Monday, May 13, 2024

[LN] PAS : Volume 2 Chapter 8.1

Volume 2 Chapter 8.1

Behind-the-Scenes Fiction, Fraudsters Gather in a Deserted Warehouse Part 1

Translator : PolterGlast

"...... What are you talking about? I don't understand what you mean."


Satya Rodel said calmly, but her frustration grew.

Where in the world did it go wrong ......?

Standing in front of the door of the infirmary, she thought back over what had happened so far.

It was two weeks ago that she received a directive from the higher-ups in response to the increasing espionage activities by the Republic. It was still only at the level of concern, but there was a possibility that rats might have gotten mixed up in the Heiberg School, which is the root of the Empire's monopoly on psychic abilities.

She first set her sights on a few students.

Caspar Crawford, who was exempted from the entrance exam but flatly stated that he was not aiming for the <White Knights>. Nina Stingray, who defeated Bennett Lohr less than a month after enrolling in the school. Jin Kirihara, who seemed to be playing the role of her strategist. And Emma Licorice, one of their few friends.

However, after investigating for a while, she could not find any connection to the Republic.

Impatient to gain achievements, she decided to take measures in accordance with the barbaric logic of [punish those who are suspected].

First, she took advantage of Casper's love of women to create a conflict with Karen. Since Karen had been brainwashed since childhood to acquiesce to all of Satya's demands, it was easy to induce her to form a tentative alliance with Nina to defeat Casper.

All that remained was to strike them both down at the appropriate moment by making false accusations.

If it was the result of a legitimate <duel>, no one would suspect the connection between her and the headmaster.

Of course, normally, the process would have taken several months - or even six months - to proceed carefully.

The need to accelerate the plan arose when she saw the scribbles on the 6th class blackboard.


[I know there are rats in this class. This is a declaration of war.]


There have been plenty of reports circulating about the <White Knights> capturing spies from enemy countries.

Although she dismissed it as a silly prank by an unrelated third party, one of her targetsEmma Licoricewas clearly shaken by the graffiti.

Her pupils dilated violently, and then she quickly tried to maintain her cool. That was not, by any stretch of the imagination, the reaction of a student who just saw a prank.

It was a sudden and fortuitous turn of events.

Satya was almost jubilant, but quickly regained her composure.

What if this is not just a prank?

What if whoever wrote this knew about the <Shepherd's Dog> and was using Emma Licorice as bait?

What if all of the targets are working together behind the scenes?

If that's the case, I can no longer afford to waste any more time.

I must purge all the suspicious people and restore peace to the school as soon as possible. I must extinguish the fire before causing trouble for the headmaster.

Nothing to fear in going with my baseless intuition.

This is my chance to prove my usefulness and climb to the top.

Her plan went like this.

Give Karen the excuse that her best friend had been attacked and start a rampage. After rampaging for a while, when she had the attention of the entire school, she would declare war on Nina Stingray in the name of revenge. Nina, who was feared as the <Queen of Calamity>, would have no choice but to accept the <duel> in order to protect her reputation. Normally, it would have been preferable to purge Caspar Crawford, who was in an alliance with Nina, as well, but that could wait.

After converting that monster into a lump of meat, it would be Emma Licorice and Jin Kirihara's turn.

The only reason why she did not target the most suspicious Emma first was because she did not have a relationship with her at the moment. However, such a problem could be easily solved as long as she could make a good excuse that she was cooperating with Nina, the enemy of her best friend.

As a result, Karen had to be sacrificed, but at least the objective could be accomplished.

As far as she could see through her binoculars, there were three people who were killed in the bombing on the roof of the old school building.

Two of them other than Nina were wearing masks, but given the circumstances, it could not have been anyone other than Jin and Emma.

And yet.

Why is Jin Kirihara here?

How did he survive the explosion──── no, that's wrong.

The fact that he was wearing a mask was unnatural in the first place, even though his true identity had been obvious from the very beginning.

Satya finally figured out the truth.


"...... Don't tell me, the you who was on the rooftop is-"


──a completely different person.

