Monday, May 13, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Side Story 2

Volume 3

Side Story 2

The Answer is Far Away, Confirmation Comes to a Conclusion 1

Translator : PolterGlast

At Suzuyashiro, Kabeju Province.


Naotoshi Fuwa, passing through the ticket gate, took one glance at Kabeju Province's capital, which he hadn't seen in six years.


"―Nothing has changed."


"For me, this is my first time in the capital, so everything is new.

...... It's especially daunting to see so many people gathered here."


Naotoshi's emotion leaked out unintentionally, but was replied to by a soft voice from behind.

After clearing his throat with a wry smile, Naotoshi turned his attention to his wife, who was following a step behind him.


"I see. Tae had never visited Nanatsuo (the capital of Kukuten Province) before, huh?"


"Yes. Although it was mentioned in the magazine, there is a difference between reading about it and seeing it in person, where so many people come and go even though it is not a festival."


Fuwa Tae, Naotoshi's wife, is Ugetsu Tenzan's second cousin and one of the youngest of the Ugetsu lineage. However, it is common knowledge that once one is separated that far from the family, one is almost always considered to be of a different lineage, even if one calls oneself Ugetsu.


Although she is a relative of the first rank of the Eight Families (the Ugetsu family), Tae had a history of marrying Naotoshi Fuwa without knowing much about the world, perhaps because she was raised in an introverted family.


Naturally, it was Tae's first experience to see more than a hundred people in one round of vision. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of people, for a while Tae had a slight look of fear on her face.


"Even so, Suzuyashiro is less developed than the other capitals.

Although there are highways and a railway system, it's still, you know..."


"The fact that the civil war of 400 years ago is still lingering here shows how deep-rooted it is."


Naotoshi gave instructions to the group of Onmyoji who had passed through the ticket gate later than Tae, and left the guide role to the official who had greeted them.

Naotoshi groaned bitterly as he stood shoulder to shoulder with Tae, who was still frozen in place, cowering.


"I heard that a lot of damage took place, that it left a lingering mark on Hariin and Jinrouin, and that the boundary between the two provinces has been narrowed considerably. It is recorded that Fuwa was the one who started it all, so I feel awkward about it."


"Before I married Naotoshi-sama, I was told that men in Kabeju Province tend to be rough and crude.

I was quite afraid of them, but I remember how relieved I was when I meet you, Naotoshi-sama."


"Ah, that's......."


He looked at Tae, who was laughing lightly, with a complicated look on his face, and gently averted his gaze.

Beyond his vision, the sight of a muscular man loading fresh fish onto a large cart jumped into view.


He tried to look away from the man, who resembled the very definition of a roughneck.

But even beyond that, he could see similar men, large and small, coming and going.


Suzuyashiro is the only place in the capital that borders the inner bay.

If Kamotsu in Shumon Province is the gateway to the rest of the world, Suzuyashiro is the hub of inland sea distribution.


Although the transportation sector has been taken over by railway companies, ships are still indispensable for large-scale transportation.

The inner bay, protected by ocean currents and calm waves, has a thriving fishing industry, and the sight of rough-looking men of the sea walking around is an everyday sight in Suzuyashiro.

......Naturally, they have the same temperament as Tae had imagined.


If one were to walk a little to the east along the road, the ocean would soon come into view.

It was an amazing view, so he was planning to take her sightseeing, but at this rate, it might be better to change the destination.


While wondering where to go for sightseeing, Naotoshi went to Fuwa's mansion in the capital.

A telegram had already been sent beforehand.


Fuwa Noriyori, Naotoshi's older brother, was supposed to be waiting for him at the mansion.





"Display it in the back, please! Aa, geez. There's no time.

That husband of mine, even though I already asked him to at least dust it."


"I believe he already did it.

Sister-in-law, you're way too nervous."


The moment Naotoshi and his wife entered Fuwa's front door, they were greeted with a constant barrage of noises.

With an almost angry exchange of words, the relatives, whom Naotoshi was familiar with, repeatedly took and put back the pottery and the hanging scrolls. Apparently, they had no time to notice that Naotoshi was standing at the entrance.


Naotoshi, whose brow furrowed, stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Tae, who looked on dumbfounded, and calmly called out to her.


