Monday, June 24, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 9 Part 4

Volume 3

Chapter 9 Part 4

The Girl Comes, Raising the Signal 4

Translator : PolterGlast

Akira and the others, who had not been to Tenryō Station in several days, blinked their eyelids at the transformation.


Hurried staff members sweeping the corridors, and an old man, apparently a member of a high-ranking noble family, spitting out orders.

At the entrance to the station, guardians carrying white banners were chasing away curious onlookers.


In front of the stunned Akira and the others, a line of steam-powered cars drove by, carrying goods and people.

Behind Akira, Rindō Saki coughed, perhaps feeling a tickle in her nose from the soot from the exhaust smoke.


"Cough, cough. What's with all this ruckus?"


"...... They're probably guardians on dispatch from the Hakudō Province to the Imperial Guards.

I believe they have been instructed by Jinroin not to cause any trouble, but perhaps they went out of control when they heard the news."


The Imperial Guards, whose main mission is to protect the Central Province, is the largest armed force in Takamagahara aside from the Eight Families.

The main force is made up of the local guardians, but the guardians from each of the provinces also contribute their part to the force.


As if to confirm Jin's prediction, the Jinroin family crest on a pure white banner inlaid with gold brocade rose into the clear sky.

Looking up at the waves of silk cloth fluttering in the autumn breeze, the old man who had been yelling at the others snorted with satisfaction.


"I see you are from the White Forces of the Imperial Guards, but - what in the world is all this fuss about?"


"Hmm. Oh, Nakiri-dono.

Thank you for Yuge-sama and your help the other day."


Jin called out to the old man's back, his voice tinged with dismay.

The old man's frown slightly loosened upon recognizing Jin, who had taken a step ahead of Akira and the others.


Akira wondered if Jin knew this old man, and his questioning gaze fell on Jin.


"...-Yeah, I was merely tagging along behind Master's back, but I am honored that you remember me."


He must have forgotten.


The way he replied, there was no trace of stagnation in his smooth tone. However, Akira did not miss the pause of half a breath that crept in just before he spoke.


Just before meeting Akira and the others in Shumon Province, he heard that Jin had attended a negotiation in the Central Capital together with Kojou.

Perhaps they had met at that time.


"But of course. As the disciple of Yuge Kojou, as well as someone from the first branch of the Yuge family, even the Imperial Guards has been talking about you as being the next generation's leading figure.

Even we, the White Force, have a whiff of it......"


"I don't think topic about me is important at the moment.

I don't know where you heard it from, but I am sure Jinroin informed you that it was not necessary to make a welcoming reception.

Does Master know about this commotion you're making?"


"...... Haha. I'm sure he's already been informed.

However, to think that we would stand idly by when we heard that young lady Jinroin would be visiting the Central Capital, I would think that the White Force's credentials would be questioned.

I thought it would be more appropriate for us to escort her, despite us being a small unit.

Nakiri-dono, I would appreciate it if you would wait leisurely at Jinroin's villa."


"It would be a waste of time to return now that we have come all the way here.

If you find it silly, then you should understand that it is also reasonable if I were to ask you to withdraw."


"You have a point.

But I do not think it would be wise, considering the future, to narrow Kagura-sama's horizons with a tour consisting solely of young acquaintances.

Nakiri-dono, you may have your reasons for issuing this order, but for now, I would like to ask you to give us face in honor of this old man's age."


He was probably better at politics than he was at warfare. His eloquent speech was so effective that it forced Jin to withdraw.

Jin's gaze looked downward emotionlessly at the old man's deeply bowed grey-haired head.


In short, he wanted to be the first to welcome Kagura, the next head of Jinroin, in order to spread the word to those around him that it was a great honor for him to be chosen for the role.

......But if Jin gave up his role to this old man, there would be a risk that he might spout all sorts of nonsense to her.


However, it was difficult to drive away the old man, who refused to compromise, because he had been exposed to public attention.


Especially now, a situation in which the Hyakki Yagyo might become a threat.

He could not afford to let their relationship deteriorate by making this old man lose face, especially since he was currently seated in the Imperial Guards.


While Jin was pondering over how to handle the situation, Akira took a step forward.


"Excuse me for interrupting,...... but I would like to express my gratitude to Imperial Guard-dono for your efforts in arranging the welcoming reception."


"Hmm? I see that you are a protector, but whose faction do you belong to?"


At first glance, he appeared to be a boy in a protector's uniform, without a guardian's haori. However, his voice was unwavering, and the old man gave Akira an appraising stare.


