Monday, July 1, 2024

Can a Mob Highschooler be a Normie: Chapter 69


Mob Kousei No Ore Demo Boukensha Ni Nareba Riajuu Ni Naremasuka: Chapter #69

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain




Episode 69: Do You Dislike Beautiful Maids? (2)




 As the temporary excitement subsided, I began to notice certain detail that I had not noticed at first.


In other words, "Why is the highest rated B-rank card in the Guild's card pack?"


 The general market price for a flawless Athena was about 9 to 9.5 billion yen.


 This implied that Athena was rated as the highest by adventurers around the world, although there were plenty of cards that were stronger than Athena in terms of simple combat power alone.


 Still, most of those cards fetch much lower prices than Athena.


 So why does Athena have such a high valuation?


 The reason for that stemmed from her inborn skill, [Aegis1 Protection].


 The currently known capabilities of [Aegis Protection] would be as follows.


 Aegis Protection: Enables the use of Aegis, a shield to ward off all manner of evil and misfortune. For a limited time, it grants absolute protection to the user and their companions, as well as countering the curse of petrification against the enemy. It requires a cooldown time, but there is no limit to the number of times it can be used. Unlike Zeus' Aegis, it does not have the power to manipulate thunderclouds, but can create a pseudo-safe zone, perhaps due to Athena's ability as the guardian goddess of the city. It lasts for 12 hours, once a day.


 The former ability was awesome, but what was more important was the latter.


 Yes, this skill to 'create a safe zone' was one of the best in the world.


 Currently, most of the A-rank dungeons around the world had lost their safe zones due to the confusion and ignorance that existed when the dungeons first appeared.


 At a time when the benefits of the cards were still unknown, and only modern weapons were being used to fight inside. The military took advantage of the fact that monsters did not move into the area near the dungeon entrance and created a defensive position near the entrance to attract and dispose of monsters.


 The safe zones were not only near the entrances, but also randomly scattered in front of and within each floor, and would disappear when monsters attacked from within. Once a safe zone disappeared, it will not be restored until the dungeon had been conquered.


 ......This fact was only discovered after the first Angolmore, when dungeons of rank B or lower appeared, and although they hurriedly banned combat activities in the safe zones, it was already too late.

Except for a very small number of dungeons that had not been discovered at that point, the safe zones in almost all A-rank dungeons had already disappeared.


 However, no one had the right to call this stupid.


 Thus, mankind had increased the difficulty level of even the most difficult A-rank dungeons, but even so, they did not give up on conquering the A-rank dungeons.


 The key to make dungeons disappear. Many countries believed that it was most likely to lie in the first A-rank dungeon that appeared on the earth.


 However, the presence or absence of a safe zone greatly influenced the difficulty of capturing a dungeon. This was because, without a safe zone, even teleportation to a different location would be a challenge.


 Therefore, each country began researching whether there was a way to somehow restore the safe zones that had disappeared, or whether it was possible to create something that could take the place of the safe zones.


 The reason the skill was labeled 'pseudo' was because the safe zones created with this skill were imperfect.


 First of all, basically, the safe zone created by this skill cannot be designated as a transfer destination.


 It is possible to transfer from a pseudo-safe zone to a regular safe zone, but not vice versa.


 You may think that this makes little difference, but in fact, it provided a back way.


 Only when the regular safe zone has disappeared can a pseudo-safe zone be created in the same place where the safe zone used to be, and that place can be designated as the transfer destination.


 The prevailing opinion was that the coordinates of the safe zone and the transfer point were strictly different, and that both elements were necessary for the transfer. ......But I don't know what the actual reality is.


 However, this was quite a plausible theory, since in many incidences, safe zones other than at the entrance and in front of the stairs cannot be used as a transfer point.


 This may be a bit off-topic, but the point was that cards such as Athena were essential to conquer the A-ranked dungeons.


 Therefore, even on the rare occasions when Athena appears on the market, it will be snatched up at the drop of a hat by the military or top-ranked adventurers.


 This monster card was by no means meant to be a good thing to have in a pack of 10 million.


 With that in mind, I took a closer look at this Athena card with my smartphone's app catalog in hand.





[Race] Athena

[Combat Power] 950


[Inborn Skills]

Guardian Goddess of Cities and Heroes: Allows the use of Athena's powers as the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts.

