Monday, June 10, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Chapter 5.4


Volume 4 Chapter 5.4

Acceleration to Collapse Part 4


"What is the meaning of this!?"


Irisdina's fury echoed throughout the Francilt mansion.

It was past noon. In the spacious reception room, not only Somia and Mena, but also Mars and Tima, as well as Shina, Mimuru, and Tom, all had a uniformly difficult expression on their faces.

They had abandoned their afternoon classes to gather here.

The reason was that they had learned that Nozomu had been detained by the guards. The charge was attempted murder.

At first, the school had kept this story a secret, but Nozomu was a promising star who had fought a narrow battle with Jihad Roundel. Therefore, information leaked out of nowhere, and within half a day the whole school knew about it as a sensational topic.

The reaction to this story was mixed. Some reacted, "As expected". Some did not make a clear judgment and withheld their opinions. Others denied it, saying they could not believe it. Irisdina and the others were, of course, the latter.


"I heard that Nozomu-kun is being detained at the Guard's headquarters in the administrative district. I went to see if I could meet him, but I was driven away saying that he was under investigation."


Hearing Shina's words, Irisdina crossed her arms and bit her lip.

Arcazam's judiciary and administration are completely independent from other countries, and no matter how powerful someone may be in his or her home country, he or she will not be given any special treatment. Especially when it comes to criminal investigations, it is common practice to detain suspects and cut off all contact with the outside world to prevent them from escaping or destroying evidence.


"Arcazam's investigative agencies are excellent compared to those in other countries. I don't think they would resort to using inefficient means such as torture......"

"But it is not certain. Torture is still not prohibited as a method of investigation."


Mena added to what Tom had just said.

Torture is considered to be an inefficient method of investigation in some countries. Because there are cases of people giving out false information to escape pain and suffering.

Without accurate information, a proper investigation cannot be conducted. However, as a customary practice, the use of torture remains within the regulations of investigative agencies in various countries, and it was the same here in Arcazam.

And the authority to do so remained in the sole discretion of the guards in charge of the investigation. This is one of the remaining issues in Arcazam despite the negotiations with the other countries.


"In any case, we need to find out what is actually going on."


Anxiety and impatience welled up in her. As if to shake them off, Irisdina opened her mouth.

However, everyone present understood that it would not be easy. After all, they had already rushed to both the school and the guard's headquarters, demanding an explanation of the situation.

The result was that they were turned away at the door. Both the school and the guard's responses were silent.

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on July 1, 2024.

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