"......Sister-in-law, what are you doing?"


"N-Naotoshi-san!? How long have you been there!?"


A startled voice traversed the room and the residents of the mansion stopped moving.

*Clack*. Silence overtook the commotion, which was not even New Year's, and the framed picture hanging on the wall fell down from the recoil.


Silence lingered over the unsettling reunion, and then a large man appeared from the back of the mansion.


"Oh, you're here. It's been a while, Naotoshi. Come on up."


"―Yes. It's been a while, brother."


A man dressed in a modest kimono who would hardly be recognized as a member of the noble family, Fuwa Noriyori, the head of the Fuwa family, gave Naotoshi a greeting with a sour expression that did not reveal a hint of hospitality.


Upon entering Noriyori's study, a dusty stale smell, probably because the room was rarely used, hit their noses.

Perhaps it was because of the smell he had grown accustomed to since his father's reign, but it suddenly brought a sense of nostalgia to Naotoshi's heart.


"This study hasn't changed either. You haven't touched it much, have you, brother?"


"Hm? ......Yeah. Every time I stopped by the capital, I'd give you a talk about the ideal study.

Did you remember that?"


"I thought that since you were flaunting your talent so majestically, you must have a glittering piece of brocade on your wall.

I was rather anxious, but that was the reason I missed this unaltered room so much."


Noriyori cleared his throat and sat down, perhaps remembering the old days.

Naotoshi gazed dazzledly at Noriyori's figure, who had replaced his father, sitting in the same seat where his father had sat before his death.


"Since I became the head of the family, I use the mansion less and less,

There is no need to spend money on a room that I rarely have a chance to sit in twice a year.

I'll leave that ambition to my son's generation."


"As I recall, when our father heard your speech, he gave you a rather lukewarm stare."


Did he? In response to Noriyori's blank stare, Naotoshi suppressed a smile that was about to slip out.


In the past, when they dropped by Suzuyashiro's mansion, their Father's study was always a topic of conversation among them.


The room is not even spacious enough to be called a study, but is a simple room with only a small table and a writing utensil. Even today, the only new thing in the room is a foreign pen lying on the table.


The family may be on the decline, but they are still one of the Eight Families. At the time, Noriyori was blabbing about his ideal study, saying that it would be nice to have at least one study where he could be absorbed in his hobbies.


Although their father was always strict, remembering the way their father warmly supported the older brother, he must have once been determined to do the same thing.


Naotoshi, too, was able to recognize his father's feelings after all these years when he saw this room.


"It's not a sake, but... ―well, have a drink."


"I appreciate it."


Noriyori poured water from the iron kettle into a teacup and gave it to him, which he drank down in one gulp.

The nostalgic fresh water, which had a slight sea fragrance, permeated into his weary body after the long journey.


"I understand that the Samidare territory cannot spare any more time.

However, please convey my thanks to the Lord of Ugetsu for agreeing to the contract and providing us with Onmyojis."


"Indeed, Kokuten Province is currently facing troubles, and Kabeju Province, which is located downstream, is no exception.

......I heard that Hakudō Province, which is located upstream of Kokuten Province, also suffered from the stagnation of the dragon veins, but the number of Onmyojis there is second only to Kokuten Province. Now that the situation has calmed down, the Lord of Ugetsu understands that Kabeju Province is the one that urgently needs to be resolved."


"That's good then. ......What about the Onmyojis?"


"Tomorrow, they will begin purifying the dragon veins. Based on the density of the miasma, it will take about half a month to complete the purification.

Don't worry, we'll have it under control by the time of the Kannamesai Festival."


"Very well."


Noriyori breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Naotoshi's comforting words.

The problem of the miasma seemed to have calmed down before it showed any signs of escalation.

The current situation seemed to be in a lull. This will allow them to survive the upcoming autumn harvest.


Despite being a guardian of wood-element, Naotoshi is strongly devoted to the art of Onmyoujutsu, and has finally made up his mind to settle down in Kokuten Province's Ugetsu.

Noriyori took a probing glance at his younger brother, who had a tendency to get himself into trouble, perhaps due to his good nature.


"Naotoshi, the next head of Ugetsu ...... was it Souma-kun? I heard that he has joined the teaching staff."


