Monday, July 22, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 12 Part 1

Volume 3

Chapter 12 Part 1

Intentions Collide, Schemes Spark and Scatter 1

Translator : PolterGlast

The chilly autumn wind in the mountains was mixed with miasma, and the autumn-withered mountain pass, which had just barely passed daylight, turned dark and rotten.

The place, just one pass away from Mt. Shōrō, had turned into a hellscape by the time Akira and his group arrived.



The battle cry of hungry defiled beasts raged from the depths where the putrid stench reigned.


"They're coming at us from the foothills!"


"The plain is packed with guardians, so don't break the formation!"


Amidst the flurry of screams and shouts, Akira slid down the slope toward the pass leading into the vortex where the defiled beasts were moving.

As he weaved his way through the thickets of trees, the leaves scattered in his vision.


"So troublesome, wha!!"


"Hurry up, Kuga!"


With Kuga Ryota's cursing in his ear, Akira controlled his almost raised upper body by relying on his Aragamioroshi (Physical Strengthening).


Still, he was unable to see beyond the withering autumn trees that were moving in and out of his field of vision.

However, the roar of the defiled beasts swirling in the air conveyed the devastation that lay ahead to Akira.


"―Shut up, don't tell me what to do.

I'll give you the initiative, you hotheaded fool!"


"Leave it to me. Don't fall behind, Mr. Prodigy!!"


Ryota also noticed the concentration of the miasma, and with a mutter, he backed away from Akira's momentum by half a step.

With this gesture in the background, Akira readied his weapon in Waki-kamae (Side Stance).


Just drawing one's sword while going down the slope was precarious in itself.

A moment later, Akira's posture was fatally disrupted,

Without minding about it, Akira stomped his foot on the ground.


With the strength of Aragamioroshi on his legs, Akira's still-developing physique swam through the air past the thickets.

With the thickets and slopes below him, his gaze went further and further ahead.


Spotting the defiled beasts crowding the mountain pass, Akira pulled out his fire offensive talisman.




Three fire tickets left his fingers and danced in the bright sunlight.

After observing all of them from a bird's eye view, he rewrote the written formula.


Convinced that he would succeed based on the reliable response, he swung out his sword finger and cut the spiritual thread in a single breath.


Swallowing even the pale flame of excitation, the firepower that could not be provided by the talisman alone fell into the vortex of miasma with a thunderous blast.

Immediately afterward, the swelling flames of the explosion scorched the center of the mountain pass.


His days at the academy were brief. But the knowledge he gained there was a treasure for Akira.

In particular, the basic theories of Onmyojutsu, which were kept in the Rokkaku-kan, had given Akira a tremendous leap forward.


The creation of the fire offensive talisman and the rewriting of the spell formulas are among the results that Akira has obtained.

Although it was still crude and rough, it was the best weapon for Akira, whose divine power was currently limited.


But that was not the end.

Vermillion gold shone on the tip of the turning sword, and before his eyes, a trail of eternal fire carved the void.


Saki's dancing movements came back to his memory vividly.

It was the first spirit technique that Akira had mastered.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden, ―Enga


Before the flaming slash could take shape, it turned into a gigantic waterfall and licked the surface of the earth.


The blow, which deliberately disregarded control and everything else, pierced a hole in the swirling miasma.

Landing in the center of it, Akira then cleaved horizontally to engulf his right side.


*Boom*. The raging flames of the spirit vessel, which showed no signs of abating, were fueled by Akira's sword dance.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Consecutive Technique, ―Higasane


A tornado of flame, manifested only for a moment, engulfed the atmosphere, turning the remaining defiled beasts that had survived the Enga into dust in the void.


It was a spirit technique unleashed without control. Regardless of its power, the vermilion-gold glow scattered around it without lasting effect.

But that was exactly Akira's aim.




"Leave it to me~!!"


High in the sky following behind Akira, Ryota (an earth-element user), dancing soundlessly while holding up his sword.

It was a spiral thrust aimed downward, the maximum firepower Ryota could reach.


Tsukinomiya-style Spirit Technique, Finisher Move―



Fire generates Earth. The earth element devoured all of the fire element that was about to dissipate, and the intangible impact that increased in power was sent into the noses of the defiled beasts that loomed in Akira's wake.


Gi!? Giwoaa?!!



