Monday, July 8, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 10 Part 1

Volume 3

Chapter 10 Part 1

Suddenly, a Smile Announces the End of Days 1

Translator : PolterGlast

Akira and the others were walking leisurely by the side of the golden rice field at harvest time.


On the side path, sparrows playfully pecked at the ground, searching for gleanings.

They were at a perfect distance not to be caught. Feeling slighted, Akira stomped on the ground.


Thump. Sand and pebbles rattled against each other, and the fat little birds that thrive in the rice paddies scattered at once.

Of course, it was not enough to relieve his chest, and he only ended up becoming aware of his pent-up frustration.


"Don't bully the sparrows, Junior.

You didn't come all the way here to protect the paddy fields, remember?"


"Well, that's true.

Though, there's a festival going on in front of the tenement right now."


Nakiri Jin, walking shoulder to shoulder with Akira, admonished him with a wry smile for his actions.

Even so, Akira's lips twisted in smoldering frustration as he spoke of his regret at missing the annual festival.


Perhaps Akira's mutterings were being carried by the wind, as Kuga Ryota, who was walking slightly behind him, joined in the conversation in a bored tone.


"Festival? The paddy fields are in the middle of harvesting, it's too early for an autumn festival."


"Unfortunately, this festival has no relevance to a city-raised heir.

You see. I hear there are a lot of sparrows this year, so the sparrow chasing will be very exciting."


Jin looked over his shoulder to answer Ryota's question.


Even farmers won't show any mercy toward sparrows that are after their grains of rice.

The sparrow chasing, in which participants are invited to chase sparrows with nets, is an autumn tradition that can be seen everywhere in the countryside of Takamagahara.


Participation itself is voluntary and there is no reward. However, it is a highly attractive event because the sparrows caught are shared with everyone.

This is the only opportunity to eat bird meat throughout the year.


Even the tenement tenants stop their work on this day to chase the sparrows.


In the evening, they usually roasted the sparrows and had a feast at the tenement.


The meal, which is served with miso and salt, is regarded as one of the festivals for Akira and the other tenement dwellers.

While feeling regretful that he could not participate in this year's festival, Akira looked at Jin.


"You know about the sparrow chasing, Senior?

I don't think it's something that the nobility would be familiar with."


"I don't know about the nobility, but I guess it depends on whether you live in the countryside or in the city.

The Nakiri territory is surrounded by mountains, so the nobles are all involved in the sparrow chasing.

By the way, Master is the best of them all. He even secretly uses spirit techniques to round up a large number of sparrows."


"Jin. Do you think we need to be merciful toward the sparrows that increase in number every year?

It is indeed unfortunate, but I don't think we will be able to return to the territory this year."


Yuge Kojou, walking in the middle of the group, joined them in their conversation with a chuckle.


It is not a lie. However, if one hears that Yuge Kojou's favorite food is grilled sparrows, one can guess his true thoughts. The easy-to-understand pretense brought chuckles out of Akira and the others.


Their footsteps were calm as they walked along the footpath between paddy fields, and they were on their way to Mt. Shōrō southwest of the Central Capital.



"I know it's a little late for this, but... do I really have to participate in this?"


"We're going to penetrate a miasma reservoir deep in the southwestern area, and it will take two days given the distance.

It would still be fine if it were just night duty, but I can't take Saki-ojou alone with a bunch of men.

Are you displeased?"


"......Well, I understand that you need to make up the numbers for the current situation."


Asogi Genji, who was at the tail end of the group, responded to Ryota's question by squinting his eyes at the tranquility and lack of any sign of the supposed miasma.

At least there was no discontent in Ryota's tone of voice, and Genji ended the conversation with silence, without further inquiry.


Asogi and the others, who had been investigating the recent miasma reservoirs, received news about it a few days ago.


It said. On the other side of Mt. Shōrō, which is a gateway to the Urakimon, one of the miasma reservoirs is showing a slight movement.


Though this report in itself is strange, it is not unprecedented.

Small-scale miasma reservoirs are often formed and then disappear for a variety of reasons.


However, this one report stood out from the many other reports of miasma reservoirs and caught Genji's attention.


The Five Elemental Barriers are designed to limit infiltration routes to either the north-northeast Kimon or the south-southwest Urakimon.

Because the only way to truly enter the Central Capital, one of the most sacred places in the world, is to follow the proper procedure.


This is no different even for Hyakki Yagyo.

Furthermore, Mt. Shōrō, which is sacred ground for earth-element, is under the direct control of Sannomiya (the Three Imperial Families).


So, attacking the Urakimon is doubly reasonable.


"...... Are you sure it's all right for us temporary personnel to go on patrol beyond the Imperial Guards and the Central Capital Garrison's chain of command?"


