Monday, July 15, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 11 Part 1

Volume 3

Chapter 11 Part 1

Clashing with the Ladies' Determinations and Schemes 1

Translator : PolterGlast

How many times have I visited the Central Capital Station since the beginning of this month?

While inwardly asking herself this question, Saki absentmindedly slung her bag of naginata back onto her shoulder.


The crowds around her passed by, seemingly unconcerned about the young lady of noble birth standing in a corner of the station.

Steam cars and horse-drawn carriages. The crowd of people passing by is just too dense to deal with on a daily basis.


It was only yesterday that Akira and the others were told that they were going on a patrol mission.

A patrol mission that would take several days. It was only natural that Saki would not be able to participate.


She is aware of it. It is an absurd choice for Saki, as a lady, to be mixed up in a man's party for days.


It's only natural. She has already made her decision before she even thinks about it.



"......Wasn't it rude of Akira-kun to act as if it was something obvious? He should be a little worried about it."


Moreover, Kuga Ryota was chosen as her substitute. Saki could not help but feel a bit uneasy about this conclusion.

Although he probably knew that Akira was Kanna-no-Mikura because of the Kamotsu incident, he did not know the details of the case.

Since Yuge Koujo is accompanying them, it would be necessary to have someone who could deter them before he blurts out something bad.


That's what I think!


Her puffed-up cheeks clearly showed her impatience.


She knew the reason. Akira's true identity has probably been discovered by Yuge Koujo.

Rather than continue to hide the truth and stiffen the relationship, it would be safer to show a cooperative attitude and make a compromise.


With the Hyakki Yagyo and the Kannamesai Festival just around the corner, it is safe to say that there is almost little chance that the other provinces will try to interfere with Kanna-no-Mikura's second coming.

Even Jinroin Kagura's recent attempt to seek more than a "friend relationship" with Kanna-no-Mikura was the utmost that could be hoped for.


Hariin is out of the question. The rest will depend on how far the Kokuten Province will push the issue.

The Pārijāta tied to her school bag swayed as if to encourage Saki's sinking thoughts.


Saki looked down with mixed feelings at Pārijāta, which she had gotten used to carrying.


"How long do I have to keep this?"


Although it has nothing to do with Saki, it is a sacred artifact of a foreign country.


It asserted its existence at every opportunity, and although it was not a hindrance, it was too much for Saki to handle.

Saki hoped that Kihoin Tsuguho, who had entrusted it to her safekeeping, would make it clear to her what to do with it.


However, no matter how many times she asked for answers, Tsuguho just kept evading her questions.

Although she knew that Tsuguho had an ulterior motive, she had been unable to read it until now.


......Each one is a minor annoyance. But as they accumulate, they become hard to ignore.


While she sighed over her pent-up feelings of frustration, the whistle of the Shuman Province's steam train sounded in the distance.


"It's the train, right on time."


Taking a deep breath, she switched her mind as the train's arrival echoed through the air.

It was also the sound that announced the arrival of the other party, the reason why Saki had made her way to the central station.




People, clad in the smell of sooty steam, were leaving the station like an avalanche.

As the chaotic flow of people slowed down, the group that Saki had been waiting for went through the ticket gate.


A middle-aged man with a few people in tow, who stood out from the crowd, spotted Saki and turned his feet without hesitation.

Having caught sight of this scene, Saki also pulled her back away from the wall of the station building.


"It's been a while.



"Indeed, sorry to keep you waiting.

It's been a month. I'm glad to see you are well."


Rindō Kozaburo, the head of the Rindō family, stood foremost among the group. He replied to his youngest daughter's greeting in a calm tone after not having seen her for some time, and glanced at the huge clock on the wall.


The hour and minute hands were just about to converge at the noon mark.

The time shown on the clock was later than the scheduled arrival time.


"The delay was about ......30 minutes.

I was expecting to be delayed at least an hour, so I was quite surprised."


The two, each carrying a pentagonal crest and a single gentian flower on their backs, were facing each other and smiling amicably.

However, when Saki's gaze turned beyond Kozaburo, her expression became tense.


Blonde hair fluttered in the cool autumn breeze, and a pair of blue eyes met Saki's. A beautiful girl with a radiant appearance, the likes of which one never gets a chance to see in Takamagahara.


......Although she was not surprised because she had heard about it beforehand, she still couldn't stop herself from being on guard.

