Thursday, July 11, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 10 Part 2

Volume 3

Chapter 10 Part 2

Suddenly, a Smile Announces the End of Days 2

Translator : PolterGlast


The girl who sat down in the corridor told Akira this with a smile in her golden eyes.


She wore a white robe and indigo kimono. Unlike Shuka, her appearance was simple and plain, but the golden glow of her clothes convinced Akira that she was a Divine Pillar.


"First, let me apologize for my aggressive approach in inviting you here.

After all, it will be difficult to have a chance of having a calm conversation with you after this."


"Are you really-"


"Takamikura? Undoubtedly, it is I, the one who has drilled the stake of earth into the high heaven.

Divine Pillar does not lie. I believe that fact is the best assurance I can offer you."


Her long golden hair swayed as she gazed at her toes resting in the courtyard.

Her appearance seemed so human, but Akira didn't feel the ups and downs of emotion as Shuka did.


The Divine Pillar known as Takamikura is the most famous and at the same time, the least known in Takamagahara.

She is the first Divine Pillar of Takamagahara, who presides over the Earth Element among the Five Elements, and heralded the beginning of Takamagahara.

That's all that is publicly known.


Besides, the premise that a Divine Pillar cannot lie has already been destroyed by Nurarihyon.

Therefore, Akira could not be completely certain that the girl in front of him was really who she claimed to be.


"There are a few things I don't understand."


"Let me hear it."


"With one exception (Arawakamioroshi), Divine Pillars are not supposed to be able to leave the Divine Realm.

How did you manage to get here?"


Although it is close to the windhole on Mt. Shōrō, the place where they currently stand is neither a dragon den nor a windhole.


A divine pillar will never just come face to face with a human being. This is because the divine pillar, which is a concept itself, is an existence that changes the world with its concept just by existing.


No matter how powerful the Divine Pillar may be.

No. It is precisely because they are so powerful that it is impossible for them to walk around in this real world with their feet on the ground.


"I have already given you the answer. It is not that I have visited you, but that you have crossed over to my dream."


"Dreamwalking, huh?"


The girl bluntly asserted, and Akira also recalled that the word came to mind in the conversation just a few minutes ago.

It's one of the most typical ways in which the Divine Pillar delivers words to people.


"Correct. I noticed from the very beginning that you had stepped into my domain.

Kihoin and Yuge were trying their best to play tricks on me, but they were too naive.

Even if I were to describe it in words, it might be difficult to truly believe it, but the Central Capital is my altar in every way. Because it is the surface of my sanctuary."


Perhaps remembering Tsuguho and the others' schemes, her shoulders swayed happily.

At the fact that they had been protected in a particularly detailed way, a blush also appeared on Akira's cheeks.


"......Then, what do you want from me?"


He straightened his posture and spoke with vigor.

Even Shuka would show such obsession and frenzy when she knew that Akira was Kanna-no-Mikura.


"Nothing in particular."

But the girl of pure gold responded in a very simple way.

"There is nothing to fret about. Whoever puts a stake through the divine age is promised freedom in the world of men. You may do as you wish and behave as you please."


"That's ..."

That would be nothing more than a charade.


As memories of his days at Ugetsu passed through his mind, Akira clenched both fists.


As long as one's current life is good, one can forget about past misfortunes? Even if someone slapped him on the cheek with such a righteous argument, he would not accept it.


No matter how kind someone is to him now, no matter how much he is healed, the past cannot be rewritten.

For Akira, what is burned beneath the thin layer of kindness that exists today is the memory of being forced to prostrate himself in the Ugetsu's inner hall.


His dignity was trampled on for no good reason,


"Kanna-no-Mikura is, in fact, such a being.

There are many, but each of them can never be replaced."


"But that doesn't mean I can do whatever I want.

If I were to be allowed to do as I please with this anger, it would eventually become uncontrollable."


"We, the Divine Pillars, will accept all of it.

Do as you please. That is what I mean.

You are not the only one. I have told the same words to my late husband and to all his predecessors."


Even in the face of Akira's hesitation, Her Eminence Takamikura, repeated herself without wavering.


The gaze she directed toward him, who was enduring the memories of the past, was like a mother who accepts a troubled child,

...... and filled with the arrogance of a Divine Pillar who has no regard for the world of man.


"It is alright to be in doubt. The right to freedom also means the obligation to reach a conclusion.

If it is an end that must be reached eventually, the best thing to do is not to be in a hurry, but to hesitate and surely lead the way to the desired end."


Takamikura's fingers, swimming in the air, played with a small carved wooden cup no bigger than her palm.

While moistening her lips, she pointed the simple cup at Akira.