"It seems that our achievement of giving a prior warning against Hyakki Yagyo is well known within Sannomiya, perhaps partly thanks to the Kihoin family's verbal support.

......It's hard to refuse a direct order from Utanomiya, who is in charge of Mt. Shōrō protection."


"Thanks to them, it took us a long time to depart, though."


No matter how legitimate the request might be, it was as if the Central Capital Garrison had been told by their Master that they were unreliable.


Recalling the sarcasm that the commander-in-chief of the Central Capital Garrison expressed when they received the request, Kojou could only nod his head bitterly in agreement.


The request from Sannomiya via the garrison came a few days ago.

At first, Ninokuruwa, the commander-in-chief of the garrison, had tried to turn a blind eye to the request, or perhaps he was trying to stall for time, even though the request came from their own Master.


Of course, that did not change the reality.

As an exchange for a few days, Akira and the others were dispatched on a small patrol mission through Mt. Shōrō.


"As for the pressure from the garrison, we'll just have to give up now.

Oh, we can see it. That's Mt. Shōrō."


Hearing Genji's voice, Akira and the others' gazes finally turned forward.

Ahead of them is a single torii gate. Beyond it rose a small mountain that would take less than an hour to reach the summit.


"I had imagined it before, but you know, how can I put it...

It is said to be the cornerstone of the Five Elemental Barriers, but..."


"Well, indeed. Not exactly like a sacred mountain, isn’t it?"


Feeling disappointed, Ryota and Jin let their true feelings spill out.

As though agreeing with them, the cry of a bird of prey passed overhead.


A serene scene. But Akira, walking alongside them, remained tense as he tried to come up with a few words.


"......Indeed, it may look like a mountain, but its spirituality as a mountain is absurd.

This whole area is already close to a sacred realm."


No. While saying so, Akira also voiced his denial inwardly.

If anything, it had a higher status as a sacred realm than the Central Capital. Although the surrounding terrain seemed untouched, the clean air surrounding Akira and the others seemed even purer and clearer.


"As Akira-kun said, the cornerstone of the Five Elemental Barriers in this place is a windhole on a scale comparable to a dragon den.

You shouldn't be fooled by what you see."


"......Not to mention, the security is also adequate.

It will be extremely difficult to break through, both physically and spiritually."


Kojou's words of caution were met with a nod of agreement from Genji.

A couple of farmers could be seen in the fields as far as the eye could see. Genji noticed that their gazes had been constantly following them since they had entered this pathway.


They must have been aware of the arrival of Akira and the others.

Beyond their paths, they saw a woman already bowing her head to greet them.


"―Thank you very much for your early arrival.

Utanomiya-sama has already given permission for your visit."


"By the orders of the Jinroin and Kihoin families, as well as that of the Sannomiya, we have been dispatched to your land."

Yuge Kojou, the highest-ranking member of Akira's group, stepped forward as the representative.

"We, Yuge Kojou and Asogi Genji, will be visiting Utanomiya as the representatives, is that acceptable?"


Kojou glanced at Akira as he continued.


The fact that Akira is Kanna-no-Mikura should be a trump card that Kihoin wants to keep hidden until the very last minute.

Even though only Divine Pillars can identify Kanna-no-Mikura, it would be a bad idea to meet Utanomiya face to face.


I might as well do a favor here.


Kojou quickly decided on a course of action and smiled tactfully.

The woman's reply was not stagnant, as if she did not doubt Kojou's words.


"Yes. We have prepared eaves at the foot of the mountain for your companions.

The guide will be here shortly, so please wait here."



It was fortunate for Hariin Homare that there were telephone lines connected between the northern part of the Central Province and the Talisman Association in the Central Capital.


...... No. It's hardly lucky, considering the fact that Hariin Midori can boss her around so easily.


The phone was connected to Hariin through Central Capital. While waiting for the operator to call the head of the family, she was lost in a wasteful thought.

The waiting time was probably not more than a few minutes. After a few more minutes, Homare heard someone pick up the phone.


[―Have you finished your investigation?]


"I'm currently at the eighth branch on the mountain. There are a lot of branches in the northern region, so it won't be done overnight.

I've heard the call from the Central Capital. ―It's about that, isn't it?"


Even though she didn't have enough detailed information, leaving only a half-hearted explanation of her destination was a disaster.

After being probed for Homare's destination to the point of flooding the telegram and telephone lines, she was dragged back and forth over the same matter.


It was ironic that the last call was from Hariin Midori, who was supposed to know the details of her destination.


[It can't be helped. I tried to call you, but I only heard two things: either you've already departed or you haven't arrived yet.

I've had a hard time tracking you down, you know.]


"Well, I don't suppose you can make a phone call to someone who is on the move, can you? Well, I hope there will be technological innovation in that area.

