Monday, August 5, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 13 Part 1

Volume 3

Chapter 13 Part 1

Reverse the Spiritual Path, Follow it to the Sanctuary 1

Translator : PolterGlast

The outer edge of the Five Elemental Barrier shook violently and without a sound, it vanished just like an illusion.

A moment later, the miasma that had been damming up turned into a reddish-black torrent that avalanched into the interior.


The wailing of the earth spirits, who have no way of resisting the miasma, erupted.

The silent permeation, contrary to the tainted radiance, gradually withered the trees lining the interior of the barrier.


"Looks like Yamamoto-dono has succeeded.

I consoled myself that it was inevitable, but it seemed premature for me to jump to conclusions."


Miasma overflowed from the mountains overlooking the spiritual path, and Nurarihyon took a step out of the swirling darkness.

His mutterings were filled with a deep, self-effacement.


The autumn sky, shrouded in the glow of miasma, was still high in the sky.

The heavens were still in their Yang-Qi dominance, and the miasma that filled the earth was being slowed down by the flames of purification.


The Five Elemental Barrier is a barrier formed by the five mountains that rise at equal intervals around the Central Capital.

Kayanowa, Himorogi, Kugatachi, Shōrō (Bell Tower), and Mitsuzu Torii. A defensive barrier that connects the originally independent mountains by using ten spiritual paths.


Divine energy will be amplified by traveling through the spiritual paths of Aioi (symbiosis) and will be controlled when traveling through the spiritual paths of Soukoku (synergism).

By completing the process, Central Capital has robust protection that is impervious to any malicious intent from the outside.


The barrier of the Cornerstone Mountains  still maintained its solidity as Nurarihyon bitterly looked up at it.

This meant that most of the recoil that should have rebounded back to the Five Elemental Barrier was kept to a minimum.


Based on his estimation, his plan to break down the cornerstone of the Five Elemental Barrier was at most 50% completed.


"Judging from the way it collapsed, there were three divine pillars that descended to the Five Elemental Barrier. Apart from Takamikura (earth element), the one who has strengthened the barrier is probably Shuka-hime (fire element)."


Kanoe Shrine, which does not embrace the fire element, is the only cornerstone that has fire as its weakness.

Since the Soukoku spiritual path is responsible for the control of the barrier, if this one point were to collapse, the Five Elemental Barrier itself would be crushed by the divine energy amplified without limit by the Aioi spiritual path.


The problem was that Kanoe Shrine was located inside the Five Elemental Barrier, but with the addition of Yamamoto Gorozaemon to their forces, they saw a solution to this problem.


However, this scheme will only be truly effective if all the five elements of the five divine pillars are fully assembled.

Currently, there are only three divine pillars assembled. The only one who received a direct hit was the one who had gone ahead of the others, Shuka.

Since they were the ones who raised the warning about Hyakki Yagyo, it was no surprise that the fire element took the lead.

However, the fact that Kanoe Shrine fell before Jinroin arrived, which should have been there by now, was a major deviation from Nurarihyon's prediction.


Tsukishiro, the Divine Pillar of the hakudō Province, was particularly fond of swift and hasty maneuvers.

This time, in particular, the timing of the Hyakki Yagyo is almost certain. Since this was the case, Nurarihyon expected that they would not hesitate to take the initiative.


However, the Miko of Jinroiin had not moved since they entered the mountain.

Thanks to this, Nurarihyon's scheme went only about halfway.


Nurarihyon's target was one of the spiritual paths. The Kanoe Shrine, the deity that supported the Soukoku spiritual path.

In order to overthrow this Soukoku cornerstone, he prepared a divine artifact of Bharatush called the Pārijāta.


"―It was worth it, to disguise Pārijāta's power as a mere water flow manipulation."


It took place at a time when Bharatush was burning with ambition to expand its power. One of the strategic moves he made was to persuade a leading figure in the royal lineage of the time to invade Takamagahara using the Nirvana religion.


The leading figure, who was not a descendant of a demi-god and a demi-human, could not possibly have known the details of the sacred artifact.

Therefore, Nurarihyon, who blended in with those who plotted the invasion, subtly falsified the authority of the sacred artifact.

The leading figure in Baratush, ―and even those in Takamagahara, who have no choice but to rely on that falsified knowledge as a basis, would assume that the authority of the Pārijāta was a water flow manipulation.


But its true authority is different.

The initial point (a) and the ending point (b). Its true authority is to construct a spiritual path that cannot be interfered with by connecting two divine artifacts that are paired together.