There was no need to check with the person in front of her. Looking back on it now, there was no way that these two people could be the same person.

The boy in front of her and the masked boy she heard through the wiretap - they clearly have different voices.


"Oh, you don't have to blame yourself. There's no way you could have recognized my voice coming out of the speakers with all those noises going on. That's why I went so far not to meet you or Karen until now. Even if your voice were to change slightly over the speakers, it would be enough to fool someone you've never met before, right?"


She almost dropped the pistol she was grasping behind her back.

Indeed, Satya had never heard the voice of the boy in front of her. It was unbelievable to think that he had calculated all the way down to that point.

So what about the three people in the old school building?

Were they sacrificed to keep this man alive? Is that really so?


"T-Then, that masked man is-......"

"Unfortunately, I'm under a contract that I can't tell you that. ...... but, well, I'm sure you already know the answer."

"...... Casper Crawford, huh?"

"Who knows? I can't comment on that."


What schemes were being played out that I was unaware of?

One thing I do know is that it's pointless to dwell on these dead-end thoughts.

The only thing I need to think about now is how to get rid of this man.


"Right, it's no use trying to escape through the window. My friends are standing guard outside."

"Thank you for your pointless advice."

"Hee~, your eyes haven't given up hope yet."

"Of course."


You will die here.

The hammer has already been raised. It won't be a second before she lifted her hand grasping the pistol, aimed it at his heart, and squeezed the trigger.

That's more than enough time to kill a man who thinks he has the upper hand.

But the moment she put strength into her right hand that was behind her back──

Satya saw something she could not believe.


"...... Don't move."


The muzzle of a gun, like an abyss, was pointed at her.

One step earlier than Satya, Jin Kirihara had severed her last card.

A foreign object too unsuitable for this psychic academy.

How could a mere boy obtain such a thing?


"...... If you use such a thing, though, there will be deaths."

"You say the obvious. Are you making fun of me?"

"Can you really fire it? You know, that's-......"


It's pointless to try to bargain.

By the time she realized this, it was too late.

The trigger was squeezed far too easily, and her body was subjected to a tremendous shock.

When exactly had this man's scheme begun? It was impossible for her to remain conscious, let alone ask such a question.

In the center of the world being dragged away by the darkness, the mysterious fraudster quietly muttered.


"You are finished, heretic. You weren't even worth deceiving."



It was one night before when all the cards were laid out.

A chilly breeze blew through the thicket of trees at night.

As Jin's business associates surrounded him, he informed the Republic Agent with whom he had allied just a few moments before.


"Sorry if this is too abrupt, Emma. Can I ask you a favor?"

"Certainly, this is too abrupt. ...... Fine, go ahead, say it."

"I'd like to borrow that mask until tomorrow afternoon."

"Huh? Mask? What are you gonna use it for?"

"You'll find it out later. Maybe tomorrow night."


After receiving the mask from Emma, who was still wondering about it, Jin hid it in the inside pocket of his school uniform, and the next day arrived. He proceeded down the corridor bathed in morning light and vigorously opened the door to a different classroom than usual.

Casper Crawford, who was talking to the girls with a relaxed smile, seemed to have understood everything as soon as he saw him.


"...... Looks like you're finally determined to have a <duel> with me, you son of a bitch."

"Eh? Casper-kun? Your voice was suddenly-......"

"Aah~, don't worry about it, Sally-chan! Just wait for me, I'll finish my errand quickly......"


Casper, who seemed to have somehow shushed the girl he was interested in (though it was doubtful how many), followed Jin, who had started to walk ahead of him, out of the classroom.

Even though it was so early in the morning, he already seemed to be ready for a fight.

Casper grabbed both of Jin's shoulders and yelled at him.


"You bastard! You should think about your timing a little bit! What are you going to do if Sally-chan gets scared!? I'm playing as the serious, honor student in the classroom, you know that!?"

"...... What the heck. Am I actually surrounded by people with dual personalities?"