"My name is Yotsurugi Akira, and I have been assigned as a protector in the Shumon Province.

Since your conversation did not seem to be making any progress, I thought it would be better if I intervened."


"What? To think that a mere subordinate of another province would meddle in the affairs of Hakudō Province's future.

Nakiri-dono, I don't know what your true intentions are, but I would advise you to reconsider your friendship with him."


After having assessed Akira's value, the old man's gaze flashed a hint of contempt.

Jin, on the other hand, furrowed his eyebrows when he heard the old man's words, which only focused on the other party's status.


When Jin was about to say something, Akira stopped him and then went on to add more words.


"Indeed, the Shumon Province has no authority to interfere in the future of the Hakudō Province.

Therefore, the head of the Yuge family has granted us permission to accompany Nakiri-dono."


Because they have no authority over it, therefore, they have no hidden agendas.

The top of the old man's head flushed to the point of boiling from Akira's sarcasm, which took advantage of his opponent's background and character.


"You sure are quite the talker, huh?

You're merely a subordinate who can't even keep his mouth shut unless you hide behind Nakiri-dono's back."


"Yes. I am a puny fellow, so puny that I am not even worthy of having ulterior motives, but I bet Yuge-sama is more at ease with someone like me.

It's time to withdraw, old man. I advise you to leave while you still can."




You should forget about all the hard work you have put in.

The old man was so enraged by Akira's implicit words.


However, Akira's follow-up words closed his mouth as he tried to raise a second argument.


"I do not doubt your loyalty.

...... However, if you were to neglect your duty as Imperial Guards and push the Yuge family aside just to make the welcoming reception, I am sure that Jinroin would be deeply disappointed and would take disciplinary action.

If you would kindly give up on this matter before that happens, I am sure that the Yuge family will be able to keep this matter under wraps."




The old man, who had been trying to maintain his presence by shouting loudly, had to be silenced when Akira pointed out that Jinroin did not need to be greeted.


As Jinroin had clearly stated that there was no need for him to be there, the old man's actions constituted a clear violation of the order.

Even if he were to use the Central Province's jurisdiction as a pretext, he would still be punished as long as the White Force consisted of Jinroin's guardians.


The old man's actions were more likely to anger Jinroin than to please them.

Having had this painful truth pointed out directly to him, the old man had no choice but to remain silent.


"Of course. Nakiri-dono has no intention of ignoring your White Force's behind-the-scenes efforts in cleaning up the station where Jinroin's heir will arrive. If you withdraw from this place, he would be happy to convey the White Force of the Imperial Guards and your name to Jinroin-sama. ―Right?"


"Y-Yeah. I have no intention of wasting the White Force's labor.

If you withdraw now, there will be ample opportunity for a meeting at a later date."


"......I have indeed requested a meeting."


Akira spoke over the silence that prevailed, and Jin, who was jabbed by Akira's elbow, hurriedly rode on Akira's words.

The old man, perhaps deciding that persisting any longer would not be in his favor, reluctantly raised his right hand in dismissal toward the lined-up White Force.


The old man and his men got into the steam car they had prepared and left, kicking up a cloud of dust.

The typhoon had passed. Jin looked around the station premises, which had eventually returned to a state of a mess not much different from before it was cleaned up, and he spoke up with a tinge of exasperation.


"You've gotten really good at running your mouth, huh? ...... Where did you learn such eloquence?"


"Banda was always looking down on me after all. Since they're on the same level, it was easy for me to convey my sarcasm."


"I see. ......You saved me there, but was that really all right with you, Junior?

If it turns out that we sold him an empty promise that we can't guarantee, the old man is going to resent us."


Akira said there would be an opportunity for a meeting, but in reality, it was unlikely to happen.

The old man was overbearing, but the number of guardians he had with him suggested that he would be a squad leader at the very least.


Although on a tour, Jinroin Kagura's schedule must be packed, so it would be easy to imagine that she could not afford to be bothered with merely a squad leader.

However, when Jin pointed this out, Akira simply responded with a shrug.


The old man was so similar to Banda that he simply adapted this technique from the one Tsuguho had shown him.

It is indeed an empty promise, but since the old man is the one who will be in trouble, he should be grateful to hear from whom it came.


"We are not lying. All we promised was that we would mention the old man's name.

Well, I don't know the old man's name, though ...... and I'm sure you've forgotten his name."


"That’s true."


Having his true thoughts exposed, Jin let a wry smile appear at the corner of his mouth.

