Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Can a Mob Highschooler be a Normie: Chapter 72


Mob Kousei No Ore Demo Boukensha Ni Nareba Riajuu Ni Naremasuka: Chapter #72

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain

 Translator(s): Sorry for the late update these past chapters 




Episode 72:  The One Whose Face and Name You Can't Remember Among the Four Heavenly Kings of Students




 Summer vacation, the fourth day. The whole house was in a flurry of activity from the morning.


"Mom~, where is the trip toothbrush set for Ai~?"


"We don't have time, so just go buy your toothbrush set over there!"


"Aika, where is my electric shaver?"


"I don't know! You always shave with a razor! Why don't you do the same this time? I mean, I told you guys to be ready by yesterday!"


 Cries of "I need this" and "I need that" echoed all over the place, and my mother's angry voice could be heard all the way upstairs.


"This is kinda amazing... is this what your family always does when you go on vacation?"


 Renge, who was listening to the commotion while reading manga, asked me such a question.


 I answered as I stuffed a change of clothes into my travel bag.


"No, we usually prepare for it ahead of time, so it's not this bad. This time, my schedule suddenly became free, so this trip was planned at the last minute."


 It is customary for the Kitagawa family to travel an average of two to three times during summer vacation every year.


 The trips were usually planned and prepared more than a month before the summer vacation, so the process usually went smoothly, but this time the situation was a little different.


 Because this trip was decided at the last moment: just the other day.


 This summer, the Kitagawa family had only one trip planned for the latter half of the summer vacation, due to the tight schedule of the Adventurers' Club's training camp.


 The family had agreed that it was unavoidable to only do one trip this year, but in fact, my mother had been feeling lonely inside, and as soon as she learned that Anna's make-up class had left an opening in my schedule, she quickly set up another trip.


 Coincidentally, this year happened to be the year of the Tokyo Olympics, and since the government shifted the holidays for the Olympics, we have a four-day holiday weekend starting today.


 Since both Ai and I had plans on Saturday and Sunday, the only chance we had to go on a family vacation was on Thursday and Friday, when my Dad was also off from work.


"Utamaro~, it's almost time to leave! Are you ready!?"


"I'm almost done!"


"Not only for you, but you have to arrange for Renge-chan too, understand?"


"I know that. Renge's bag is already done first."


 I said that and threw the bag to her.


 Renge who received it was not dressed in her usual kimono, but in a more modern fashion, wearing a T-shirt for girls and a mini skirt with jeans.


 This time, Renge also participated in the trip in a physical form.


 At first I said, "Why not just go while invisible?" But all my family members were against this idea.


 So she had to borrow some of Ai's clothes.


"Okay, let's go!"


"Ah, wait, wait!"


 I stopped Renge from leaving the room after she had received her bag, and I placed a hat with a brim on her head. The brim of the hat hid her inhuman beauty, making her look like a child anywhere.


 Renge's face is widely known to the public through MonColo and other media.


 Although she will not be noticed so much because of the common stereotype that cards cannot be summoned outside the dungeon, together with the fact that she is with me, it is not necessarily impossible for those who are perceptive not to notice her.


 Therefore, this hat was essential, although it is a small trick.


 By the way, when others ask me about my relationship with Renge, I am supposed to explain that she is a friend of Ai. Well, I probably won't be asked that question, but just in case.


 After closing all the doors in the house and locking the front door, I headed for the car.


 When I opened the door of the white sedan, a sauna-like heat hit my face.


 My mom, who climbed into the backseat, said with a frown on her face,


"It's so hot~! Turn on the air conditioner right now."


"I turned it on."


 The air conditioner started up with a loud "Gooooooooooo!", but the temperature inside the car, heated by the summer sun, did not go down so easily.


 While everyone was frowning at the heat, my Dad suddenly noticed that I, sitting in the passenger seat, was not even breaking a sweat.


"Oh? Utamaro, you look strangely cool... Do you have a magic item or something?"


 So sharp. With a grin, I took out the Air Conditioner Pendant I had tucked away in my chest.


