted with.


Unlike Tsuguho previously, this girl had probably entrusted her body more deeply to the divine pillar.

The golden gleam turned her gaze beyond Akira.


"On the contrary, the attacks directed at the other cornerstone mountains were likely to be decoys.

Those large number of defiled beasts, enough to be called Hyakki Yagyo, were merely decoys. Though, the time and effort needed to prepare them must be no less than several hundred years,

Isn't that right?"


"Indeed, I have gone to a tremendous amount of effort.

So it's kind of frustrating to be seen through here."


A third person's voice interrupted the conversation among Akira and the others.

Upon hearing this natural response, which sent a chill down one's spine, Akira and Kojou turned around with their hands on their sword's handles.


There was no presence. But before they knew it, a lone soldier was standing there.


A dull, middle-aged man with a mustache that left only the slightest impression.

A man whose features were covered by an elaborately carved wooden mask.


It was a face he did not recognize, but the whisper that so naturally invaded his thoughts was fresh in Akira's mind.


"Nurarihyon. I was wondering what tricks you would use to get close to this place, but in the end, is this where you're going to call it quits?"


"―Hi, hi, indeed. No matter how strong one's body may be, it is impossible to cross the barrier of the Cornerstone MOuntains while covered in miasma. ...... But all I have to do left is infiltrate the spiritual path and make my way over to the sanctuary."


His shoulders shook and his featureless face twitched with laughter.

In his hand, the tip of a broad, machete-like sword, which did not resemble a sword, swayed as it moved.


At first glance, his stance appeared playful.

However, this opponent in front of Akira's eyes used such swordsmanship to penetrate one's defenses. Knowing this, Akira kept looking for an opening without letting his guard down.


"Do you really think it is possible for you to cross the barrier now that we have the protection of a divine pillar?"


"That's exactly why now is the perfect opportunity, Kanna-no-Mikura-dono.

Now that the Five Elemental Barrier has been broken, nothing can block a blow to the Cornerstone Mountains.

With the miasma in our bodies, we believe we can breach through the barrier, but what do you think?"


No one can respond to his taunting question.

The silence spoke more eloquently of the truth than anything else, as the carved wooden Noh mask grew shadier with each sneer.


As the sneering Noh mask pointed out, Akira and the others were a little behind when it came to defenses.

The reason for this is that Akira and the others would be restricted in their use of spirit techniques because they could not afford to destroy the final barrier on Mt. Mitsuzu-Torii.

Nurarihyon, on the other hand, could use miasma without worrying about its contamination.


To overcome this overwhelming disadvantage, Akira took a big step forward.

A signature offensive step. Akira's most refined technique, a powerful blow from the Daijōdan (overhead) stance.


The roaring blade sliced through the air and met the sword held out by the Noh mask.


"Let's settle this here, Nurarihyon.

You must die here before you enter the spiritual path."


"It's no use, Kanna-no-Mikura-dono. Now that your spiritual power is limited, you are nothing more than a mere insignificant boy."


Determination and ridicule collided, and the scattered spiritual power turned into flames.

Amidst the multiple flashes of sword strikes, the decisive battle on Mt. Mitsuzu-Torii has begun.



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