In fact, while there is no mistaking it as an ostensible authority, its specifications do not reveal its strong aspect as a weapon.

If deemed less dangerous as a weapon, the idea of illegally handing over a sacred artifact and using it to fish out Nurarihyon would be an option for Kihoin to consider.


Moreover, fortunately, Sita also had the aspect of a fire god.

In other words, if one is a fire spirit user with good affinity, there is a high possibility that the Divine Pillar of Salvation (Sita) will respond to his/her request.

For Kihoin, who had little information, the option of handing Pārijāta to a fire spirit user, including Saki as a candidate, became one that could not be ignored at this point.


Since the initial stake (a) that was pulled out at Gennaji Temple was the divine artifact that was officially handed over, it had no choice but to be enshrined at the main residence of Kihoin. Therefore, the end stake (b) should be handed over to the party that Kihoin particularly trusted.


All that remained was to seize the end stake (b), and then connect it to Shuka's divine realm. Without the intervention of any miasma, it would be possible to make Kanoe Shrine fall with Shuka's divine energy.


Although only the leader, Shuka, would have suffered from the collapse of the barrier head-on, it was still a reverse flow of the divine energy that originated from herself.

In conclusion, the most Nurarihyon could hope for was to stall for time.


"―Hihi. I don't have time to worry about it.

Now that the Soukoku spiritual path has ceased to function, it is only a matter of passing through the Aioi spiritual path in order to reach Takamikura's divine realm. ―Wait for me, Takamikura. It's about time my hands reached for your neck!!"


Nurarihyon's eyes widened in triumph.

Ahead of his eyes was Mt. Mitsuzu Torii, one of the Cornerstone Mountains on which the Divine Pillar of the metal element (Tsukishiro) resided.

The hordes of Kegare surrounding Nurarihyo roared, raging with lust and desire.




"Cough." "......Kagura, Are you alright?"


"Yes, Shiro-sama. Cough-cough."


Shaking off the remnants of the divine energy, Shiro looked around at the interior of the main hallway.

All that was visible was what used to be a homa-altar, shimenawa, and ritual altar scattered around.


The scene was so devastating that it could be mistaken for the passing of a typhoon, signifying that the divine energy of the fire element had reversed into Tsukishiro's main part.


"I have to clean it up."


"Take a rest, Kagura. You've been exposed to Aka's divine energy head-on, and you'll be out of shape before you know it."


While replying to Kagura's concern, Tsukishiro inwardly felt a sense of relief.


Among the Four Sovereigns and the Three Imperial Families who were supposed to enter the Cornerstone Mountains , Kagura was the youngest.

She is just 10 years old, just before her body and mind reached maturity, and it was a good thing that she had taken a wait-and-see attitude in order to reduce her burden as much as possible.

Thanks to this, she was spared a direct hit from Shuka's divine energy.


Fire Overcomes Metal. If hit by a direct attack from the fire element, not only Kagura but also Tsukishiro would not have been able to get away unscathed.


But then, she switched her thoughts.

There was no doubt that this was a scheme hatched by Nurarihyon, but it was still unclear what the other party was up to.


Tsukishiro clicked her tongue and flipped her delicate hand.

A handful of divination sticks were in her palm.


"Since our opponent's scheme is based on spiritualism, the best way is to use divination. ...... It can't be helped then."


"Shiro-sama. About the divination..."


"Now that the Five Elemental Barrier has been disrupted, the accuracy might be diminished, but it is still better than nothing."


"Without wasting any time, the Divine Pillar of the metal element scattered her divination sticks on the floor.

Roughly. The bamboo sticks, various sizes, bounced across the floor."


Tsukishiro's brow furrowed as she stared at the scattered sticks.


"―Yang-Qi lives and the Yin-Qi dies.

Seeing nothing, hearing nothing, and speaking nothing as it should be.

Metal element, is it me? If I meddle with the essence of Aioi, the Yang-Qi will not survive.

Once the Yin-Qi is dead, it is the spiritual path of Soukoku that must be meddled with."


Grasping the bits of information that returned from the divination sticks, Tsukishiro picked up only the facts that had been confirmed.

She was prepared for this, but it was still difficult to interpret.


"It was probably the Kanoe Shrine inside the Five Elemental Barrier that fell.

I don't know how they did it, but they must have blasted it with Aka's divine energy."


"Shall we send reinforcements?"


"Leave it to the Imperial Guards. It will become a laughing matter when you are treated poorly because of your daily negligence.

