Monday, June 3, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 8 Part 1

Volume 3

Chapter 8 Part 1

Thus, in the Present, if We Mingle in the Shadows 1

Translator : PolterGlast

 "―You're kind of suspicious."


Hearing her tone of voice, Akira retracted his step.

His gaze met with a smiling girl whose emotions couldn't be read.


Feeling repulsed by the smile that seemed to be toying with him, Akira turned his attention to the other party.


"...... Are you referring to me?"


"Yup, correct. If you don't know, let me tell you, the right-wing building is forbidden to boys.

If you try to break in without knowing it, you may be accused of thoughtlessness and indiscretion, and you can't complain about that."


Upon hearing her explanation, he took a quick glance at the right-wing building.


In Akira's generation, it was common practice to separate the boys' and girls' dormitories.

There was little interaction between male and female students, and the males rarely saw girls of their own age in their daily lives.


In this era, Tenryō Gakuin where girls and boys study together on the same grounds is unique.


A thought struck Akira, and he bowed his head.


"My apologies. I wasn't thinking about it carefully enough."


"―If I may point out, by the way, a man with a concealed figure is walking toward the right-wing building.

From the outside, I think that man would look suspicious, no?"


The whisper in his ear made Akira's legs choose to retreat.

A girl's gaze, smiling mischievously, pursued the boy, who backed away for a couple of steps.


"Concealed figure? Do you mean, me?"


"You think I won't notice it? The spirits who normally love to gossip are unnaturally quiet around you.

Surely this will make me less conscious of the fact that I'm even having a conversation with you after a while.

It's amazing. Even I can barely hear the slight buzz that I hear when we pass by each other."


The rapid succession of comments forced Akira to retreat.

After a few moments, he remembered the columns of the passageway on his back and stopped retreating.


"P-Please hold on a second."


"I can't. Based on your uniform, you must be a protector or a guardian, but I don't remember seeing your face before.

Who are you?"


Her smile deepened. But Akira noticed that there was no hint of pleasantness mixed in.

Her unique tone of voice, in pursuit of the truth, entangled Akira.


Kotodama. That word was the only thing that came to mind.

Half-reflexively, Akira resisted the girl's voice, which was seizing him to obey it.


"...... My name is Akira.

I'm sure there won't be any problems once you confirm about me with Instructor Jodai.

I was told that my mentor was enrolled at the right-wing building, so I thought I'd just drop by to say hello."





The girl's eyes blinked at the kotodama that came back in a single breath.

Even though it was undeniable that the binding force was low because she had not clearly exercised it, this was the first time she had ever experienced having her kotodama bounced back to her.


Since he didn't seem to have uttered a lie, the kotodama didn't seem to be broken either.


Although she doubted inwardly, the resounding truth made the girl put down her pursuit.

Instead, her interest shifted to Akira's words.


A name she remembered. Kihoin Tsuguho's fiancée, whom Giōin Shizumi was also attracted to.


......He didn't look that appealing to her from what she saw, though,


"What's your intention behind that concealed figure then?"


"No, this is not my intention either.

Or rather, who are you? I don't blame you for raising suspicions on me, but not even telling me your own name, isn't that a bit rude?"


The girl shrugged lightly when her question was met with another question.


It's understandable that he doesn't know who the girl is. Although she is well-known, she has never been so arrogant as to assume that she is universally known all over Takamagahara.


With a smile, the girl looked at Akira.


"...... Indeed, pardon me. I've never met anyone who doesn't know who I am.

I am Hariin Homare, and I belong to the student council of this Tenryō Academy."


"―forgive my manners!"


The name was announced with a smile, but with a strangely emotionless look in her eyes, which caused caution to appear on Akira's face.

Hariin, the younger sister of the current head of one of the Four Families. That was all Akira knew about her, but even so, the difference in status between them was too great to be ignored.


"It can't be helped since you didn't know.

I am well known, but I don't think I am known even among the protectors of Shumon Province."


"How do you know that I am a protector of Shumon Province?"


"There is no way one can fake one's identity as a Shumon Province protector here at the Academy. The way you walk is similar to Hariin-school, but your left center of gravity is further biased toward your heel.

The emphasis on the offensive step is the signature of the Kihoin-school. It's not that there are no Fire-element users in other provinces, but they are rarely recruited to go to the central capital."


Speaking candidly, Homare broke into a smile and leaned her back against a pillar that stood opposite Akira.

Her sincere smile, which was not just superficial, silently conveyed that her words were her genuine feelings.


"Based on your expression, am I right?"


"......Yes, hat's off to you."


At a glance without a hint of sarcasm, Akira took off his hat with a mischievous gesture.

The eyes that had been in shadow were now revealed, and Homare tilted her head inwardly.


She felt a sense of déjà vu in Akira's mannerisms.

She shook her head to dissipate the thorns of emotion, wondering if it was just her imagination.


Moving away from the pillar on which her back was resting, Homare turned her feet to the right-wing building.


"I'll go get her, so please wait a bit. You're looking for Miss Saki of the Rindo family, right? She should be in the classroom."


