Monday, July 29, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 12 Part 3

Volume 3

Chapter 12 Part 3

Intentions Collide, Schemes Spark and Scatter 3

Translator : PolterGlast

At the main shrine of Mt. Kugatachi, Central Province.


The swirling waves of vermilion gold spread out from the main shrine of Mt. Kugatachi all the way down to the foot of the mountain.


Shuka's divine spirit is the essence of fire, the purifying flame itself.

The waves of vermilion gold that are the embodiment of Shuka's divine energy do not allow even the slightest trace of the miasma to linger.

As the waves swept past, sparks scattered everywhere on the mountain.


The miasma that had been condensed was purified without leaving any trace of it. That was the proof.

The vermilion-gold radiance originating from Mt. Kugatachi dazzled a corner of the Five Elements and eventually spread to the entire Central Capital, centering on the sacred path connecting the Cornerstone Mountains.


"Fufu~. I tried to make a name for myself,

but well, I guess this is as far as I can go."


"The fire Qi is the epitome of cheerfulness. Although Nurarihyon is rather clever and cunning, he would have used defiled beasts or miasma if he wanted to set up a trap.

So, if all of them disappear, then the trap in the Central Capital will be no different than dust in the air."


Tsuguho was lost in thought as she responded to Shuka, who chuckled in a mutter.


Fortunately, the current sun has reached midday.

This is the time of day when fire Qi is at its most powerful.

Even though only the fire Qi is prominent, it would still be difficult for the other party to even maintain the miasma just at the present time.


For defiled beasts, it is like a scorching hell composed of the fire element's divine energy. Even if one were a great demon, as long as one is a being that lives and breathes in miasma, one could not escape a drastic decline in one's abilities.


In the current Central Capital, only the righteous are granted the right to wield their full power.


"Good. At least this would buy us some time.

Once the rest of the five elements align by evening, it will be impossible for anyone to trespass, even if they are a fallen Divine Pillar."


"The Hyakki Yagyo is not something that can be maintained indefinitely.

If we can pinpoint the mastermind, Nurarihyon, we can consider that we have eliminated this disturbance from its very roots."


The Hyakki Yagyo is an outbreak of a powerful group led by an apparition, so naturally, it requires a huge amount of miasma to sustain it.

The standard battle strategy in Hyakki Yagyo is to concentrate on eliminating the apparition which is the source of the miasma, while simultaneously targeting the remaining swarms so that they will disappear naturally when the miasma runs out.


Fufu~. Shuka chuckled with glee and leaned back on her sidearm.


"―Now, I wonder how far our scheme has progressed?"


"The last time I met with Saki-san, I saw traces of a connection.

She seemed to accept it, but not fully understand it yet."


"It's been more than half a month.

What is making her so hesitant?"


"It connects to a Divine Pillar in a faraway foreign land after all.

Hearing the words alone may hinder her understanding, and even if she was hesitant, I judged that we should keep observing the current situation."


Communicating with a Divine Pillar. That was the true purpose of entrusting Parrijata to Saki.

To awaken the Pillar of Salvation (Sita), who is wandering far away in Baratush.


If this plan, which they had not even told Saki about, succeeded, it would be a trump card in this battle.

This role could not be filled by Akira (Kanna-no-Mikura) or Tsuguho (Miko), who have already served Shuka.


Therefore, the only remaining candidate would be Saki, who was the most compatible and generally strong.


"Perhaps, she's still a bit weak now.

When Nurarihyon finds out, he will surely move to take it back."


"Yes, perhaps. As a woman, Saki-san is often forced to act individually, even if it is unintentional. .......That's why I prepared an insurance for her."




Smiling thinly, Tsuguho looked back at Shuka.

Taken by surprise, the Divine Pillar blinked her eyes.


Divine Pillars are honest in their emotions. -Shuka could not read Tsuguho's intention because of this.

After all, this plan is established by inciting human emotions in the exact opposite direction.


Hate, rage, and ....... It is precisely because emotions can be suppressed that human behavior is difficult to read.