An official diplomatic envoy from Vansuir. Saki had heard that she had been granted an audience with the Three Imperial Families.


The royal lineage of Vansuir, which is dedicated to the divine pillar of the Holy Church of Ariadne. The beautiful girl, a descendant of the Miko royal family, bowed with a radiant smile on her face.


"It's been a while, Rindō Saki-sama.

This is the first time I have formally greeted you."


"Welcome to the Central Capital.

We welcome you Vansuir delegation, Benedetta Casalini-sama."


At first glance, her delicate beauty could be mistaken for a doll, but she is not to be underestimated.

The girl, clad in the long robe worn by the bishop of the Holy Church of Ariadne, is a force to be reckoned with, capable of annihilating this entire territory by herself.


Her ability is so powerful that she can even afford to go easy on Akira, who has exercised Arawakamioroshi.


Although the head of the Eight Families was probably sent to accompany her as a deterrent. ―However, Saki could not be sure that Rindō Kozaburo alone would be enough to subdue her and the two inquisitors (Alessandro and Salvatore) who stood behind her.


As they greet each other with only a superficial greeting, Saki's father's eyes sweep over the surroundings.

Saki followed his gaze but saw nothing but the flow of people coming and going.


"What's the matter, father?"


"Well... I was just wondering where Akira-kun is.

Publicly, I am his guardian after all.

......But, despite that, I've never met him face to face before.

I was hoping that we could finally meet today."


"If it's Akira-kun you're looking for, he went out on a patrol mission at Sannomiya's request.

He said it would take him two days before he returned."


"Hohou~. To think he would disregard the head of the Eight Families who stood as his guardian.

He seems to be doing quite well, huh?"


Kozaburo and Akira had certainly never met face-to-face before.

But Kozaburo is partly to blame for the lack of opportunity.


"It's Sannomiya's request, so it can't be helped then.

Besides, wasn't it you, Father, who avoided Kihoin-sama's attempts to arrange an opportunity and then simply went back to Nase territory?

I don't think it's fair to complain about it after all this time."


"Well, that's true. However, I have my own reasons as well, you see.

There is no other choice then. I'll rent out a dojo later and ask him to accompany me in my training.

All day long."




For some reason, his calm tone of voice was laced with menace.

*Shiver*. Saki blinked repeatedly as something demonic rose from her father's back.


"That will be necessary.

I've stood as his guardian, and I've put my daughter in charge of his teachings. In other words, I am just like a father-in-law.

That's why, it is only natural for me to be concerned about my son-in-law's abilities."


"......I-I see."


Somehow, she couldn't shake off the feeling that his intentions were something else.

Saki watched her father's tone of voice take on a heated tone with a resigned expression.


Kozaburo clenched his fist like a rock as the people around him, including his daughter, kept their distance.

Moderate, cautious. Although he might be talked about behind his back in various ways, he is still the head of the Eight Families.

As the head of one of the Eight families, Kozaburo's strength is beyond doubt, and his spirit blazed like a flame.


"Alright. Everything is settled then.

Even if the training might get a little heated, or a few bones might be broken.

Exchanging fists is a natural part of the conversation between father and son."


"Is that really a training, though?"


Saki questioned her father's bold and brutal mutterings.

However, as though his daughter's doubts did not reach him, Kozaburo let out a visible huff of flame from his throat.


"......Casalini-sama, what have you told him?

This is the first time that my father has ever gone mad to this extent."


"I understand that you don't trust me, but I didn't do anything.

Although I have brought up Akira-san's topic several times along the way, he has been like this from the very beginning."


There is no reason to trust Benedetta, but one can trust her status as a priestess.


Saki replied with a short apology and then looked at Kozaburo once again.


Connecting the various pieces of information, it seemed vaguely clear that the reason for his anger was due to his discord with his wife, Rindō Chikako, who is also Saki's mother,

Moreover, it seemed that the reason was because he was being suspected of cheating on her.


Even with the advancement of medical technology, they live in an age where the survival rate of a child is around 50%. Polygamy is an obligation of the nobility, but Kozaburo has never had a concubine.

He did not waste money and devoted himself only to governing his territory. He has a good relationship with his wife, as evidenced by the fact that they have three children, including Saki.


They were famous as a happily married couple, so what exactly happened?

She don't think it's fair for him to direct his anger toward Akira, who should have nothing to do with his parents' relationship.


