Thursday, August 1, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 12 Part 4

Volume 3

Chapter 12 Part 4

Intentions Collide, Schemes Spark and Scatter 4

Translator : PolterGlast

A steam-powered car was driving down one of the main roads that traverse the Central Capital, making a loud, roaring sound.


The small steam engine heated up, and the scale indicating its internal pressure always showed the critical level.

When the driver opened the engine's safety valve, which began to scream, a puff of steam ejected and flowed backward.


Catching the steam disappearing at the edge of her vision, Hariin Homare let her gaze wander backward.

There was no sign of Ugetsu Souma's group, which she had permitted to follow.


It would be easy to catch up by sprinting, but considering the current situation and the future, there was no doubt that they prioritized the conservation of their spirit power.


And even if they had prepared a steam car or a horse-drawn carriage for transportation, nearly a dozen people in total were in his group.

Unlike Homare, who had only two people with her, it was inevitable that there would be delays in their movements.


Ugetsu Souma. When she thought about it that far, Homare felt a twitch in her eyes.


Most of the Kabeju Province's swordsmen led by Hariin Homare were trained in Hariin-school.

However, Ugetsu Souma's faction was naturally of the Gioin-school.


Homare herself did not think much of it, but basically, the factional schools did not get along very well with each other.

From back-to-back rivalries over who is stronger, to factional strife, it is not difficult to find anecdotes about their bad relations.


The heirs of the Eight Families even involved all of their retainers in such a conflict.

Although she had given her permission ......, Homare's true feelings were that she was not happy with her own decision.


She returned her gaze back to Houjou Izana, who had encouraged her to make this decision.

The person in question, whose intentions were still unclear, smiled back at her with a hint of ruggedness.


"What's the matter? You seem quite troubled.

Since I can catch the Princess by surprise, perhaps my instincts are not so bad after all."


"......Although it was all due to Lord Hōjō's advice, the decision was mine to make. I have no intention of questioning you about it now, but I'd like to ask you a question.

What do you have in mind?"


"Oh my, looks like I'm not being trusted.

Of course, I made that advice with Princess' best interest in mind."


Although her expression showed no sign of disappointment, she was mildly saddened.

Seeing this, Homare spat out a question inwardly.


Although Izana is often thought of as a muscle-brain who is devoted to martial arts, in reality, she also has a strong political reputation.

In particular, when choosing between multiple similar options, her ability to immediately select the best choice has never been rivaled by anyone else.


She said she could smell it when things smelled fishy, but the opposite was also true, she had not pursued her political career out of instinct as well.

Doubts must have flashed across Homare's face. Shrugging lightly under Homare's gaze, Izana looked up at the ceiling of the car.


"Hime-sama, you seem to be favoring Ugetsu Souma out of kindness, and I'm sure Midori-sama hasn't passed on any bad information to you regarding that.

But, well, all I can say for sure is that this is the end for Ugetsu."


"What did you say?"


For a moment, Homare was stunned upon hearing these words, and immediately afterward, blood drained from her face.

She didn't know what they had done, but had the Ugetsu family been completely rejected by the Gioin family, and by extension, by the Kokuten Province?


The fact that the Gioin family, which is known for its gentle nature, has made such a decision indicates that the details behind the decision must be very serious.

It was a foolish decision to let him join Kebju Province's forces, even if she did so without being aware of the consequences.


More than anything else, the promise of assisting Souma based on his achievements was very bad.

Even if the forces that Souma had brought with him were a motley crew, Souma himself was of a superior caliber.


At the age of 12, he has already been recognized as Okuden-rank, and this year, it is rumored that even the divine artifact of Ugetsu is in his hands.

His ability to single-handedly subdue demons is unquestionable, and if he were to join the frontline, he could easily gain all the achievements he wanted.


Although it depended on the scale of the Hyakki Yagyo, the biggest problem was the fact that the total amount of Kegare was finite.


If the achievements of the battle were monopolized by hasty reinforcements from other provinces, the reputation of the mobilized guardians and protectors would be damaged.

If this were to happen, the blame would surely be pointed at Hariin Homare.


Homare's gaze turned hostile when she realized that Izana intended to sacrifice her.

It was no wonder that a low murmur escaped from her throat.