"It is merely an imitation of poison, so don't mind it, just drink it."


"Is it henwakamizu?"


Akira tried to pick it up, but his fingertips wavered hesitantly.

Because in his memory, for some reason, the vermillion-gold girl's lips twitched.


"You have probably drank Aka's, haven't you?

Or are you saying that you can't taste what belongs to Takamikura?"





Takamikura's mischievous question provoked him, and he took the sake cup in his hand with great vigor.

As soon as he put it in his mouth, the overwhelming sweetness and refreshing aroma passed through his nostrils.

In the sunlight, which showed no signs of life, a peaceful moment simply passed by.


"Now, let's get down to business.

The Hyakki Yagyo, with Nurarihyon as its leader, has already begun."




"Exactly. Since his target is the Central Capital, it is inevitable that the oracle will be in my hands.

But the problem is the limit of the oracle. I could only read where the battle of Hyakki Yakko would begin."


Putting the carved wooden sake cup aside, Takamikura raised her eyebrows in annoyance.

Akira tilted his head upon seeing this.


"Isn't an oracle supposed to be given by the Divine Pillar itself?

It seems rather strange that the one who gave the oracle was the one who doubted it."


"Haven't you heard the principle behind the oracle from Aka?

An oracle is to connect the cause from the effect and read the threads of the connection.

If we read the result poorly, the oracle will be confirmed as the absolute result."


There are countless possible futures to choose from.

But it is also an absolute truth that there is only one future to come.


The moment the future is observed by the Divine Pillar, who cannot lie, the process is fixed and the outcome is also determined.

The observed result is inevitable. It is the same even if it is a future of defeat.


"What is an oracle then? ......"


"It is to read the juncture at which victory or defeat is determined.

Normally, the oracle should be able to predict every detail of what is going to happen, but this time, we can't see through most of the upcoming Hyakki Yagyo."


This was a new experience even for the Divine Pillar who reigns over Takamagahara.

There was only one thing she could obtain. It was the fact that the Hyakki Yagyo was about to attack Central Capital.


"But if we follow the logic in reverse, we can also formulate a countermeasure.

The fact that we could only read up to the Hyakki Yakko's beginning of the battle means that the subsequent strategies were bad ones."


In strategy, there are always only two choices: offensive or defensive.

Neither the Divine Pillars nor the Dragon Dens can be moved. Therefore, the strategy chosen would essentially be a defensive one.


However, if the turning point to determine victory or defeat was before the Hyakki Yakko's battle, it can be concluded that all the options that should have been taken by Takamikura would eventually lead to defeat.


"Therefore, I have decided to go on the offensive against Hyakki Yagyo.

 Specifically, I delayed the oracle to Fujinomorimiya and made it appear that I was adhering to a defensive stance. ...... In other words, I created an environment that made it easier for Nurarihyon to maneuver.

But it is about time that the other party realized the maneuver I laid out for them."



The dense pool of miasma is comfortable, but as expected, being exposed to the outside breeze brings a different kind of emotion.


Under the blazing sun, the Great Demon, a.k.a. Kangyō Doji, exhaled with satisfaction the air of the outside world that he had not tasted in decades.

Throb. The muscles of his rusty body creaked and groaned in pleasure at being free for the first time in a while.


Ku, Ru, Ru..................


The miasma lingering in the air around him growled in agreement with the joy the giant old demon was experiencing.

A man's voice, containing a hint of dismay, called out to the back of the demon.


"Doji-dono. What in the world is going on here?"


"......We are not in control of the Hyakki Yagyo, you know.

The creatures and defiled beasts that gather here are merely acting out of instinct."


No matter how powerful the miasma and how intelligent he is, Kangyō Doji is still classified as a medium-level defiled beast (metamorph).


As long as he is not a high-level defiled beast (incarnation), the core of the miasma reservoir itself, it was impossible for him to truly take control of the swarm of kegare beasts, which moved by instinct.

The limit of what Kangyō Doji could do was to induce the behavior of the swarm by tampering with the flow of miasma.


The ones he gathered were generally of low intelligence, little more than frenzy-hungry beasts.

Individuals who have lost their patience will start to ride the flow of the miasma to their destination.


And if one of them takes action, two or three will follow.

It is a foregone conclusion that the collapse of the swarm would only be a matter of time.


That is certain. Just as the dogs were starting to run wild under Kangyō Doji's eyes.


"......This is bad. The Four Sovereigns are still not in the Five Elemental Barriers.

Unless Gioin and Hariin enter the mountain, our plans will only be half-baked."


"Wouldn't it be impossible for us to move if the barrier was reinforced?"