The impact was too chaotic to be described as a sound, but it stirred up the whole area, and defiled boars and deer, which were shredded along with the entire space, whirled into small pieces.


Even defiled beasts whose only concern was hunger could understand the difference in power, and the survivors who had been thwarted showed signs of fleeing.

It was the right decision. However, the timing was already too late.


Suddenly, a flash of purple lightning appeared in the cloudless blue sky.

Jinroin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden, ―Shitsurai


After one second, the air slowly reverberated,

A flash of light and a shockwave crushed the swarm of defiled beasts from above.


"―Any missed targets?"


"We've wiped out most of them. Leave the remaining defiled beasts to the garrison under the pass."


While still in a relaxed awareness state, he sheathed his sword. After exhaling deeply, Ryota responded to Akira's concern and alerted him to the surroundings. Perhaps because he specifically chose an area-of-effect spirit technique, the only survivors were small fries who had lost their leadership.


"Is this really a Hyakki Yagyo? It's pretty light compared to the rumors I've heard."


From the other side of the grove where Akira and the others jumped down, Jin, who was using Shitsurai, slid down with his head tilted in wonder.

While slapping the dead leaves on his shoulder, he joined Akira and the others.

"If this is the case, I think it's much more challenging when we were dealing with the Armored Centipede and the Nurarihyon.

It is hard to imagine, but could it be that Utanomiya was wrong?"


"Indeed, Nakiri-senpai do has a point. In Kutsunagahara, the fox monsters I’ve killed in the past swarmed around the mountain, causing the entire mountain to rumble.

But to begin with. Since we haven't encountered any metamorph or apparition yet, we can't even call it a Hyakki Yagyo."


Ryota, continuing where Jin left off, turned his attention to Akira, who had delivered the oracle to him.

However, Akira, who merely delivering the message, had no further information on the matter.

Feeling the rumbling of the defiled beasts under his feet, Akira lowered his gaze.


"......Given the fact that the oracle was even concealed from Fujimorimiya, it's hard to imagine that it would be a mistake.

If so, that means these defiled beasts here were just a diversion."


He noticed.


Even though the remaining defiled beasts had already fled the place, the earth tremors under his feet showed no sign of abating.

Akira's gaze wandered around in search of the source and eventually landed on a rumbling ground.


"―That means the real deal is lurking in hiding!"


While uttering a warning, Akira leaped backward from the pass as fast as he could.

The two leaped a beat behind the sudden warning, and a moment later, all of their vision was filled with dust.




An earth-colored spear broke through the dust and approached the gasping Ryota.

The spear clashed head-on with Ryota's sword, which swung to intercept it, and the scattered spiritual power caused the spear to shoot up to the sky.




It was not a spear. It was a Kegare, a tube worm that looked like a leech or an earthworm, with only its huge mouth exposed.


"I've never seen one like this before!!"


Ryota's bewildered voice overlapped with Kegare's sadly resounding fury.

Amidst the wriggling cilia, just like limbs, kicking up gravel, the earthworm incarnation sucked the boar, which had failed to escape, into its mouth.


Perhaps lacking the intelligence to be aware of its own comrades, the Kegare swallowed the boar into its mouth, not even letting the boar make a scream.

It was just a despicable scene. In Akira's mind, a passage he had read in a document came back to him.


It is said to be a spirit of the earth that has been buried in the depths of the mountains.

Once awakened, it is an incarnation of hunger that can devour an entire mountain.


"―It's Nozuchi.

Watch out, he'll eat anything without regard to what it is!"


"Don't say that while I’m being targeted!"


Whether it was because of preference or just because he was nearby, the huge mouth of the giant worm approached Ryōta, who shouted his dissatisfaction.

He clicked his tongue in frustration and swung the sword that he held out in Daijōdan (overhead stance) along with his spiritual power.




The space bent, and Nozuchi was thrown back to the ground by the shockwave.

A horizontal slash flew through the air to slice through its torso.

Tsukinomiya-style Spirit Technique, Shoden, ―Enreki


Given its enormous size (approximately 3 meters), it would be more difficult to miss even if the attack was done on the spur of the moment.

The aim was accurate, and it struck Nozuchi, who was on the verge of getting up, right on its mouth,

However, its hidden fangs easily crushed the flying blades made of spiritual power.


