Thursday, August 8, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 13 Part 2.1

Volume 3

Chapter 13 Part 2.1

Reverse the Spiritual Path, Follow it to the Sanctuary 2.1

Translator : PolterGlast

Jakuen Gayou. It is the name of the first divine artifact that Akira consciously held in his hand.


A symbol of purification, forged into a concept based on the phoenix as it swims in the sun.


The handle and the guard are probably based on the continent's shape.

The blade, which is 1 meter 10 centimeters long with a double-edged blade, is as clear and transparent as the sky.


It is one of the divine artifacts that often appear on the stage of history, and it has such a straightforward authority that everyone thinks of it when asked about divine artifacts.


The true blade of the sword. It unleashes the divine will woven in vermillion gold to scorch and purify everything in sight.

Lonely yet gorgeous. The manifestation of such magnificent heat was so gorgeous that it was praised as such, and it was proud of the historical fact that it led many battlefields to an end.


Nearly half of the Hyakki Yagyo were transformed into charcoal, and all the wriggling figures were plunged into confusion.

Disregarding this cruelty, Akira shifted to zashin.


He lightly brushed away the tip that has lost its vermillion gold color after exhausting the enormous divine will.

That was all. The fire that had been swirling across the ground along with the sparkling light of vermillion gold dissipated in the blink of an eye


This is the land of metal elements. The conflicting relationship between fire and metal is nothing but brutality for the opponent, even if it was inevitable.


With only the faintest hint of smoldering flames, Akira carefully checked the amount of divine energy remaining in his body.


This was the first time he had exercised this authority in earnest since his arrival in the Central Capital.

He had prepared himself for this. However, he could not hide his surprise at the low level of the divine energy that resided in his own body.


The amount of spiritual power required to exercise this authority was about 30% based on what he felt.

Akira realized with a chill licking his spine that he was in danger of running out of power if he used it unwisely.


It's a blessing that he learned that he couldn't wield it thoughtlessly before going to Mount Kugatachi.


Now that he was not standing on the land of Shumon Province, there would only be one more battle left where he could rely on Shuka's power outside of Mount Kugatachi.


While being comforted by the pale blue flame of the recovery talisman, Akira prepared himself for a battle that would be more restricting than ever before.




"Junior, you......."


That idiot, he should have put himself in other people's shoes.


Ryota complained inwardly as Nakiri Jin muttered in dismay after being deprived of his turn.


He understood Akira's intention.

With the exception of Mt. Kugatachi, Akira has no hope of receiving Shumon Province's blessing.


This pointed to the fact that Akira's abilities were more limited than those of ordinary people who have spirits in their bodies.

Right before heading for Mount Kugatachi. Perhaps this moment is the last opportunity to try out his powers.


From Akira's point of view, he made such a decision based on the assumption that there would be very few people who would witness it if he did it now.

However, now that Nakiri Jin has witnessed it, it is also Kuga Ryota's role to deal with it.


He opened his mouth, inwardly grumbling about how he was going to cover it up. A flash of fire, clad in ash-blue spiritual power, came sharply from behind him.



Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden, ―Mozunuki.

A spiral of flame traversed across the area like a spear with a searing thrust.


The exploding flames blew away the masses of defiled beasts in front of him, and Genji switched his stance to connect with a second slash.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Consecutive Technique―



His sharp, heavy exhalations were mixed with spiritual power and scattered, and his well-trained offensive feet stomped down the ground.

The strong muscles supporting it sprang up, and the mighty blade clad in crimson flame sliced through the remaining Hyakki Yagyo straight into its center.


This was the second time Genji had witnessed Akira's power.

He was not surprised, but when he looked at it again, the abnormality of his power was outstanding.


After all, he had annihilated half of the Hyakki Yagyo.


As far as Genji knew, only one person had ever achieved such a feat.


But that story is for another time.

Right now, they were still in the midst of chaos, and the heat of battlefield fever was still raging.


"Kojou-dono, I leave the rest up to you."


"―Yeah, leave it to me."


A voice came from his back.

Yuge Kojou, who had just overtaken Genji, was a warrior who had risen to become the strongest with feats approaching those possessed an authority.




He drew his divine artifact here, huh?

Vermillion and Golden Flame. Judging from the shape of the sword glimpsed at a glance, it was most likely the Jakuen Gayou bestowed upon him from the Shumon Province's Divine Pillar.


Yuge Kojou was also surprised by the immense amount of heat that had manifested.

But even taking that into account, the power was well within his expectations.


"......Well, Looks like I can't lose with him."


He muttered to himself with a wry smile.


Kanna-no-Mikura inevitably is the strongest.

Within the realm of the divine pillar to which one is devoted, the blessings promised are inexhaustible and have an absolute affinity with the dragon veins.

And also, the unconditional combined power of the spirit, which is given even in silence.


In the face of absolute power that is beyond human comprehension, the rest of mankind can only look up to the heavens.

However, Kojou would like to wield even a small part of it in his own hands. It is human nature to wish for such a thing.


Beyond his field of vision, the ground rose up in a sudden surge.

