Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Can a Mob Highschooler be a Normie: Chapter 70


Mob Kousei No Ore Demo Boukensha Ni Nareba Riajuu Ni Naremasuka: Chapter #70

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain




Episode 70: Rumor (Fact) that Greek Deities are Only Weirdos




 Second day of summer vacation. early morning.


 I arrived at the dungeon alone as heavy rain pelted the ground.


 The purpose, of course, was to try out the cards I got yesterday.


 This time, I came to the D-rank dungeon at Takao Station, which was a tropical forest dungeon.


 In the fall and winter, the dungeon of tropical forests gets quite crowded, but during the hot and humid summer season, it is not so popular.


 In this hot summer, it was human nature to want to dive in a dungeon of the sea or a cool mountain area.


 Given that, the reason why I went to the trouble of coming to an empty dungeon was because I didn't want to let people see the ultra-premium card that was Athena.


 I would probably show this card out to the public at some point, but I didn't want to make it too conspicuous now that the public was paying attention to the case.


 After entering the dungeon and making sure no one else was around, I took the cards I had obtained yesterday out of the Card Holder.


 First and foremost, this card,


"Come out! Athena!"


 With a dazzling light, a girl wearing white armor and a large golden shield appeared.


 She appeared to be a little over ten years old, I think. Her golden wavy hair was long enough to reach her hips. Her eyes had a mysterious glow that made them appear blue or gray depending on the angle, and her face, though young, was already beautiful and flawless.


 She looked around at first, and then her elegant face contorted when she saw my face,


“Hyah?!  A man?! I- I'm going to be raped!"


"?!  I'm not going to do that!"


 I was shocked at the girl who crouched down and hid behind THE large shield as tall as she was, snarling sharply.


 This brat, what a mean thing to say! I hurriedly looked around.


 Thank goodness there was no one around. It was a good thing I had chosen an empty dungeon just in case. I was already being suspected of being a pedophile (lolicon) because of Renge, and if anyone had seen me in such a situation, my life would have been in jeopardy.


 As I was patting my chest in relief, Athena fearfully peeked out over her shield.


"...I- indeed, it appears that you are still pure."


 As one would expect from the three major virgin deities of Greece, Athena seemed to recognize me as a virgin at first look.


 She showed herself from behind the shield, puffed out her chest, pointed at me, and said,


"I'm impressed that you can maintain your chastity in this depraved age. Just live your whole life without getting involved with a woman. Is that clear?"


"No... sorry, I don't want to be a virgin for the rest of my life....."


 When I said that, Athena made a face that said, "I've been deceived?!"


"Hii?! S, so you summoned me with the intention of raping me?! Nike! Nike!! Help me! I'm being raped!"


 At the sound of Athena's half-crying cry for help, a pillar of light descended from the sky, from which a beautiful woman of about 20 years old with blond hair in a short bob appeared.


 On her back were magnificent white wings, and the lines of her voluptuous body showed through her thin dress of ancient Greek-style cloth.


 ......Is this Nike? Apparently, she can summon her subordinate like normal.


"Athena-sama1, were you calling me?"


"Please help me, Nike! I'm about to be raped by this man!"


"I told you I'm not going to do that!"


"Oh dear."


 Despite my protests, Nike stroked Athena's head as she clung to her with a motherly smile.


"Okay, okay, it's okay. This Nike is on it~"


"I'm counting on you! You're the only one I can rely on, Nike!"


"Ah~...! I can't believe the day will come when that Athena-sama will cling to me like this... My, my."


 Nike stroked Athena's head with a flushed cheek and an expression of ecstasy. Athena looked up with a somewhat doubtful face.


Huh? This is a little strange?


 Nike turned to face me while stroking Athena's little head.


"Now then, Master of my Lord. Please wait a moment before you force this helpless Athena-sama down, violating her wildly like a beast, and pouring your white fluid into her young secret parts."




"What are you?!"


 Those words sounded like something out of a pornographic novel!


 When I threw that question with all my being, Nike smiled and nodded,


Of course, I understand how the Master of my Lord feels."


"No, I don't think you understand at all."