"Ah. Since it's not something worth talking about, I didn't include it in the letter.

Are you worried about something?"


"Well, it's not that I'm worried. I just think it's a little weird."


"Weird? ......Besides, did you ever have a chance to get acquainted with him?"


Noriyori shook his head slightly as he tilted the kettle and poured water into his own teacup.


He has never met him. As far as he has heard, there is no bad reputation either.

He looked into his behavior at Tenryō Academy and found that he was the very epitome of a brilliant and quick-witted boy.


"Three years ago, I sent a letter to Lord Tenzan, hoping to meet him in time for our father's death."



He remembered. It was really bad fortune, as the death of Fuwa's head coincided with the death of Ugetsu's former Mistress.

In other words, it was also the time of Ugetsu Akira's banishment and the transfer of teaching to Souma.

A very sensitive time. Naotoshi Fuwa, in concession to Tenzan, who was afraid of information leakage, was forced to bid farewell to his parent's death in a distant place.

"It can't be helped. Ugetsu Touji's life is at its end, and father's is- ......"


"That's fine. I had my doubts about whether you'd be able to come when I sent the letter in the first place.

......However, looking back on it, I did have my suspicions."


"Did you find anything strange?"


"Naotoshi. Your current position must have been rather ambiguous, since your request for the relinquishment of the Fuwa surname has been refused, so your position in Amezuki must be in considerable jeopardy at this point, right?"


Naotoshi only nodded bitterly in affirmation of Noriyori's point.


He has repeatedly petitioned Hariin and Ugetsu for permission to relinquish the Fuwa surname, but he has not received permission from either of them.

It was probably because Ugetsu could not obtain Hariin's approval, but the reason for Hariin's refusal to permit it was unclear.


In particular, this matter has been making his wife, Tae, feel very uncomfortable.

He'd like to do something to resolve the problem, but he hasn't been able to make any progress in the matter.


"I know it's going to be a problem if things continue like this."


"That’s it."


Naotoshi lifted his gaze at the muttered words.

While sipping from his teacup, Noriyori looked over at Naotoshi, who looked surprised.


"Regardless of the process, you are not trusted.

Even if without considering Ugetsu's current situation, it is not difficult to conclude that they don't trust you."


"It's not something we can say with certainty, but it is what it is."


"But on the other hand, you are in charge of teaching their next head.

......This is important. Being in charge here is like a guarantee of becoming a chief vassal in the future."


Indeed. Although he did not notice it because it was an option he was not particularly interested in, Naotoshi's lineage is Fuwa, the 8th rank among the Eight Families, which is a precarious position. On the other hand, he was also entrusted with such a task, which made it easier for him to build a relationship of trust.


"Moreover, experience must be highly valued when it comes to teaching the next head of the family.

Given Tenzan-dono's character, you would not even be an option if you didn't have a solid track record to support it."




Although Noriyori had never met Souma, he had conversed with Tenzan several times since he became the head of the Fuwa family.

Naturally, he was familiar with Tenzan's personality, which was evident in their conversations.


For better or worse, he has the typical character of the head of the Eight Families. If that were the case, Naotoshi would not be even an option if he appeared to be defective.


Officially, Ugetsuki Souma was the first person Naotoshi was entrusted with the guidance of.

However, it was also true that, given Tenzan's character, unless there was a precedent there, it should be viewed with skepticism.


Naotoshi was forced to be silent, but Noriyori waved his hand in the air as if he was unconcerned.


"―Sorry. Honestly, it's just my way of nagging.

Father never thought you'd go practicing Onmyoujutsu to the extent of leaving the province.

He was worried about you even on his deathbed, and this is my way of getting back at you.

......Don't take it so seriously."


"I'm sorry, brother."


"Once you've calmed down, show your face to Takamura territory and visit his grave.

Tenzan-dono won't be so stingy as to forbid you from offering even a single incense stick."


"Very well."


"Today, Yoshino was getting too worked up. ...... That's what the ruckus was about earlier.

And since she's been to the market buying snapper, tonight's meal will be sumptuous. You can look forward to it."


Noriyori stood up while laughing and put his hand on the sliding door to go outside.

His figure overlapped with that of Tenzan, whom Naotoshi had met the other day.


A question that had never occurred to him before naturally popped into his mind.


