Thursday, August 1, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Final Chapter Part 2


Volume 4 Final Chapter Part 2

With the Remaining Embers in One's Heart Part 2


After witnessing Ken's sealing, Nozomu invited Lisa to join him for a walk. After walking around the central park, they sat down on a park bench. Then they gazed at the chalk-white school building of Solminati Academy in silence. It was Nozomu who opened his mouth first.


"Umm, sorry."

"It's not something Nozomu should apologize for, is it? Besides, it was I......"


These words also made Lisa's face cloud over.

Even though she was deceived by Ken's scheming, it was undoubtedly she who hurled abusive slurs at Nozomu.

And her words were the decisive factor in plummeting his position at the academy to the bottom of the barrel.


"Umm, I should be the one to apologize. I have been saying horrible words to you......"


Turning to Nozomu, Lisa bowed deeply. She herself never intended to be forgiven. Still, she felt she had to apologize properly here.


"No, I should have confronted you and Ken in the first place. The only reason I didn't was because I ran away from you both."


Nozomu looked at her as she lowered her head and slowly stated his true feelings.

His words were colored by regret. Indeed, Nozomu was rejected by Lisa. On top of being deceived by Ken's scheme, he was also impatient with his own ability, which was not growing at all at the time.

However, Nozomu was also responsible for the situation getting so complicated.

He thought that if he became stronger, it would be for Lisa's sake. He had never faced them, escaping under the delusion that they would understand him. This was definitely Nozomu's mistake.


"In the end, we were saying that we were doing it for each other's sake, but we were not truly thinking about each other's feelings. We imagined our own convenient stories and kept turning our backs on each other because it didn't work out. That's why, I should apologize as well."


Once again, Nozomu turned toward Lisa and bowed deeply.

And then both of them raised their heads at the same time, and smiled at each other.


"Fufu~, we're doing something weird, aren't we?"

"Haha, you could say that again. If people saw us sitting on a park bench in the afternoon with our heads bowed to each other, they would tilt their heads and wonder what we were doing."


They smiled and chuckled at each other for a while. The stagnation that had settled in the depths of their hearts over the past two years began to wash away. It has been a long time since they laughed from the bottom of their hearts.

Although they both said they were doing it for the other, their relationship was distorted in that they were still dependent on each other. The rusty cogs in their relationship have finally begun to turn.


"What are you going to do from here on out, Lisa?"


Nozomu asked after they had laughed for a while.

In response, Lisa looked upward to the sky and closed her eyes, as if to check something in her heart.

Then she smiled, turned to Nozomu, and slowly opened her mouth.


"I don't know. I've always wanted to be an adventurer like my father, but I've come to think that there's more to it than that, and I still want to study many things here, besides......."


After hanging up her words without finishing them, Lisa quickly closed the distance between herself and Nozomu. Her moist eyes were staring at him from close range, and she looked as if she was about to cry.


"Hey. Nozomu....... If I decide to leave the academy, would you come with me?"

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on August 22, 2024.

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