"Certainly, the sight of Athena-sama's frightened face stimulates desires. I understand the feeling of wanting to beat this young and beautiful face with my fist with all my might and break her so badly that all of her front teeth would be gone."


"See! You don't get it! This guy is crazy! Come here, Athena!"


"Ah, y- y- y- yes!"


 Athena, whose face turned pale, hurriedly moved away from Nike and hid behind me.


 I asked her while shielding her from the freaky psycho lesbian woman.


"Huh?! Is Nike always such a crazy freak?!"


"There is no way! I never knew she had a side like that! If I had known, I would never have summoned her!"




 Seeing us like that, Nike laughed cheerfully.


"Hehehe, please don't be so scared. I have no intention of actually doing it."




"Yes. Because it would be such a waste, wouldn't it? It's just the normal thing for a connoisseur to look at one thing and indulge in a myriad of fantasies."


"I, I see....."


"But that is subtly not a reassuring answer..."


 Athena looked anxious and dismayed when Nike seemed to deny it, but inwardly didn't deny that she was beating her up.


"Therefore, please, Master of my Lord, please be patient and wait to actually lay your hands on her. Athena is a woman who vowed lifelong chastity. If she loses her chastity, she will be Lost as the price."


"Yeah, that's why I have said from the beginning that I didn't have any intention of doing that..."


"That is why I recommend that if you must do it, please do it when you are on the verge of death and can't avoid her Lost. Then the result will be the same regardless."




"Are you listening to me?! I said I won't do it!"


 This guy, is she the type who can understand words, but can't actually be able to talk to?


 Nike bowed her head reverently and said,


"If you are unable to suppress your lust, please tell me before you lash out at Athena-sama. I, Nike, will take her place."


"......Ho, hoho."


......Well, sounds like she can actually be conversed with? That's not so bad, maybe?


"Get it together, idiot!"


 Right then, I was lightly smacked on the head.


 When I looked up, she saw Renge that had suddenly appeared on her own, looking at me with a disgusted look on her face.


"You, you really are vulnerable to that kind of temptation...."




That's, because I'm a virgin... And I'm at an age where I'm very interested in the female body......


 Athena and Nike looked at us with serious faces.




"Yes... it seems that the fetters are completely lifted."


 I guess they noticed that the Renge's shackles were off after seeing the exchange just now.


 Well, it's not normal for a card to have the ability to hit their master on the head.


"So, what do you think about her? Does it look like she could be of any use?"


"Hmm, right. At least above the minimum. Athena."


"……What is it?"


 Athena replied with caution towards Renge,


"Your card had the [Juvenile] skill listed, but which skill is specifically disabled?"




 Athena was clamming up for a moment, but then she sighed as if she had given up immediately.


"......There is no use hiding it. As you might have guessed, I am unable to use the Aegis. Nor, it seems, can I grant blessings to heroes or use magic."


 In other words, she practically has no fighting ability, huh?


 Seeing me deep in thought, Nike took a step forward.


"If it's about battle, don't worry, this Nike will be there. If anything, I am more convenient than a normal card because there is no danger of me being Lost."


"Oh... don't worry. I'm not thinking of selling her."


 When I said this, Nike seemed relieved.


 ...I guess the fact that she was relieved right away that I won't sell Athena means that she at least thought I wasn't that bad.


 Or maybe she didn't like the possibility of this Athena becoming a 'resurrection card'.


 Well, I can't imagine a situation where Athena would be Lost. Every master should protect it with top priority.


"Now that you've decided to add her to the group, why don't you introduce some of the others? ...I think someone's been itching to say something since a while ago."


"Ah, you're right."


 I called out the other cards. There were four other members: Eliza, Yuki, Mea, and Suzuka. Since the summoning quota for a D-rank dungeon is six cards, unfortunately, I had to hold off on calling Dragonet this time, or rather, this time as well.


 ......I felt that Dragonet had to take the back seat at times like this.

 I should reward Dragonet in some way later.


"Ooooooh! I finally got out!"


 As expected, it was Mea who was the first to shout as soon as she was summoned.


"Why is it that only Renge can come out and in as she pleases? She is always with Master even outside the dungeon, isn't she? It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair!"


"You're so noisy, It can't be helped, can it? If you're jealous, have Utamaro remove the shackles on you, too."