"Yep. This Air Conditioner Pendant keeps the air temperature at the perfect degree."


"That's not fair, Onii-chan! Lend it to Ai too!"


"I have another one, so I'll lend you that one."


 When I handed an Air Conditioner Pendant to Ai in the back seat, my mom looked at it and said with admiration,


"Ara, that's a lovely pendant. How much did it cost?"


"Hmm....., It's about a million or so if you buy it, I think?"


"A million or so?!"


 The car was filled with shocked voices.


"Ha~ No matter how much you need it as an adventurer, I can't believe you would buy such a thing for a million."


"Ah, no... I got this from the Guild's pack."


"Ho... Guild packs included that kind of thing? So, that means you won over a million for a million, so you're actually making a profit."




 There was a slight pause, but my mom didn't miss it.


 Her eyes shone sharply as she interrogated me,


"Maro, how many packs did you buy?"




 As I was stammering, my mom pointed at Renge,


"You know the time limit is until your mom asks Renge-chan."


 I don't want her to ask Renge! I answered hurriedly,


"It's... uh, --ty."


"What did you just say? Again, louder and clearer."


"I bought forty!"




 After the whole family was at a loss for words, my Dad eventually let out a loud sigh.


"Haa~, forty million yen, huh...... how many times my annual income is that,......? I'm starting to look like a fool for working so hard."


"You know... even though it's money you earned yourself, you should spend it more carefully."


 In fact, the amount I spent was ten times that, but I didn't want that to be known at all costs, so I kept quiet, thinking that silence was golden.


 While my parents let out an exasperated sigh, only Ai let out an excited voice.


"Forty million~! That's amazing! I wonder how many years of Ai's allowance Ai that is. I'm going to marry an adventurer like my brother in the future!"


"No, don't marry an adventurer."


"That's right, Ai, you don't have to marry for the rest of your life. Just live at home forever."


 My Dad's foolish comment was ignored, and the conversation between mother and child proceeded.


"Huh? Why~?"


"No matter how much money they have, they shouldn't have a job where death could come at any moment. Fortunately, Maro has Renge-chan with him, but other adventurers can die at any time. Stability is important in a family. Adventurers are enough as playmates."


"Puu~. It can't be helped. I'll have to beg Onii-chan for the things I want. As for a husband, I'll look for someone who is rich, does whatever Ai says, and doesn't cheat on me, even if he's not as brilliant as my Dad."


 My Dad had a complicated look on his face, as if he was sad to be treated like a cash cow and happy to be told she would marry someone like her father.


"The order should be adjusted. The first is that he listens to everything you say, the second is that he can't cheat on you, and the third is that he has money. If you get this order wrong, you will be miserable."


"Huh? What's the difference?"


 I was curious, too, so I listened.


 Then the answer came from an unexpected corner,


"The first one is an important requirement for a lover, right? If this condition is not fulfilled, then marriage will not be possible with a type like Mama-san or Ai. The second is the requirement of being a husband. If a man is unfaithful, even if he builds a family, it will not last. The third is the requirement as a father. No matter how much love you have, it is difficult to raise a child without money."


"Renge-chan, you are correct!"


 Hoo, I see... I was impressed. Next to me, my Dad was also making a face like that.


"Hmm. What about Onii-chan, then?"


"About Maro..."


 My mom put her hand on her cheek in distress.


"The first and second requirements were all there until he became an adventurer, but since he started having money, the second requirement seems to be a bit of a problem."


Hey, hey, hey!”


 I was outraged at this assessment from my own parent.


"That's a slander! I haven't even had a girlfriend yet!"


 Even if I wanted to cheat on my lover, I would not be able to do so! ......It makes me sad to say it myself!


"Hm~m. Well then, let's ask Renge-chan, who is always with you. Honestly, what do you think?"


"Ahh, he's no good, this guy. He's completely fickle. I'm sure it'll be different when he has kids, but until then, he's the type that gets pretty unsteady."




You thought of me like that?!


