Monday, July 22, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Chapter 8.3


Volume 4 Chapter 8.3

Risking One's Life Till One Burns Up Part 3


After Nozomu entered the barrier, the area surrounding the predatory barrier temporarily regained its calmness.

The guards who had accompanied Fadrey as his escort were nowhere to be seen. They were ordered by Fadrey to evacuate the remaining personnel in the center of Arcazam.

Jihad and the others also remained at the site, monitoring the predatory barrier.

Everyone was looking up at the predator barrier and the City Isolation Barrier that were still visible with difficult expressions on their faces.


"So, what are we going to do now?"

"There is nothing we can do. Let's just hope that he can get rid of the culprit successfully."


In the frustrating atmosphere, Feo suddenly spoke up. And it was Fadrey who answered.


"But why is the City Isolation Barrier still in place, despite having been seized from our control?"


Jihad then asked the question he had in his mind.


"The fact that the control of the City Isolation Barrier was taken away so quickly suggests that the erosion is probably going underground, not above ground. I would guess that the barrier is kept in place as a precaution against us."


According to Fadrey, the City Isolation Barrier was being used to prevent unnecessary interference.


"If we think about it, Ken Notice and Abyss Grief have only one goal. The source of energy for this ritual magic city, the dragon veins itself."


Dragon veins. A torrent of source elements flowing through the earth. The root that supports this Arcazam, and the most important flow of life for all those who live on the Arkmel Continent.


"If Ken Notice were to come into contact with the Dragon Veins, there is no telling how much power he would gain. And the havoc that much energy could cause......" 



Hearing Fadrey's words, Irisdina trembled, unable to remain calm. Her eyes, staring at the barrier, shook with anxiety and frustration, and her silky white hands became even whiter as she dug her fingernails into her palms.



"I understand, I do understand! But......"


Irisdina looked as if she was about to run off at any moment. Tima was concerned about her, but her impatience did not subside.


If she were to be honest, she would have preferred to go with Nozomu.

However, the barrier they were up against was a barrier that could erode the City Isolation Barrier in such a short time. If an ordinary person were to enter it without a plan, he or she would have his or her magic power and Qi sucked dry in the blink of an eye, and his or her soul would be devoured as well.


"What the hell is this!?"

"U~e!? What is this creepy thing!?"

"This is a barrier, right? What is it doing in a place like this?......"


While Irisdina was in anguish, loud voices, unbefitting the situation, echoed through the place.

Three students suddenly appeared on the scene. It was Mars, Mimuru, and Tom.


"Mars-kun, Mimuru-san. And Tom-kun as well......"

"Why are you guys here?"

[I called them.]


While Tima was surprised and Jihad questioned the three, Razward answered.

Apparently, this little lapis lazuli-colored spirit was transmitting thoughts to Mars and the others in order to get their help.

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on August 12, 2024.

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