Chunks of earth erupted, and claws sprang up from deep within the cracked ground.


What emerged was something with a spider's body and a bull's head.

The Lord of the Poison that dwelled in the depths of the ocean.


"Gyuuki? This is inland, where did it come from?"



Gufu, gufu, fufu!!


Did it manage to escape from Akira's power by diving into the ground in addition to the meat shield of its comrades? Without any damage, the bull's head showed its long tongue and snickered wickedly.

While kicking away the charcoal that used to be its comrade, the huge indigo-black body sluggishly and slowly headed toward Yuge Kojou.


But the delicious-looking meat (Yuge Kojou), which possessed enormous spirit power, fearlessly moved toward the mighty apparition.

Witnessing this rarely-seen feast, Gyuki vomited a poison that corroded both earth and water.


Making a gurgling sound, the rocks and charcoal turned into liquid form. In the face of this acidic poison, whether objects or human, they would be preyed upon by the ox demon without any difference.

While spitting out saliva mixed with corrosive poison, Gyuuki, in contrast to its slow and sluggish movements, delivered a sharp and swift claw strike.


Claws boasting strength to pierce anything attacked Kojou.

The aim was accurate. However, just before the claws could split Kojou's torso, Kojou's body easily dodged them.




Even in Gyuuki's long life, this was the first time he had ever seen such a phenomenon, and astonishment leaked out from between his fangs.

It should have been a perfect blow, even at a distance that was impossible to evade.


Gyuuki lured its opponent with its slow and sluggish impression and then showed its fastest speed when its opponent was within its range.

It was precisely because he understood this technique with his meager intellect that he had been able to avoid defeat until now.


Ridiculous. No, it was a coincidence. There won't be a next time.


Even if the blow was avoided, Gyuki has eight limbs.

Even if the four claws that support the body were excluded, there would still be three claws left to continue the attack.


The remaining three claws, rolling up winds of destruction, bared their fangs at Kojou.

Even if he dived closer, the spider's body, with its wide range of motion, would not leave much opening for him to slip into.


The three claws closed their jaws on Kojou who had dived right in front of them.

The cage made up of claws was closing, a surefire strategy utilized by Gyuuki.

All that remained was to pour in the corrosive poison and cook him into meat juices.


Convinced of victory, Gyuuki peeked inside its arms, which turned out to be nothing but empty.

Above its head. Leaping beyond its blind spot, Yuge Kojou sneered as he looked down at Gyuuki.


"You may be clever, but you're still nothing but a defiled beast."


Jinroin-style Spirit Technique, ―Soyokaze.

It is a technique that merely wraps wind around one's body.


It is a frivolous technique that only adds a little momentum to offense and defense, and despite its difficulty, it has not even been passed down to the next generation.

However, for Kojou, mastery of this technique was the key to reaching the pinnacle of metal element.


Even by simply engaging in battle, the wind that surrounds the user's body allows the user to easily evade any incoming attack.

A spirit technique that acts as a shield, supporting the user in offense and defense.


After gaining a momentary flight in the air, Kojuo pulled out four fire offensive talismans from his pocket.

He threw them in all four directions, at equal intervals.

The talismans turned into pale flames, and the entire area of Hyakki Yagyo, with Gyuuki as the center, was enveloped in a heat wave.


Following that, he threw earth talismans that split the space,


Then, the water talismans further rose into the sky and disappeared with a bluish-white flame of excitation.

The water talismans, rewritten by Koujo, rapidly cooled the surrounding air.


The wood talismans penetrated the core of the spell, and the lightning vortex connected the heavens and the earth.


There is no visible change.

But the atmosphere clearly had its pressure increased to the critical point.


Controlling a total of sixteen talismans, Yuge Kojou slammed the unprecedented pressure from the sky to the earth.


Gu, fu.


The tip of Yuge Kojou's sword did not miss its target, and by the time it reached the target, it pierced Gyuuki's neck and severed it.

There was a moment of anguish. Gyuki was lucky to have a swift death.


The air, which had its pressure increased, avalanched down into the battlefield.


Rapidly gaining momentum from a high altitude, the air, followed the tip of Kojou's dropped sword, transformed the entire area into a maelstrom.


He is both a Guardian and an Onmyoji. Only a master of both could have performed this feat, and it was called a feat beyond compare.

It is the most powerful strike in Takamagahara, the strike of the heavenly calamity.


Jinroin-style Spirit Technique, Variant―

"―Tenrai (Heaven's Wrath)."


Atmospheric vortexes mocking the resistance of the defiled beasts crawling on the ground, sweeping through everything that existed on the ground.

The thunderous vortex of the wood talismans triggered a raging shockwave that pulverized everything in its path into dust.


After what seemed like an eternity, silence eventually returned to the battlefield,

And all the defiled beasts that had been swarming across the ground, most of them were spattered without retaining their original form.



So-so, I guess?"


A calm voice descended upon its center.

As a quiet breeze passed by, which made the brutality unimaginable, Kojou shifted from zashin to sheathed his sword.



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