But also easy to manipulate.


"Just like we chose Saki as the first consort, it is clear that Gioin's first consort is Dōgyou Sonomi.

Therefore, during our meeting with Gioin, I intentionally introduced Saki-san by emphasizing that she was his mentor."


Undoubtedly, Gioin will probe into this vulnerable spot in order to weaken Kihoin's position.

If so, the other party must have noticed right away that Saki's surroundings were thin enough to be poked into.


While Tsuguho's perimeter was fortified, she deliberately left Saki's perimeter loose.

Naturally, Gioin would set their sights on Saki, who was the most valuable and least protected.


"If Saki-san acted independently, Sonomi-san and others would take advantage of the situation and approach her.

Though, they will probably quarrel a little bit, but if things go well, they will join forces against Nurarihyon's intervention."


"If Saki found out about this, even she would hate you, you know?

Why did you carry out a plan that would make Akira angry?"


She incited Gioin to unknowingly set Sonomi up as Saki's bodyguard.

Although it was only an insurance, it was also a measure to raise the level of their forces while maintaining the upper hand in their relationship with Gioin.


However, as Tsuguho admitted, this strategy is upsetting the feelings of others.

It is a measure fraught with paper-thin dangers that could disrupt good relationships.

Tsuguho is well aware of this as well.


But still.


"......I can't help it. Isn't she a bit unfair?"

Tsuguho opened her mouth after a while in response to Shuka's question.

The words came from a rather childish emotion that was probably tinged with a hint of jealousy.

"Saki-san is with Akira-san 24/7 as his mentor, and yet I don't get to see him unless I have the chance.

I want to be mean to her, even if it's just a little bit."


Jealousy spilled from her pouting lips.

In the end, everyone entangled in Tsuguho's scheme might be oblivious to her true feelings.



At the same time. Central Capital, back alley.


Yamamoto Gorozaemon.

The moment she heard the name, all that remained in Saki's mind was a feeling of disbelief.


It was not an unfamiliar name.

It was a name that anyone who wielded a sword would find familiar.


It is the name of a great swordsman who, despite being from a commoner's background, called himself a warrior and survived many battles.

There are many stories passed down through the generations, many of which have become popular themes in theatrical performances.


But for him to appear in front of Saki's eyes was a phenomenon that she would never have imagined.

 After all, the time of the swordsman's life and the present day are separated by several hundred years at least.


It would also be unlikely to meet a person with the same name.

Because a name that is too well known is often avoided for fear of not living up to that very name.


"What a shameless person you are for using that name.

I can't wait to see the look on your face when I beat you to a pulp."


Sonomi, displeased at having her fight with Saki interrupted, grimly turned the tip of her sword toward him.

Her gesture did not show any sign of hesitation in facing the ancient master swordsman.

Sonomi found it hard to imagine being defeated by the man standing in front of her.


After all, his spiritual power was so weak that she could barely sense it.

Aside from his swordsmanship skills, there was no doubt that the man who called himself Yamamoto Gorozaemon possessed a low-ranked spirit.


However, the man, who should have been nothing more than a small, insignificant figure, sheathed his katana.

There were many openings. And yet, these very openings made Saki and Sonomi hesitant to attack.


The man's teeth were all bared, and he boasted loudly to Sonomi while sneering.


"Even if you call me shameless......

It's a fact that my name is Gorozaemon."


"―But there's no way you're the same person."


Saki crept closer with her naginata at the ready and opened her mouth to conceal it.


"How so? Certainly, my original body has decayed.

But my Lord said. If a perfectly replicated soul is placed in a perfectly replicated body, what difference can there be between it and a counterfeit?"



The power of the sacred artifact possessed by Nurarihyon is said to allow him to impersonate others to the extent of swapping the boundaries of the Divine Pillars.

That's the truth. Nurarihyon's power to bring the dead back to life, even if only an imitation is an extraordinary power.

"Sonomi-san. This guy is the real deal!!"