"Not at all. I've already found a way to infiltrate the surface of the Central Capital.

All we have to do now is retrieve the stake that the little girl has been entrusted with."


The Five Elemental Barriers are indeed powerful barriers.

If they are strengthened by the hands of the Four Sovereigns and the Three Imperial Families, even if it is an incarnation, mere contact with it could lead to its purification.


However, precisely because of this, there will be opportunities that can be taken advantage of.


"I had thought that their actions were rather straightforward, but it seems that it is Takamikura's scheme.

She thought that if she could set the Hyakki Yagyo in motion while it was still in its infancy, she would be able to destroy it, huh?"



While clenching his back teeth, Nurarihyon's body trembled with anger at being caught off-guard.


In military tactics, it is always best to be swift.

But the situation was moving too fast.

If the swarm of defiled beasts, who had no tactical skills, moved before they could gather enough numbers, they would likely be subjected to annihilation from the very beginning of the battle.


"Shall I move?"


"Douji-dono, you have another role to fulfill, so you can't move yet.

It's a bit of a bad move, but it can't be helped. The sun is still high, but we will carry on with the Hyakki Yagyo as it is.

Although our movements will be restricted, we should be able to balance things out if the decisive battle takes place at midnight."



Nurarihyon's voice was met with a sigh of dissatisfaction from the old demon.

But he had no other choice.

"I'm merely a decoy after all, so it can't be helped.

I will return to the main camp and wait for the signal to move."


"......Yes, wait for my signal."


Leaving Nurarihyon still deep in thought, Kangyō Doji turned on his heel.

*Crunch*. Amidst the sound of sand grains being trampled on, Nurarihyon's voice was heard on the back of the old demon, who looked like a rock.




"I want you to lend me a Hannya under your banner, Doji-dono.

One that can speak in human language, at the very least."


"No problem, I'll send it over later."


After a short exchange of questions and answers, the Great Demon's hulking frame vanished behind a thicket of trees.

Nurarihyon looked up at the sun, which was still not even close to fading, as the miasma filled the area.


"I'll admit that I gave up a move.

I'm sure you never expected this level of resistance, though.

Because we are aware of your plan to gather the Four Sovereigns to strengthen the Five Elemental Barriers."


Hi, hi.


The fact that the strengthening of the Five Elemental Barriers was still part of the plan indicated that Nurarihyon's objective itself had not been seen through.


If the initiation of the strategy was merely hastened, then the lineup could be changed to suit the situation.

As long as the Four Sovereigns reached the cornerstone of the Five Elemental Barriers, there would be no need to change the strategy itself.


Once the plan was in motion, the rest was a race against time.


"Now then, I guess it is time I should make my move as well.

If I don't raise a smoke signal, Douji-dono won't make a move either."


A thick miasma swirled around Nurarihyon, and a powerful corrupted breeze drowned him away.


The only thing that remained after that was the darkness of the trees withered by the miasma.





"Has he made a move?"


Utanomiya Aya, who looked slightly impatient, as if it were an emergency, turned her blindfolded gaze toward Takamikura.


She must have understood what was going on.

Takamikura nodded at Aya's words without showing much impatience.


"Is it the Hyakki Yagyo?"


"Correct. I took advantage of his scheme and accelerated the beginning of the battle by a few days.

Nurarihyon must be in a panic right now.

After all, he has always had a tendency to seek perfection."


Gold's gaze fell on the sake cup that lay beside her, and she lifted it languidly.

Ignoring this carefree gesture of her, Akira turned his feet in Aya's direction.

I've stayed here too long.


"It's about time for me to go."


"Hold on."


A gentle voice stopped Akira in his tracks, and as he turned around, something reflected in his field of vision.

He caught it without a second thought as it danced in the air, reflecting the sunlight.


What was in his hand was a piece of crystal.


"......What's this?"


"Just a parting gift. You will naturally know how to use it.

What? Would you like something a little different as a souvenir?"


Akira's cheeks flushed red as Takamikura's mischievous smile provoked him.

Seeing this, the Divine Pillar, who looked like a maiden, laughed out loud.


"Sorry, it was just a joke. Don't worry, I won't do anything to take my daughter's loved one.

Besides, I'm a rather steadfast woman, so I won't do something like that."


While clearing her throat, Takamikura waved her hand allowing Akira to leave.

As he bowed his head, Akira's vision slowly began to fade away.


"......I'll definitely offer my thanks one day, I promise."


"No need to thank me.

But, let's see. If you are going to thank me, please don't treat my youngest daughter too harshly.

She's simply waiting for you to return to her."


The last words that the Divine Pillar muttered as his vision faded away remained in Akira's memory for a long time.


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