Ignoring her father, who was losing himself in anger, Saki gazed up at the high autumn sky.

.......It seemed that they would need some time before they could depart.



Once Kozaburo had calmed down, the group climbed into the steam car that Saki had prepared for them.

Benedetta and Salvatore were seated in front of Kozaburo and Saki, and Alessandro climbed into the front passenger seat.


"...... This emblem... a Claudina made by Dalia, huh?

Looks like you spent a lot of money on a very expensive car just to welcome us."


"Currently, Casalini-sama has been invited to the Central Capital as an official diplomatic envoy.

More precisely, under the custody of the Kihoin family."


"―I see. Even though it's not acknowledged on paper, contact with Sonnomiya has been established.

I guess every country does pay careful consideration to the voices of the outside world."


"I appreciate your understanding.

......In any case, we never expected to invite envoys from foreign countries to the Central Capital."


In response to Benedetta's mutterings, Saki, who had made arrangements for the steam car, responded in an embarrassed manner.


Currently, the only official route for contact between Takamagahara and foreign countries is via Kamotsu, the southernmost point of Shumon Province.

Inviting an envoy from a foreign country to the Central Capital of the Central Province, the heart of Takamagahara, would be the first time since the founding of Takamagahara.


However, although it was a good decision to invite the envoys, the fact that only steam-powered cars from the Western Continent were available to welcome them was quite an issue.

Whether they would be impressed by the fact that Saki and the others could provide the most advanced Western technology or they would discern the limitations of domestic production depended on the other party's perception.


Perhaps out of consideration of Saki and the others' situation, Benedetta did not pursue the matter in any particular way.


However, this fact proved that Takamagahara was not ready for anything.

Being unprepared to welcome them is synonymous with being unprepared for the negotiations that will follow.


"...... I heard that a few years ago you invited engineers from the Western Continent to begin domestic production of steam engines, is that true?"


"You are well informed.

We are proud of our steel forging technology, but we were behind in the casting technology.

We are forced to review our plans, including that technology."


Hearing Salvatore's question, Kozaburo took over.


He didn't want to be open about it, but it's not a secret either.

The moment they invited engineers from foreign countries, they knew that the level of Takamagahara's technology would be exposed.


The railroad transportation project promoted by the Kuga family is a major project that is currently attracting the most attention from the feudal noble families.

However, the fact is that the domestic production of steam locomotives, which is the centerpiece of the project, has almost come to a halt due to a lack of basic technology.


"Well, I guess it's fortunate for us.

Benedetta's face brightened as she heard Kozaburo's bitter reply.

"Vansuir is currently involved in a railroad project that will cross the Western Continent.

If you accept our request, we would not hesitate to dispatch an expert in casting technology."


The proposal in itself was gratifying.


Kozaburo hid the frustration in his gut and gave Benedetta only a vague nod.


As is the case with negotiations between fiefdoms, agreements made at a certain height are basically price-neutral.

The reason is that the only way to measure the values of the two sides is to measure them by eye level.


The act of writing a price on a blank price tag is the essence of what is required in negotiation.

This experience was Kozaburo's weakest point.


"That will depend on the negotiations with Sannomiya.

......I don't think it's something we could agree upon at the moment."


"I see, that's unfortunate."


Kozaburo kept his mouth shut in response to Saki's helpful advice.

Benedetta withdrew without any hesitation, perhaps having expected this to happen.


Saki was not particularly good at this kind of negotiation either.

She thought it was not the kind of thing one would ask of a girl who had just turned 12, so she threw the problem to Sannomiya.


But more importantly, there is something else that is bothering her.


"I have an urgent request.

I would like you to hand over any information that the [Holy Church of Ariadne] has regarding Padre."


"......Padre, huh?

I have heard about the situation, but most of the information was lost with the death of Sir Ambrosio.

My information, which is not directly related to yours, is not much different from yours, Saki-sama."


Benedetta seemed troubled as she responded to Saki's request.

Now that she knows Padre's true identity, she has no intention of protecting him, but that doesn't mean she has any useful information that she can share.


"A Divine Pillar who was banished from the Dragon Den. Takamagahara is currently tracing the history of this Divine Pillar, who used to call himself Padre.

The most likely candidate is a Divine Pillar of Tsonma, but the reason why he called himself Padre and was obsessed with the Western Continent is unclear.