Sonomi's reaction to the warning that came from Saki was slightly delayed.


Yamamoto Gorozaemon closed the gap to Sonomi by slipping in from a low posture.


The swordsman's sword was drawn, and barely at the same time, Sonomi swung her tachi downward.

*Clang*. Sonomi's well-trained physique twisted, and this powerful blow sent her flying backward.




"―I won't let you!"


The swordsman closed the gap to Sonomi, who was still in anguish, not giving her any time to regain her stance.

The back of Sonomi's body was defenseless, but Saki's Enga bared its fangs at him.

The flaming flying slash was unleashed so close that it was certain to hit the target,

However, it was easily extinguished by the turned white blade accompanied by a fragile shattering sound.


"No way."


"It's so-so."


It was a mere slash, without any spirit power.

And yet, it could cut through the raging fire head-on and leave a dull sheen on the blade as if it were nothing.


Saki was surprised to see the outcome, which was beyond her expectations, however, she kept moving forward without stopping.

In the stories, Yamamoto Gorozaemon had fought in many battles.


The topic that particularly attracted people was not the battlefield, but his many stories of duels with guardians.

Even facing veteran guardians, he never knew defeat. This is a historical fact.


Since her opponent was an ancient master swordsman, it was only natural that he would be able to surpass the inexperienced Saki's Enga.


Saki, too, knew that she would not be able to reach him, but she unleashed a blow anyway.

A card to be discarded in order to stop the opponent's steps, even if only for a moment.


As long as she could earn enough room, Sonomi would be able to defend herself in time!


The tip of the blade that shattered Enga turned into a sharp thrust and aimed at Sonomi.


Without hesitation, it went straight for Sonomi's throat. However, water entangled around the blade.

Gioin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden, ―Tagaekaigetsu




The vortex of water caught the thrust and applied pressure to twist it apart.

A whirlpool of spiritual power bared its fangs at the man's body, who claimed to be the master swordsman. Then, Saki's slash closed in from behind.


In the midst of this deadly combination, Gorozaemon took a deep breath,

without hesitation, he let go of his sword.




Losing resistance, the sword flew high into the air.


For a guardian, a weapon is a spirit vessel itself, the very foundation that supports one's own fighting ability.

Naturally, the idea of giving up one's weapon is out of the question, and one will subconsciously cling to one's weapon regardless of what it is.

It is a pitfall that only a guardian can fall into. It was a natural outcome even for Saki and Sonomi.


With Sonomi taken aback, Gorozaemon brandished his knife-hand at Saki.


"―*Swish*" "Kuh"

The knife-hand, supported by his strong physique and flexible muscles, was met with Saki's naginata.



Producing a sound that sounded nothing like flesh, Saki's body was sent flying backward.

At about the same time, Sonomi was hit by a palm strike and, unable to breathe, crashed into a wooden wall.




"Stand up, girls.

If you rely on the spirits, it should be easy for you to utilize it to that extent."


As Saki and Sonomi fell to their knees in anguish, Yamamoto Gorozaemon picked up his katana with ease.

He leaned his katana over his shoulder and looked down at them, his intimidation showing the fact that an ancient master swordsman was standing right in front of them.


"Don't you dare underestimate me..."

On the other side of Saki, who was desperately trying to get her staggering legs to move, Sonomi's curses were echoing through the air.

"Even if you're the real deal, you're just an old man stuck in an obsession from hundreds of years ago.

You should quietly return to the underworld!"


With a fierce explosion of spirit power, Sonomi readied her sword in chūdan-no-kamae stance.

She stepped forward from her slightly slumped hips and closed the gap to the swordsman as if she were gliding.

Gioin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden, ―Minamodzuki


Just like Kihoin-style's Hayabusa-gake, this is a spirit technique that drastically increases the speed of one's legs.

As gushing water was etched into her running trail, Sonomi jumped into the opponent's bosom in an instant.


Gioin-style Spirit Technique, Consecutive Technique―



The refined gait connected with a spirit technique.