Well, more importantly, now that the barrier is gone. If I were my enemy then..."



Just as Tsukishiro opened her mouth to express her concern, the nervous cry of a messenger cut through the silence of the main hall.

In front of the main hall, which suddenly grew increasingly noisy, the messenger fell to his knees.

"A swarm of Kegare attacked the foot of Mt. Mitsuzu Torii.

Kagura-sama, we request your immediate permission to intercept them!"


".......Figured so.

If Nurarihyon's target is Takamikura-sama, his only option is to follow either the spiritual paths of Aioi or Soukoku in order to reach the Central Capital's sanctuary from Kayanowa.

Now that the spiritual path of Soukoku has fallen, he should be heading to the Cornerstone Mountains  by following the spiritual path of Aioi."


The messenger was not even able to hide his impatience. The atmosphere around the main shrine that had been fortified was unusually tense.


While metal element excels at long-range attacks, they are far behind other elements in terms of close-quarter combats and defenses.

Although the barrier around the Cornerstone Mountains  is still in place, it makes sense to target metal element, which is the most vulnerable in terms of protection, for entry into the spiritual path.

While Tsukishiro was bitterly reading the other party's strategy, Kagura raised her voice to calm the clamorous atmosphere.


"In accordance with prior arrangements, I hereby authorize the interception.

......What about the Imperial Guards?"


"There are only a few low-ranking guardians.

A squad of high-ranking guardian gathered ahead of time, but umm..."


The end of the messenger's words were muddled. His memory of an elderly guardian, who was repeatedly petitioned to meet with Kagura while breathing heavily, came to mind.


A~a. Unexpectedly, an exhalation of approval escaped from Kagura's mouth.

Whether Kagura considers this a reduction in fighting force or just a small fraction of incompetence to be discarded is up to her.


Giving up on the force that she could not rely on after all, she looked at the situational response book that she had secretly kept in her pocket.


"Let's see. Wartime, yellow one, right? Light torches to repel the beasts, and lead them back to the flat land at the foot of the mountain. Draw them into the intersection of the barrier and reduce their numbers by bombing them from a distance."


Although she was relying on the response book, apparently, her unwavering instructions had the effect of bringing the messenger's unsteady nerves to the ground.

The response was immediate, and the messenger retreated from the front of the main hall.



As the presence of the others disappeared, Kagura exhaled tiredly so as not to be noticed.


"Are you tired?"


"Yes... ah, no. Umm ......sorry."


The young girl waved her hands in an attempt to mend her appearance.


"Rather than putting on airs and tiring yourself out, it's better to honestly admit it.

Besides, we anticipated this situation to a great extent. We have already taken measures to deal with it, so there's no need to get worked up about it."


"I heard that father is currently at Mt. Shōrō.

Will he make it in time?"


The strongest protection that Jinrooin prides itself on is meaningless if it leaves Mt. Mitsuzu-Torii.

Kagura's concern is understandable. ―But Tsukishiro shook her head with a smile on the corner of her mouth.


"Your father's (Yuge Kojou) true ability is to single-handedly turn an entire area into a wasteland.

Just watch. They won't be able to survive, not to mention a bunch of poison-induced creatures, let alone apparitions (high-ranking defiled beasts)."


There was just one problem: overly powerful attacks are, on the other hand, impossible to control in terms of range.

Therefore, Yuge Kojou always imposes restrictions on the exercise of his power, and in principle, he acts alone or in small numbers.


Moving on the battlefield as a loose force, exterminating the enemy from the inside. That was his original way of fighting.



Although she did not say it out loud, Tsukishiro had entrusted another plan to Yuge, who was probably on his way back.


Kanna-no-Mikura. She wanted to confirm its authenticity and power in her own domain.

If possible, it would be a delight to establish an inseparable friendship with him.


Thinking of the boy she has never met, the Divine Pillar of Metal Element only revealed a thin smile.



"So? Which one are you after all?"




As Akira rushed with impatience, the conversation of a few days ago came back to his mind.


Unable to comprehend the words after the not-so-short silence, Akira's expression turned into one of dismay.


After his brief encounter with Ugetsu Souma, Akira was brought to the back of the academy with no time to relax and was confronted by Kuga Ryota with his arms folded.


"Don't play dumb. ......I'm asking you which one are you, Ugetsu or Dogyou?"


The unexpected and abrupt question made Akira's eyes widen.




"Oi, don't daydream, Akira!"


