Thursday, May 23, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Chapter 4.4


Volume 4 Chapter 4.4

With the Strength of Our Bonds Part 4


The gigantic Qi-blade destroyed three of the four-layered magic barriers installed in the arena. Immediately afterward, the spectators' seats were struck by a shock as if they had been hit by an earthquake.

Eventually, the billowing smoke cleared up, exposing the arena to the public. Everyone was speechless at what they saw.

A deep scar was carved into the ground. The artificial trees were toppled outward, and most of them were shattered.

And on top of the collapsed artificial tree, there was the figure of Nozomu. His body, which had slumped down, did not move even a twitch.




A dull voice escaped Lisa's mouth. Her eyes were wide open and her face was pale.


[~, W-Why!?]


While Mefi, who has been assimilated into Lisa, was shaken, Lisa's emotions, which she had been desperately trying to contain, erupted. Lisa's whole body went cold as if she had fallen into an icy lake, and only her heart was beating rapidly.


"A, aah......."


Nozomu was lying on the ground. Seeing this figure brought back memories of her father's death in Lisa's mind.

He had turned white and cold, like a wax figure. Her mother broke down in tears, and.........


"I-I have to help him!"



Lisa shook off Ken's hand and ran. His pleading-like voice and the noise buzzing in her head were distant now, and she forgot all the anger, sadness, confusion, and conflict she'd felt toward Nozomu.

If I don't help him quickly, he's going to die!

That was the only thought that occupied her mind.

But Lisa's steps were stopped at that very moment. Two girls ran past her at once.



"Mimuru, hurry up and fetch Norn-sensei!"



Irisdina and Shina's screams pierced Lisa's ears.

Her voice leaked out with a hint of loneliness and emptiness, and the black emotion instantly quenched the overflowing impulse.


[A~aah, see? There's always someone to take your place.]


Mefi, taking advantage of Lisa's emotional breakdown, intensified her interference with Lisa's psyche. She quickly sealed up the memories that Lisa was about to recall along with the emotions.


"Why in the world did I......"


Lisa's eyes, which were filled with turmoil, once again caught Irisdina and Shina as they tried to rush to Nozomu.

Her expression was no longer the one of impatience, but a cold indifference.


(What a bunch of idiots, they're just going to be betrayed just like me anyway......)


With dismay and pity, she spun around on her heel and tried to get back to Ken and the others.

At that moment, a single tear began to well up from her glassy, vacant eyes.


(Huh? Why?)


Unintentionally, she reached out with her hand to wipe the drop that trickled down her cheek. The tear on her palm was somehow very hot.



Irisdina and Shina tried to rush toward the fallen Nozomu, but their way was blocked by the last magic barrier surrounding the arena.


"Inda-sensei, please disarm the barrier quickly!"

"I know. Wait a moment."


Urged by Irisdina's desperate cries, Inda ran her finger across the control panel of the magic barrier. Norn, the infirmary doctor, was standing by the barrier with a stretcher ready to go.

Irisdina and Shina were anxiously waiting for the barrier to be lifted, restlessly pacing left and right in front of it. However, they were met with an unbelievable sight.

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on June 13, 2024.

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