Thursday, July 25, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 12 Part 2

Volume 3

Chapter 12 Part 2

Intentions Collide, Schemes Spark and Scatter 2

Translator : PolterGlast

*Bump*. A steam-powered car shook violently as it sped down the main street of the Central Capital, perhaps bumping up against a pebble on the road.


The inside of the car was dominated by a sense of stagnation that belied its nimble speed.

The passenger looked out the window with a sense of escapism, and saw that the daily life of the city seemed to be the same as usual.

A wry smile involuntarily formed on the corner of her mouth at the sight of such an irrelevant scene.


"―What's wrong, Hime-sama?"


"I was just thinking that the people of the Central Capital are ridiculously indifferent to the impending defiled beasts."


Hariin Homare, sitting in the last row of seats, plastered a smile on her face and turned her gaze back to the front.


The person sitting directly in front of Homare shrugged lightly and scoffed sarcastically.


"It can't be helped. The impregnable Five Elemental Barrier is the pride of my hometown, which boasts of a 4,000-year-old history of the Central Capital.

Even if we warn the people that defiled beasts are coming near their feet, they will still feel as if the fire is on the other side of the river until they witness the situation firsthand."


"That's quite frank.

I heard that Hōjō was originally from an old family in the past, but do you still have any thoughts on the matter?"


"To think that you would bring up a subject that goes back many generations ago.

My ancestors may have had some thoughts about it, but I have none in particular. Even in this case, I offered my help because of my loyalty to Hariin. ......I hope you'll trust me a little."


I wish that were the case.

Homare's mutterings, akin to complaints, disappeared into her own closed mouth.


Whether he was aware of her dislike for him was unclear. However, there was no particular pursuit of the matter, and the woman sitting in front of Homare only smiled wryly.


Homare recalled that this woman was in her mid-30s, if her memory served her right.

However, perhaps because of the vitality that overflowed from her well-trained physique, she looked younger than her age.


Her tanned skin was overflowing with wild vitality, and her smile peeking out from between her richly wavy hair was fierce yet feminine.


That one point. Seeing there was a katana's polearm over the woman's left eye, Homare squinted her eyes slightly.


"Did you replace the eyepatch on your left eye?"


"The wound has healed though.

But, since Utanomiya-sama's eye patch was so stylish, I put on this polearm to rival it."


On the eye patch, which she pointed to with her finger, a vivid family crest dyed in vermilion and blue stood out.

A peony with a target arrow pattern.


With the exception of the Four Sovereigns and the Three Imperial Families, there have been very few female heads in the history of the nobility.

Even that exception is only due to a choice made for an unavoidable reason.


However, this woman is different.

She literally used only her own strength to overcome the male candidates and succeeded in taking the position of the head of the family.


The exuberance that overflowed her body was a manifestation of her self-confidence.

In the eastern Kabeju Province, which is famous for its female leaders such as Hariin Homare, only the current head of the Hōjō family stands tall above the rest.

The Hōjō family is ranked fourth among the eight families. Hōjō Izana, the head of the Hōjō family, chuckled proudly.


"You're too old to sing and dance, no?

Now that you have a child, why don't you consider retiring?"


"Oh my. What a rather docile word coming from the visionary Princess.

Well, it's a good piece of advice. I'll think about it once the Hyakki Yagyo is over."


While shaking her shoulders and scoffing, she pondered while resonded accordingly.

Just the fact that she could pull off such a gesture, which could be seen as masculine, was enough to drop the matter.

Homare's gaze then turned outward.


"Since the head of Hariin (older sister) has dispatched her personal aide, the mobilization of the academy should be completed. ―We're going to stop by the academy to make sure everything is in order before heading to Mt. Himorogi, is that alright?"


"I don't mind.

Ah, come to think of it, I heard that Yuge Koujo has already arrived in the Central Capital. Where is he staying now?"


A wry smile formed at the corners of Homare's mouth as she inwardly responded to Izana's casual tone, "This is her main aim, I suppose".