"Hmph, forget it. If you're willing to play fair and square, I'll let you off the hook for what happened earlier. It might make me feel a little better to beat up a fool who doesn't even know the difference in ability."

"...... Now that I think about it, why did I ever suspect you?"

"Ha? What are you saying? You sure are a difficult guy to understand."

"Don't worry about it. I'm just talking to myself."


Together with Casper, who has no idea what's going on here, they headed for a deserted wooded area.

The trees and the ground were as rough as ever, as if this was a place often used for <duels> between students.

After a few seconds of glaring at each other at close range, Jin pulled out a four-folded pledge form from his pocket.


"So, what are the rules for the <duel>?"

"You only have to wager one point. This is a fight for honor. If you faint or surrender, you lose. And the loser has to give up on Nina-chan completely."

"Hey, weren't you hitting on another girl just now?"

"I'm not the kind of coward who can only love one girl. I'm a philanthropist."

"I know you don't have a dictionary in your house."

"...... Your sarcasm is so roundabout it's hard to understand. Come on, let's get started."


As soon as both parties had signed their names, Casper began to move without even waiting for the tin witnesses to come flying in.

The surrounding landscape suddenly became distorted.

Casper's own figure was also incorporated into the distortion, and chaos was generated in front of Jin's eyes as if several paints had melted into water.

The chaos stirred as if it had a will of its own.

Eventually, an enormous arm like a withered tree emerged from the midst of the chaos. The palm, so huge that it could wrap around a human body, moved as if beckoning, slowly extending toward Jin.

This was the very thing that had made the robbers whom Jin had previously chased shrink back in fear.

A power so supernatural, so disastrous, and so mysterious that it would be impossible even for a person with extraordinary abilities - Casper was truly a monster, living up to the name of the group that was exempted from the entrance examinations.

But Jin did not back down one step.

Even in the face of such a horrifying sight as the manifestation of an evil god, the fraudster's conviction remained unshaken.

Wearing a mask borrowed from Emma, he muttered with his usual fearlessness.


"......I knew it. Just as I thought."


Jin calmly turned around and sent a front kick toward the empty space.

There was a solid response.


The sensation of the tip of his shoe, which had a metal plate embedded in it beforehand, crushing something soft.


"Guoh, ugh .........!"


As soon as he thought he heard a groan from the empty space, the abnormal scene that had filled the surrounding area disappeared as though it were a lie.

Confirming that the mundane thicket had regained its form, Jin took off his mask.

He called out in pity to Casper, who was crouching while clutching his crotch.


"Sorry, Casper-kun. That was hurt, right?"

"Gah, a~......"

"I know, I know. You won't be able to talk for a while. So, all you have to do is listen to my guesses."


Jin couldn't have smiled more refreshingly.


"The first time I felt something was wrong was when I took Nina to the café where you were.

As soon as you found me, you aggressively grabbed me by the shoulders and started yelling at me.

Hey, if you think about it calmly, isn't that weird? Why would someone who hates men to the point of changing his personality try to touch me? Come to think of it, you also tapped the shoulder of a robber at the knife workshop. That's why I'm convinced that the condition for activating your psychic ability is [to touch the other person's body]. The reason you knew I was behind the hidden door was because you already marked me with your psychic ability."

"...... What about it!? It's not like it's something new!"

"No, no, isn't it strange? If the instantaneous movement you showed me afterward was your psychic ability, why did you have to specify your target? How do you explain why the robbers were so scared of you that they ran away? Besides, I found a number of things that didn't feel right when I was following you."

"...... Oi, stop."

"The size and density of your shadow as you walked in front of me were always constant. It was so unnatural, even though the sun was sometimes obscured by clouds. Then there was the route you took. You chose to walk through a construction site so that people wouldn't hear your footsteps, didn't you? Well, that was a brilliant move, but at the same time, there was a miscalculation that a steel frame was protruding from the building. Your shadow was projected in slightly different shades in the steel frame's shade. That doesn't seem right physics-wise, does it?"


And all the proof was now complete.

Using a special lens fitted into the mask he borrowed from Emma.