"Maro, you can't do that. A man should love only one woman like I do."


 My Dad said with a stern look on his face...


"What are you talking about, it's totally in the blood of the Kitagawa family. You didn't cheat on me because you simply didn't have any other partner. You're the type of person who, like Maro, thinks that if a woman comes to you, then you'll eat her up, even though you know you shouldn't."


"Dad, that's the worst......"


"I-I have an objection! It's a false accusation! I'm different from Maro!"


"I'm not like that too!"


 The women dismiss the men's ugly struggle with a resounding,


"Look, Ai, it proves that blood is thick in the veins, doesn't it?"


"A frog's offspring is a frog. If the child is a frog, it means the parents are frogs too."


"Renge-chan, that would mean I'm a frog too... Well, that's okay. More importantly, why did Mom marry Dad? If it was at Dad's level, there must be others, right?"


 It was my Dad, not my mom, who answered that question,


"Fufufufu... That's right, Ai. It's because your father risked his life to protect your mother."


"Eh~!? What is that!"


 Ai's eyes lit up at the prospect of what was going to be a somewhat romantic story.


"Well, to put it simply, it's called the suspension bridge effect. When your mom was still a young high school girl, the first Angolmore happened, and your Dad and I overcame that crisis. I was young at the time, so I felt that your Dad, who was 10 years older than me, was very dependable."


 When I was a kid, I heard how my parents got to know each other. My Dad was a college student and worked as a private tutor for my mom when she was in elementary school.


 Although my Dad quit being a private tutor around the time he graduated from university, the two had known each other for a long time.


 Then, when my mom became a high school student and a respectable young lady, the first Angolmore happened.


 Humanity, which at the time had assumed that monsters would not come out of the dungeons, was completely thrown into a panic by the hordes of monsters that suddenly overflowed the dungeons.


 Although the dungeons were not completely without cover because simple bases had been built around the dungeons by the Self-Defense Forces, the SDF was initially unable to properly deal with the monster hordes, and many of the monsters got away.


 In Tokyo, where the number of dungeons was particularly high, the streets were filled with dead bodies of people, infrastructure was completely destroyed, money was turned into pieces of paper, and stores were mobbed.


 To put the situation at that time in a nutshell, it was the end of the world.


 In the midst of all this, my Dad happened to be reunited with my mom, a former student of his, and he told me that he had protected her from the people whose morals had fallen to the lowest level, and from the thugs whose survival instincts had turned their sexual desires to the maximum.


 The reason why my Dad, who had never been in a fight before, was able to protect my mom was, of course, due to the cards.


 It was during the First Angolmore that the card's effects were discovered, and my Dad was one of 'those fortunate enough to have cards and figured out how to use them on their own by chance.' - what were called 'Summoners' at the time.


 By the way, by some coincidence, the card that my Dad had was apparently a Zashiki-warashi card.


 At the end of the chaos, the monster card was Lost in the end, protecting my Dad and the others, and that might be the reason why my Dad and mom were strangely fond of Renge.


"Amazing! I didn't know Dad used to be so cool! He's a total hero! He's like the main character in a movie!"


 When Ai heard this story for the first time, she reacted in the same way I had when I first heard it in the past.


 And my parents' reaction was also the same as back then, a wry smile with a mixture of pain and suffering.


"Nn, I guess I wasn't that great of a hero. ...... I couldn't even protect Hualian-chan."


"Hualian-chan... was it the name of Dad's Zashiki-warashi......?"


 My Dad shook his head at Ai's question as he glanced at Renge.


"No, Dad didn't even know about the naming system back then. If I had known, I would have definitely named her .....Hualian-chan was an elementary school girl that I had met during that time. ...She was a cheerful and optimistic girl at all times, which encouraged us a lot."


"I see……"


 The atmosphere became somewhat somber, and silence fell inside the car.


...Hualian1, huh?


 It had been so many years since I had heard the story of how my father and mother got together that I almost forget it, but maybe the reason I had named this Zashiki-warashi as Renge was because the story had remained in a corner of my mind....