Ryota was blindsided by the unexpected outcome, even if it was an elementary spirit technique.


"Is this what you mean by 'anything'!?"


"Don't stop, Kuga. It seems to be obsessed with you!"


The multi-strand of cilia wriggled, and the huge frame of the metamorph focused on Ryota, kicking up the ground and making the earth rumble.

Drool or mucus? Threads trailed from the wide-opened mouth, and the fangs lined up inside its mouth were exposed to the open air.


"Don't expose that filthy thing to the world, you monster!"


"Kuga! Bring him to me!"


As Ryota spat out curses, Akira's voice was heard thrown at his back.

There was no time to think.

A wave of spiritual power generated by Ryota knocked Nozuchi's head sideways.


Perhaps its intelligence is as apparent as its appearance, as it easily shifted its target to Akira.

Fixing his eyes on the depths of Nozuchi's throat, where he could not even see the bottom, Akira held his spirit weapon at the ready for a thrust.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden, ―Hibaridzuki


Leaving a roaring sound behind, a flaming spear was slammed into the depths of Nozuchi's defenseless throat.

However, since it consisted of spiritual power, the outcome should be the same.


The blow was swallowed, and Ryota's cheeks contorted as he wondered if the outcome would be the same.


However, there was no sign of impatience in Akira's expression.

He let out a short exhale and took a deep step forward overflowing with flames.


Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Consecutive Technique―

"Sazanami Tanzaku."


A spear of spiritual power extended horizontally, drawing Nozuchi's mouth into the same shape.

The power surpassed Nozuchi's hunger, and went even further.


After all, it was merely a metamorph. It wasn't even a divine pillar, and the limits of its body did exist at some point.

Although Nozuchi is a voracious animal, there is a limit to the amount of food it can eat at a time.


Was Akira's calculation actually correct?

Nozuchi's mouth, having exceeded its limit, was eventually severed into two.


Perhaps not as heavy as it looked, the halves of Nozuchi's long body danced in the air under the pressure of the explosion from the inside.

Without missing a beat, Akira fired a fire offensive talisman, plunging the creature's body into the pit of hellfire.


"Well done."




The miasma began to disperse quickly, indicating that the area had been swept away.

Jin and Ryota approached Akira, who was breathing roughly as he sheathed his sword while still on guard.


"......I think we've managed to eliminate most of the swarms that have crossed the mountain pass."


"Now that a metamorph like Nozuchi appeared, I guess this concluded their first wave.

But it's just past noon. Do they think this will be enough to carry the next momentum?"


In terms of yin and yang, miasma goes well with yin qi.

Obviously, during the daytime, when yang qi, which is the opposite of yin qi, is at its peak, the activity of the metamorphs should have been severely restricted.


If the other party were to start a Hyakki Yagyo at such a time, they would be in danger of ending up with a diminishing momentum.


"Regarding that, it was due to some sort of maneuvering from the higher-ups.

Though, they didn't tell me the details."


"......I don't want to doubt you, but I'm pretty sure that Junior has always been with us this whole time.

When did you hear this information?"


"A little while ago, when we were visiting the mansion, I received the information from the woman who guided us to a place where we would be staying."


Jin's eyes were filled with doubt when he heard Akira's explanation.

Akira deliberately ignored this doubt, which was difficult to answer, and turned his gaze away from the miasma swirling in the depths of the pass.


Even if they headed onward, they would only be leaving the central city and would be left with nothing but hassle.

If so, there was only one option left for Akira and the others to take.


"Let's join up with Captain Asogi and the others for the time being.

Now that the Hyakki Yagyo has begun, scouting missions will only increase the danger and will be meaningless."




In response to Akira's sound reasoning, Jin's expression was mixed with contemplation.

The reason why he could not make an immediate decision was probably because he was considering the impact that abandoning the scouting mission would have on the opinion of the Central Capital garrison.


However, even though it would be difficult to tell Jin and the others, Akira had his own reasoning.


The scouting mission for Akira and his team was decided upon by Sannomiya's forceful initiative.

Furthermore, if what Takamikura said was true, the scouting mission itself was merely an excuse to summon Akira.


At the very least, Takamikura had declared that she would not interfere with matters related to Kanna-no-Mikura.

Perhaps this affair was really only meant to serve as a meeting.


If so, her aim has already been fulfilled.


