Monday, August 26, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 13 Part 6

Volume 3

Chapter 13 Part 6

Reverse the Spiritual Path, Follow it to the Sanctuary 6

Translator : PolterGlast



He must be invoking Arawakamioroshi.

The voice of Shuka, peeking out from behind Tsuguho's back, reached Akira, filled with joy.


Pushed by the girl's reliance on him, vermillion gold's spiritual power raged.


"Phew~!" "―Sei!!"


Breaths crossed, and Akira slashed down from Hassō-no-kamae to a diagonal strike.

Simultaneously, with a dancing gait, the Noh-masked-man's machete turned and easily repelled Akira's powerful blow.


Clang. Along with the clanging metal, their respective slashing trajectories headed in the opposite direction.

Akira stepped forward without hesitation.


A series of slashes were released, and the clanging sounds of the blades reverberated back to Akira.

Contrary to the silly-looking Noh mask, the soldier's gait was smooth as if he was dancing. But every one of his slashes was knocked down by Akira's slashes.


At first, Akira was bewildered by Nurarihyon's swordsmanship which is of an unknown school, but they have crossed swords three times already.

Akira had come to understand a part of the principles behind the swordsmanship after experiencing it so many times, including the unique tactics that seemed to sneak up behind his defenses.


He took another step forward, repelling only the slashes that reached him.

As Akira advanced unwaveringly, the legs of the soldier showed signs of retreating.

Akira had no intention of letting him get away. With his enormous spiritual power raging through the blade of Rakuyou Zakuro, Akira swung a horizontal slash.


"Seeiii!!" "Mnnnghh!"


The throat of the Noh-masked man who was kicking the ground let out a bewildered exhale.

It was too late to notice. Multiple shadows formed on the tip of the roaring Rakuyou Zakuro.


Akira's slash was negligible, but Rakuyo Zakuro's authority gushed out faster than his decision to cut it down.



The trees behind him fell from their trunks with a resounding thud as they were slashed by a slash that rendered their defenses futile.


The man with the Noh mask, who had ducked under the slash, grumbled at the sight of the smooth cross-section of the trees.


"It was scary that you were willing to risk even your own defense.

We've been at each other's throats for quite some time, don't you think it would be appropriate if we exchanged words with our swords?”


"You have done as you pleased, so I will not pardon you for being so arrogant!”


Dismissing the nonsense thrown at him through the Noh mask, Akira's feet kicked the ground.

One step, one distance. Though still crude, Akira's step dissolved the distance between them.


From Daijōdan stance to diagonal slashes and reverse slashes. The slashes piled up on top of each other, but the swinging machete handled them without difficulty.


It's tough!

Ignoring the hint of mockery in the Noh mask, Akira's foot took another step forward.


Akira had already severed his opponent's machete in half.

Although Akira had the advantage in terms of reach, he couldn't really perceive this due to his slashes being constantly blocked.

The slashes he fired as a last-ditch effort, together with a slight burst of divine energy, forced Nurarihyon to retreat.


"Mikura-dono, you still need to do some work with your swordsmanship."


"Damn it!"


Even if he stepped forward and went on the offensive, it would be meaningless if the opponent fled out of range.

It was indeed a powerful blow of divine energy, but Akira found its excessive power too much to handle.


He spat out a curse along with his regret. He then used the Rakuyo Zakuro to close the gap one more time.


"Akira-san!" "!"




Tsuguho stepped in from the side, aiming for Nurarihyon's machete.


The vermillion gold-toned thrust met the belly of the machete, and a spark of divine energy exploded.

Stomping down on the remaining flames that fell at his feet, Tsuguho kept on the offensive with an unwavering attack.


"Tsuguho, let me descend to Akira. Cover him!"


"My apologies, Aka-sama.

But I'm afraid our opponent won't let us do that.”


Although it is possible for multiple people to use Arawakamioroshi simultaneously if they are close to each other, the vessel where the divine pillar descends has the priority of receiving divine blessing.

It is only natural that the course of the battle would change drastically if Shuka were to descend on Akira, who possesses a divine artifact, but Nurarihyon's extremely skillful techniques made it impossible to find an opportunity to do so.


After all, he did not even have the time to execute his spirit techniques.

It would be unwise to use Arawakamioroshi at this point.


"Miko and Mikura-dono. To think that we can compete with such a two-man team, it shows that our skills are not to be underestimated."


"Nope. Thanks to you, I was able to knead enough divine energy."


