Thursday, July 4, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Side Story 7

Volume 3

Side Story 7

The Path is so Dark and the Destination is so Insidious

Translator : PolterGlast

At the end of the road, where the night darkness spread out, only gas lamps at equal intervals illuminated the path unreliably.


Sway, sway. From beyond the darkness, flickering lights and the sound of footsteps on the gravel echoed.


"Ijitsu-sama. As I thought, are we not getting a reply?"


"Indeed. Things are not going well with Gioin-sama's side.

There really seems to be a problem going on."


"We've also been getting a lot of requests from the old families......."


"I understand. ...... I hope we can bring some good news by the end of the year."


Ijitsu Narikane, a member of the Kokuten Provincial Council, responded bitterly to his secretary's question as he led the way with a lantern in hand.


The meeting of the provincial councilors was held to assign tasks to the projects entrusted to them by the Gioin.

The conversation was taking place on the way back from a tedious meeting at a ryotei (Japanese-style restaurant).


One of the largest privileges held by the councilors in Kokuten Province is the authority to manage underground water veins.

These rights had been monopolized by the nobility, but now, under the authority of the council, they were allowed to make such decisions without waiting for the Gioin's permission.


The underground water vein in Takamagahara can be traced back to the Kokuten Province.

The control of the underground water veins owned by the land of water elements guarantees the superiority of the provincial council.


Even old families in Central Province are no exception to this.

Ijitsu had made a secret agreement to entrust one of the underground water veins leading to Central Province to the old Mikuriya family, relying on them for support that was not only tangible but also intangible.


"Good grief. They are all so conservative.

Can't they have a little more spirit to seek innovation?"


"The old factions are too rigid after all.

The flow of gold produced by the water veins is all it takes to sustain their interests."


"What incompetence to cling only to the water source!"


Ijitsu's tone was filled with unconcealed dissatisfaction.

He was unable to get things to work. Perhaps out of frustration, Ijitsu's gait became impatient.


Beyond the anxiety-provoking darkness, where not even the stars were visible.

A steam car that had been left waiting for him emerged, illuminated by a gas lamp.


The distance from the ryotei should be less than a few minutes.

In the encroaching darkness, the latest technology, which is still rare in Kokuten Province, gave him relief.


By now, the light intensity of the lantern had dropped to the margin of error.

His aide turned off the light by squeezing the adjustable knob on the bottom of the lantern.


"...... What do you think about this lantern?"


"Not bad. It holds more fuel than it looks and burns well.

I wonder how they circulate the air, and there is no soot on the windshield.

Whether it can withstand the harsh winters in Kokuten Province will be determined by this year's winter."


"These lanterns are imported from Yuki Country (Uxsanst), which is farther north than Takamagahara, and are said by merchants there to be able to withstand the rough treatment of sailors."


He looked at the lantern smuggled from Uxsanst, a large country across the Northern Sea bordering Takamagahara.

Ijitsu's tone was happy, perhaps satisfied with his aide's response.


These lanterns were a source of light that gained explosive popularity during the short period of time between the days when candles were the norm and the widespread use of electric lights.


He heard that they are becoming obsolete in Karen, but they are still in use in Kokuten Province, which is geographically far away from Shumon Province and is behind in the civilization process.


"Have you heard anything from the guys in Uxsanst?"


"...... They said they are doing fine, but they don't have enough trust to lay the foundations.

Since they were merely students who were shipwrecked by bad luck, even if they are allowed to learn about the knowledge of the developed countries, they don't have any diplomatic authority."


A few years ago, students directly selected by Ijitsu were unluckily shipwrecked during a fishing trip, a well-known story that once swept the town.


At the end of last year, they received word that they had been rescued by a fishing boat from Uxsanst after being swept away by the currents of the Northern Sea.

Coincidentally, all of the students were fluent in the language, and they were able to go on to study abroad as planned, clinging to the generosity of a great nation.


"―Look at this lantern. The technology used here is on par with that of the Western Continent.

I want to show it to those fools who see the great northern countries as a frontier buried in snow."


"I can fully sympathize with your deep thoughtfulness."


"It's unfair that they only open their doors to trade with the South, where people are so obsessed with fashion and so ignorant of the current global development. I just don't understand it.

Look, Ugetsu-sama has connected Gioin with the Central Capital.

If we can open a port on the border of the Northern Sea, Kokuten Province will have a prosperous future in trade."


"What did the diplomat over there say?"


"Once the northern harbor is opened, he would look forward to meeting me.

I have also received a positive response regarding the relocation of the consulate."


Ijitsu gave the lantern to his aide and got into the car.


Steam was being expelled from the boiler, and the sound of the engine filled the car.

He lost himself in the sound of the steam engine, whose technology was only just beginning to develop in Takamagahara, and fantasized about himself overlooking the northern harbor.