"Lord Houjou. Do you intend to use me as a sacrifice to rebel against my family?"


"Oh, so scary. I hope you trust my loyalty a little more.

You see, I'd rather for Ugetsu, who has been struggling to stay alive, to sell their labor cheaply at this point than beg for a loan. It's in our best interest to take advantage of it."


"Labors? Even if it were Hyakki Yagyo, it would still only have limited demons.

If Souma-kun were to use his divine artifact...... the outcome would be the exact opposite."


Having told that much, Homare noticed the fierce joy in Izana's eyes.

Her gaze was not focusing on Homare.


"......Don't worry, everyone, including us, will all get participation prizes.

After all, I'm the one who's going to wipe most of them out."


"Lord Houjou. Did you plan this all along?

Driver. It doesn't matter if the steam engine is burnt out, just speed it up!"


Homare turned pale as she followed the direction of Izana's gaze. Smoke was rising from the mountain where they were headed, signaling an emergency.

North-northeast, metamorph, many.


"By the time the heir of Ugetsu arrives at the battlefield, most of the battle will be over.

All that is left is a participation prize in a leisure battle. Then it will be easy for the Princess to refuse to give him the promised assistance."


Souma was essentially just like giving away money for free. Even if the plan failed, they could claim that they had gained safety with Souma's help.

In other words, Hariin will not lose anything.

*Smirk*. A sneer appeared on Izana's face, and without hesitation, she opened the door from inside the car.

Amidst the moving scenery, her well-trained physique leaned forward.


"Lord Houjou!"


"......It would be faster to run by myself at this distance.

Princess, after you descend Ao-sama and head down the mountain, I will leave some cleaning for you."


"Are you planning to monopolize all the credits!?"


Izana's real intention was probably to make an excuse to monopolize the Hyakki Yagyo battlefield.

It was a behind-the-scenes maneuver, based on the fact that the complaints of those around them would not become public if they were to say that most of the battle had concluded before Ugetsu's arrival.


"I don't need it. I'll compensate it with my own discretion and achievement.

Well then. I believe Yuge Kojou's greatest achievement was to defeat Hyakki Yagyo single-handedly, was it not?

It's difficult, but if it's a short battle, I, Houjou Izana, still have a chance."


A tiger-like smirk colored her mouth.

Without a shred of hesitation, Izana stepped onto the edge of the car and leaped onto the main street.

Hariin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden, ―Unari Nekoyanagi


Using her unrivaled physical ability as a foundation, her body gained a burst of acceleration.

The figure of Houjou Izana disappeared beyond the street in an instant, easily surpassing the speed of 70 km/h of a steam car emitting burning heat.


"―, ...... good grief!!"


She tapped on the small window leading to the driver's seat impatiently, despite understanding that she was taking it out on it.

Exhaling with uncontrollable exasperation, Homare sat back deeper in her seat.


This is why I don't like her.


Even though she ran her politics with nothing but instinct, she always made moves with the utmost deftness and subtlety that she could never understand.


She is the least comprehensible, the one who is always one step ahead of Hariin Homare in the area in which she excels in.

This was the evaluation of a woman named Houjou Izana from Homare's point of view.


Fast. Not extremely fast, but certainly quite fast.


As Saki caught sight of the retreating ancient warrior, she inwardly evaluated Yamamoto Gorozaemon's skills.


He was facing two guardians who were exercising Aragamioroshi, so a slight difference in strength was not worth mentioning.

Saki and Sonomi were running across the roof in pursuit of the master swordsman, and since the historical record said that he could not use spirit techniques, catching up with him was not a difficult task in itself.


The problem was what came next.

Not only were they unable to capture him, but they were also unable to deliver a single blow.


While gritting her teeth, Saki channeled more of her spirit power into Aragamioroshi.

Her body, accelerating instantly, immediately moved toward Gorozaemon's side, and her thrusting naginata drew a perfect trajectory that was sure to land.


However, Gorozaemon's legs kicked the roof at the same time, and the slight drop in speed caused the naginata to miss without even grazing his clothes.


Sonomi slashed horizontally at his torso.

However, the slash only slashed through empty air as his body was bent over.


Before the initial slash could finish, the master swordsman resumed his sprint, and in the blink of an eye, the distance between them opened slightly.