"How come, you even know the person I am looking for?"


"Since it is a female student and is capable enough to become a mentor, then she must be a candidate for a guardian.

If one considers the connection with Kihoin-school, the list of candidates is reduced to one hand. Then I can just point out the ones who might be available in that list.

Right. You should undo your concealment. It's common courtesy, and it makes one feel uncomfortable, even if the person you're going to meet isn't a woman."


Akira agreed to Homare's thoughtful advice.

But to be honest, the problem was that he had no clue about the concealment.

So, he inwardly wished that he would be able to undo it. As a result,


"Oh, the noise of the spirits is back. Yeah, that's better."


Apparently, that was the right call.

With a single nod of the head. Homare disappeared to the right-wing building.

Perhaps because the girl's pursuit was gone, Akira breathed a big sigh of relief at the sense of liberation.






"Long time no see. Saki-ojōsama."


Akira backed away from the pillar and waited for a while.

Along with a voice filled with impatience, Saki rushed out from the entrance of the right-wing building.

Without paying attention to her surroundings, she drew herself closer to Akira.


"When did you arrive in the Central Capital?"


"Just a little while ago. A week ago, Hyakki Yagyo took place in Karen- ...... mmpph."


As Akira was about to answer Saki's question, the girl's index finger was placed on his lips.

A sharp backward glance toward the girl standing at the entrance of the right-wing building.


"―Thank you, Homare-sama."


"Don't worry about it. It's better if I do a few hard works rather than have him break into the right-wing building and cause a ruckus.

Since Saki-kun's a good person. I'll close my eyes for this one, but please keep your meet-ups in moderation."


"That's wrong!! He's ......"


"I get it. But you better keep a proper distance before any strange rumors start spreading.

You know how people are always watching, don't you?"


While chuckling, she glanced up at the second floor of the right-wing building, where one could see into the corridor.

Squealing voices were heard and the sight of a few girls pulling away from the window caught Saki's attention.


Saki let out a sigh as she suppressed a wrinkle between her eyebrows.


"Looks like I was overly flustered, I'll be careful next time.



"I have to go to the northern part of the Central Province for some business, so please excuse me now.

I won't be back for a while."


"I see, I wish you a safe trip."


"Thank you. Well, it's just a small chore, just like a child's errand. The head of Hariin also takes great pleasure in forcing me to take care of troublesome things."


She may have understood that it was a courtesy gesture, but still she smiled openly at Saki's words.

It's a smile with no sarcasm and filled with a mysterious charm.


With one last glance at Akira, Homare briskly turned on her heel.

Without hesitation, she disappeared into the central building.


After confirming that the distance between them had been sufficiently wide apart, Saki finally relaxed her shoulders.


"Phew. Homare-sama is not a bad person, but I'm always on my toes when I'm dealing with her.

Akira-kun, you should be careful as well, she is very good at obtaining information from people.

If you want to have a conversation with someone, it would be better to keep as much distance from her as possible."


"I understand. ......But, aren't being overly cautious?

I don't think she can hear us anymore."


"Do you remember the eavesdropping technique that Tatewaki Nonoka used?

At the very least, I've confirmed that she can use that technique as well."


Hearing Saki's words, Akira reflected on what he had said.


He didn't think he had said anything fatal, but judging from her words and mannerisms, he could see that she had guessed something about his true identity.

Akira was unable to determine what she had seen through him.


"She certainly had a keen sense of perception. Even if one has the connection with the Four Sovereigns, I don't think she would be particularly easy to handle with."


"I guess so.

More importantly, Akira-kun, why are you at the Tenryō Academy?

I received a telegram from Tsuguho-sama that you were coming to the Central Capital."


The only information Saki had received was that Akira might be either joining the Kingsguard or the garrison.


That was why she had even made plans to meet up with Asogi after school.

However, the sudden appearance of Akira at Tenryō Academy forced her to change her plans for the rest of the day.


"......This is a thoughtful gesture from Yuge-sama.

He said he would try to somehow arrange a way so that I could cover up the middle school class credits alone."


"......I see, Yuge-sama's thoughtfulness, huh?

Normally, I would be grateful, but to introduce this academy of all places?

You see, 'he' is in this-......"


"I am well aware. ......We crossed paths earlier."


Saki's complexion turned pale as she imagined the situation where they would cross paths.

Although she had only heard about it, Akira and Souma's relationship was as if they were strangers, meeting only a few times a year.

Furthermore, Ugetsu was not supposed to know that Akira was still alive.


If it was just a passing acquaintance, it would not be a problem worthy of concern.



They are blood relatives. Even though both Akira and the other party would likely deny it, they are connected by one of the strongest bonds in the world.


This means that they are placed on both ends of an unstable balance that can tip to the extreme either way.


"...... What happened?"


"I went unnoticed. ......As Hariin-sama pointed out, apparently I was invoking a concealment technique."


"―I see, thank goodness.

Regarding taking classes at Tenryō Academy, let's wait for Tsuguho-sama's decision.

I feel bad about disregarding Yuge-sama's kindness, but there are too many problems with taking classes at Tenryō Academy."