The construction of a city to monopolize the trade routes with Uxsanst was the culmination of Ijitsu's life-long ambition.

He wanted to reign over a port that would generate tremendous wealth. Even the Eight Families would respect him, and the opinions of the Four Families would be hard to ignore.


Drunk with the prospect of becoming such a person 10 years from now, Ijitsu sank deeply into the back seat of the car.

Ijitsu, intoxicated by this fantasy, was unaware of what Uxsanst was truly seeking.

Even if he did, he would simply turn his eyes away from reality.


What would be a good title for the representative?


He pondered aimlessly, and gently put a string of bubbling letters on his tongue.


"Ijitsu Narikane, the Northern Audit Supervisor.

How do you like the sound of that? Hmm."


With a joyful smile on his face, he gleefully called out to the driver, who had finished his preparations and climbed into the driver's seat.

Leaving the driver, whose eyes were black and white because he couldn't comprehend what was being said, the man sitting opposite the driver, the man with whom Ijitsu trusted, gave a follow-up.


"It's a title truly befitting of Ijitsu-sama, bearing great prestige behind it."


"Ha, ha. I see, I know you would say so."


It was more an exchange of pleasantries than questions and answers. Ijitsu waved his right hand signaling to the driver that he was ready to go.


Indeed, this day was the peak of Ijitsu's life.

His ambition was almost within reach. Imagining his name being engraved in the history of Kokuten Province with the accomplishments he had achieved, he heard the high-pitched sound of the steam-powered car just before it was turned to move―.


"―Excuse me for interrupting for a second."


The buoyant mood that filled the car was suddenly dispelled by the sound of the intruder's voice.

Without even a moment to stop him, the door was pulled open, and with a voice, someone interrupted Ijitsu.

A short, dark-skinned man with short hair. He smiled at Ijitsu with an innocent smile, despite his intrusion into the car.


"W-Who the hell are you!"


"You don't know me? Ha~! How lamentable. I'm proud of the fact that my family name is the only thing that well-known.

Well. What do think is going to happen now? If you ask me, I'd say it's just as you can imagine."


The man, who was wearing a combination of suit and kimono, sneered with a hint of self-mockery.

The collar at the back of the kimono. A short sword, slightly longer than a dagger, peeking out from behind it.

Ijitsu and the others, intimidated by this dangerous presence despite his harmless smile, were forced into a mute silence.


Perhaps understanding their feelings, ......or perhaps not interested in such things.

The man left Ijitsu and the others in silence, folded his arms and lost himself in his own personal chatter.


"How annoying. When my daughter was bought out by the main family, I was happy that the sun would shine on our family, too. But now, she refuses to even come back from the capital.

Even when I urged her to visit her hometown at the beginning of the new year, she still had a troublesome expression on her face.

Well, it can't be helped, this place is so rural after all."


There was no way to react to being told a personal story that no one expected to hear.

The man's off-topic soliloquy continued.

There was no smell of alcohol, but given the many ryotei restaurants in the area, he must have been drunk. After a few moments of tension, Ijitsu and his aide exchanged puzzled glances, and after receiving silent urging, Ijitsu interrupted him.


"Excuse me, but I think you've mistaken us for someone else―."

"It was the same this year. My daughter was supposed to be coming back to report about the school year, but she went to the Central Capital Academy instead, so it's quite heartless of her.

Well, I was so disturbed by the information I heard there that I didn't notice her absence until a day later."

"Excuse me!"


The man was speaking in a melancholy tone of voice, and the aide, whose initial nervousness had faded, threw a somewhat stronger tone.


The man's words were interrupted and his gaze turned to them.




"You must be mistaking us for someone else. This person is-"


"Ijitsu, the errand guy, right? I know who you guys are."


With a shrug, the misunderstanding disappeared.

But after the man forcing his way in, what they heard was the man’s story that they weren't even interested in.


On behalf of his aide, who was forced to remain silent due to his bewilderment, Ijitsu was forced to open his mouth.


"If you know me, then there is no way you are mistaking me for someone else.

I am still quite busy, so I will listen to what you have to say, as long as you make it brief."


"Oh, I'm glad that you understand things so well.

To tell you the truth, when they learned my name, they all wanted to prolong the conversation.

I was just being considerate, and it became a habit for me to try to conceal it with a long story."


Perhaps, he did not like to tell lies. His voice was not sarcastic as he laughed.


But he has no intention of complying. Ijitsu's eyes grew intense and he silently urged the man to continue.

Perhaps reading the air, the man shrugged lightly and turned his gaze toward the ceiling.


"The Sangamisaki territory.―You're the one who's sending the spies to the northern shore, no?

You're getting in the way, would you mind stepping back?"


"Ha... That's a bit of a stretch. Your client is most likely a lord of the surrounding region, right?

I refuse. That was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to open up the future of Kokuten Province.