There was no doubt that Saki and Sonomi were faster than their opponent, who had not used physical reinforcement.

However, the master swordsman in front of them was,


"―His gait was abnormal!!" "Certainly."


They had to admit it. This stranger, who called himself Yamamoto Gorozaemon, had honed his skills to a level beyond Saki and Sonomi's reach, at least in fields where the quality of one's spirit is not called into question.


Catching up with him in a straight line was easy enough for Saki and Sonomi. However, the moment they delivered a blow, this master swordsman was able to read and evade their attacks precisely.

In the split second after their attack failed, it allowed their opponent to gain a few steps.


The thought of using a spirit technique crossed Saki's mind, but if her opponent were able to dodge it again, it would only backfire.

It was a wisdom that Genji had warned her about repeatedly.


A normal blow is faster than a spirit technique.


But their opponent is a monster who called himself Yamamoto Gorozaemon.


A two-man team, which should have been advantageous, had become a burden to them.

But even so, the opportunity to win existed right in front of Saki and Sonomi.


This was because the physical capabilities of an opponent who could not use Aragamioroshi would never exceed those of an ordinary person.

As long as this is the case, it would be impossible for them to lose sight of the master swordsman in front of them.


Furthermore, the sparkle of vermillion gold that began to dance at the edge of their vision supported the judgment of Saki and the others.

The divine energy of Shuka was beginning to fill the barrier.


Whatever the nature of the master swordsman in front of them, no miasma, let alone any Kegare, will be spared in this place for a long time.

Then, his destination was definitely,


"Toward the Five Elemental Barrier! The moment we reach the outskirts, I will crush him with water!"


"I will completely exterminate him with fire first.

I'll reduce him to ashes no matter what!"


"―Women sure are surprisingly strong and scary when no one is watching them. In a battlefield, it's no wonder that some of them tend to follow the path of destruction."


""Shut up, you fake swordsman!!""


With the sound of kicking tiles, Yamamoto Gorozaemon ran across the roof with a light body proficiency. Shortly after, two shadows danced in the air in pursuit of him.


While glaring at the swordsman's back, determined not to let him escape, Saki wondered inwardly.

The place where Saki and Yamamoto Gorozaemon came into contact with was located in the northern part of the Central Capital. Therefore, it would be understandable if he turned toward the north, which is the closest to the outside of the barrier.


However, there is no doubt that it is still in the Central Capital.

Considering the distance to the outskirts of the Central Capital, which is a considerable distance, is it possible to maintain one's stamina at full speed without hesitation?


No matter how she thinks about it, it does not add up. Based on his speed, he is not thinking of escaping.

No. If she thinks that far, the location where he attacked her is also incomprehensible.


After this, Saki, the Eight Families of Shumon Province, was planning to go to Kugatachi Mountain, which is located in the southeast.

In other words, even if he stayed out of sight, she would be heading for the outskirts of the Central Capital.


In the end, there was little point for Yamamoto Gorozaemon to make a move there.


Let's worry about that later!

Inspiring her thoughts, which were almost dulled by doubts, Saki tightened her grip on the Shojinbina (her spirit vessel).


She admits it. In terms of swordsmanship, there is a gap in skill between her and her opponent.

But Saki does not thrive by swordsmanship alone, she also by spirit techniques.


Especially when it comes to fire elements. Kuhoin-school, which is praised for its mastery of the finishing moves, is unrivaled among other schools in the variety of its offensive techniques.

In the center of the Central Capital, where a row of houses stand side by side. Fearing that fire might spread, she has been refraining from using spirit techniques as much as possible, but in a flat suburb, she would no longer be restrained by such restrictions.


If Saki could use the maximum firepower she could muster at that moment to scorch and exterminate the swordsman along with the surrounding area, there would be no more obstacles to victory, no matter how formidable the enemy might be.

However, the only thing Saki could do at the moment was to enhance her spirit power in preparation for the moment when she would wield the spirit technique.


It is hard to admit, but Sonomi, who conserves her spirit power, probably thinks the same way.

Defeating the great swordsman would be the first step to demonstrate their prowess.


Just as Saki's spirit power rose with even greater resolve, Yamamoto Gorozaemon kicked the roof and leaped into the air.


