Monday, July 1, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Side Story 6

Volume 3

Side Story 6

At Some Point, They Will Clash

Translator : PolterGlast

If asked what was the greatest benefit of being a student at Tenryō Academy, Akira would without hesitation say the Rokkaku-kan (hexagonal hall), which was built as a separate building at the back of the central building.

The building has an elegant appearance with the exterior walls painted green, with an emphasis on the Western Continent.


It was still bright in the evening, and Akira was already standing in the building.

The window frame shook as soon as the heavy door was opened, perhaps stirred by the autumn breeze that blew in along with Akira.


Perhaps noticing the visitor's presence by the creaking of the door, the receptionist, who has become a familiar face over the past few days, turned her gaze toward him and gave him a silent greeting.


Akira's vision was greeted by a wall full of books.

These rare books, once in the possession of the Onmyo Ministry, contained knowledge of Onmyojutsu, which commoners were restricted from seeing.


The shock of seeing the books piled up so carelessly was something Akira would never forget.

Since then, every spare moment at Tenryō Academy was spent in this library in search of knowledge regarding talismans.


Inside the Rokkaku-kan, there were only a few students.

Although the place was not completely empty, he walked past the rather deserted desks, and headed towards the back of the room.


He didn't even look at the shelf of offensive-type talismans that would usually stop him, but instead, he went to the shelves further back.


Basically, no one would ever pay attention to the shelves in this area.

Running his fingers along the edges of the slightly dusty old books, Akira traced the words he was looking for.


"[Tsonma Gods' Genealogy], [The Ideology of the Immortals]. ......Perhaps somewhere around here?"


Based on the information provided by Kagura, he pulled out a book related to Tsonma's Divine Pillars.

He returned to the desk, relying on the unreliably flickering light source, and stacked the books in his hand beside him.


Seeking the true history of Nurarihyon, Akira picked up the top of the stack of books.


Mantra is a syllable that interferes with the physical world and is pressed into shape.


Mantra is a miracle of reincarnation that recreates the destruction and rebirth of all creation by describing this physical world in the form of a sentence.

The knowledge that originated from Baratush is said to be able to freely create universal concepts if it is mastered.

It is said to have been spread by some unidentified deities, and some even claim that it is a kind of sacred weapon.


Akira was listening to the clamor of the people in the distance, training, and fighting, while at the same time, he was tracing the sequence of letters.


"Do you, garrison's protector, need something in Rokkaku-kan?"


He lifted his gaze at the voice that called out to him. A girl was sitting alone at the end of the hall, looking at Akira with a doubtful expression on her face.


The ends of the girl's hair danced lightly on her shoulders as the wind breezed by.


A senior. From the collar color of her sailor's uniform, he could tell that she was a female student enrolled in the high school division.

However, Akira could not recall ever seeing her in Rokkaku-kan even after probing his memory.


Akira cast his face down, as if trying to escape a gaze that was tinged with doubt rather than reproach.


"...... I am a member of the garrison, but I am also enrolled at Tenryō Academy for a short period of time.

I'm sure that if you contact my teacher Yotsukura, he will be able to confirm my status."


"I see." Hearing Akira's unwavering reply, the girl's shoulders relaxed.

"My apologies. Most of the people who used Rokkaku-kan on a daily basis were only familiar faces.

I was just calling out to you because you looked unfamiliar."


"No, I understand that I am an outsider. ―Don't worry about it."


An exchange of apologies in hushed tones. With the subject having been settled, Akira's gaze fell once again on the book.


Where was I? His gaze wandered to the book, looking for the continuation of the sentence.

The girl, perhaps catching sight of the title in Akira's hand, spoke to him again, this time in a reserved tone.


"Are you looking for information on Tsonma?"


"...... Yes. I am looking for information describing the Divine Pillar that has lost its Dragon Den."


The knowledge in the book was interesting, but not what he was looking for.

Half-heartedly responding to the girl, Akira piled the books under his arm.


"Lost its Dragon Den? Could you be referring to the descend of the Aragami?"


Divine Pillars reside within the Dragon Dens. It is an unchangeable fact, a kind of truth that everyone basically believes to be absolute.

In response to the situation that deviated from the category of the absolute, the girl uttered the greatest calamity she knew.


The phenomenon in which a region that has suffered the wrath of a Divine Pillar sinks into a miasma is known as the [Descend of Aragami].

There are not many records of this event in history. However, in Takamagahara, there are records of the fact that three times in the past, the land was transformed by the wrath of the Divine Pillars.


