Thursday, July 4, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Chapter 7.3


Volume 4 Chapter 7.3

Seeds of Rekindling Part 3


[Gosh, what is the meaning of this!]


Mefi cried out in frustration in the underground canals that stretched beneath Arcazam.

The only reason she was in the form of a girl was because it was convenient for her to deceive the humans to whom she had been playing around with. If she was in that form, the lowly and foolish humans would be fooled without any difficulty.

That has been how she has deceived many people so far.

And just the other day, she was about to leave the city after ten years of fun, but she was stranded in an unexpected place.

In front of her was a drainage canal leading out of the city. A small amount of magical power is being emitted at its exit to prevent demonic beasts, but as a supernatural being, she should be able to breach it without any difficulty.

However, for some reason, Mefi repeatedly walked right and left in front of the emitted magical power.

Eventually, she willingly jumped into it, but her body was repelled as if she was being obstructed by an invisible wall.


[It's designed so that only I can't get through. This is definitely that guy's work......]


As if reacting to Mefi's irritation, her compound eyes turned red.

What flashed through her mind was the person who had been Ken's backer so far. He was one of the most powerful people in the city, but at the same time, he was an anomaly whose mind Mefi could not read at all.

He looked down at Mefi, an existence rarely seen by humans, with inorganic eyes, not even seeming surprised when he saw her, and was the first person she thought, [I don't want to be involved with this person].


[What a jerk!]


She exploded her own source elements out of frustration that things were not going the way she wanted them to. The flowing wastewater splashed out and cracks spread across the surrounding walls. The magic circle for releasing the magical power was also cracked, but there was no change in the released magical power.

It seemed that something other than the magic circle on the wall was still functioning.

Then, from the back of the passageway that Mefi had passed through, the sound of someone's footsteps echoed.

The time was already midnight. It was not the time for workers to visit the canal.

Mefi slowly turned around to see who was approaching from behind, and then let out a surprised cry.


[Hee, what a surprise. You're still alive, huh?]



There stood the toy that Mefi had played with for ten years and then discarded.

His faded blond hair. His uniform was in tatters, and he cast his eyes down, so it was impossible to see the expression on his face.

But Mefi was surprised to see that the toy was still alive, her mouth twisted into a grin as she transformed herself into a little girl.

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on July 25, 2024.

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