"We've finally arrived~"


 Having been shown to my room at the Japanese traditional inn (ryokan), I laid down on the tatami mats, which smelled good and had the distinctive smell of a traditional inn, and stretched out.


 Seeing me, my mom, who was arranging the luggage, looked at me with dismay,


"You're so lazy.... We were just in the car a few minutes ago."


"On the contrary, it makes me tired. Lately, I feel less tired when I'm moving my body."


"Oh my~, you're talking like a member of an athletic club. Well, I guess that means you have become healthier than you used to be."


"He~y, Onii-chan, let's go sightseeing, okay? Sightseeing!"


 Ai, who was scurrying around the room like a small animal with Renge, came to me and pulled my arm.


"Eeh~, let's take a rest..."


No, we're staying here for two days and one night, you know? Tomorrow is the only day we can properly sightsee, and we only have three hours left until dinner, so we need to move quickly! Right, Renge-chan?"


"Right, right. Come on, I'll put some rest magic on you."


"I don't have a choice, do I~"


 I got up slowly and my Dad, who had been changing the TV channel at random, turned around and said,


"Don't go too far. You don't know the area well. Renge-chan, please watch over my kids so they don't get lost, okay?"


"Aiyo, leave it to me."


"......, Why didn't you ask me, the eldest?"


 I left the room grumbling.


 The ryokan where we were staying was built beside a clear stream, and as we walked out the front door, we saw a large, elegant red-lacquered bridge. As we crossed it and went down the slope, we soon arrived at a tourist district lined with souvenir shops.


 The district was crowded with people who, like us, had decided to take advantage of the four-day weekend to travel instead of watching the Olympics.


"Ah, Utamaro. There's a footbath. Let's take a break there!"


 While we were browsing around the souvenir shops and buying souvenirs for Ai's friends, Renge pointed to the end of the street and said that.


 True, I saw a footbath next to a teahouse where tourists were relaxing with dango2 and tea in their hands.


 I immediately sensed her intention and looked at her with a stern look,


"You just want to eat dumplings, don't you?"


"Hehe, you caught me."


 Renge stuck out her tongue and laughed. Then, as a matter of course, Ai took her side.


"Ai wants to take a footbath too," she said.


"...Well, so do I."


 So the three of us bought a set of dangos and stepped into the footbath.


"Fuu~, it feels pretty good even if it's only for the feet."


“The feet get stuffy in the summer, too.”


 While we were talking like that, a young man sitting next to us suddenly looked at us and shouted loudly,


"Ah! You! Utamaro Kitagawa!"


Who is this guy, calling someone out of the blue ......?


 I looked at him with a confused look.


Ah, you don’t remember me, do you? It’s me, Yujin Sato!”


............? Who?


 A large, stern-looking young man whose body was built like a fighter.


 ...... No, seriously, I don't recognize him.


Is this a new scam?


"You still can't remember me even though I told you my name?! I'm Yujin Sato, best 4 in the Students Tournament!"


"...... Oh! Ooh! It's been a while."


 I finally remembered who he was and bowed my head in a hurry.


 Come to think of it, he was there! That friend! Teacher and Anna's characters were so strong that I had completely forgotten about him.


 Seeing me like that, Yujin-san hung his head.


"I'm plain compared to you three anyway. Even on the Internet, I'm called 'the weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings of Students, the one whose face and name you can't remember'."


 Th, they say that? But in a sense, I guess people remember me as someone who didn't let the leader's sword slip through his fingers.


 Normally, something like the top four in a student tournament would be forgotten within a week of broadcasting.