At this point, Akira was convinced that even if they decided to retreat, there would be no pursuit from Sannomiya.


"―Senior. I vote in favor of Akira's opinion.

I think we should protect each of the cornerstones.

If we put the Sannomiya's decree over our heads and endanger our main family, we may be ridiculed for generations to come."


"I understand.

Let's retreat to the main camp where Master is stationed, and offer our opinion to return to the Cornerstone Mountains .

I'm sure Master is worried about Kagura-sama's (his only daughter) situation at the Cornerstone Mountains , and he will nod his head in agreement to retreat."


Ryota's approval, perhaps an unexpected favorable turn for Akira, gave Jin a push.

Seeing that the three of them were in agreement, Akira turned around and headed towards the foot of the mountain pass.


The roar of the miasma, which seemed to shudder in frustration, echoed from the depths of the pass as if it were chasing him.





Thanks for earlier."


Ryota's murmur was thrown at Akira's back as he took a step forward, chasing behind Jiun, who had left to lead the way.

Ryota shook his head lightly at Akira's gratitude, and his voice became more hushed.


"Don't worry about it. After all, this might be the reason why Tsuguho-sama assigned me here.

......But more importantly, how many more times are we going to do this in a row?"


Akira's reply to Ryota's concern was delayed for a moment.

The first time both Akira and Ryota experienced the Hyakki Yagyo was two months ago when they took on the Kutsunagahara apparition.


Although the situation was different from that time, the scale of the battle this time was smaller than that of the previous one, and Akira and Ryota could not be optimistic about the outcome.

Despite the fact that they were able to suppress the swarm this time, they were likely to be forced to fight a consecutive battle since they could not even find Nurarihyon, the mastermind.


Because of this peril, Akira, who could not hope to recover his divine energy, would first and foremost need to head for Mt Kugatachi, which is connected to the divine realm of Shumon Province.


In the absence of Saki, Ryota's support in understanding his situation was very reassuring.


"I didn't use any divine energy, so I don't feel as worn out as I did in the previous battle. As long as things continue as they are, I don't think I'll run out of steam, even if I were to do continuous battles.

......If what Tsuguho-sama said is true, then if I were to use my divine energy, it would diminish to the point that I would be aware of it, and if I were to unleash divine realm attributes, it would be limited to a single shot."


"I see. It seems to be exactly as my father said."




Ryota's muttering, as if he were spitting out something. Akira's suspicion was triggered by the unsettling tone contained in it. Ryota, perhaps realizing the meaning of his gaze, responded with a bitter shrug.


"The Kuga family can't remain indifferent to Kanna-no-Mikura's arrival, either.

Now that they've lost the chance to win over Saki, they're probably desperate to win your favor."


"......I see."


Akira's mind flashed back to the person (Kuga Houri) he had met last month, and his strong personality left a strong impression on him.

He was preparing himself to take some forceful measures in case his true intentions were exposed, but......


"Well, they don't have the leisure to mess around thanks to Hyakki Yagyo. For now, we should be grateful and take advantage of it.

All we have to do is to focus on reaching Mt. Kugatachi as soon as possible."


"That's true."


Ryota's words of consolation were still filled with concern for Akira.

Understanding this fact, Akira and the others left the mountain pass where the miasma was beginning to creep in.



There were signs of Hyakki Yagyo in the southwest (Urakimon).

Kihoin Tsuguho received the news around the time Akira and the others encountered Nozuchi at the mountain pass.


"Calm down, we've only received a preliminary report."


"Send out scouts to investigate the surrounding area.

The team in charge should head for the locations we decided on yesterday!"


The commotion around Tsuguho, including the two aides, increased greatly.

As orders flew out to send out scouts around Kugatachi Mountain, Tsuguho rested her fingers on her chin in contemplation.


"Hime-sama, Fujimorimiya has sent us a message.

to connect the divine realms in preparation for the oracle of the Hyakki Yagyo."


"With Nurarihyon's purpose still unknown, any attempts to connect the divine realms could be counterproductive.

Can't we buy some time?"


"Given that Fujimorimiya has given us orders, I think it would be difficult to stall for time.

I have heard that Utanomiya-sama and Jinroin-sama have already begun preparations.

If we hesitate now, we don't know what they will say to us later."


"......I suppose so."

Things were moving too smoothly, and Tsuguho was skeptical and reluctant to act.