Aegis Protection: Enables the use of Aegis, a shield to ward off all manner of evil and misfortune. For a limited time, it grants absolute protection to the user and their companions, as well as countering the curse of petrification against the enemy. It requires a cooldown time, but there is no limit to the number of times it can be used. Unlike Zeus' Aegis, it does not have the power to manipulate thunderclouds, but can create a pseudo-safe zone, perhaps due to Athena's ability as the guardian goddess of the city.

Blessing for Heroes: Athena's blessing that has guided many heroes. It bestows various blessings on the target, and can also lend their own skills on a limited time.

Come, Goddess of Victory: Able to summon Nike2, a subordinate goddess. Only once a day, and only one deity (which is Nike) can be summoned.

Advanced Magician: Allows the use of all advanced magic.


[Acquired Skills]

Vow of Chastity: Pledge to remain chaste for life. Resistant to attacks and status abnormalities from males. This will be lost if she loses her chastity. After resurrection, it will be changed to a negative skill.

Pride of Deity: Possesses pride and arrogance as a high-ranking deity. Will not listen to their human master as long as they do not recognize the other party. It is an extremely positive compensation for free action.

Juvenile: For some reason or another, they have become young both physically and mentally. Status is greatly reduced at all times. Some skills are unavailable.

Cowardice: Extremely averse to combat. Halves stats during battle.





 The first thing that caught my attention was the [Cowardice] skill, which Yuki also used to have.


 This was one of the worst negative skill of all, as it halved their status in battle and made them practically incapable of fighting due to their psychological state.


 On an online site that evaluated cards and skills, the [Cowardice] skill was given a rating of A, the second most negative skill rating.


 By the way, the definition of A-rating on this site was: "A level that substantially damages the value of the card." It was a serious problem for the quality of the card.


 In fact, this rating appeared reasonable to me, having been distressed by Yuki's [Cowardice] in the early period of my career.


 However, this cowardice skill was only an A rating. There existed a higher rating, the 'Poop'.


 The definition of the Poop rating on this site was "A fearful skill that turns the value of a card into a turd. The effect can only be described as 'shit'. If you are tricked into grabbing a card with this skill in a trade or something, you can even be forgiven for killing the other party. Or rather, kill them.".


 ...This statement conveyed the intense anger of the website manager.


 The [Juvenile] skill was the pinnacle of the negative skills certified as Poop rating.


 Cards with this skill will appear in the form of a child, even though they are not a species that manifests as children, unlike the zashiki-warashi.


 If that was all there was to it, it was rather welcome! 

But the problem was the effect: 'Status is greatly reduced at all times. Some skills are unavailable.'


 Since the effects of the negative skills basically overlapped, Athena's status would be reduced to a quarter of what it used to be during combat.


 Research had shown that the evaluation of combat power does not depend solely on the numerical value of the status, but the halving of the status was almost synonymous as halving of the combat power.


 In other words, Athena's actual combat power in battle would be less than 250.


 This was the lowest level of combat power even for a C-rank, even below Renge at the beginning.


 Considering that Athena's combat power was originally at the highest end of the B-rank, these numbers were quite sad.


 Nevertheless, when it comes to Athena, the decrease in combat power itself will not be enough of a problem to let go of the card.


 Most of Athena's value was due to the Aegis skill, and she had the ability to summon subordinates/followers.


 The abilities of Nike that she can summon were as follows.





[Race] Nike

[Combat Power] 1200


[Inborn Skills]

Wings of Victory: Can use the authority of Nike, the goddess of victory.

Laurel Crown: A mark of glory that Nike gives to the victor of the battle. Doubles the target's status, temporarily nullifies status abnormalities, and increases the rank of general-purpose skills by one. Contains advanced auxiliary magic.

Dedicate Victory: This summons a chariot squadron of heroic spirits killed in battle. Infinite summoning type. The combat power of the chariots is equivalent to 300 combat power.

Advanced attack magic


[Acquired Skills]

High-level dependent body: A temporary body invoked by a skill. Has no acquired skills and does not grow. A high-level dependent body has an ego that is comparable to the original, and a combat power that is 1.5 times the initial combat power.