He had no intention of taking any unnecessary trouble that might arise in the future.


"I'm glad things turned out well.

With such a large group, it's going to be difficult to move, and it's only going to attract unnecessary attention."


"Agreed, but by the way, I don't recall inviting young lady Rindō.

Why is she here, Junior?"


"Beats me......."


Was this payback for earlier? Jin nudged him in the side with his elbow, and with a hushed voice, reproached him.

When asked why she was there, he had no response other than to say that she forced her way in.


Although the official reason for being here is to greet dignitaries, Akira has only been told that he is there to entertain a child.

Akira has little reason to be on guard, and he has no idea why Saki is acting so eagerly.


Saki, perhaps having overheard their secret conversation, raised her eyebrows and glared at the two men.


"I'm in charge of Akira-kun's training after all.

Besides, since it is Jinroin's heir we're talking about, it must be a girl, how could I leave her with a pair of rough men?"


"Alright, alright. You have a good point.

Good thing I prepared two steam cars. One of us might get left out for sure."


Jin praised his past self for deciding to arrange two steam cars, remembering the one with the Jinroin banner waiting in the street.




Once the White Force had withdrawn, the station building had regained its former atmosphere. From beyond Akira and the others' field of vision, the whistle signaling the train's arrival sounded.


The majestic sight of the speeding train came to a halt as if exhausting its immense heat.

Amidst the smell of brand-new iron oil mixed in with the swirling wind, steam erupted haphazardly from the valves.


In the middle of the steam-filled train, a girl around 10 years old stepped out of the car door with Jinroin's family crest on it.


She is dressed in a white robe and scarlet hakama. Her clothes, which are similar to those of a Miko (shrine maiden), are fluttered by the wind that sweeps through the steam.


Jinroin Kagura, with her young limbs stretched with all the dignity she could muster, and accompanied by personal attendants she brought, put her white hat back on with a smile on her face.


With the same childish mannerisms that one would expect from first impressions, her gaze turned to Akira and the others.


"―Nakiri, it's been a while. Is everything well?"


"Yes. My only redeeming quality is my robustness after all.

I am relieved that you have arrived safely. Princess."


"Mother has arranged for a private train, so I am not in the slightest bit worried about the journey.

And who are they?"


A sweet, clear voice graced Jin's ears as she shifted her gaze to the two unfamiliar people and tilted her head slightly.

Saki, who had already taken a step back, opened her mouth before Akira, who had lowered his gaze, fearing it would be rude.


"―I am delighted to hear of the safe arrival of the heir to Jinroin.

I, Rindō Saki, have been entrusted by Kihoin Tsuguho, the next head of Kihoin, with the task of welcoming you."


"Rindō? The Eight Families of Shumon Province, right?

Just before our departure, Fujimorimiya-sama asked us to join forces with you. I will ask for more details later.

What about him?"


Realizing that her gaze had shifted toward him, Akira bowed his head with a downcast gaze.

However, the three-year age difference in growth is quite significant. Even with Akira's downcast gaze, they still exchanged glances due to the difference in their physiques, as Kagura looked upward at him.


"I am Yotsurugi Akira, and I am under the guidance of Rindō-sama.

Today, Nakiri-senpai has invited me to come and talk with you."


"Yotsurugi, ......Akira-sama. It seems that my father places a great deal of trust in you. I am looking forward to talking with you as well.



You may regard him as your older brother and act as spoiled as you like.

Tsukishiro's words crossed Kagura's mind.


If she were to exclude Nakiri Jin whom she had already been acquainted with, there would be only one person who would fit the criteria.

This is where Tsukishiro's wish will come true, she thought, clenching her fists inwardly and letting out a determined exhale.


"May I call you older brother?"


""......-pardon? ""


Silence fell over the place.

After a brief pause, voices with a tinge of confusion echoed in one corner of the station in unison.




The leather seat in the steam car was a little too high for Kagura's feet to reach.

She sat down a little on the edge than Akira and the others, and the way she played with her feet, wiggling her toes happily, was not so different from that of children of her age.

The girl sat next to Jin facing Akira and Saki. They looked just like a brother and sister when they sat side by side.

Perhaps curious about something, she frequently looked out the window and let out a hushed giggle.


"―There aren't many tall buildings in the Central Capital, I see."


"I've heard that many people object to it because they believe it brings bad luck for the Imperial Throne.

But it seems that most of it is based on the dissatisfaction of the old families."


I see. Saki's response was light and cheerful.