 When Renge said so, Mea's focus naturally turned to me.


"Right! Master, it's about time you establish Perfect Link with the other cards besides Renge~. That said, what's the deal with these guys? Aren't these cards very expensive? What happened to Mea's rank up?!"


"Wait, wait, first of all, calm down. Here, eat your pound cake."


 When I shoved a pound cake I bought at the convenience store upstairs into Mea's mouth, she obediently began to eat it.


 Well, it was worth training her not to talk while she had something in her mouth.


"First of all, Athena is a card I won from the Guild card pack, so I got the card for much cheaper than I would have had to buy it. Nike is a subordinate she summoned. As for the card for Mea's rank up, I've asked an independent card merchant to find it for me."


......But even if they find it, I've already spent the money to buy it.


 As I was muttering this to myself, I saw Renge staring at me.


 Well, I'll figure out how to make money somehow, so I'll keep it a secret from Mea...


 Renge let out a sigh and averted her gaze. 


"Also, no matter how hard I try with Perfect Link, I can only achieve full synchronization (99%) with cards other than Renge, so it can't be helped, right? Rather, I want to know why only Renge is able to do it."


"Mmm chew chew... gulp. Haa~ I guess it can't be helped. Hey Master, I’m counting on you to rank me up, okay? If it continues like this, I'll really be out of the circle..."


"Yeah... I'll make sure to rank you up, so just wait."


 I hooked my finger with Mea, feeling guilty.


 Athena, who was standing from a bit of a distance, approached.


"......Um, what is that Perfect Link? Is that the reason why the fetters are off of that Zashiki-warashi?"


"Hmm? Ah, the Perfect Link is what we call the Link that increases the synchronization rate to 100%. As a result of this, Renge can be summoned even outside of the dungeon."


"Linking, as I recall, is the technique of utilizing the connection between the master and the cards called by the humans, isn't it? To overlay the card and the soul entirely... what a foolhardy thing to do."


"Nn? Is Perfect Link dangerous?"


 When Mea asked this question, Athena answered while glaring at Renge who was talking with Nike for some reason.


"Of course it is. The souls of humans and cards are of different ranks. To put it in a way that is easy for humans to understand, humans and cards have different osmotic pressures. What happens when two liquids of different concentrations come into contact with each other across a semi-permeable membrane?"


"......Solvent moves from a solution of lower concentration to a solution of higher concentration."


"What fills the soul of a card is seawater. And what fills the human soul is fresh water."


...I see. Is this the reason why side effects occur when using Perfect Link?


"Nn? Mea don't really understand, but does that mean it's better not to use Perfect Link?"


"Yes. If you have a way to remove the fetters, I was hoping to have them removed, but I didn't realize you were using such a rough practice ......I guess I have no choice but to give up. However, that Zashiki-warashi is a crook, doing this kind of thing while behaving in such a friendly manner..."


"No, Renge has warned me not to use Perfect Link."


 I explained this for the sake of my precious partner's honor, but Athena shook her head and denied it.


"The fact that she did it that first time is a problem in and of itself. A decent card would never or could never do that. Especially if they are the good kind of deity. ......That's fine. This is also a fate. If you look closely, it appears that a little bit of a heroic spirit is emerging. Let Athena, the guardian deity of heroes, protect you."


"Ah, ah..... I don't know where that came from, but I'm counting on you."


"Then pray three times daily, build a temple, and make offerings. Oh, and you must remain a virgin for the rest of your life. Is that understood?"


"That I refuse."


"W, why......?


 And thus, Athena, the jittery young goddess, and Nike, the crazy psycho lesbian, joined my group.




[Tips] Safe Zone Creation Skills


 This is one of the rarest skills in the world that can create safe zones that should only exist in limited areas of the dungeon. Although this skill was originally thought to be only slightly useful, its value has skyrocketed since the safe zones in A-rank dungeons have disappeared due to the ignorance of mankind.


 The pseudo safe zone created by such a skill cannot be used as a transfer destination, but this is because the coordinates of the actual or original safe zone and the intended transfer destination are different.





a more respectful honorific for individuals who are deserving of the utmost respect

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