One of Hōjō Izana's faults was her well-known tendency to compete with other warriors.

She had unofficially fought several times against Yuge Koujou, who was known as the strongest in Takamagahara.

And she was defeated every time.


Hōjō Izana is the head of the eight families. It was understandable that she could not just sit back and accept defeat, even if it was against a superior opponent.


"Who knows? He's a busy man, besides, I haven't heard anything either.

That being said, you surely would not be satisfied with that answer, would you? Once we have successfully ended the Hyakki Yagyo, I will consider making a contact for you."


"A promise from my Lord sure gives me great expectations.

In that case, I shall be sufficiently reassured."


Hōjō Izana's principles of action always revolved around martial arts.

Even if it was an imperial decree from the head of Hariin, it would be difficult to get the decree through to Hōjō without her interest being involved.


If she could motivate Hōjō Izana by using Yuge Kojou as a bargaining chip, it would be a fortuitous situation for Homare, even if it meant more work for her.


A moment of silence prevailed for a while.

Eventually, as the academy came into view, the corner of Izana’s eyes turned outward, and her eyes twitched with delight.


Across the street, out of Homare's line of sight, a flash of spiritual power was indeed unleashed.


A ferocious smile that did not reveal one’s emotions colored Izana’s lips.


"You seem to be amused by something, eh?"


"Well~, it's nothing.

I just thought it was nice to know that there would be hot-blooded people no matter where you go."


Homare's gaze wandered outside the window, drawn by Izana's ambiguous reply.

But all she could see was the autumn sky, unchanged from usual.


What did she see? Just as she was about to ask, the steam-powered car braked with a high-pitched sound.

The car has arrived at the main gate of the academy.


"I'm going to stay at the Academy for a bit, what about you, Lord Hōjō?"


"Since I've come all the way here, I'll go with you.

The academy is also the abode of my youth, so there's no harm in indulging in a bit of nostalgia."


"Alright then.

Please wait here for a bit, Mr. Driver."


She was tempted to tease her by saying that she was not the type to indulge in nostalgia, but she had no desire to engage in unnecessary conversation.

After giving commands to the driver, Homare and Izana got down of the car and continued on their way to the academy.




The business at the academy was finished in less than 30 minutes.

The reason was simple. Except for the emergency contact officers, the academy had been ordered to mobilize the entire staff.


"All of the prospective guardians had already departed for the Cornerstone Mountains, huh?

It seems that the military commanders have taken a drastic measure."


"It is not limited to Kabeju Province, but all of the four provinces are making the same decision.

It seems that they followed the lead of Kihoin who raised the warning of the Hyakki Yagyo."


Homare's assessment of the current situation matched Izana's grumbling, who had no time to indulge in nostalgia.


Two hurried footsteps echoed through the corridor, where a holiday-like silence reigned even though it was a weekday afternoon.

As they passed through the central building and arrived at the entrance where their shoes were placed, Homare recognized a figure standing in front of them.




"Souma-kun? We're on an urgent business, what are you doing here?"


Ugetsu Souma's figure was standing there, looking bewildered and impatient. Homare's tone was laced with an unintentional hint of reprimand.


"I was ordered to stand by by Sonomi-sama.

I insisted on accompanying her, but I could not persuade her to agree with it......"


"What a fool!"


She understood that there was a conflict of trust between Gioin and Ugetsu. But it would be foolish to abandon a valuable divine spirit user for nothing.


Homare had exchanged opinions with Sonomi, who is also Gioin Shizumi's aide, on a number of occasions.

She didn't seem to be the kind of person who would let her emotions get the better of her and commit such a visible blunder.


"......Is this the heir of Ugetsu?"



Lord Hōjō, is this your first time meeting him? ......What's the matter? You seem rather alarmed, you know?"


Homare tilted her head in surprise upon noticing the hint of caution in Izana's hushed voice.


As Ugetsu's successor, Souma has never been formally introduced to the other provinces.

