Saturday, June 10, 2023

King Returned with Gods : Chapter 10

The Knight King Who Returned with Gods : Chapter 10

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain




Episode 10 Chivalry (3)



The headquarters of the Korean Hunter's Association.


There, in the meeting of the executive staff above the rank of chief, there was only one topic that unfolded.


"Leon Dragonia Lionheart... Why is his name so long? I mean, he emerged from a Black Gate and......."


"He decapitated an Archdemon singlehandedly... Is this the report you guys want me to believe?"


"Survivors vary in strength, so it's not impossible. There is the case with Heavenly Demon, wasn't there?"


"What else did you find out? Divinity? Was it the magic to make the crops grow?"


"He also assisted in the capture of the Honam Plain Gate?"


"A combatant? That's good to know."


Information control ensured that the closing of the Black Gate in the center of Seoul passed uneventfully.


The problem is that a survivor was found inside the Black Gate.


The Association approached the survivor very cautiously.


"Chief Kim Jin-soo, I heard that you've been keeping watch these past few days. Even attacking the Honam Plain together."


Oh Kang-hyuk, Chairman of the Hunter Association, asked Kim Jin-soo.


"Yes, that is correct, Chairman."


"Which is he?"


When asked by the chairman of the association, Kim Jin-soo thought for quite a long time, which was unusual for him considering he was answering a question from his superior.


"That... I'm not sure."


His response was as vague as it sounded.


"You're not sure?"


"He is... not evil... actually, he is righteous."


Of that, he was sure.


"But his values are very different from ours. I suppose he's basically a medieval lord......."


"That's troubling."


"I was hoping to find him a little more modern."


Their reaction was understandable. While a significant number of survivors are integrating into society, an equally significant number are not.


The lower the level of civilization is, the more likely they are to be separated from the community either by their former caste or by racial differences.


The survivors were unable to integrate into society, causing all sorts of social problems.


If they were just a nuisance to society, they would be ignored, but there were many survivors who were just as powerful as the Awakened.


In short, the problem with the madman is that he's too good with a knife.


"Hmm... In terms of philosophy and etiquette, I suppose it's best to be cautious and keep him in line."


"Yeah, but he can be surprisingly forgiving. He seems to understand our culture."


That was because Leon was originally an Earthling.


He was currently pretending to be from a completely different world, not an Earthling, so he could get away with anything.


For Chief Kim, who doesn't know that, he's quite a handful.


In terms of abilities, Leon was surprisingly impressive.


"The part about the descent of a goddess... Tell us more."


Leon's miracle at the Honam Plain Gate. It appeared on a personal YubTuber's live, but the video was taken down for fear of causing a scene.


"Yes, Demera, the goddess of fertility and life, possessed a straw doll, and it appears they actually had a conversation."


It was also captured on tape. Although for some reason the straw doll's voice was inaudible, it was clear that the straw doll was moving.


"You don't think he was just using some sort of telekinesis?"


"A goddess, that's ridiculous."


Most of the officers dismissed it with similar comments. A goddess was too much of a fantasy.


"But there's evidence......."


"Couldn't it just be some kind of magical effect? The rice grew because a goddess blessed it? That's ridiculous."


"If there's a demon, why not a god?"


Opinions were divided within the Association, but there was one common sentiment.


"The rice. It must be good."


With Leon's blessing, the rice grew rapidly. But that wasn't all. The land contaminated with maso was instantly purified as the paddy grew.


The mere fact that the maso was purified was shocking enough, but when the appraisal showed that every single one of the paddy grains was rated Rare, the room was once again in an uproar.


"Rice that cures cancer and gives long-lasting buffs......."


This feat is just as remarkable as Leon's brute strength. No, maybe even better.


Ordinary potions made by potion masters only worked for about three hours, and their price was in the millions, so even large guilds tended to use them sparingly.


However, this rice provides a longer buff than those potions and can even stack up to three times.


If utilized properly, this meant that every hunter at the gate would only need to take one or two servings to stay buffed.


"We'll have to talk to Leon Drago... nia Lionheart about that."


"Yes, sir. And about the subsidy for survivors......."


"Maximum. Whatever he wants. We need to bring him into our camp."


Even as he spoke, Oh Kang-hyuk was still insecure.


Since they had already contacted the Phoenix Guild, this information shouldn't be theirs alone. At the very least, the Phoenix Guild knows about Leon's abilities.


It's only a matter of time before the Ten Guilds find out about Leon the Survivor.


Will the Association be able to compete with them? Oh Kang-hyuk sighed as he looked at the remaining budget for the year.


"Excuse me... But, Chairman. There's one demand from Survivor Leon."


"What is it? Whatever he says, I'll listen."




Kim Jin-soo hesitated, as if he didn't know what to say.


"He need to meet with the President."


"What? Why?"


"Because he'll be indebted to him for a while, so it's only natural for a king to greet the country's king......."




* * * *


It had been four days since Leon returned to Earth.


Since then, he had been staying in a five-star suite in Seoul. At first, the Hunter's Association had offered him a room to stay in, but Leon's temper flared.


"'Thi is not a battlefield, so how can there be no artwork in the king's chambers?"


In short, it was tacky.


He demanded a room with a luxurious bed, 24/7 servants, and artworks that could be appreciated at all times.


Finally, in the middle of the night, Hari went around to the five-star hotels and negotiated: They would rent a suite and place paintings or pieces of pottery in the room of the hotel.


"Your Majesty... please let me rest!"