 Although she had no acquired skills because she was a subordinate, she had B-rank combat power and had the skill to summon her own subordinates. Even if I had drawn Nike instead of Athena, I would have been delighted with this capability.


 She was more than enough to compensate for Athena's weakness.


 That said, it was the latter half of the [Juvenile] description that was problematic. It was the effect of the unavailability of some skills.


 Perhaps this Athena cannot use Aegis. Or it might be Nike's summoning.......


 Otherwise, it would not be thrown in this kind of card pack and sold at a throwaway price.


 But at Athena's level, people should be trying to do a lot of things to get rid of any negative skills...


 So, I looked into it.


"...... I see, this [Juvenile] skill, they haven't found a way to remove it, huh?"


 It was the same as the previous [Zero existence] skill. Not a skill that can be removed or elevated by gaining positive proficiency like the [Cowardice] skill, but a skill that can be changed by meeting certain conditions.


 There might be a possibility that it can be transformed into something like the [Spiritual recurrence], but until you know how to do that, this skill will be no different than a curse.


 Hmmm, I'm undecided on my assessment regarding Athena.


 I can't make a judgment without actually using it.


 If she can at least summon Nike, then she would be of some use.


 Even if that is not working, I should still be able to sell this card for hundreds of millions.


Well, since it comes to my hand, I'd like to make it useful somehow...


 With this in mind, I sorted through the cards.





[Race] Dullahan

[Combat Power] 400


[Inborn Skill]

The birth cry is the beginning of death: a death sentence pronounced by a death telling fairy. A curse that absorbs life force can be cast on a target.

Armor even for the departed: An intermediate level equipping skill. By possessing another card or the master, it can add half of its own combat power and share its own acquired skills (or all combat power and skills if it is equipped to the master).

The silent chariot: Summons Koshta Bawar, a four-horse chariot drawn by a headless black horse. Koshta Bawar does not exist as a card, but has a combat power of about D-rank monster. It has the ability to block out presence and become invisible, but has the disadvantage of not being able to cross a watery field.


[Acquired Skills]

Lack of agility: Strangely slow in movement for a fighter of this caliber. Negative compensation for overall actions.

Clumsy: Sometimes makes unbelievable mistakes. Even if it is a beautiful girl, if she repeats a mistake over and over again without ending, it will make you want to kill her. Random and extremely strong negative compensation for actions.

Indomitable spirit: Possesses a spirit of steel that will not be discouraged by failure or adversity of any kind. However, they have a tendency to be somewhat slow to learn. Has resistance to psychosis. Strong positive compensation for actions in times of adversity.

Swordsmanship: Martial arts skill specialized in sword handling. Effects will overlap with other martial arts skills. Strong positive compensation for specific actions.







 In Japan, it had an image of an undead monster, but in reality, it was a kind of fairy.


 It had some negative skills, but not to the extent that they were a serious hindrance to its performance. Barely passing the mark. At one time I thought about equipping it and fighting with using the Dáinsleif, but I gave up when I saw its negative skills.


 As originally envisioned, I should equip it with Eliza and train it at the same time, aiming to raise the level of its strength. We'll see how much Eliza's technical skills and [Precision movement] skill can counterbalance its [Lack of agility] and [Clumsy] skills...


 It has the skill to summon a subordinate (the silent chariot), but I cannot expect it to be a force to be reckoned with. Would it be optimal in terms of avoiding encounters with enemies and moving through the dungeon? ... It's [Clumsy] skill is a bit scary though.





[Race] Fenja

[Combat Power] 180


[Inborn Skills]

Pair of Two: This card is a pair of two cards which can be called as one half of a body. Even if two cards are summoned, only one summoning slot in the dungeon is consumed. Also, the two cards share the same life force.

Song of Grotte: A cursed song of female slaves who were continuously overworked without any rest. The song summons the millstone called 'Grotte', which can produce anything you desire. Grotte is a pair of millstones, and cannot be used without simultaneous summons of the two sisters (Fenja + Menja). If used too much, the 'Army of the Sea King Mysing3' will be called forth, and Fenja and Mejia will be kidnapped.

Gigantism: Has the blood of the giant tribe. It is possible to temporarily become gigantic, doubling their vitality and physical strength, but during gigantism, their intelligence and resistance to status abnormalities are reduced.