But the advice of his aide was also justified.


Despite having some doubts, Tsuguho stood up and raised her voice to give orders.


"All hands, I will now bring the divine precincts descend.

Be prepared that the main hall will be filled with the authority of the divine pillar, and that those who intrude without pardon will be instantly scorched."




Tsuguho exhaled deeply and quietly.

After confirming that there are no longer any signs of people around her, Tsuguho's consciousness is drawn even deeper into the Cornerstone Mountains .


Of the Four Sovereigns, Tsuguho had been stationed at the Cornerstone Mountains  from the very earliest stage.

The preparations themselves had already been completed.


The windhole on Mt. Kugatachi overlapped with the faraway sacred precincts of Shumon Province,


"What's this? Has that thing started a Hyakki Yagyo in such broad daylight?"


Without a moment's pause, an enormous mass of divine energy appeared in front of Tsuguho.

Shuka, clad in a gorgeous single robe, glanced around and smiled.


"That seems to be the case.

Currently, signs are appearing in the southwestern direction."


"He was cornered and desperate, huh?

......If it's just of this level, there should be no trouble.

What about Akira?"


"He was sent to the southwest to scout at Sannomiya's request.

Since the timing is so perfect, it's possible that Akira-san being a Kanna-no-Mikura has been exposed."


In the nobility, there are basically no opportunities for interactions between members of the opposite sex.

In order to avoid raising suspicions among other provinces, they refrained from interacting with Akira more than they did in Karen, but it backfired.


Following Jinroin, even Sannomiya is interfering now. Even Tsuguho would prefer to refrain from further intervening.

Shuka shrugged her shoulders in a nonchalant manner as she watched the girl in front of her gnashing her teeth.


"It's unclear since when, but it has definitely been exposed.

But there's no need to be on guard against Haha-sama (Shuka's mother). They have declared their non-interference with the empty thrones that will eventually appear."


"What does that mean?"


"It means exactly what it says. The empty throne is a vessel to accomplish the giving birth process, so it is only right that Haha-sama, who has already obtained it, should withdraw from it.

Although she may be interested in Akira, the empty throne, there is no need to worry about Mother interfering as she has already declared."


Similarly, she also wished to have a meeting with the previous Kanna-no-Mikura, but she never asked for anything more.


Fufu~. Chuckling deep in her throat, Shuka looked out over the temple's railing to get a better view of the city.

The cityscape, which seemed to be left behind by time, had not changed much from Shuka's memory.


The Central Capital, where the urban structure is laid out with the intention of protecting the surface of one of the world's largest sacred precincts, does not leave much room for human intervention.


The central city's purification barrier protects the sacred realm, and the Five Elemental Barrier protects the outer shell of the city.

The sight of the divine pillars descending onto the distant mountain was clearly visible.


"Looks like Shiro and Haha-sama are descending already.

That makes three pillars, which will increase the burden on Tsuguho and the others, but at least it will give us some measure of stability in reinforcing the barrier."


"Shizumi-sama and Homare-sama are scheduled to arrive in the evening. In time for midnight, when Nurarihyon's offensive is expected to intensify."


"In that case, once Akira returned to this Mistress, at least the protection of Mt. Kugatachi would be secured.

What worries me is that Nurarihyon seems to be playing a supporting role in this matter as well."


The worry in Shuka's tone was something Tsuguho could not understand.


Once the Five Elemental Barriers were strengthened, Kegare's actions would be restricted.

It is not at all clear what the intention of the enemy side was to accelerate this reinforcement.


The unseen opponent's scheme made her hesitate to respond, but since the Divine Pillar had already descended, she could not stop the reinforcement of the barrier now.


Well, whatever. Snorting, Shuka returned to the center of the main hall.

The vermillion gold divine energy filled the space, and the manifestation of the fire element, the ultimate in yang Qi, giggled magnificently.


"First, I (fire element) shall fill the Central Capital with purification.

I shall cleanse the Central Capital of any trace of the miasma."


Upon receiving the declaration of the Divine Pillar to whom she dedicated herself, Tsuguho also concentrated her consciousness in front of Shuka.


The surging waves of the divine energy flooded into the city, connecting the cornerstone mountains with the windhole as their base,

Eventually, the divine energy of the fire element began to spread its will of purification throughout the Central Capital.



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