"I mean, why are you guys leaving me out? Isn't that harsh? No, I get it. I'm two years older than you guys, I've already graduated high school, and I'm not very skilled. But why don't you just invite me too? I've been promoted to a three-star rating, in case you were wondering. I'm working hard, too, you know? I was asked by a girl I don't know in college, "Sato-san, you were in the top four in the Student Tournament, right? That means, after all, you helped to capture the Hound Master with Tsubasa-sama, didn't you? That's great, I respect you!" Do you know how I felt when she said that with her sparkling eyes? So when I answered, "No, I wasn't invited," .....that air when she was like, "Oh......!" I seriously can't stand it! After the tournament, all four of us exchanged contact information, but I'm the only one who hasn't heard from anyone! You and Kannazuki respond to me when I contact you, but that Jushichiya don't even read my messages! You three have been in touch with each other, right? Do you know how hurt I was when I found out? It's not good to be like that! It's almost bullying! Please, just invite me too!"


"I- I'm sorry."


 I could only bow my head to Yujin-san, who was complaining to me with a bitter look in his eyes.


"Uh, well, I didn't know that Sato-senpai wanted to be a part of the Hound Master thing so much......."


 Then, immediately, Yujin-san lowered his tone,


"Oh no, it's not like that. I probably would have turned it down even if you had asked me. Isn't it scary to be involved with a serial killer?"


"What the hell is wrong with you?"


 I unintentionally forgot to be respectful and burst forward.


Do you want to be involved or not?


"I probably would have said no even if you had asked me, but I wanted you to ask me as one of the best four friends. Do you understand this delicate feeling?"


"No, it's a pain in the ass!"


You sound just like our Suzuka. When it's a cute girl like her, it becomes acceptable, but when it's a guy like you, it's just a pain in the ass!


"By the way, I've been wondering since a while ago, is that girl your little sister?"


"Oh, yes, she's my little sister and that one is her friend."




 Yujin-san seriously looked at Ai's pretty face and Renge, who had put her hat back on tightly.


"...... I see, Kitagawa has a complicated family environment, too."


"She's not my step-little sister! She's my real sister!"


That's too rude! ...People who have seen me and Ai usually think so, though!


Speaking of which, will Kitagawa participate in that?”


"What is it suddenly...... what is 'that'?"


This person's topic changes so often it's tiring,...... I thought to myself as I tilted my head to the side, and he tilted his head as well.


"Huh? Could it be, you don't know? The only thing that adventurers like us talk about this time of year is 'that'."


"Is it MonColo or something?"


"Hmmm, you seriously don't know about it? You have not heard anything about it from Kannadzuki or Jushichiya?"


"So what is it?"


 When I asked this with some irritation, he grinned.


Hoho, do you want to know?”




 Then Yujin-san's face lit up, like 'Wow!'.


"But noooo! You've been excluding me from the group, and only at a time like this do you need me to tell you what you wanted to know!"


 So, so annoying......


 As my orbicularis oculus3 twitched, Yujin-san suddenly began to fidget.......


"But, if you invite me properly from now on, I can tell you....?"


"Then, no thanks."


"Why not?!"


No, this short exchange had already put you on the list of people I don't really want to get involved with, and.......


I'm already tired of being pestered by Suzuka.


"Even if you regret it later, it will be too late!"


 Yujin-san threw a final remark and ran off.


 Watching his back, Ai muttered a few words,


".....There are a lot of strange people among Onii-chan's friends."


 I tried to deny it, but I couldn't because I could see the faces of the East-West duo and the Adventurer's Club.


 Seeing me like that, the strangest of them all, the Zashiki-warashi, laughed out loud.




[Tips] Summoners


 Those who happened to be in possession of cards at the time of the First Angolmore and found out how to use them as they were being attacked by monsters.


 They were called Card Users, Summoners, and Contractors.


 It is no exaggeration to say that their existence created the adventurer society of today.


 Most Summoners worked to protect people from being attacked by monsters, but there were a few who mistakenly believed themselves to be the chosen ones and were eager to build their own forces, and a few who wielded their power by following their own desires.





It’s mandarin. 花 (huā=flower; blossom; fancy pattern; florid) + 莲 (lián=lotus)

Dango is a Japanese dumpling made from rice flour mixed with uruchi rice flour and glutinous rice flour.

The orbicularis oculi is a muscle in the face that closes the eyelids.


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