[Acquired Skills]


Sexual skill







 A rare [Pair of Two] cards type. Grotte can produce everything from food to conceptual objects such as luck and peace, and is highly versatile, ranging from food self-sufficiency in the dungeon to avoiding enemies and to good luck in battle. On the other hand, overuse may cause the card to be lost. The 'Army of the Sea King Mysing' does not harm the master, but it is said that the card itself attacks normally while being summoned.


 It is an interesting card, so I would like to get Menja to use it someday.





[Race] Silky

[Combat Power] 120


[Inborn Skills]

Intermediate House Fairy: A fairy that does housework on behalf of humans. ......However, since there are no houses in the dungeon, it is unclear how to make use of it. This skill includes [Maid] and [Advanded housekeeping] magic.

Maid: Contains the skills necessary for a maid. Cooking, cleaning, sexual skill, and etiquette are included.)

Advanced housekeeping magic: Has mastered advanced housekeeping magic. Housekeeping magic doesn't include attack ability, but there is nothing impossible that can be done at home.)

Servant summon: Summons E-rank monster Brownie. Infinite summoning type.

Intermediate status ailment magic


[Acquired Skills]

Maid Master: Has mastered the skills necessary for maids beyond what is required. Also masters skills that are obviously not necessary for maids. Extreme increase in the effectiveness of maid skills. Positive compensation to the actions of those with maid skills in the party. This skill includes [Maid], [Low-level Storage], [Secretary], [Teaching], [Playing], [Dancing], [Martial Arts], [Precise Movement], and [Protect] skills.

(Low-level Storage: Has an internal space for storing things. The lower level is about the size of a closet.)

(Secretary: Can support various activities of the master. It is not particularly useful in battle, but once you try it, it is indispensable.)

(Teaching: Can teach and lead others to use their skills.)


Reprimand: When strongly disappointed with the master, they will die to reprimand the master.




[Race] Brownie

[Combat Power] 56


[Inborn Skills]

Lower level House Fairy: A fairy that does housework on behalf of humans. ......However, since there are no houses in the dungeon, it is unclear how to make use of it. They are shabbily dressed, but be aware that if you give them clothes, they will be Lost. Elementary housekeeping magic can be used.

Elementary status ailment magic


[Acquired Skills]

Low-level dependent body: A temporary body invoked by a skill. Has no acquired skills and does not grow. Low-level dependent body have no ego and have only about 80% of the power of the original's initial combat power.







 Since multiple copies of Silky appeared, I have selected the most outstanding cards among them for this report.


 The most notable was the [Maid Master] skill. It contained a ridiculously large number of skills, which strike me as a bit odd. I've heard that skills with the word 'Master' are amazing, but I didn't realize that it encompassed most of the skills that Eliza had...


 Normally, cards with such an acquired skill would not be sold, but the reason it was in the pack was probably due to the [Reprimand] skill. The skill to die by themselves would be a bit fatal as a card. Moreover, the conditions were too ambiguous.


 I would like to use her as a mentor for Eliza, but I will have to be careful not to let this Silky get disappointed of me.


 The rest of the Silkies possessed skills that were a bit problematic for a maid, such as being clumsy, forgetful, disobedient, unreliable, lazy, and so on.


 However, as far as I could tell from the illustrations, they were all beautiful women with a wide variety of looks, so I would like to summon a squad of maids someday.


 I will introduce the other cards when I have a chance to use them.





[Tips] [Pair of Two] Skill


 A skill that makes it possible to summon two cards with one slot. The summoned cards share the same vitality and will not be Lost unless they take damage for two bodies. On the other hand, if one body take damages big enough to destroy the two bodies, both cards may be Lost.


 Cards with the [Pair of Two] skill often have unique skill that can only be used when the two cards are together, and their performance is no less than the skill of a higher-ranked card.


 The existence of higher-level skills has also been confirmed.





The Aegis is a shield or breastplate used by Zeus and his daughter Athena in Greek Mythology

According to a paper by Harrison (as cited in Sikes, 1895) Nike was once a facet of the Greek goddess Athena, who was composed of Boulaia (good council), Ergane (skilled handcraft), and Nike (victory). According to this theory, Nike eventually broke off from Athena to form her own distinct personality.

Sea King Mysing: In the story, he was a king who invaded and took the sisters along with the giant millstone for his own.

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