If that's, I'm going to take the evening train. It's an overnight train, so I'll be arriving in the Central Capital by noon tomorrow."


[Please do. This is the first time I've ever heard of Hyakki Yagyo attacking Central Capital.

I heard that an evil god is plotting something, but is it possible for him to cross the Five Elemental Barriers?]


Midori's question-filled mutterings were quite understandable to Homare.


Four thousand years have passed since its establishment. For 4,000 years, the Five Elemental Barriers have reigned as a symbol of protection for the Dragon Dens of Takamagahara.

It should be impossible for Kegare to approach it, but no one could take Kihoin's information lightly.


"Well, I suppose there is no point in even thinking about it. We have no other choice but to follow the official decree that came from the imperial families.

If that's all you want to talk about, I'll just give you the progress report and prepare to return."


[......I'll listen.]


Perhaps sensing from Homare's tone that there was little hope, Midori urged Homare with a half-beat delay in her breathing.

It's true that she doesn't have much information, ......but that doesn't mean she doesn't have anything to share. Homare moved his mouth toward the speaker, which was directly connected to the phone, as if having a secret conversation.


"As it turns out, a boy with the pseudonym Gensei never existed."


[I see...] "But I did find an old man named Gensei."




"Well, that's just a rumor, to be precise.

I got acquainted with a petty bureaucrat who fled to the northern part of the Central Province after his corruption was exposed in the Shumon Province."


[......What the heck!? I've always wondered about your incomprehensible connections. I can't even imagine how you get acquainted with them.]


Her sister was holding her head over the receiver's phone. Homare could not help but laugh at this easily imaginable scene.


There is no doubt that Homare is an excellent student.

But more than her grades, it was her uniquely eccentric personality that made Midori feel that she couldn't understand her.


"It's no big deal. He was desperate, or perhaps he got carried away, after selling his hoard of talismans, and visited the inn where I was staying.

The inn was about to refuse to accept him since he was a first-time visitor, but I put in a good word for him."


[You are about to commit a fraud, you know? Please stop it, you're causing trouble for both the inn and the person in question.]


"It was the inn's decision to let him stay, and he was the one who decided to stay. It was not my responsibility.

Besides, they were grateful to me. Both the inn and the other party, I mean."


[Do you even know what 'grateful' means? You should learn what it means first.]


The inn in which Homare stayed was so high-class and expensive.

No doubt a bundle of bills would fly out of one's hand, and it would be a nightmare for even a small-time crook to go bankrupt over a fleeting dream.


"What? I paid for the meal, you see.

I even served him plenty of sake. Of course, I chose the finest, so there was no way he could have lied about it."


I didn't squeeze it all out of him until I went bankrupt. With that line as an excuse, Homare laughed at the end of a small-time crook whose only memory of him was his little mustache.


He did not invoke the language of servitude. It was more of a minimum courtesy because he wasn't good enough to find it worth using.


"Gensei is the name I heard from him. I heard that in Shumon Province, a stray talisman user called Gensei came to sell regeneration talismans.

From what I've heard, he's an old man, and I'm sure somebody must have mistaken him for someone else."


[An old man, huh? Could a young boy disguise himself as an old man?]


"That's all there is to it. But there is one thing that bothers me about the pseudonym."


[......Are you referring to overlapping pseudonyms?]


"The same pseudonym can not be officially registered at the same time, but only if it is officially registered with the Onmyou Ministry.

This is mainly to prevent counterfeits due to name stamping and other reasons."


[What about having them registered at different times?]


"If the information provided by the officials is correct, the child was seen at the Karen branch office until early September. If it is accurate that the child died in July, it should be impossible for the pseudonym to be active under the same pseudonym in Karen."

As Midori pointed out, a pseudonym is nothing more than a nickname.

The name can be forged if one wants to, and a stray talisman user can have any number of reasons to justify his or her motives. But if the location is the same, one would avoid it because it would limit one's activities.

"Well, I think I got enough good information thanks to the sake.

I don't know what will happen to him, but I wish him all the best."


He was shocked at the price of the expensive accommodation he was charged, so his life expectancy itself would be uncertain tomorrow.

Homare, who had no intention of taking on that much responsibility, was left with the impression that he was an unexpected source of information.


[Well, just knowing that Shumon Province is different is already one step forward.

You should hurry back to the capital.

Hariin, too, has decided to dispatch Eight Families to support you.]


Hearing these words, Homare thought briefly of the geography of the area.


Speaking of a territory close to the Central Capital,


"So the Fuwa family, who have been reluctant to leave the house, are finally getting serious now? Sister, you sure pushed them too hard."


Ever since the civil war that broke out over Kanna-no-Mikura 400 years ago, the Fuwa family has been famous for its reluctance to leave their Tamakura territory due to their weak standing.