Interrupting the sneering Noh mask, Akira and Tsuguho switched positions.

In his palm was a divine artifact, filled with the divine energy of vermillion gold up to the critical point.


Since he couldn't handle that much power, he decided to destroy the entire surrounding area at once with greater firepower.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Finisher Move, ―Hōroku Tsugumi.


The impact of the divine energy that exploded in layers flooded the space and engulfed the body of the Noh-masked-man.


No matter how strong the Kegare is, if it were to be hit by this blow directly, it would not escape unscathed.

However, the flames of the explosion, which overwhelmed the surrounding area, were painted over from the inside by the shimmering brilliance of the ocean depths.


"You even blocked this? Divine energy sure is troublesome!"


"Unfortunately, as long as my body and soul have been pardoned by the divine energy, even Mikura-dono's flames will not be able to reach me."


A pale, blazing talisman was flicked from his fingers, and the sneering Noh mask emerged from the swirling flames.

Akira grumbled to his opponent, who was unscathed by the blow, which would have obliterated most incarnations.


The divine energy, which is also the divine pillar itself, is a manifestation of the concept itself.


Just by existing there, the divine energy becomes a solid realm that is impregnable even to Divine Pillars.

As Akira was about to retreat after failing in his attack, Tsuguho's scolding stopped him in his tracks.


"No more fooling around."

Tsuguho unleashed a dance of slashes, forcing the Noh-masked-man to adopt a one-sided defensive stance.

Even if he was protected by the divine energy, Akira and Tsuguho were on the same footing.

Kugatachi Mountain is Shuka's divine domain. Shuka's divine blessing, stronger than the radiance of the ocean floor exhibited by the enemy, was protecting Akira and Tsuguho.

"This is Aka-sama's divine domain, so we have the advantage here. As long as we overwhelm them from the top of their defenses without being hasty, it won't be possible for us to be defeated."




Not to be outdone, Akira followed behind Tsuguho, who was calmly cornering the Noh-masked-man.

Standing shoulder-to-shoulder, they naturally breathed in unison.


A dagger and Rakuyou Zakuro. Their blades were colored with the same vermillion-gold glow as they bared their fangs.


The difference in the number of attackers was directly related to the difference in the number of moves.

Vermillion-gold's slashes blossomed, and gradually the Noh-masked man began to lag behind.


As the attackers took turns delivering slashes, the man's legs gradually began to show signs of retreating.

As soon as the situation was completely tilted, the momentum of the machete waned.


The breakdown was instantaneous.

The machete, with its blade less than half its original length, was deflected by Tsuguho's dagger, and the tip of the Rakuyou Zakuro was pulled toward the man's throat, which was now completely exposed.


The plan was to have Yamamoto's apparition join in the fight, but he seemed to be getting late.

"......No other choice."


To officially destroy the Nine Dharma Treasures, he must face the divine pillar connected to the fire element head-on.

A precise reproduction of the feat he had accomplished in the past.


But it was supposed to be Yamamoto Gorozaemon who was to be defeated at this stage.

Now that his arrival had been delayed, he could no longer afford to be defeated here.


Was it because the plan was progressing too quickly or was there another factor?

The Noh-masked man gnashed his teeth at the approaching lethal slash. He then pulled a prepared trump card from his pocket.


Sandwiched between the raised sword fingers, several barrier-type talismans released a sea-colored divine energy.

Mantra was instantly assembled, and the Nohmasked man constructed a solid cage of barrier.




The two, who were convinced that they were perfectly capable of stopping him, were slow to respond to the exploding divine energy.

Water overcome Fire. The divine energy of the water element, which had the advantage over the fire element, sealed the Rakuyou Zakuro into a cage of barrier.


The grip disappeared from Akira's palm, and the entire slash disappeared along with the Rakuyo Zakuro.

This sensation was fresh in Akira's memory.


"Sealing divine artifact!?"


"Correct. When we hatched the plan to visit Vansuir, we mimicked the attributes of one of their divine artifacts."


Instantly. Akira's attack was rendered futile and before his eyes, the sneering Noh-masked man closed in on him.


Akira tried to retreat, but his movements were fatally delayed.

He was grabbed by the collar and pushed toward the entrance of the spiritual path.


"―It only lasts a few seconds against those belonging to the fire element, but that's enough."

With a cracking sound, the barrier vanished, and Akira felt the Rakuyou Zakuro return to his hand.