"......Aragami does not lose its dragon den, so it is different.

Loss of faith or invasion by other Deities. There are many reasons for this, but in the literal sense of the word, when a Divine Pillar is expelled from its domain, it becomes known as a Maroudōgami (guest god)."


Rustle. He answered the girl's question as he flipped through the pages.


"I've been researching the history of the Divine Pillars that were banished from Tsonma's domain, out of necessity."


"But isn't that......, a matter that should be handled by the Onmyou Ministry?"


"Maybe. ―But now that I have learned about it.

I think it's wrong to just leave it to someone else when I can do something about it."


Flip. The page went on and on, and Akira picked up a pencil.

The sound of the dancing pages resumed again as he scribbled the names of the few Deities.


The girl nodded her head at the gesture, and her voice trailed off further.


"I understand that you yourself cannot remain silent about it.

 ......But if I may be so presumptuous, I would like to offer you one piece of advice."




Hearing the girl's serious tone of voice, Akira raised his gaze once again.

At the other end, the girl was looking at him with sincerity.


"Although it is hard to believe that there is a Divine Pillar who was expelled from the Dragon Den, however, I have a reasonable understanding of the history of mankind.

History is woven by the victors. If that is the case, then it is always better to hide the history of the losers."


"Can we trace it?"


"At least, since it is from Tsonma, it is difficult to get accurate information in Takamagahara, which is located across the ocean.

But one cannot completely erase the history in order to make the Divine Pillar's achievements known.

......In that case, you should consider it as a legitimate history, with convenient alterations."


The feats that make the Divine Pillar a Divine Pillar. ―Myths are always associated with a mighty tribulation.

It may be a calamity or a malevolence, but there is one thing in common.


These tribulations would always be destined to be defeated.


If it was used to conceal the name of the Divine Pillar, it is understandable that what they are looking for is something different.


Akira nodded at the girl's advice.

Her words, which were delivered in an orderly and logical manner, were so convincing that it was impossible to refute them.


In fact, the documents that he was currently reading contained only the facts that were convenient for Tsonma's Divine Pillars.


He proceeded to just roll up the documents in his hand and pick up a new one.


"Thank you.

I now have a better idea of what I'm looking for."


"I would be happy if I could be of some help to the Protector-dono."


The girl happily nodded her head in response to Akira's words of gratitude.

That was the only word that was exchanged.


Perhaps concerned not to disturb Akira, who was looking at a new document, the girl quietly left her seat without introducing herself.




It was late in the evening when the girl returned to Tenryō Academy.

In the twilight of the Central Capital, which itself is a basin, the sun goes down very early. As the shadows on the red sky grew more vivid, the first thing the girl did at the academy was to knock on the door of the Rokkaku-kan.


With a slight creak, she stepped into the building and bid farewell to the familiar face of the librarian.

She, who is usually strict about her work, smiled and welcomed the return of the girl with whom she had formed a friendship.


After the silent exchange of greetings, the girl went to the long desk in the back of the library, where she was always seated.


At that moment, the spirit that resided within her sent a faint whisper.

It was a rare attention from a spirit that rarely expressed emotion. The girl, intrigued, turned her gaze toward a desk, where a protector was sitting.


The boys and girls who gather at Tenryō Academy are generally from the high-ranking members of the nobility.

However, the high-ranking members of the nobility, who are generally the owners of fiefdoms, tend to devote themselves to martial arts in order to protect their territories.


Therefore, the Rokkaku-kan was adequately provided, but unfortunately, the students rarely used the library except during the examination period.


Nevertheless, the Rokkaku-kan, which even contains materials from the Onmyou Ministry, is as well-supplied as the university itself.

Moreover, the knowledge stored in Rokkaku-kan includes rare books containing the secrets of talismans.

She knew that no matter how unprotected the building looked, it was not allowed to be entered by anyone who was not registered with the academy without permission.


The boy sat there as if blending in, but it was clear that he had some kind of permission.

Perhaps sensing her presence, the boy lifted his eyes.

The boy's voice was calm and his reply was clear. The girl, with her suspicions lowered, shifted her attention to the book in the boy's hand.


After a brief conversation, the girl turned her back on the boy, who had returned his gaze to the book, and left to return to her own work.

She walked through the darkness without hesitation. Moving between the shelves she knew well, she pulled out one of the books that were lined up without any gaps.


As if imitating the boy, she made the pages of the book dance, relying on the faint light source.

 As she followed the sequence of letters, the boy's profile passed through his memory.