"Speaking of which, brother.

Do you know what Kanna-no-Mikura is?"


"......Where did you hear that from?"


As if convulsed, the hand on the sliding door stopped.

Naotoshi kept talking, oblivious to the slight change in Noriyori's voice.


"It's from Tenzan-dono. When I asked him about it, he evaded my question, so I was just a little curious."


"It makes sense. Since you are a direct descendant of the Fuwa family, he got a little bit careless."


"So you know what it means?"


There was no hint of probing in Naotoshi's tone.

Deciding that no lie had been uttered, Noriyori let out a deep breath.


He retraced his steps and sat back down facing Naotoshi.

This was the first time Naotoshi had ever seen Noriyori so troubled.


"Kanna-no-Mikura is an oral tradition that only the heads of the Eight Families and the next heads of the Eight Families are allowed to disclose.

It is not normally allowed to be spoken, especially for the Fuwa family, we must be discreet in this matter."


"...... Seems to be a pretty serious matter."


Tenzan's tone of voice at that time did not seem that serious, yet the shadows falling on Noriyori's emotions revealed unusual tension.


"Quite so. ―But I think the Fuwa family should be made a little more familiar with this knowledge.

After all, this is the origin of the civil war 400 years ago."


"That's enough. ......It's probably better if I don't know about it."


"Honestly, ―I can't decide.

It's like asking me to guess the outcome of a die.

...... But I think at least you should know. It's a good insurance in case we lose the oral tradition."


Noriyori responded in a complaining tone, reminding Naotoshi, who was hesitant, not to say otherwise.

Naotoshi straightened his posture expecting something serious.


Fuwa's mansion remained quiet for less than a quarter of an hour.

A messenger carrying urgent news flew out frantically from Fuwa's mansion to Hariin.


It was not a few moments later that the brothers of Fuwa, with serious expressions on their faces, headed shoulder to shoulder toward Hariin.




Same day, Shumon Province, Ōtoriyama.

At Kihoin's main residence.


*Clang*. The pottery touched each other, and the rich aroma swam fragrantly through Shion's stuffed office.

Through the smoky steam, Shion turned an emotionless smile toward the person standing on the other side.


"Black tea is quite an aromatic tea, indeed. It has a peculiar taste, but it has little bitterness and will be popular here as well."


"This is the second best.

......Baratush Trading Co. is part of what gave it its current reputation.

I'm a coffee drinker, so I don't know much about it, but I can understand why Ron Country is so obsessed with it."


"Don't jest. Isn't what Ron Country wants the gold vein?

I heard that the demand for gold is increasing on the Western Tomoe Continent."


Upon hearing Shion's point, the girl in front of her shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

Who knows what and to what extent? They gauge each other's level of knowledge from the edges of casual conversation.


Shion was aware that the person in front of her was a skilled politician, even though she was not yet old enough.


"I won't deny it, but that's not the only reason.

...... We must show the light of mercy, even though we are pagans, so that we may spread the light of our divine pillar's authority throughout the world."


"Right. We have done a lot of investigation regarding last month's incident. ...... Were you incited by an aberration and treated as a pawn to be discarded for good?

But I was surprised to see how quickly your country has adjusted to the new situation.



"This is the first time I have officially visited Takamagahara.

Although not affiliated with the [Holy Church of Ariadne], I have heard about Vincenzo Ambrosio's circumstances. Even though he was excommunicated, he was a fellow member of the same prestigious order, so I would like to return his remains to his hometown."


This is her first official entry to the country, as she had not yet changed her position as an inquisitor a month ago.

Benedetta Casalini, brushing aside Shion's strong sarcasm, smiled without hints.


"This is a minor question, but how did you get Kuga Houri to trust you enough to connect you to Kihoin? I know he is supposed to be very strict in that regard."


"I've given him a fair amount of compensation for the disturbance caused by Sir Ambrosio.

...... However, I can't really call it a relationship of trust. He didn't exactly say yes, but he didn't reject me either."


Is that so? Shion kept up an air of hearing this information while only smiling.

Perhaps because the other party was so insistent on Kanna-no-Mikura's matter that she felt somehow displeased with it.


How could they just show up at this troublesome time of the year?