The water blades, backed by the immense spirit power possessed by the Eight Families, caught Yamamoto Gorozaemon within its attack range without a pause.




Facing the raging blades that filled his field of vision, the swordsman let out a loud exhalation.

The blade flashed from his hand, and with each sharp slashing sound, the blade of water vapor was crushed.




"I have learned one truth from crossing swords with the guardians."

Saki and Sonomi carefully measured the distance between them, while Yamamoto Gorozaemon, on the other hand, still spoke in a rather relaxed manner.

"Spirit power may be omnipotent, but human beings have their limits. Spirit techniques also cannot escape that limits."


In other words.

*Shiver*. The swordsman's mouth twisted into a sneer. Feeling chills that lick her spine, Sonomi kicked the ground without hesitation and moved away from him.

Too slow.


"It may be a spirit technique, but in the end, the one who uses it is merely human!"


A horizontal slash was released from Yamamoto Gorozaemon's hand.

Surpassing Sonomi's full speed, the flash aimed at her throat.




Saki's naginata, caught up by using Hayabusa-gake (falcon rush), diverted the trajectory of the blade approaching Sonomi with a flame Qi.

*Clang*. The result of the sparking impact forced them both to retreat.


"Hou~" "―Ranguri."


Saki's pursuit attacked Yamamoto Gorozaemon, who exclaimed in admiration.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Consecutive Technique―.




Slashes continued like a dance, and the sound of overlapping slashes turned into sparks that scorched the air.

Asogi Genji's specialty is a series of slashes with an unreadable trajectory, created by applying a special twist to the offensive gait.


No matter how skilled a swordsman he may be, it should be extremely difficult for him to read through this spirit technique.



"I remember this trajectory. Indeed, this is a rather troublesome trick."

Even after blocking this raging attack, the sneer on the swordsman's mouth showed no sign of wavering.

"―but its final blow will always be a big swing. It's not that hard to predict!"




The naginata's small thrusting attack was parried, and a direct strike went right toward Saki.


A precise blow. However, caught by Saki's naginata, the trajectory sprang up upon impact.

The sparks flying in the air drew a trajectory and pierced through the void, grazing Saki's shoulder.


Leaving only a grunt, Saki rolled away out of the opponent's range,

and found that her shoulders had become lighter.


"Crap!" "Hmm?"


His wandering gaze caught sight of Saki's bag dancing in the air, trailed by Yamamoto Gorozaemon's thrust.

The sacred artifact of Baratush, was tied there.


"Give it back!"


While blocking Saki's attempt to rush to retrieve it with his blade, the swordsman's stout fingers seize the small stake.


"I won't. ......I guess this is the sacred artifact (pārijāta)?"

The swordsmith's face broke into a wide grin as he realized what it was.

"Good grief, I was having so much fun that I forgot to follow my Lord's orders.

It seems that even in death, the habit of indulging in the fever of battle cannot be cured."


As Saki and Sonomi bent their legs to launch a suicide attack, Yamamoto Gorozaemon took a large distance away from them.

It was not a distance for fighting. It was,


"Forgive me. I would have liked to play with you a little longer, but in this situation, I have to fulfill my Lord's orders first.

a distance to escape.




Ignoring the girls' overlapping voices, the ancient swordsman without hesitation kicked the wall and moved to the roof of the one-story house.


"I am very reluctant to put my sword down.

but my Lord specifically asked me to run away. So I'll excuse myself here."


Leaving behind a sneer, Yamamoto Gorozaemon disappeared behind the roof.

Although he dominated the battle from start to finish, he exited easily as soon as he had obtained his objective.


""Fu, fu.......""

Saki and Sonomi's shoulders trembled greatly at the other party's attitude, which seemed to be mocking them.

""Don't mess with me, you fake swordsman!!""


They definitely won't let him get away with it.

With a burst of determination, the two rather like-minded individuals stood up vigorously.


They still do not know that Hyakki Yagyo has made a full-fledged move.

But this is the true opening battle of the Hyakki Yagyo.


The battle had only just begun.



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