The boy left only a mediocre impression.

He seemed to be well-trained, but his physique did not look like that of a protector.

But why does his appearance give me the impression that I have seen him somewhere before?


With this question at the bottom of her mind, she reached for the book beside her.


She opened one of the tomes containing the secrets of Onmyoujutsu.

While listing the types of talismans to be prepared along the way, she went further to the next shelf.


Beyond her outstretched fingers, she caught a glimpse of the boy's back.


With this in view, the girl's mouth slightly parted.

Her gaze wandered to the back of the shelf a short distance away.


Rokkaku-kan, is often thought to be only for reference materials, but it also contains a small number of other books, some kind of entertainment.

There are some imported original poetry collections, misleadingly catalogued in the literature section.


Just like her, even her Master has to prepare for the long process of Shōjinkessai (cleansing ritual) that is about to begin.

Days of constant vigilance. It would be a pleasure to prepare the entertainment books for a short rest and healing.


With this in mind, the girl turned on her heel to the shelf she was looking for―.




The girl's toes froze before they touched the floor upon hearing this voice.

A familiar voice. As she turned her attention back to the desk where the boy was sitting, a familiar ponytail danced across her field of vision.

Rindō family's daughter, the fifth of the Eight Families. Saki.


"Did you find it?"


"Unfortunately not yet. But I've received some advice, so I'll try to look for them accordingly."


From their casual tone of voice, it was easy to tell that they were quite close.

As Akira pointed to a spot, she brought her face close to it and softly lowered her voice.


Their shoulders leaned toward each other with a hint of hesitation. It was easy to guess that the two of them had spent some time together.


"I'll look for the documents on my end, what about you, Ojou-sama?"


"I've made a visit to the Onmyou Ministry. The prestige of the Eight Families comes in handy in times like these.

The library over there should have information that we don't have here, so let's hope that the Onmyoji has the right we need."


Although she hushed her voice, it was inside the Rokkaku-kan, where only silence prevailed. Her voice was clear.

The girl watched them leave the building together, keeping in mind the content of what she heard.


"What's wrong, Sonomi?"


How much time has passed since she put her back to the shadow of the shelf?

The voice of her friend, the librarian, pulled her back from her dazed thoughts.


While suppressing her emotions, she turned her gaze toward where her friend was.

She had several questions she wanted to ask. But above all, Dōgyou wanted certainty.


While stifling her clinging thoughts, she asked a question to the girl standing in front of her.


"Who is this guy I was talking with just now?"


"Aa~. He's a protector from Shumon Province who has been attending our academy for a few days now.

He's amazing, you know. And he's favored by Kihoin,

Just Between you and me, he got the highest score ever in the competency test a few days ago."


Such a prodigy will always come out when the time comes. Muttering in a tone that was filled with every echo of admiration, the librarian put a book back on the shelf after it had been spruced up.


"What's his name?"


"Yotsururugi, ...... as I recall, Akira-san.

I heard he received his surname one month ago for his great achievement, so he must be a highly promising young man.




Perhaps not knowing anymore, she spoke in halting tones about what had been going on at the Academy.

Leaving the librarian, who was mumbling to herself in a relaxed manner, Sonomi strode toward the door.


"Are you leaving already? Didn't you come here to borrow a book?"


"I have to get ready.

There is something urgent to do."


Her reply was quick. Sonomi pushed the books to her acquainted friend.

The books were piled on top of the books she was holding waiting to be returned.


Three thick books and two additional thick books on the arms of an untrained girl.

The books were shaking with each vibration as if they had become unstable.


"Hey, wait a second, Sonomi!!"


"―Sorry. I'll be right back."


The panicked librarian's voice was heard to stop her, but Sonomi disappeared behind the door.

What was I supposed to do in this situation? The topmost book crumbled and fell to the floor from the arms of the librarian, who stared off in a daze.




After parting with Saki, who had some business to attend to in the right-wing building, Akira hurried down the corridor leading to the left-wing building.


After this, he was supposed to go to the garrison for the night shift, but he concentrated too much on his books and found that the evening was getting later.


If he was late to the garrison, it was not hard to imagine Genji's thunder.

Even though the distance between the Tenryō Academy and the garrison to which Akira was heading was not that far, it would still take him ten minutes to run.


If he wanted to escape from Genji's fist, he would need to force his way through with Aragamioroshi. With this resolution in mind, Akira picked up a pair of sandals from the shelf.