To interfere further would be seen as an overstepping of one's authority, even for Saki, who is merely a student at the academy. Understanding the difficulty of the situation, Akira could only reply in agreement.


As they talked, a chime rang out above them.

Realizing that time was running out, Saki turned on her heel to return to class.


"Let's talk about it in detail after school.

What are you gonna do after this, Akira-kun?"


"There's nothing more I can do, so I'm going to wait until after class.

After school, I plan to return to the garrison with Nakiri-senpai."


"I heard that you've been acquainted with him. I see that you are already good friends with each other.

...... Just perfect, I'll go to the garrison as well then. Uncle Asogi will be there too, right?"


As soon as she heard Nakiri's name, Saki's cheeks puffed up a little.

Leaving Akira puzzled by the slightly changed atmosphere, Saki went back inside the school building.


Nakiri Jin is not a woman.

Establishing a close friendship with a person, especially a man, is something to be celebrated.


However, it is also a fact that Akira's relationship expanded in a way that Saki did not foresee, and she felt an emotion akin to impatience.

A feeling that Saki has never experienced before and that is difficult to describe. It was a very immature feeling of impatience,


To those with knowledgeable eyes, it resembled what could be called jealousy.



Perhaps thanks to her prior arrangement, the teacher's permission was granted rather easily.


Thinking back to the conversation she had just had with Akira, Homare made her way to the entrance of the central building.


"―Homare-sama." "Hmm?"


A young man's voice calling out to her interrupted her thoughts, and Homare turned around.

Beyond her gaze stood Ugetsu Souma, who was related to her in some way.


"Souma-kun, eh? Getting ready for class?"


"Yeah, it's a troublesome part of being a class president.

...... Homare-sama, are you not attending?"


Homare's eyes squinted as she tried not to let the hint of ridicule in Souma's tone of voice get the better of her.

There has been a lot of commotion recently, but she has heard that the Kokuten Province has taken a respite for the time being.


Homare inwardly speculated that the other party seemed to be in a bind.


The ups and downs of the nobility are based on trust.

In many cases, that trust is maintained through bloodlines, lands, histories, and other unshakable factors.


However, when the land owned by a family is heavily poisoned by miasma, it is necessary to restore it in order to maintain trust.

Trust cannot be created in a declining family line. To compensate for trust, it is often necessary to invest a lot of capital. ......And in many cases, it can end up tipping the family further down the line before the capital can be recovered.


Falling to see that struggle in the face of obvious problems was, as far as Homare knows, a pretty grim situation.


...... But those are all problems for Kokuten Province to solve.

It is not the place for Homare to get involved.

Shoving all these things down her throat, Homare directed a pleasant smile at Souma.


"It's official business. I won't be back for at least a week.

The vice president will be in charge of the student council, but Souma-kun, please assist him as well."


"Understood. I wish you a safe return."


"For Souma-kun's benefit, wouldn't it be better if it was the other way around?

You may have won in the 1st semester, but that won't happen in the 2nd semester."


The words exchanged between the two, while keeping their intentions hidden, were mainly about the content of the results they were competing for.

The girl's record of being the best for 5 years was broken by the boy in front of her, albeit only in the first semester of the first year.


Even though she was not particularly fixated on this fact, Homare was tempted to say something about it in a ridiculing way.

However, since she was not particularly fixated on it, Souma was probably the same way.

Without being swayed by Homare's mockery, Souma's gaze met with hers.


"It's the opposite, I don't necessarily feel happy or sad when I compare our scores.

After all, it is the result of my target, Homare-sama."


"In that case, I won't have to hold back.

I will be back in early October. Take care of the rest."


"Yes, take care."


After exchanging a light bow, Souma and Homare turned their feet toward their respective destinations.

They took a step outside into the bright light. In the autumn sunlight, Homare squinted up at the sky.


The shadow of an unknown bird swimming in the sky reflected in her eyes.


"......Well, come to think of it, there are some strange coincidences, aren't there?"




Souma, who was about to disappear across the corridor, turned around, perhaps picking up on the muttering in his ears.

At his dubious expression, Homare smiled, thinking that her attempt to get back at him was successful.


"I noticed that currently there are three direct descendants of the Four Sovereigns in the academy.

Although the academy has been around for a long time, this seems to be the first time something like this happened to this extent."


"Is that so?"


Souma's curt reply implied that he was not interested in the subject.

However, what she said was true. If they had been born just a few months apart, or if the dates had been different, even the three of them would never have crossed paths.


"It's a shame. If Jinrouin's princess were also here, we would have seen a very lively power struggle. But as expected, dragging out a child of 10 years of age is a bit too much for my taste."


"......As someone who admires and respects everyone here, I don't want to imagine that.

The damage caused by the collision of the Four Sovereigns, even if the surrounding area is level, would be enormous."


"Souma-kun, you sure are very serious.

Well, your honesty is also part of your charm."


After all, these were just words that came out of her mouth in the autumn sky. Without a hint of regret, Homare waved her hand and this time disappeared into the autumn sunshine.



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