Thursday, May 30, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Chapter 5.1


Volume 4 Chapter 5.1

Acceleration to Collapse Part 1


After being hospitalized for several days for examinations, Nozomu was finally allowed to go to school today.


"Good grief, I'm finally freed......."


Nozomu breathed a sigh of relief as he walked along the street to the school. Although he was under observation, he had been told to rest and was bored out of his mind during his stay in the hospital.


"But the rumors haven't been completely dispelled yet. What do I do? ......"


Nozomu was able to dispel the rumor that he was weak during the mock combat, but the main issue here was the rumor about him being the worst scumbag who betrayed Lisa. Nozomu believed that the mock combat would have no effect on this one.


"Well, it's no point dwelling over it. At any rate, let's go to the school first."


After arriving at the school, Nozomu headed to his classroom.

It was already the second period. The hallway was deserted, and Nozomu's footsteps were the only sounds echoing in the spacious hallway.

Nozomu looked over to the windows and saw first-year students engaged in basic training.

They were being taught how to swing wooden swords and wield weapons, just as Nozomu and his classmates had done two years earlier.

In his hometown, he himself wielded a wooden sword as part of his training, but here was the first time he learned how to wield it properly.

If one were to look closely, one could see among the sword-wielding students, there were Eldor and others that Nozomu had rescued in the sewers recently.


(Which means, this class is the 1st class of the first grade, huh?......)


Nozomu kept looking at the training grounds with a sideways glance as he proceeded down the corridor. When he passed by the first-grade classrooms, the bell rang to announce the end of the second period.


"Did you understand the lesson just now?"

"No, not at all!"


First graders came out of their classrooms, their voices filled with excitement.

Nozomu is currently at the crossroads that connects the first-grade classrooms and the crossing corridor. Inevitably, the underclassmen coming out of their classrooms would head toward where Nozomu is.

And then Nozomu's eyes met those of one of the girls coming out of the classroom.





The female student who saw Nozomu had a surprised expression on her face. Nozomu tilted his head at the strange reaction of a girl he didn't know.

When he looked closely, he saw that the other students who were with her were also looking at him with surprised expressions for some reason.

At first, Nozomu thought the reaction might be because they knew about the bad rumors about him, but he could not detect any negative feelings of contempt or ridicule in their gazes.

At that moment, the female student whose eyes met Nozomu's stepped forward.


"U-Umm. Nozomu Bountis-senpai, right ......?"

"Well, yes.......?"


The girl was looking up at Nozomu while fidgeting and intertwining her fingers in front of her chest.

To a junior who spoke to him with a timid air, Nozomu also replied awkwardly


"Umm, I'd like to ask you something... I heard that you possess Ability Suppression, is that true ......?"

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on June 20, 2024.

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