Two in the morning. Hari asked Leon to let her rest, mimicking the famous 'throwing yourself flat on the ground to wait for judgment' pose she'd seen in historical dramas.




Leon relented. He didn't want to pester the bureaucrat too much.


The next morning, Hari was in charge of room service herself.


"Your Majesty, this is Han Hari!"


-Come in.


Hari swiped the room card to open the door and offered him a tray of breakfast.


"I hope you're feeling better after your stay."




Hari set the food down on the table personally.


"Here is a royal meal, Yooour Majesty......."


The prepared meal was a Korean short ribs dish that cost over 100,000 won. The ribs, marinated in spices and grilled using the finest Korean beef, made her mouth water.


"Have you had breakfast?"


"Oh, not yet."


"Eat when you can. Don't go hungry."


"Oh, yes...."


She decided she should get a sandwich from the café on the first floor when Leon had finished eating.


"Have a seat."


Leon invited her to take a seat.


"Your, Your Majesty...!"


He asked me if I had a meal and offered me a seat. Apparently, he was going to share his meal out of consideration for her.

Hari reached for chopsticks with a touched expression.


"What are you doing?"




"I asked, what are you doing with these ribs, instead of making them easier to eat?"


"Did you not mean to give them to me?"


"In what country in the world does a king humble himself to a commoner?"




Hari bent her head down and began to separate the bone from the flesh of the seasoned ribs.




After checking out, Hari loaded Leon into the Hunter's Association's official vehicle and headed off somewhere. As they drove to their destination, she began to explain things.


"The Hunter's Association has decided to provide you with a grant and resettlement assistance. They will take you to a place where you will have enough to live, though not as much as the royal palace."


"That is very considerate of them. When do you think the President of the Republic of Korea will be free?"


"Ah, well, that's... well, there's the matter of our security, and──"


"Do you think I'd assassinate a fellow king in such a dishonorable manner? A king does not kill another king!"


"Oh, no, it's not like that!"


Although she doesn't think Leon is going to stab the President, she can't assume that he's safe just because she believes it.


He's a force to be reckoned with, one that even an S-class hunter can't stop, and if he goes off the rails, it could be the worst disaster in Korean political history.


"And, and the place for Your Majesty to stay! I've already mentioned that land in the capital is very expensive, so it will be much more cramped than when you lived in a palace. Do you mind?"


At first, she thought about finding a decent apartment in Seoul. Rent support for survivors with a high assessment totaled 15 million won for a year.


Of course, if you think about it, a monthly rent of 1.3 million won would be a palace for a modern person, but Leon was a king.

He had his own royal palace, with hundreds of rooms, and a bedroom that must have been enormous.


You'd have to give him the Blue House or Gyeongbokgung Palace to match his aesthetic. Of course, this was impossible.

"As a guest, how can I be extravagant?"


Hari didn't mention that the Hunter Association had lobbied the museum to bring in the art Leon had requested.


Nor did she mention that they were worth hundreds of millions of dollars.


Neither did she tell him that the housing allotted to him now was the private vacation home of Oh Kang-hyuk, the chairman of the Hunter Association.


The Hunter Association was trying to accommodate Leon's demanding tastes, and she didn't bother to say that she hoped it would prove favorable.


She knew that if she said something, he'd yell at her.


"Your Majesty, speaking of which, the distribution of the spoils..."


"I've ordered that you handle that yourself. But I like the cloak, so leave it alone."




In the end, it was decided that the loot from the Honam Plain Gate would be exempt from taxes as a special case.

Technically, they were saying, "We don't have any loot from the Honam Plain!”


It was a greater benefit than the Phoenix Guild and the other ten guilds, but Leon hadn't bothered to listen to the Association staff.


He insisted that if he could speak to the king of the country, the president, he would hear him out, and in the end, the Association agreed to secretly arrange a meeting with the President.


Until then, Leon would be granted immunity and tax exemption from all charges.


Leon's share of the spoils, as allocated, consisted of the Dullahan's Greatsword, the Dullahan's Cloak, and a 5 million won of the 10 million won worth of magic stones that had been mined in the haste of the dungeon's closing.


Despite handing over most of the loot to Leon, none of the employees were unhappy, as it was practically Leon who closing the gate on his own.


"We have arrived. Your Majesty."


They arrived at an office building in Bundang. It was a high-end condo that was close to the Hunter's Association and had a helipad on the rooftop, so it was favored by the Hunters.


The lobby is just as lavish as the rest of the building. The elaborate framed paintings and contemporary artworks on display created a convincing atmosphere.


'Those things are just dots of paint.'


Leon's aesthetic didn't make sense to her, though.


"Ah, are you hunter Hana Hari of the Hunter Association?"


It was then. A well-dressed man in a business suit spoke to the two as they made their way to the lobby.


"Who are you?"


Hari was wary of the man who spoke to them as if he had been waiting for them. It was a secret that they were coming to this residential complex.


"Haha, what a coincidence. I'm Park Jong-chan, CEO of Doojeong Group, Doojeong Future Food."


"Doo- Doojeong Group?"


Doojeong Group was one of the top three conglomerates in Korea, so why would a managing director of such a conglomerate be waiting for them under the guise of coincidence?


"Ah... You must be the famous 'survivor' of these days. Nice to meet you, Leon Dragonia Lionheart."


He had already figured it all out. Hari's heart sank at the sight of Park Jong-chan.


Leon, on the other hand, stared in disbelief at Park Jong-chan's hand that was offered in a handshake.


"This merchant... a handshake?"




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