Monday, May 13, 2024

King Returned with Gods : Chapter 78


The Knight King Who Returned with Gods: Chapter 78

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain




Episode 78: Foma, God of the Sea



A large tentacle swished. It was an octopus leg.




"I'll stop it!"


A shield blocked it. Gu Dae-sung's shield blocked the whipping octopus leg, and it bounced back, unable to withstand the blow.




Gu Dae-sung rolled on the ground.


'Because there is no buff... I'm much weaker than before!'


His arm bones seemed to have been crushed. Without the Holy Grail's healing function, it would be difficult to continue fighting.


'I barely managed to block the blow.......'


Meanwhile, Hari pushed through the gap between the monsters that came ashore.




Hari leaped in. Hari's sword flashed from the gap she deftly dived through.




The sword, aimed for the head, sliced through the leg of the creature that tried to strike her. Hari landed, dodging the blow, and cursed her luck.


'If only I could have used my skill!'


Hari shouted at Foma, who was peeking his head over her shoulder as she retreated,


"God Foma! I’m a priestess by name, but don’t I have some kind of super tsunami skill? Or something like water breathing!”


[Have you read too many novels?]


"!! You are the most novel-like!"


"Noona, dodge!"


When she turned around, the merman that came with the Kraken was holding out a sharp trident.




Dangerous. She'd been so focused on the Kraken that she hadn't noticed. As she desperately tried to block the trident with her arm, something shot like a flash of light pierced through the Merman.


"Careful, Pretty Girl."


It was Allen, who had come to help her deal with the monsters that had landed with the Maverick Guild.


“Are you flirting with women, boss?”


“That’s what men should do everywhere.”


“Well, it’s a bit weird. Asian girls just look too young."


Even against the A-class field boss, the Maverick guild members were relaxed. Normally, large boss-level monsters would be more bloodthirsty and difficult than their measurement class, but.......


“It’s just average for an A-class, isn't it?”


"It's the first wave. Manage your moves properly. Don't exert yourself unnecessarily."


In an instant, the gigantic Field Boss was helpless in front of Allen and the Maverick Guild members.


"...... Strong."


“Yes. It’s the best hunter guild in America.”


Pantheon had over 30 guild members, but Maverick achieved overwhelming results with only about a dozen.


Not surprising, since every single one of them was an A-class hunter, and their leader was Allen Taylor, an S-class hunter, one of the best hunters in the United States.


"Let's clean up the rest of them, there's not much left!"


In fact, the battle was easily won. The battle itself was easy because their power was superior.


[The first wave has ended.]


"Huu, the wave is over.”


The battle ended without too much effort. The Field Boss was a pain, but their power was far greater.


[Well, not bad.]


Throughout the battle, Foma never moved from Hari's shoulder. Hari felt a little insulted.


"If it weren't for your holy power, I could have fought much better!"


[Oho, my priestess, how dare you blame God for your shortcomings.]


“Ugh… I was originally a fire attribute swordsman!”


Hari was disappointed that she couldn't use her Fire Blessing because of Foma's holy power.


She was a promising A-class hunter, but she couldn't use her strength in the first wave because of it.


A hunter's unique skill was a trait of that hunter, an innate talent.


Hari had the ability to control fire, which was a strong advantage over other hunters.


"In the first place, if you have water powers, shouldn't I be like, "Freeze!"  or "Ice spear!"?! Why is it that when I channel my magic, it mixes with water and puts out the fire?!"


[I'm the god of the sea and waves. Why don't you find an ice god for that.]


"Is there one?"


[There is a goddess of winter, but there is no such thing as an ice god. Isn’t it undignified to be an ice god?]


“Well… I, I guess?”


Hari was uneasy about not being able to use her powers right away. The power she had been blessed with since she was a child had been crippled.


[Aha. Don't be obsessed with a handful of power. Infinity exists in front of you, how can you not realize it?]




Hari couldn't understand Foma's words. Honestly, she wanted to ask, why couldn't he just tell her?


However, she also felt that Foma, who spoke in metaphors and analogies, was somewhat like a sage, like a reclusive old man who mentors the main character in a movie.


She wondered if there was some hidden wisdom and knowledge behind his words.


But her optimism was quickly shattered.