I don't want to be dictated to by a bunch of insects from the enclosed lands who are bound by vested interests."


Ijitsu scoffed at the request of the man with a smug look on his face.

He was prepared that his ambitions would not be understood by the local lords. And he guessed that the man in front of him was probably a middleman or a pawn sent by them.


Ijitsu had experienced this kind of confrontation several times.

He was no stranger to the heat of battle, so much so that he was no longer intimidated when told to retreat.


"I think the vested interests are mutual.

When you gave up the water rights on your own and waved your tail to the old families of the Central Capital, you're on the same side as us."


"The transfer of water rights is permitted under the authority of the Provincial Council of Kokuten Province.

You have no right to speak your opinion."


"No need for pleasantries then. That land should not be used for a northern harbor.

Even that port is being funded by the Central Capital and Uxsanst, right? We don't like it when you ignore the Gioin family and behave like a parasite.


"You, how dare you sneer at my noble ideas with your mundane standards!"


How much of the truth do they know? Ijitsu was angered by the fact that he had to be told a fact that he didn't want to be told.


Not to mention Uxsanst, the Central Capital also exists outside of the Kokuten Province. It is a clear betrayal as a provincial council to give rights to those under different jurisdictions.


The fact that he is receiving support from Uxsanst in particular can be seen as a treasonous act.

Facts that not even Ugetsu had been told were being exposed. Unable to accept the reality, Ijitsu stared at the man with murderous intent.


He half-way raised his hips to show his rage at the predicament in which he found himself.

Intentionally letting his emotions out of control, Ijitsu unleashed all of the intimidation of the high-ranking spirit on the man.


Intimidation to shut the man's mouth. The man next to him scoffed at Ijitsu's maneuver of turning the tables on the negotiation in the limited space of the car without a single twitch of his eyebrows.


"Is that all your life's work amounts of? That's why I'm sneering at you, you know.

Do you really think Uxsanst is seriously supporting you?

All the Northerners want is an ice-free port with access to the ocean that they can pass through at their convenience. ―You're nothing more than a useful errand boy, do you know that?"


"You, bastaaarrdd!!"


Having his lifelong ambition laughed at, Ijitsu pulled out the offensive talisman he had been carrying in his pocket.

A metal-element offensie talisman. The sudden surge of internal pressure burst the doors of the steam car open.


Following emergency procedures, Ijitsu rolled out of the car as his aide pulled out a water-element offensive talisman.


Metal generates Water. Using the synergistic relationship to multiply the power is a part of Onmyoujutsu, but if exercised on the premise of an outburst, it is a method that can be done simply by activating the talisman.

Ijitsu, who was lying on the ground preparing for the freezing impact, turned around to find that the explosion never occurred.


A pale blue flame licked the door. Ijitsu was stunned by the sight of the talisman that had indeed activated, but dissipated in vain with no result.


Perhaps due to a throat slitting, the already dead aide slid off the edge of the door.

Pushing the body out of the way, a man came down and stood on the ground.


"―Maybe it was a favorable miscalculation that my daughter was sent to the Central Capital.''

The man stepped out of the car, making a sound as if to hint at Ijitsu's future.

His tone of voice, which didn't seem to falter after killing a human being, struck Ijitsu's earlobe even more eerily.

"This kind of dirty work is not something I want women and children to see, after all."


"Ku, ku. What difference does it make if you kill me?

You all know that the Kokuten Province is a step behind other provinces.

Even if you claim that I have sold my soul to Uxsanst or Central Capital, it is still better than a future in which we will never rise again!"


Against such a disadvantageous situation with no way out, Ijitsu's rebuttal rang out.


A man who seriously cares about the future of Kokuten Province ends up on a dark roadside without seeing the fulfillment of his ambition that lies ahead of him. It was a reality that Ijitsu found difficult to accept.


"No matter what criticism I receive, I must prove to the world that Kokuten Province does exist!!"


"Yeah. Alright, alright."

Ijitsu's cry, which concealed his true feelings, was, in a sense, his true intention.

Despite his sincere cry, the man still annoyingly brushed off his hand in reply.

"In the first place, I don't give a damn about those things."


"W-What the..."


"I have other reasons for doing this.

Well, your life is nothing. You're merely a side character at best."


"D-Don't be ridiculous! You're going to trample on my ambitions, you know!?

How could I possibly accept such a ridiculous reason!?"


The man's mutterings, which seem to make him sound insignificant, nonetheless are not something Ijitsu can comprehend.

Forgetting that he was on his deathbed, Ijitsu snapped at the man.


"I don't accept this kind of treatment!

How can a fool, whose name I don't even know, treat this Ijitsu Narikane, someone who will be known throughout the world, as a mere opening act!?"


"Actually, you're not even a side character.

Once everything is over,

I'll forget about you."


No matter how hard he yelled, the man's tone never wavered.