Perhaps tired of observing the passing scenery of white plaster walls, she turned her gaze back to Akira and the others.


"I heard that there is a plan to build a radio tower in Shumon Province. I hear that it will be tall enough to pierce the clouds.


"Although pierce the clouds may be an exaggeration, there is no doubt that the tower will be so high that one would have to look up to see it.

At the very least, it will definitely be high enough to be able to transmit signals in all directions."


Saki responded to Kagura's question before Akira did.


The centralized radio tower that maintained the radio band for radio broadcasting, which had opened a few years earlier, sought patronage by promoting the fact that its broadcasts could be heard even across the island.


Although Akira did not have much experience with the tower, he recalled listening to the radio talk show at the eaves of the taverns that stretched along the street.


Kagura's finger pointed as she asked, "What is this?", several times, to which Saki politely responded while glancing at the window.

Behind the lively conversation, Jin and Akira, who had been sitting next to each other, leaned in closer and spoke in hushed voices.


"...... So, what's going on, Junior?

Don't complain if someone spears you for trying to make a move on the Four Sovereigns of the Other Provinces."


"I should be the one asking you that, Senpai.

Isn't this what the Yuge Lord arranged?"


She is certainly a lovely girl, but even if it arouses his desire to protect her, Akira has no intention of doing so.


......Akira already buried such an emotion all due to his family.

Even if he were to be adored as an older brother, he would take a step back, and the difference in status between him and her would only make him feel uncomfortable when asked to be intimate with her.


"That's... true.

Damn it, what is Master thinking of?"


"Well, we're just here to accompany here, aren't we? ...... How about stopping by Senpai's favorite cafe?"


"I can't take her to a run-of-the-mill cafe.

I've already prepared some sweets, so we'll go directly to the villa."


Although they were whispering, Kagura's eyes lit up and turned to Akira and Jin, perhaps grasping the edge of the sentence in the bustle of the cramped car.


"Do you have some sweets?"


"Yes. We have prepared egg confectioneries imported from overseas.

It is made of sweet bean paste sandwiched between two pieces of dough and is said to be the most popular in the Central Capital in recent years."


Having been asked about the topic, Jin responded to Kagura's question while maintaining a composed facial expression.

With a smile that belied Jin's emotions, the young girl of higher rank than anyone else present shook her young toes as her emotions took over.


"I can't wait. Would you like to join us, Ani-sama (older brother)?


"Ye-, ――."


"Akira-kun has not yet established his position as a member of the nobility to be able to share a table with Jinroin's heir.

Our apologies, but we would like to decline your invitation."


Akira was about to accept the invitation, but Saki's elbow blocked his mouth, and before he could even cry out in agony, Saki's refusal flew past him.

Kagura lowered her eyebrows in disappointment and shifted her gaze to Akira as if peering at him.


With a troubled smile, Akira somehow managed to reciprocate Saki's words with a nod.

Deciding that no more room for being spoiled was possible, the girl let out a single sigh of sadness and sat back deeper in her seat.


"Too bad. I've got a rough day tomorrow, and I thought we'd have some fun before then."




"I'll be traveling west to Mount Mitsu-Torii from tomorrow to deal with the Hyakki Yagyo.

I have to perform a purification ceremony so that I can summon the Deity Pillar."


Akira and the others had no words to say in reply to the girl's words.

Even though the sacred realm and the mountains directly under their jurisdiction are connected by the dragon vein, it is not so different from being forced to exercise Arawakamioroshi at all times when the Divine Pillar is summoned to strengthen the Five Elemental Barriers.

The unimaginable rough labor forced Saki and the others to pause for a moment before replying.


While Akira and the others were at a loss for words, Kagura tilted her head slightly and voiced her doubts.


"......Although I don't know much about it, I do know that barriers are used for protection. But. Is that really enough to withstand the Hyakki Yagyo?"


"I've heard from Tsuguho-sama that it can at best buy time. Therefore, as a means of counteroffensive, we are currently investigating Nurarihyon's history."


Kagura's gaze was drawn to Akira's reply, intrigued.

The characteristics of the guest god and the history of his defeats. She nodded in return, struggling to understand the clues to the counteroffensive that were told to her in hushed tones.


As the discussion eventually turned to the doubts about the Divine Pillar that had been expelled from the Western Continent, Kagura opened her mouth with a distinctly furrowed brow.


"............Based on what you've told me, I don't think he was a Divine Pillar who originated from the Western Continent."




A denial raised abruptly.

Kagura pointed it out, and Akira and Saki raised their voices in surprise.




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