* * * * *


Allen of the Maverick Guild decided to do both: search for statues and defend against recurring waves.


First, he formed a team to search for the statue inside the island and push through the crab monsters,


Second, he built barricades and camps on the shoreline to prepare for the long term battle.


Since the crab monsters wouldn't venture out onto the beach for any length of time, they figured that holding out on the beach was the only way to deal with that one side of the enemy.


This proceeded quickly. The Academy teaches survival common sense and how to set up camp at a gate where you don't know what to expect.


The Maverick guild members, who had experienced all kinds of hardships, and the Pantheon guild members, who had received sufficient training, quickly established a camp and took a break.




-Uh-uh, don't throw it! Don't throw it──Uh-oh!


-Don't go too deep into the sea!


Even though there were no bathing suits or equipment, these youngsters could find a way to play as long as there was water.


“Would you like some water, God Foma?”


Hari sat down on the sandy beach to dry off her wet outerwear. She took out a water bottle from her emergency backpack and poured water into the turtle's snout.


[Kaah~ The water tastes good.]


Foma slipped on sunglasses and laid his belly to keep on a turtle's facade. The turtle's gaze focused on the energetic Academy cadets.


[Hmm~ It's always nice to see maidens' flesh and the way they play lively.]




Hari was struck by the Foma's plain frivolousness.


[My priestess, do you not intend to frolic in it.]


“I don’t really like playing in the water. The sun stings me and my skin feels uncomfortable.”


[Hoho, every young woman has their own freshness. Enjoy your youth, maiden, for how can you slouch like a hag with all that firm flesh.]


"God Foma... seems like the epitome of a bad boss.”


Honestly, if it weren't for him being a god, she would have uttered more.


[What~ Basically, young men and women are like flowers that have just bloomed, so it is time for them to spread their reproductive instincts promiscuously. In that respect, I agreed with that man from before.]


'...... a jerk.'


Hari thought of Leon, the epitome of a jerk, and then wondered if he'd been influenced by the gods.


"Ugh. Well, then, God Foma."




"What was the point of tying me to the mast of the ship? I mean, I do realize it's what kept us sailing safely and not overturned by the waves."


It was a genuine question.


[You mean that? It is a kind of sacrificial ritual.]


"Sacrificial... ritual?"


[In the old days, yes. There were some who were overly loyal even when we didn't ask them to be, most notably human sacrifices.]


Foma himself issued a decree when he saw humans throwing virgins into the oceans of the world on New Year's Day.


[What good is it if they throw them into any ocean? At first, I took them to my palace and made them my brides, but then they became too many.]


So it was agreed that a maiden would be tied to the mast.


Hari wondered if this should be called an agreement.


“Can’t you just tell them not to do it?”


[No, I can't. In essence, the sacrifice to the gods is itself a form of devotion. They pay the price of honoring and fearing the gods. Miracles given without compensation only lead to laziness and negligence.]


“I think I understand… But why don’t you just accept a tribute…?”


[Isn’t a virgin’s flesh always nice to look at?]


“……You, pervert.”




"Oh, it's nothing!"


Foma peeked his head out of the sunglasses.


[If you are my priestess, remember my teachings and decree first, for this is what you will teach and preach.]


What teachings will Poma give? Hari remembered the decree of Demera, the goddess of life and fertility.


In essence, aren't the words that the gods speak only good words that transcend cultural boundaries? She thought there won't be any harm in learning it.


Creed of the Sea and Waves

1) Return the first fish you catch to the sea.

2) Cast your net only to the right.

3) Throw no garbage into the sea.

4) Do not engage in sexual intercourse on the boat, especially between men.



12) He catches the largest fish on the first voyage, in the first day, is lucky until he reaches land.

13) You may mock the man who catches the smallest fish on the first voyage, in the first day, even if he is the captain.



17) Do not bring women on board. Misfortune will come.

18) Bare-skinned virgins are okay. The more exposed skin the better.


[You heard it well, right? From now on, tell them not to take women on board their ships, or find a virgin and tie her to the mast, and I'll bless their ship.]




Hari was silent for a long time, staring down at Foma with a gaze that was almost rude. She forced herself to swallow the many words she wanted to say.