Any information, no matter how trivial, would be very helpful."


"...... I heard from Sir Ambrosio that last month's operation was planned with Padre's knowledge as a basis.

It makes sense now, despite him calling himself Padre, I have no memory of him ever exercising sacred arts.

All I can confirm is that he exercised Kidō (black magic) talismans, which he said he had learned in Tsonma."


While gazing at the streaming scenery through the window, Benedetta searched through her already fading memories.

It's also possible that even these fading memories are due to some kind of spell or power.


A monster dwelling in the chasm between memories.

Even after being clearly perceived as an enemy, its ability to make its recognition seem like a distant reality is rampant.


"Undoubtedly, his black magic will be a threat.

It's Tsonma's external method of consuming miasma instead of spiritual power.

Powerful though it may be, it is a mere talisman technique that could interfere with a sacred artifact and rewrite the dragon veins, albeit temporarily."


"......Hold on a second.

Rewriting the dragon veins, you say?"



The plan that Padre and Sir Ambrosio prepared during last month's operation was to connect Tsonma's dragon veins with Takamagahara in order to project the divine seal technique.

However, it was obvious that it would fail, so I replaced it with the method of connecting it with Vansuir's divine realm."


As far as Benedetta remembers, there are three pieces of evidence that Padre exercised some kind of spell.

The technique of damming the village water vein; the interference with Tsonma's dragon vein; and the aiding in pulling out the Pārijāta.


The village water vein was vague, but she clearly remembered the Tsonma matter and the removal of the sacred artifact.

The reason was that it was Ambrosio who handled those things, not Padre.



"An evil technique that uses miasma, even if only temporarily.

Even if he were my ally, he's not someone I'd want to have any more to do with."


"......Hold on a sec. Did Ambrosio use Kidou to pull out the sacred artifact?"


Hearing Benedetta's information, Saki asked back in dismay.

The truth is, Saki has never witnessed Kidou.

No. This is just an excuse.


But if one understands the meaning of using Kidou correctly, one will be able to see some new information.


"Yes. We have also confirmed where the miasma contaminates the place, so there can be no mistake."


"―Please stop the car!"


Saki's cry brought the steam car to an abrupt halt.

Amidst the annoying neighing of the carriage horses, Saki jumped down onto the main road through the cloud of dust.


Fortunately, the place where the car stopped was just right in front of the Tenryō Academy.


"What's the matter, Saki?"


"My apologies, Father. I've got a few things to look into.

May I ask you to take care of the rest here?"


"Wait. Are you going to abandon your official duties?" "I don't mind."


Unexpectedly, Kozaburo and Benedetta's voices overlapped.


Having someone from another country talk on his behalf, Kozaburo glared at Benedetta.

However, Benedetta smiled back at Kozaburo, seemingly oblivious to his anger.


"Rindō-sama, you are the only one who has been ordered to accompany me on official business, right?

And Saki-sama was only ordered to welcome us, so there should be no problem if she were to leave now."


"That's true, but..."


Even if that were the case, the fact that she left her official duties would be regarded as a form of abandonment.

Diplomacy was a new experience for Central Capital, and any flaw could be a stain on their reputation.


Kozaburo's argument that it is better to be careful is also a valid one.



"There is no need to be concerned.

I didn't find any value in the information about Padre, but Saki-sama seems to find it different.

Hyakki Yagyo, was it? Now that the decisive battle is imminent, there will be no time to waste."


After bowing to Benedetta's intervention, Saki turned her body around.

Perhaps she was also exercising Aragamioroshi inconspicuously, her figure quickly disappeared from sight.


"......Were you find it a shame?"


"Of course I am.

The experience in diplomacy that we ought to have gained this time was more important to Saki than it was to me."


As Benedetta trembled with chuckles, Kozaburo, who had returned to his seat, responded with a disappointed tone.

It is not that Kozaburo does not envision the future. The feudal nobility, who are confined to their territories, will come to a standstill one way or another.

It is too late to deal with it when it happens. If they do not adapt before that happens, their collapse will be a certainty.


It may be too late for Kozaburo, but Saki still has a good chance of adapting.


"A child does not understand the parent's heart, huh?"


"Don't worry.

Saki-sama only did what she needed to do now."


In response to Benedetta's smile, which offered no consolation, the head of the Rindō family, which governs the Nase territory, merely shrugged his shoulders slightly.



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