His thoughts, which had been busy fiddling around in his memory, were forcibly pulled back to reality by Ryota's scolding.

It has already been one hour since he exercised Aragamioroshi. The swarm of defiled beasts, which used to be small in number, gradually grew in number as shadows emerged in his field of vision.




Returning a short determination, fire rose from Akira's hand.


An immense amount of spiritual power was cleaved horizontally, and a trail of vermillion gold bisected the pouncing deers into upper and lower parts.

Without leaving behind even a final wail, the deers were reduced to a lump of flesh and turned to charcoal with flames rising from their cross-sections.


The remaining deers, which had failed to be killed, blocked Akira's path with their antlers held out.

The action of the defiled deer, which was no different from ordinary ones, was immediately followed by a strong wind and a shockwave that turned the deer's body into dust.


"Nakiri-senpai, I hope things are going well.

If this delays our arrival at Mt. Kugatachi, we'll have to prepare for a word or two."


"Rest assured.

Master said that if we can secure the safety of Mitsuzu-Torii, they can provide us with the shortest route. ―That's what he said though."


Shaking off the stench of deer blood, Nakiri Jin and Kuga Ryota activated their recovery talismans.

Unlike the two, Akira, who has more spirit power than them, moved to watch the surroundings while waiting for the blue-white flame to provide recovery.


"It could be yes, it could be no.

You do realize that I don't really trust them, don't you? Do you even know what the method is?"


"I've never heard of it either, but we don't have any other choice.

Besides, we're a small team, it's best to avoid splitting up."


After defeating the Nozuchi, Akira and his team returned to Mount Shōrō and received the news that five cornerstone mountains had been attacked by Hyakki Yagyo.


The Hyakki Yagyo used miasma to induce the defiled beasts from the surrounding mountains and fields. Essentially, the true nature of Hyakki Yagyo is the stampede of defiled beasts lured by the flow of miasma.


It is common knowledge that even a huge number of Kegare are finite, since they cannot be produced indefinitely.

In reality, however, five Hyakki Yagyo of considerable scale have been created.

This contradiction brought Akira and the others' minds back to the mountain hunt a few days ago.


With the aim of reducing the number of mouths to feed, the soldiers were to be disposed of by the defiled beasts.

At least, how much despair and hatred do these people feel when they are used as bait?

If this act has been going on for many years, it suggests that the environment outside the Five Elemental Barrier is fertile for the unchecked proliferation of the defiled beasts.


The reason for this is the bad practices of the Central Capital, but there is no point in inquiring about it now.

The issue would be discussed at a later date, and Akira and his team set out to solve this problem.


At this time, Akira had already defeated the apparition that had attacked Mt. Shōrō.

As long as they maintained their defensive stance, it would be easy to protect that area, in conclusion, Akira and his team had two choices of actions to take.


In other words, they could either head northwest to Mt. Mitsuzu-Torii, to where Kojou belonged, or southeast to Mt. Kugatachi, to where Akira belonged.

Since both were separated by the same distance from Mt. Shōrō, the choice was up to Kojou and Genji.


After a brief hesitation, which seemed to drag on, the scales finally tilted.

The decision was made when Genji accepted Kojou's offer to provide the shortest way from Mt. Mitsuzu-Torii to Mt. Kugatachi.




The miasma grew thicker as they raced toward the mountain.

The desolate wind blowing toward Akira and the others was mixed with withered leaves.

The battlefield they were heading for was already just around the corner.


"―I will go first."


There is no reason to disagree. The two nodded in affirmation to Akira's decision, and gave way to him.

Although brief, the roles of the three had pretty much been decided.


Fire produces Earth, and Earth produces Metal. In the Five Elements cycle, the three are in a symbiotic relationship.

As such, it is inevitable that Akira's role is fixed as the initiative.



Without exchanging glances, Akira exercised Hayabusa-gake.

The brilliance of the vermillion gold etched a trail of lingering flame at Akira'ss feet, and he took the shape of a flying bird speeding across the ground.

A thin string of spiritual power trailed behind him, and Akira started to run, leaving the two behind.


It's true that there is no time. Akira understands this as well.


Takamikura had said.

She used Nurarihyon's scheme to accelerate the attack.


There was no doubt that Takamikura's plan had more than half succeeded.

However, since Nurarihyon had yet to be defeated, the plan was probably still hanging in the air, without having been completed.


At this point, Nurarihyon has only one option.

He must force the plan to be executed before it reaches a decisive failure.