The family is tightly knit, and their true nature is rarely revealed.


[The Fuwa family cannot be moved at the moment.

I have sent the head of Hōjō, who was staying in the Capital, to take their place.]


"Auntie-, the head of Hōjō!?

A troublesome person to deal with. There are plenty of people you can appoint such as the next head of Hōjō, aren't there?"


The head of Hōjō is one of the people who Homare admits that she doesn't really get along with.

She has a history of personality incompatibility and has long avoided this person.


Although Homare had complied with the imperial decree, she felt compelled to express some bitterness toward the head of Hariin, who had made the decision.


[It can't be helped, he's the one who decided to go ahead with it.

I heard that the head of Yuge is currently staying in the capital, so you are probably secondary to him.]


"That's exactly why I don't like it.

--I don't expect him to be respectful or anything, but I don't want to deal with an out-of-control simpleton."


[Just do something about it.

You can just put the blame on Yuge Kojou, or whatever.

......Especially, when it comes to combat, I have full confidence in you.]


Even though she understood Homare's frustration, Midori's decision was unwavering.

Understanding the futility of disagreeing with her, Homare also retracted her words.


"Well, I'll figure something out.

But if I do, you'll lend me that, right?"


[I knew you would say that. It is now in the custody of the head of Hōjō.

Moreover, I have temporarily transferred all authority over Hariin in the Central Capital to you.

Make good use of it.]


"As expected of you, Nee-san. Since you understand what I'm trying to say, then I shall take action as well."


This is the way the two sisters, who know each other so well, interacted. They ended their conversation and hung up the phone.


Sigh. A slight sigh tinged with dejection, but she still did not show it on her face.

Homare simply returned the receiver back to the phone, ready to proceed with her preparations.



Following the woman who stood in the lead.

The long corridor was dimly lit by the faint light from outside.


The creaking of the floor made Akira realize that he was alone before he knew it.


He came to his senses.




"Ara~, you came to your senses already?

I had heard that you have a high resistance to Onmyojutsu, but I didn't expect it to be this high."


Chuckles. The smiling girl turned to look back over her shoulder.


Her face is that of a different person from the woman Akira remembers until just moments ago.

She is about the same age as Akira, though she is of similar height. Her black hair is trimmed at her shoulders and the white eye patch covering her eyes makes her look very strange.


The pattern dyed in the center of her eye patch stood out conspicuously and drew his attention.

A bell within the Yin-Yang.


Is it a family crest? The unfamiliarity of this symbol aroused his caution.


"You are?"


"My name is Utanomiya Aya. I was asked to accompany you because we are close in age.

Ah, don't worry. You are not separated from them.

I am simply using the dreamwalking method to shift your consciousness into this ethereal space.

To them, you appear to be walking normally down the hallway."


Slightly reassured by the cheerful tone of voice that belies her appearance, Akira resumed his steps to follow her back.


Creak, creak. Every time the floorboards creaked, he felt the end of the corridor slipping away from him.

Twinge. With each step, Akira's consciousness wavered.


"You can't see with your eyes?"


"This is the first time someone has asked me that.

Most people seem to be intimidated by my title and treat my eye as a tumor."


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude.

After all, I don't even know who you are."


I don't mind. The girl shook her head and muttered to herself, smiling seductively.


"I was born this way, so I don't feel any discomfort.

This is just a measure for being able to see too well, so there is no inconvenience in my daily life."


"I see."


Even if one can see too well, if one doesn't use it, it will still be inconvenient.

Akira used the questions that arose in his mind as wedges, desperately holding on to the consciousness that was drifting away from him.


"I understand that I was separated in a very tricky way,

But why did you call only me here?"


"That's because..."


"I summoned you here."

Just as Akira was about to inquire further, the sunlight brightly filled his vision.

The dark corridor ended before he knew it, and he stood in the pathway facing a courtyard.

"Please don't blame Aya too much. She's just trying to do my bidding, that's all.



Akira tried to ask this question, but he couldn't even raise his voice.

He had no memory of that seductive whisper, but the tone of the voice was somehow nostalgic.


Trying to remain calm, Akira turned around.

Gently. A sweet scent of fragrant osmanthus filled Akira's nostrils.


Ahead of his vision, he spotted a blonde-haired girl tiptoeing down the pathway to the courtyard.

She was about 16 years old and was smiling at Akira with an inappropriately calm smile.


She looked a lot like Shuka. She also reminded him of a young girl from a distant memory.

Her eyes, with a golden radiance that is impossible for any other person to have, penetrated Akira.


"Nice to meet you, Kanna-no-Mikura.

Let's see... Just follow the example of others and call me Takamikura."


The exalted girl seated in the high heaven smiled in front of Akira.


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