He didn't tell Casper, of course, but these lenses have an infrared detection function.

The reason Emma was able to spot the gunpowder traps in the ground and her friends hiding in the bushes was because she was able to visualize the temperature of objects with this lens.

This military technology was not yet available in the Empire, but Rusty, who had stayed in the Republic, had already heard of its existence.

Looking through this lens, it would be possible to see that the arm of the evil god that appeared in front of him had no substance, and to uncover the current location of Casper, who was assimilated into the landscape.


"Your psychic ability is indeed powerful.

If I could have any ability, I would want that ability first and foremost. But I'm afraid I'm not a good match for you."


"You're going to tell me everything. About the true nature of your psychic ability......"

"Wa-! Wa-! Stop, please!"


Casper suddenly interrupted Jin with a loud voice.

The reason for this was obvious.

Jake, the tin doll, arrived on the scene a minute or so after the pledge was filled out.

Jake, who connected with the headmaster, could not have known that Casper's psychic ability was only to show fake visions to those whom he touched.

Now it's checkmate.


"Jake, sorry that you had to come here, but the <duel> is over."

[What the hell are you saying? The written oath says the condition of victory is that one of you must either pass out or surrender.]

"Ah, right, I surrender then. Is that okay with you, Casper?"

"Y-You bastard, what the hell are you playing at ......?"


After waiting until Jake was out of sight as he complained in a synthesized voice and flew away, Jin finally got down to business.


"In exchange for conceding the victory, you're going to have to lend me some of your psychic abilities."



What happened next was simple.

He began with the topic of Karen being a common enemy of both Nina and Casper, and then proceeded to entice with the idea that Casper's image projection abilities would be necessary to save Nina.

Negotiating was easy, as it was also painful for Casper to have Karen, who boasts overwhelming firepower that is unapproachable, keeping an eye on him.

In the end, Jin succeeded in establishing a time-limited alliance under the condition that he would not reveal the true nature of his psychic ability to anyone.

Fortunately, Casper had touched Karen's body before and had already met the activation conditions. All that remained was to successfully execute the operation.

First, they had to face their first adversary.

Wearing a mask and pretending to be Jin, Casper hid under the floor of the room where Karen was. All that remained was to generate a noise outside the window and use the opportunity to push up the floorboards and attack Karen.

Of course, the attack was just an image, and the real Casper remained hidden under the floor, but there was no way Karen could have known.

Thanks to Karen's devastating destruction of the old school building. The noises and dust that filled the area cleverly masked the fact that the source of the voices and perfume was coming from under the floor, and that no sounds was coming from the man who was attacking her.

Once the death of [Jin Kirihara] was faked by showing the image of his clone being crushed by the crystals, all that remained was to disable Karen's psychic ability by using the real spray on the rooftop, which could be seen by Satya, who was in the infirmary.

The last thing to consider is the possibility that Karen, brainwashed by Satya, is hiding a trump card which is self-destruction. As the daughter of the Ashby family, which made its fortune in weapons manufacturing, it is not surprising that she would have at least one grenade in her possession.

However, as long as they were informed of this possibility in advance, Emma would surely take care of it.

The grenades made by the Ashby family are designed to explode five seconds after the trigger is pulled.

Five seconds is far too long on a tense battlefield.

Emma could easily snatch the grenade from the girl whose psychic ability was blocked. All she had to do was throw it in the right location before it exploded, and the mission was complete. From the position of the infirmary on the first floor, it was impossible to see if the people on the roof of the distant building had managed to avoid the explosion.

Thinking to that point, Jin realized a fact that he had overlooked.


Come to think of it, I never told anyone that the me who was there was actually Casper.

Casper, pretending to be me, might be hugged by Nina amid all the chaos. It's a little unpleasant to think about, but it's unlikely to happen.

Anyway, the operation is a success.


"...... Now we just need to get plenty of stories out of this girl."


Jin muttered, looking down at Satya, who was knocked unconscious by a blow from the Taser he had borrowed from Emma.



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