Considering Izana's character, she shouldn't be particularly alarmed by the current situation.


"It's nothing. I just remembered Midori-sama's advice given to me before I left.

Don't get involved with Ugetsu, which is in the middle of a troublesome situation."


"Indeed. But in the current circumstances, we can't just ignore it either.

Souma-kun. You made an effort to contact us, the representatives of the other families. You're not here just to greet us, right?"


Homare tilted her head inwardly at the way Izana's mouth was slurring her words.

It was the first time for Homare to see a woman with a reputation for decisiveness in her work being distressed.


However, rather than pursue the matter, she cut the conversation short and turned her attention back to Souma.

Rather than worrying about Gioin's internal situation, Homare needed to enter the windhole under her jurisdiction as soon as possible.


"Then, let me be straightforward.

Please be an intermediary between me and Shizumi Gioin.

In this time of urgency, no matter whether Shizumi-sama is the current head of the family or not, she cannot ignore Homare-sama's mediation."


Hōjō Izana took a step forward in response to this brazen request to the four sovereigns, even if they were from another province.

However, Homare silently stopped her and spoke up.


"That's certainly true.

But I, too, have to go guarding the windhole for a while now.

What's in it for me to give up my spare time and labor for the Ugetsu family?"


"......In the past uprising, Ugetsu interceded on behalf of the Kabeju Province.

We would like you to pay back that debt to us through this one case."


It is a well-known story that during the uprising 400 years ago, while the Gioin were holding their ground, Ugetsu stood by the Hariin and thus stopped the civil war from breaking out.

Since then, Hariin had a weakness that prevented them from taking a strong stand against Ugetsu.


Paying that debt now surely would erase that source of concern for Hariin.

That was an extraordinary offer, but it was also true that the decision was far beyond the authority of the next head of the family (Ugetsu Souma).


"......I think it's fine, Hime-sama.

Somewhat difficult, but worth the price."


While Homare was hesitating at the possibility of being outbid on a verbal promise, Izana pushed her to make a decision.


"What do you have in mind, Lord Hōjō?"


"Nothing, it was just a suggestion to relieve Hariin's future.

We are running out of time, so it is up to Hime-sama to decide."


"Ha~a. ―It can't be helped then.

Souma-kun. I don't have the time to go to another family's windhole either. ...... Instead, I will give you a position to defend at Mt. Himorogi. Depending on your performance in the upcoming battle, I will undertake as mediator between you and Gioin until the Kannamesai Festival."


Hearing Hōjō Izana's words, Homare intensified her gaze on Souma.


That was the limit of the concession that could be offered to Souma.

If he were to disagree with this, Homare would immediately cut off negotiations, but he seemed to be aware of where the line should be drawn.


Without showing any disapproval of his bargained-for proposal, Souma responded with a stiff nod.


Perhaps they had already discussed this in advance, the vassals' children of Ugetsu stepped out from behind Souma's back.

Seeing this unified force, Homare's eyes flashed slightly.


"We're going ahead. Souma-kun, please secure your own means of transportation.

Any objections?"


"No, that's fine. Once again please take good care of us."


"Very well. ―Let's go then."



A slashing flash fell.

Rindō Saki, having fully assessed its trajectory, lightly kicked the ground backward.


Using her left leg as a pivot, half of her body turned around lightly.

The naginata, still in its scabbard, turned to intercept Dōgyou Sonomi's pursuing attack.


The clanging blades echoed in a series of exchanges, and the tachi and naginata, still in their sheaths, scattered sparks between them.


It's tough!


Saki honestly admitted to herself that she was failing in her attacks, but even so, she maintained her offensive stance.


She repeatedly exhaled fiercely, expelling the uncontrollable heat from her lungs.

With her legs braving the impact of each blow, she launched counterattacks with her blade, draining her spirit power.


Sonomi's tachi blocked the violet-colored attack that loomed over her, and another offensive strike shot toward Saki.


The offense and defense switched rapidly, and each time the two girls' spirit lights flashed.