But at that moment,


"―Excuse me, Yotsurugi-kun. Could you hold on a moment, please?"


Shudder. The voice sent an unbearable murderous intent down Akira's spine.


Calm and intelligent voice. But to Akira alone, it sounded like the epitome of arrogance, and he gritted his teeth, forgetting even to move.


Although he felt the urge to scorch the entire area with Jakuen Gayou, Akira still ignored it, concentrating on overcoming the gnawing pain.


"...... Can I help you? ―Ugetsu-sama."


The expression on his face as he turned around was an unnaturally welcoming smile itself.

Somehow ignoring the emotions that were about to engulf him, Akira caught sight of Ugetsu Souma, who pursued behind him.


Seeing Souma standing smiling with several of his followers in tow, Akira averted his gaze and raised the intensity of his concealment to a higher level.


"Instructor Yotsukura has asked me to arrange for you to participate in the morning exercises.

I know that Yotsurugi-kun is participating in the garrison's training, but that won't earn you any credits."


"The way things are is good enough for me, and I'm satisfied with the way I'm being treated.

I appreciate Yotsukura-sensei's thoughtfulness. ―But I am under the guidance of Master Asogi. Climbing a mountain with more people on board is meaningless, no matter how great the people may be.


"That's true. But I hope you understand that Instructor Yotsukura is sincerely thinking of Yotsurugi-kun.

The academy's training program is―."


Souma's feet took a step forward, possibly in an attempt to block Akira's escape.

Akira glared at the toe that was about to step forward unprotected, without averting his gaze.


Don't come any closer. The moment that toe falls to the floor, I'll make you pay for that step with your neck.


Offensive step. Twist into the blind spot on the left half of my opponent's body, and while hiding my palm with my own body, I'll draw my sword.

A reverse diagonal slash and a slash to the torso. While severing the upper arm and half of the body with the returning strike, I'll finish him off with the neck―!


"―My bad, Ugetsu."


As if to restrain the raging Akira, a familiar voice came along with an arm that went around his shoulders.

Akira was being held down from above so that he could not exert his strength.


Having lost the initiative at the first move, Akira glanced behind his shoulder.

Beyond his vision, Kuga Ryota, with an emotionless smile on his face, was exchanging fearless gazes with Souma.


"This guy belongs to my group (Shumon Province faction).

Are you trying to walk past me, the class representative? That's completely out of line."


"I'm aware of that. ―But Kuga-kun, you've dismissed the teacher's requests repeatedly.

Since he can't get your cooperation, I guess it's inevitable that he would turn to me for help."


Apparently, Ryota had stopped the discussion before it became a source of trouble.

Tch. Ryota's gaze intensified as he clicked his tongue in a way that only Akira could hear.


"We decided it was unnecessary.

I'll give Yotsukura a warning later, so he won't have to bother you again.

You're in a different class anyway. As for this guy, his scores are probably nothing more than a number for him."


"It doesn't matter to me.

The reason I helped to persuade him was because I was concerned about the pain that Instructor Yotsukura was going through."


Souma turned his toes toward the rear as he straightforwardly responded to Ryota.


"I'll leave the persuasion to you then, Class Rep.

You'll do me a favor, won't you?"


"I can't promise that, though."


You can go now. Souma shrugged his shoulders at Ryota, who brushed his palms away, and walked away without a trace of regret.

The corridor of the left-wing building became quiet once again. Ryota and Akira stared at the other end of the hallway where Souma had gone to.

And then,


"You missed your morning training because of me.

My sincere gratitude, Kuga-dono."


"It wasn't for your sake. It's because your reputation is connected to Saki's reputation.

Whether her dreams come true or not depends on you, and that's why I spoke up.

Now that it's come to this, you'd better show up at the training hall a couple of times. Yotsukura will be satisfied with that."


"Thank you......."


A sincerity that had never been heard before came out of Ryota's mouth.

Faced with this fact, Akira gave up on the idea of running away and returned his consent.


It was already ten minutes away.

He was definitely going to be late. With a slumped shoulder, Akira changed into his slippers.



Ryota's voice interrupted him.

"Just in time. Just stay with me for a little while longer."


Not knowing what Ryota intended to do, Ryota began to walk to the back of the school building.

Akira had owed him a favor. So he could not refuse, and Ryota didn't seem to have any intention of letting him refuse either.


Based on what just going on, two fists might be a certainty.


Akira followed behind him, inwardly lamenting.


By the way, four fists were dropped on Akira's head.

The only thing he would like to note here was that it was extremely painful.




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