Shion gazed at the blonde-haired, blue-eyed miko standing in front of her while maintaining a strange curiosity.


"Establishment of formal diplomatic relations with Vansuir. Establishment of a military alliance and an exchange program to keep pace between the nations.

...... These sure are very grand arrangements, but won't these upset your own country?"


"Fortunately, we have a moderate group of politicians. There will be few people who will be upset due to the relationship with a mere island nation across the continent."


"Ah, I heard that the papal election was underway.

Did you manage to get rid of Sir Sorrentino?"


"Without a hitch. Now that authority has been returned to the Casarini family, the people's dissatisfaction will subside."


Is this her way of getting back at me?

Shion was not pleased with how Benedetta described it, but a fact is a fact.

She only felt a twitch in her expression and kept up appearances to let the subject slide.


I hope that I had made the other party a little wary by implying that I had information about the Papal election.


"What do you think? I'm confident that a long-term relationship with Vansuir is necessary as an investment for the future."


"......You seem to be highly valuing us. I thought that the Western Tomoe Continent would be more interested in Baratush?"


"We are not so interested in Takamagahara's culture.

I even think your nation is trying to catch up with us regarding that.

...... However, the depth of knowledge about the divine realm is different. As the Iron Age is beginning to dawn, the knowledge to sustain the Divine Realm is something that we absolutely need."


"......Is that your purpose?"


"Yes, the concession to Vansuir must be decided by the entire Takamagahara.

Could you please convey our request to Tsukinomiya? I have heard that Tsukinomiya has the authority to make decisions regarding the knowledge of the Divine Era."



Shion groaned inwardly in understanding.


Even now, official interactions with foreign countries are limited only to Kamotsu.


When it comes to establishing formal diplomatic relations with Vansuir, Shumon Province cannot simply carry on by itself.

Unless Tsukinomiya gives its approval and the burden and rights are shared among all five provinces, the disparity in rights could, in the worst-case scenario, create unnecessary strife in Takamagahara.


"....... Very well. I'll try to contact Tsukinomiya.

We'll arrange a private train to Central Province, so please wait a while."


"Thank you.

Ah, right."


"Anything else?"


"Can we nominate a student for the exchange program to study abroad?"


"I have the right to veto, so I don't see the problem."


Unable to grasp the intent behind it, Shion nonchalantly nodded her head in agreement.

Benedetta, perhaps satisfied with the response, flashed a flowery smile.



I would like to invite Akira-san to Vansuir, and I was hoping you could help me persuade him."


"......I heard that he had already rejected that invitation, though."


Is that the real intention behind the persistent effort to include the exchange program? Shion's mouth twitched in irritation at the provocative and blatant solicitation.


The shadow of women will never cease in Akira's future life. If even a foreign noble lineage were to make a move on him, Shuka's emotions would be shaken to the core.


"I think it's because he was hesitant to move to Vansuir. If it were just a few years, and in exchange for cutting-edge knowledge, there would be no reason to refuse.

It will only add a touch of color to Akira's love story. ...... Well, I think it would be an attractive option for the royal family of Vansuir to have a drop of Takamagahara blood dripping into their lineage."


"I must remind you once again, it is Akira-san who will be the one to decide."


"Of course. Free love is the way of the next generation, and I would love for him to be the symbol of that."


Shion snorted inwardly.

There was no doubt that Benedetta was speaking from her heart. However, although she appeared to be giving them the option of free love, in reality, she was only offering them one option.

But is that really the case with Takamagahara as well? In the first place, Takamagahara has no intention of giving Akira this suggestion from the very beginning.


When presented with an extremely large number of choices, human beings tend to settle on the one they are familiar with.

If one makes a number of narrow choices, one will eventually end up with the same result.


Love is a process, but affection is an outcome.

The end result is already in their grasp. As long as that was the case, Shumon Province's victory would be assured.


"Fine, I promise that after negotiations with Tsukinomiya, if everything is settled, I will set up a meeting with Akira-san for you."


"Thank you. ...... That assurance is enough for now."


Benedetta responded to Shion's superficial affirmation with another superficial one.


They exchanged smiles that were so gracious that it was hard to tell that something was wrong, and the two, who carried the prestige of their respective nation on their shoulders, continued to negotiate amicably.


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