Monday, July 1, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Chapter 7.2


Volume 4 Chapter 7.2

Seeds of Rekindling Part 2


Lisa trudged along the street to the academy like a tortoise. She stopped again and again, feeling guilty as if someone was pulling on her back, and each time she would start walking again and again to shake off her self-loathing. Eventually, the school building of the academy drew nearer.

As she entered and proceeded down the corridor, the eyes of the students who had already arrived at the school simultaneously turned to her.


"Hey, that senior......."


A student who saw Lisa pointed at her with a dubious look on his face.

It had been several days, and the incident that Ken had caused was already known throughout the school.

A large-scale deployment of guards for a major arrest. There was no way it could be kept hidden, and everything but the most classified information had already been made public. The fact that a considerable number of people were injured in the process also became public knowledge.


"Huh? What's going on? As I recall, didn't she commit an assault? Why is she still in the academy?"

"Wasn't her boyfriend the one who committed the crime? Well, maybe she's not completely unrelated."

"How can she still come to the academy? Shouldn't she be expelled?"

"No, she should be banished from the city as a criminal."


Harsh and blunt gossip. Unwitting malice. Considering that she is allowed to come to the academy, one should be able to guess that the city's public safety organization has judged her to be innocent.

However, people judge others' characters based on vague impressions they have of them.

Lisa was judged to be as guilty as Ken, simply because she was the closest to the culprit, without regard to her true circumstances.

It wasn't my fault. Such words were almost bursting out of her throat, but she bit her lip and swallowed down the words that kept welling up in her mouth. She knew that even if she tried to argue, the people around her would not listen to her. She knew that very well. After all, she herself was one of them before.

Of course, she had been deceived by Ken's schemes, but she was equally blind to the truth.

Some sort of distorted perception. But even though she understood her own distortion, she could not refute it.

Even after entering her own classroom, the malicious stares from those around her did not abate.

Although, as expected, they did not say anything as bluntly as the underclassmen, the piercing stares made Lisa's heart clench even more than the words themselves.

When she raised her gaze, she saw Irisdina staring at her.

When their gazes met, she abruptly averted her gaze and headed for her seat. As if to escape the gazes of those around her, Lisa took her own seat and, turning her head downward as if to escape, simply waited for the time to pass.



*Scritch, scritch*....... The teacher's voice and the sound of quill pens scraping paper echoed through the third-grade, second-class classroom.

While taking her morning classes, Shina's mind was elsewhere.

To his place, which would be in the hospital room at the Gloaurum Institution.

Unlike the anxious Irisdina, she kept her composure relatively calm.

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on July 22, 2024.

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