Feeling the odds were against him, Ijitsu stood up and took a couple of steps backward.


The distance between the two widened slightly, but the man's step immediately closed the gap.

His opponent showed an unwavering step. Ijitsu carefully measured the distance between the two, daring to ignore the difference in skill.


The distance between the two was approximately 6 meters, just a little short, but still worth the risk of a counterattack.

Ijitsu took a shallow stance, trying not to let his opponent know that he was about to strike.

Waki-gamae. Ijitsu kept his stance moderate so that he could move either to attack or to defend.


"Oh. You are thinking of running away?

That's good. Being dirty is a virtue for the nobility."


"Running away?

Don't be disrespectful, foot soldier. Don't think this Ijitsu Narikane would turn his back on the likes of you!"


Spitting out determinedly, Ijitsu released a water-element offensive talisman.


As soon as it was activated, a water ball headed for the man's face.

Ijitsu had already assumed that a simple talisman attack would be ineffective. Therefore, the water ball was worth nothing more than a distraction.


His real target was,

He quickly pulled out a dagger spirit vessel from his waist and poured in the spirit power he had kneaded amid his breathing.


Gioin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden―



A crescent moon slashed through the air and sped across the distance between them.

It was such a perfect surprise attack that even Ijitsu, an amateur in combat, was convinced of victory.


Even if the man could deal with the water balloons that blocked his vision, there would be no way to block Engetsu.

Even if one were able to ignore the water ball and deal with Engetsu, it would be unlikely to be able to withstand Ijitsu's follow-up attack if it were still deprived of its vision.


Ijitsu, taking advantage of his opponent's carelessness, continued his pursuit, and then...






Ijitsu's thoughts stopped short, this time for good, as he watched a slash cutting through the night darkness and disposing of Engetsu, along with the water ball.


The spirit light danced and scattered without making a sound. Ijitsu's hand stopped as he saw something he had never imagined before.


"It was underhanded, but a nice tactic.

At least, I like it."


Perhaps he exposed it on purpose, the man's family crest peeked out from the back of his collar.

Two folding fans and a single branch of plum blossoms.


Unable to comprehend this reality, Ijitsu fired all the water-element offensive talismans he had.

Each time, his opponent's white blade flashed, and the talismans were transformed into nothing but burning papers.


Gioin-style Spirit Technique, Variant, ―Byakuyadzuki


Eventually, when all of the water-element offensive talismans on hand had dissipated into nothing but pale blue flames, all that remained was the man and Ijitsu, breathing heavily.


"......What in the world does the Dōgyou assassin want with me?"


Ijitsu muttered, seemingly realizing everything,

The man. ―The head of the Dōgyou family, Dōgyou Harutane, scratched his brow as if he didn't give a damn.


"As for the reason for your death, please take your time to think about it in the afterlife.

But the official reason will be an accidental death, and the most people will be able to find out will be your secret dealings with Uxsanst."


"Ha, ha. So, you mean to tell me that my secret dealing with Uxsanst is nothing? You mean to tell me that my ambition, which was to bet the future of Kokuten Province, is only worth that low?"


The humiliation of having his great achievement, which was to be engraved brilliantly in the history of Kokuten Province, belittled by the mere subordinate of the Eight Families, even if it was the head of the family himself.


The end result of the unreasonable cruelty brought tears to Ijitsu's eyes from sheer frustration.

But even that final, remaining excuse was-,


"The future of Kokuten Province, huh?

You seem to be mistaken, do you think this is the first time that someone like you has been involved in such a scheme?"




"It's been a hundred years since the imperialist Uxsanst launched their policy of conquest of the south.

Uxsanst's instigation happens every year, and one out of ten people like you are incited and get carried away."


With his dagger held in his right eye, Dōgyou Harutane slowly kneaded his spirit power.

Slowly, so that even Ijitsu, an amateur in combat, could understand.


"Dōgyou is not a well-known family name in Takamagahara, but it is notorious on the continent, especially in the Uxsanst region.

Not to boast, but in terms of the total head counts on the continent, we have killed more people than the Kugas."


Dōgyou family is a noble family whose primary purpose is to prevent the continent from interfering with the Gioin.

The only reason they appear to be holed up in their own territory is to hide the fact that they are basically not in Takamagahara.


All of this is based on their determination to protect Takamagahara's peace.

Seventh of the Eight Families, the Dōgyou family.


"Don't joke w-...!!"


Sorrowful grief at being his entire being denied erupted from Ijitsu's throat.

But faster than his breath could be exhausted, Harutane's slash severed Ijitsu's neck.


Spinning. His field of vision spins around.

"―What a boring job, seriously.

I don't want to continue this family business if it's making my daughter hate me."


Harutane's usual soliloquy was the last thing Ijitsu heard as his consciousness was rapidly engulfed by the darkness.


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