'A total pervert…'


Foma just yawned and enjoyed the warm sunlight and hot sand bath. He shrugged off Hari's gaze.


* * * * *


[The 3rd wave has ended.]






When the third wave ended, the monsters with pincers cheered and let out an exclamation. They offered this honor to Yappy.


36 hours had passed since being drifted.


On the island where it had been stranded, Yappy fought off the waves that were swarming the island with the crab monsters (Kikiru Tribe).


As far as Yappy can tell, the waves continued to come periodically, and the wave monsters were fended off by Yappy and the Kikiru Tribe.


The waves have a 12-hour interval between each waves. During these periodic waves, a considerable number of the Kikiru Tribe also died.


-Determining the number of Kikiru Tribe. Abnormal reproduction and growth rates.


What kept the waves at bay was their innate ability to reproduce in large numbers and their abnormal growth rate.


All organisms need time to obtain nutrients and build their skeletons in order to grow.


But the Kikiru Tribe grew and reproduced at a somewhat abnormal rate.


"Sir Yappy? Sir Yappy!!"


It was then. It was none other than Jaehyuk, a knight cadet at the Pantheon from the Academy, who pushed his way through the crab crowd and ran to Yappy.


He was found washed up on the beach and was rescued thanks to Yappy's instructions.




"Not a single Rakshar statue has been destroyed yet."


Yafi was a survivor. Survivors had the advantage of not being limited by language, but unlike the Awakened, they could not see the system windows.


Jaehyuk relayed information from the system, and from that alone, Yappy deduced many things.


-Kikiru Tribe. In a long war with hostile forces. Presumed to be the ones sending the wave monsters.


"Yes. If you look at it clearly, it’s a strange situation. What is the purpose? What are the stone statues?”


-That's reasonable.


The system sent the quest 'Destroy the Great Rakshar Statues'.


While most hunters would have followed the quest's instructions to destroy the statues, members of the Pantheon Guild were a little different.


A quest to defeat Yakt Spinner at Cheongju Gate.


A quest at the Orc Gate which will close it after siding with orcs.


A quest that asked them to defeat Geobrick at the Jeju Island Gate, etc.


The quests given by the system were not necessarily about doing 'good' or 'justice'. Rather, it felt like the system was trying to steer hunters in the direction it wants them to go.


Thus, those involved with the Pantheon Guild would be suspicious of the quests itself. Rather than taking the easy way out, they began to weigh the odds.


-Statue of Rakshar. Abnormal concentration of magic. Possibly contributing to the abnormal growth of the Kikiru Tribe.


“If we interpret it differently, should we say that Raksha statues must be protected?”




What would happen if all the statues were destroyed? Yappy and Jaehyuk thought of the worst case scenario.


"If we continue with the wave defense, what will happen?"


-Not possible.


"What if we wipe them all out?"


-Difficulty increases dramatically with each wave level. At current strength, there is a high probability of strategic defeat from wave 5 onward.


Yappy was a Holy Grail Knight. Not at full strength, of course, but at least the third most powerful combatant in the Pantheon Guild.


With power comparable to an S-class, Yappy can't guarantee victory?


"The others may be in a better situation than us, but......."


Of course, they do have an advantage here. The Kikiru Tribe did exactly as Yappy commands.


Upon seeing the steel frame of Yappy, the Kikiru Tribe saw Yappy as a savior who had come to save them.


-Kkikkilug! (Hooray!)


-Kkkilug! Kkikkilug! (Praise the Savior!)


The Kikiru Tribe was completely under Yappy's command. And they were a more sophisticated tribal society than one might expect.


-Need reinforcements, at least primitive cold weapons.


"Cold weapons... Oh, that's right, Sir Yappy. I found something interesting."




With Jaehyuk's guidance and the Kikiru Tribe escorting them, they arrived at the island's interior. It was also hidden inside a waterfall.


After passing through what could easily be mistaken for the inside of a cave, Yappy saw something surprising.


It was a trace of urban civilization.


Columns lining the streets and frameworks of buildings. Although they had crumbled due to the ravages of time, there were public sanitary facilities and iron statues that symbolized authority.


-The width of the road, the outline of the buildings, and the direction of the formed culture were in line with the physical characteristics of the Kikiru Tribe.






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