Monday, July 29, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Final Chapter Part 1


Volume 4 Final Chapter Part 1

With the Remaining Embers in One's Heart Part 1


Late afternoon in the Central Park. Under the glorious early summer sun, Irisdina was having lunch in the woods area. She is surrounded by her sister Somia, Mars, Tima, and other friends including Shina.


"So, how was this incident ultimately handled?"

"Because of the nature of the incident, it was kept under wraps."


Irisdina answered Mars' question succinctly.

Three days have passed since the incident. All traces of the battle had already been erased. The City Isolation Barrier, which was triggered by Ken's Predatory Barrier, was also reported to each district simply as an impromptu activation drill, and Arcazam had returned to normal daily life.


"In the end, we were left out in the cold. That fellow Jihad seemed to have figured something out, though."


"Unfortunately, I don't know either. However, there's no doubt that this case is related to a deep-rooted problem in this city."


Ken, who had fused with the Abyss Grief, had its magic stone destroyed with his heart. However, his body has not yet died, and he can still repeat reflex actions, albeit slightly. He is already unable to fight or even move properly. However, if one carelessly touches it, there is no telling how it will react again.

As a result, the Arcazam Parliament decided to physically seal him in a space devoid of any kind of power.

The location was the basement of the Gloaurum Institution. It was originally designed to block all outside forces for all kinds of magic experiments, which is why it was chosen as the sealing place. There was no other suitable location.

Pitiful, one might say. But at the same time, many mysteries remained a mystery.


"Most of those who had conspired against Nozomu-sama had become cripples. According to Jihad, they were originally criminals who infiltrated from outside the city. The same is true of faculty member Caskell, who is unlikely to recover......"

"It is also unlikely that any important information will come out of Bellaluna and the others, who are only at the further end of the line. The only clue that remains is the location mentioned in the paper that Camilla handed to Nozomu......"


The sewage system damaged by the flash floods has not yet been fully restored. As various parts of it have collapsed and are submerged. Ken's supposed hideout was in this same area. They probably haven't been able to investigate it yet.


"Which means it will take some more time to find out who's behind him......"


However, everyone present here was aware of this. This case is quite deep-rooted. After all, there was Ken, who devoured a spirit and transformed into a deformed form.

Irisdina glanced at Shina.


"Shina-kun, during the last battle, you were definitely fused with him, right......?"

"Yeah, it was the deformed demonic beast that we fought together with Nozomu-kun. I could still feel the presence of that beast in the source element that I sensed from Ken."


Abyss Grief. A deformed spirit. It is unknown how it came to take that form, but certainly not a coincidence.

An indescribable sense of uneasiness welled up within Irisdina, and she frowned.

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on August 19, 2024.

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