In other words, at this point in time, Nurarihyon's scheme must continue to accelerate.


There is no time to waste.

With a sense of urgency, Akira looked at the swarm of defiled beasts that were approaching his field of vision.


He sheathed his A-grade spirit weapon he had been temporarily provided while maintaining his running speed.

Instead, he reached his right palm into the void and tightened his grip on the hilt, which floated in his mind.


It is the essence of samadhi fire.

-A flame, both lonely and gorgeous.


"Be dazzling,"

Boom. He regulated the mass of heat that arose in his tanden, and shook off the sparks of fire that rose up.

In his palm, there was only a single hilt with no blade in sight.

"―Jakuen, Gayou!!"


In an instant, a sword was drawn and released. Leaving a trail of vermillion gold, the swing unleashed an unlimited amount of heat beyond one's field of vision.




"......Ugetsu, Dogyou? What are you talking about?"


Suppressing his inner turmoil, Akira calmly opened his mouth.

His tone of voice was not shaky at all. His tone was flawless, but Ryota snidely scoffed at Akira's attempts to fool him.


"Ha. You're not fooling anyone.

......Ugetsu, huh? That son of a b*tch sure hid a hell of a bomb inside."




It was such a leap to a conclusion. But Akira could not hide his agitation at Ryota's firm statement as he guessed the correct answer.

Glancing at Akira with amusement, Ryota re-folded his arms and revealed the answer.


"Do you think I'm a fool or a blockhead? It was two months ago.

Do you remember what you said to me when we first met?"




Ryota's words made him rush back to his memory.

The first time they met. That would mean in the garrison's office.


"My father speculated that you were Rindo's illegitimate child, but I think he was way off the mark.

Because I remember the time I asked you where you're from."


Where I am from?


Kokuten Province.



Ryota's words brought Akira back to the conversation he had had with Saki.


The words that he had almost forgotten came back to his memory, and he couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Ryota also could not hold back his smile at the expression on Akira's face, shaking his shoulders.


"I know Saki's habit very well. I'm quite sure that you and Saki were meeting each other for the first time at that time.

If so, that would eliminate the possibility of you being related to the Rindo family. And since the Kuga family is out of the question, there's no remaining possibility.

If you don't lie at that time, then you must be from Kokuten Province."


"I'm impressed.

What makes you so sure about me related to Ugetsu?"


"...... First, you tried to kill that bastard Souma the other day.

Second, the arrogant First Rank couldn't even care less about Dogyou (Seventh Rank).

And third, all his retainers are just spectators from a safe distance."


That was why Ryota thought that the most likely reason was Ugetsu's own family members who had murderous intentions toward Ugetsu.

Akira nodded his head in response to the explanation given without hesitation.


"I would appreciate it if you would please keep this matter confidential."


"......I know, I know.

It seems that Tsuguho-sama is also moving with that intention, so I'll go along with that.

But you should keep this in mind,"


As Akira waited for him to continue his words, Ryota pointed a finger at his chest.

Sincere. But a resolution of a frivolous pride.

Ryota made his declaration in a straightforward manner.


"I met Saki first."


"? Huh?..."


"Listen, you must keep this in mind.

I don't care whether you're Kanna-no-Mikura or whatever, if you make her cry, I'm gonna beat the hell out of you myself."




The authority of judgment and obliteration, which was given to the phoenix as a concept, turned into scorching heat and licked the earth.

The waves of purification exorcised everything that existed on the ground and purged them of miasma.


A swirling heat wave, which did not even pardon dying wails, swept through the place, and a moment later, it was scattered.

The boy who created this scene, alone, looked up to the sky, letting out a sigh mixed with vermillion and gold.


Under the high, clear autumn sky, nearly half of the Hyakki Yagyo were melted and reduced to soot by a single blow.




TIPS: Pārijāta


The world's most numerous divine artifact consists of 28 thorns in 14 pairs.

Because it is designed to be operated simultaneously by a large number of people, the hurdles to its exercise are considerably lower than those of any other divine artifact.


Its authority to control the flow of water was a forgery concocted by Nurarihyon as part of his scheme.

Its true authority is to construct a spiritual path that cannot be interfered with, connecting the starting point (a) and the ending point (b).


Through the starting point stake (a) at Gennan-ji Temple, Shuka's divine energy flowed into the ending point stake (b) held by Yamanomoto Gorozaemon.


Depending on how it is used, it even makes it possible to exercise the divine energy of other divine pillars without risk and without limitation.



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