They were in a corner of an alley behind Tenryō Academy, at a reasonable distance from the academy.

With no fear of being spotted, there was no stopping Saki and Soonori from quarreling.

What little rationality remained in both of them was only guaranteed by the scabbard that still housed their blades.


Saki has no intention of taking Dōgyo Sonomi's skill lightly.

There is a three-year age difference between them. The age difference is directly related to the difference in experience.


Even with the advantage of the naginata (the 3x steps rule), the difference in ability proved to be an undeniable fact of the gap between the two.


"Sonomi-sama, don't you have a duty to attend to as an aide?

I believe you have no time to interfere in the affairs of the Shumon Province."


"No need to worry about it. It is also my duty as an aide to guide a junior.

What about you, Saki-san? Do you have the time to squabble with me like this?"


"This is merely the Rindo family (5th rank) guiding the Dogyou family (7th rank). Also, your family's ears will surely hurt if they hear you keep yapping."


Provocation was met with another provocation. Without giving Sonomi time to reply, Saki took a big step forward.


The distance between the two dissolved instantly, and the tip of the naginata intercepted the impending attack without fear.

While being overwhelmed by the pressure, Saki's spirit power sparked and diverted the trajectory of the oncoming thrust.


Sonomi's footwork was slightly disrupted. Without missing the opportunity, Saki's naginata attacked forward in a form of a thrust.

The trajectory seemed certain to hit the target. However, her hand felt no feedback, and the thrust just pierced through empty air.


Saki could only grit her teeth as she watched Sonomi move away with a fluid gait.


Kihoin-style is known for its powerful attack in the form of offensive footwork. After parrying a powerful attack, she should be launching a counterattack. Slipping in between the gaps of breaths, and unleashed a difficult-to-avoid thrust.


The characteristic of the Gioin style, on the other hand, is that it is focused on defense and aims to strike at the right moment.

Solid in defense. This is the true essence of the Gioin style, and it was this nature of the Gioin-style that made it difficult for Saki to maintain her momentum.


An overwhelming disadvantage.

However, she could not lose here. She could not give up either.


If she were to retreat, it would be the same as allowing the other party the right to speak up about Akira.


More than anything else, it would be a shame to pardon the impudence of an outsider who had not even met Akira, and to ask her to concede victory based solely on the advantage of one's position.

The pride of a woman that resided within Saki would never allow such a thing to happen.


But the same was also true for Dōgyou Sonomi.

She could not concede either.

Saki's presence was an obstacle to regaining her relationship with Akira.


The battle unfolding in the back alley became a decisive battle that would determine the fate of both parties.


The two carefully measure the distance while exhaling,

Without prior agreement, the two took a step forward at the same time.


Their head-on strikes carved a path through the void to cross with each other.


At that moment, Ezuka Ehime, who resided within Saki, cried out a warning of the greatest magnitude.

The source of the warning was the glint of a metal blade that intruded from the edge of her vision. Following their spirits' warning, half reflexively, Saki and Somomi changed the trajectory of their strikes.


*Clang*. With a spark, the trajectory of the blade twisted and danced, parrying the two's strikes.

Double strike. Both were repelled by the successive impacts, and someone landed in the gap between the girls, which was opened due to their retreat.


"―Good grief.

Even though I aspired to be a warrior, so this is why I ended up being nothing more than a fisherman.

There is no use in playing tricks against guardians, huh?"


A grumbling voice from the depths of the blowing dust, and a glare pierced through the two girls.


A middle-aged man wearing only a ragged kimono stood there.

But Saki couldn't let our guard down. Saki lowered her waist and readied her naginata as Ezuka Ehime urged her to be on alert.


"......Who are you?"


"Sorry. Even if you asked me, I don't have a name worth telling. That being said, it would be impolite of me not to tell you."

The man laughed openly while saying so.

"My name is Yamamoto Gorozaemon.

By the order of my Lord, I have come to claim your head."



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