He was about to thrust the tip of his sword faster than he could think,


"Akira!" "Akira-san!!"

Shuka's and Tsuguho's fingertips overlapped, and their bodies, bound by the divine domain, were pulled out of the border of the spiritual path.


Akira's struggle was too late, and his body, along with the Noh-masked man, fell into the depths of the spiritual path.



At the foot of Mount Himorogi, the battle situation was becoming increasingly chaotic.

Spirit power erupted from everywhere on the battlefield, and a dull cloud of smoke rose from the ground each time.


A glimpse of reddish-bronze skin could be seen through the smoke.


An existence that rendered most spirit techniques ineffective, and laid waste to the battlefield with unparalleled violence.

A swarm of Giant Ogres, known as a threat even among the medium-level Metamorphs, was about to overrun the plains.


"The defense line has been breached!"


"Hold them at all costs. Do not penetrate too deeply into the front line, retreat and fortify the defensive line―"


The commands that flew back and forth were given with impatience, and the young men's impatience was evident.

Most Imperial Guards have been overrun by the Giant Ogres, and the only ones left were the apprentices of the academy's guardians.


As the defense lines were in disarray, a shadow was cast over the base prepared for command.


"!? Retrea―"


One of the guardians who held temporary command looked above his head.

He shouted a warning, shocked at the shadow's true identity, and was crushed under the massive frame of the Giant Ogre that fell with a resounding impact.


Gaa, aaaa~!!


Perhaps understanding that the line of Kabeju Province had been half destroyed, the Giant Oni, with its teeth bared, turned joyful.


Glaring at the fleeing guardians, it raised its huge arm.

It swung down to sweep the surrounding area―.


"Coming through,"

However, faster than that, a woman's shadow appeared in front of the Giant Ogre.

Her palm reached into the void, and she pulled out a katana, which was stored in her heart.



It was impossible to see through the attack from its initial movement.

It was only after the initial movement that one could tell that it was a thrust.


However, the power of the attack could only be described in one word: unparalleled.


The delayed impact ripped up the skin, piercing a large hole in the body of the Giant Ogre, which could deflect even spirit techniques.

Hariin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden, ―Yukiwari Ichige.


The impact of the piercing blow expanded the Ogre from within, and its huge frame was unable to endure it and exploded into smithereens.


Guts scattered from the huge monster and stained the ground in splotches.


"What the heck? I came here to have some fun, but it turned out that there were only one or two Giant Ogres... or rather, they were all small.

Although there are many of them, they still can't make me satiated."


The woman's left eye was covered with a tsuba (katana's guard) brightly dyed in vermilion and blue.

She is Hōjō Izana, the head of the Hōjō family, the fourth of the Eight Families.


"L-Lord Houjou!! I apologize for being so rude upon your arrival, but the front line has collapsed severely. I would like to ask for your assistance."


"Yes, I can see that. All personnel must evacuate immediately.

I'll devour all of the Giant Ogres. So, hurry up and withdraw from the front line, I could not care less if anyone gets caught in it."


The apprentice guardian's expression regained its vigor at the light tone of the reply.


Hōjō family head is well known for her ability, as well as for her love of warfare.

Of her character of being eager to be on the front lines, the apprentice guardian is now more grateful than upset.


Leaving a brief thank-you note, the apprentice guardian quickly turned on his heel.

One reason was to get to the safe rear, but the other was because it would be worse to stay here.


It was neither a lie nor an exaggeration to say that Izana did not care if anyone was caught up in her attacks.

This is because Hariin-school, which excels at internal techniques, is not good at external techniques.


It is especially difficult to adjust the power.


"Well, I think I only have 30 minutes at most before that Ugetsu boy arrives.

Let's go all out and finish them off with a single blow, shall we?"


Glaring at the horde of Giant Ogres coming at her, Izana gathered all her spirit power.

To begin with, she had no intention of going easy on them.


Hariin-style Spirit Technique, Finisher Move―



The impact of the explosion upon hitting the ground caused all the Giant Ogres within visible range to be knocked off their feet.


This is a unique finishing move whose main effect is not its power, but its ability to deter the opponent.

Naturally, her next attack is her true aim.


Without hesitation, Izana leaped into the midst of the Giant Ogres, who were struggling to get up.


Hariin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden―

"―Zanshō Kaede."


The straight-edged sword in her hand was drawn into the Ogres' torso, and without showing any resistance,

The blade was flung out without showing any resistance.