Just beyond Saki's field of vision, the view opened up slightly.

A small, old shrine stood below, surrounded by trees.


With Yamamoto Gorozaemon at the center, a vermilion-gold glow swirled around the shrine.

Saki's twin eyes opened in shock.


Yamamoto’s mouth, split into a crescent moon, sneered from the depths of his foggy memory.


Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water are the symbols of the order of this real world. The Five Elemental Barrier, with its representative Divine Pillars, is probably the most powerful barrier in the world.

It boasts a wide variety of effects that match the level of difficulty, and the only end granted to the miasma that distorts the order is purification and destruction.


Even if one were to disguise it using a divine artifact, it would be impossible to strengthen one's inside.


But on the other hand, if one were to disguise the authority of the Nine Treasures, it would be possible to fully utilize one's physical abilities.


Yes. For Yamamoto Gorozaemon, who had honed his skills in swordsmanship to the level of a master swordsman without relying on spirits, there would be no obstacles at all even if he were inside the Five Elemental Barrier.


All Nurarihyon wanted was to reach his destination.

If only that could be achieved―,


With a sneer from the bottom of his heart, Yamamoto Gorozaemon pulled out a talisman from his pocket.

It was a mantra reversal spell that disguised the divine artifact (Pārijāta).


A sacred artifact is a forged myth of a divine pillar itself.


The Pārijāta, in particular, is the world's most numerous divine artifact, consisting of 28 stakes of 14 pairs.

This divine artifact, which is intended to be used simultaneously, has little meaning to be contracted by an individual.


After all, the weakness of the Pārijāta is that if it is used by a righteous person, it is possible to exercise its authority without regard to the will of the divine pillars.


This is the reason why he pulled out the stake brought from Bharatush and seized the divine artifact that was about to be linked to Saki.

The starting point and the ending point were connected, and the scheme turned into a gigantic spear and scattered sparks.


A divine pillar in a distant foreign land noticed the infidel (Yamamoto Gorozaemon) interfering with her stake and cried out in bewilderment.

But it was too late.


Even though Yamamoto Gorozaemon is not a righteous person, he has followed the proper procedure.

Once he has been pardoned, the divine pillar is obligated to respond to Nurarihyon's request with a sincere response.


Vermillion gold brilliance swirled in Yamamoto Gorozaemon's hands.

Shuka's divine power.

The divine power of one of the five elements is naturally unhindered by the Five Elemental Barrier.


Without hesitation, the cunning swordsman thrust his vast authority, which he could only dream of when he was still a righteous man, into the shrine below.


The name of the shrine was Kanoe.

Although small, it is a pivotal shrine belonging to the elder brother of the Metal Element.

Shuka's divine energy shot out from the surface of the shrine to the sacred area in one go, aimed at the only vital point that has nothing to do with the fire element.


The sorrowful screams of the local deity echoed deep into one's heart.

At the moment when the shrine and the spiritual path of the Five Elemental Barrier fell, the guardian of the Central Capital ended its 4,000-year role, leaving behind the barrier of the Cornerstone Mountains.




TIPS: About Yamamoto Gorozaemon.


He was born a commoner. The current belief is that he was the illegitimate son of a noble family, but there are many who are skeptical.

It is said that he reached the pinnacle of his swordsmanship at a young age and fought in numerous battles between fiefdoms.

He is said to have been undefeated in all the duels he fought against the guardians by knocking on the door of each faction's school.


He is the only swordsman who has ever been able to hold his ground against guardians with his overwhelmingly refined physical abilities.

Many swordsmen have come to his door to learn swordsmanship, but none of them have been able to master the art.


He established his own school of swordsmanship, which was not a factional school, in his lifetime, but without being able to pass it on, the nameless school died out.


Although the circumstances are unknown, he met Nurarihyon and had his soul completely carved into the Nine Dharma Treasures.

The soul was replicated into a body that reproduced the peak of its human life. It was the true identity of the swordsman who appeared before Saki and Sonomi.


Precisely because Yamamoto Gorozaemon remains in the realm of ordinary humans (even in terms of miasma), even the Five Elemental Barrier, where Kegare cannot perform their activities, does not become an obstacle to his ferocious power.



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