The blade made a noise similar to the buzzing of an insect's wings, and it traced a trail through the Ogres as if it were dancing.

Unable to put up a decent fight, most of what was left was the remains of the Great Ogres.


Only one Ogre finally stood up and ran away to escape from the unfathomable devastation.


"I won't let you get away!"




The blade plunged into the Giant Ogre's huge arm, and it screamed from the pain it had never felt before.


However, perhaps that was the limit, as the momentum of the spirit technique waned.

The sound of wings and vibrations gradually faded away.






The Giant Ogre, perhaps seeing an opportunity to win, roared in a counterattack.

Looking up at the raised massive arm, Izana still grinned fearlessly.


For a normal novice guardian it would be a threat, but for Hariin-school users, there was no need for evasion.

Hariin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden―


The fist struck down with a loud bang toward the female warrior's face, but she blocked it and remained unscathed.



When she used this spirit technique, the Hariin-style transformed into a human-shaped barrier.

The fist was repelled by a defensive spirit technique that boasted of being the toughest at close range. At the same time as the fist got repelled, she swung out her divine artifact and killed it.


All that remained was the monotonous task of disposing of the remaining Giant Ogres.


She deliberately refrained from exercising the authority of the divine artifact.

It was one of the arrogant resolves that she imposed on herself in order to get closer to Yuge Kojou's battle achievement.

Izana slashed down the Giant Ogres' huge bodies one after another along with their defenses.


When the number of Ogres was reduced to one-third of its original number, the Ogres had already realized that it was futile to fight against her.

Using their superiority in numbers to stall for time, a few of them turned their heels toward Himorogi Mountain.


For the Giant Ogres, their only threat was Izana, the rest were too inexperienced to even put up a decent fight.

So, they planned to at least destroy the barrier of Mt. Himorogi.


The tactic that the Ogres had devised based on their poor thinking was obvious even to Izana's eyes.

While dealing with the Ogres, who were rushing toward her as a desperate army, she glanced toward Mount Himorogi.


But without even thinking about turning her feet, she lightly shrugged her shoulders and headed toward the approaching horde.

Only a mutter that was certain to be heard by the opponents colored her lips.


"You sure are taking your time. Well, I know you won't be satisfied with just this, but you'll have to put up with the leftovers."




"―Certainly, that's what she would say."


She probably prioritized thinning out the number of Giant Ogres instead of protecting the mountain's barrier, because it would be more fun. ―Hariin Homare, convinced of this, stared at Izana as she descended from the pathway to the foot of the mountain.


Behind Homare, Seiran, the Dvine Pillar of Kabeju Province, raised her fist.

Even though she did not even hit anything, she repeatedly thrust her fist in the air with great enthusiasm.


"Let's go, Homare!!

Quickly crush that Nurarihyon and his nonsense for causing trouble in this impending crisis!!"


"...... Ao-sama, please calm down a bit.

My spirit power is fluctuating and I can't control it well."


"You fool, I am calm enough.

Let's not waste any more time, just hurry up and get on with... Unyo!?”


Seiran's body, which was swimming slightly in the air, was lost under the momentum of her right fist, and spun around once.

Somehow, she continued to turn two more times with the same momentum.


She embraced Homare with her flailing arms and finally stopped.




"You don't need to tell me.

Please, stay calm."


Leaving such words to Seiran, who was behind her, the male-clothed woman reached out her hand to the void.

She grasped the handle that was stored deep within her heart.


It is proof of the prosperity of all living creatures and the heat of a light praising the glory of the people.


Blue as far as the eye can see. A deep, crystal clear azure divine energy was condensed in Homare's palm.

Silver leaves and branches stretched, covered her fist, and extended even longer.


"Bloom forth, ―Kashoku Ginboku."


Instantly after, a shining silver wooden sword appeared. This sword seemed extremely unreliable for cutting or even hitting.

Without any hesitation, she swung it toward the Giant Ogres.


The divine energy that had been building up in front of Homare's eyes turned into a surging wave and headed toward the leading Giant Ogres.

The blow produced by this seemingly unreliable divine artifact was able to produce power comparable to that of Houjou Izana's and managed to slow down the Giant Ogre's movements.


"―Un. So-so, I guess?"


Taking one glance at her treasured divine artifact, Homare exhaled a thin breath of contentment.


The sun was beginning to tilt slightly.

The clear, blue divine energy surged forth, and the war situation on Mount Himorogi finally reached its turning point.



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