Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Can a Mob Highschooler be a Normie: Chapter 65


Mob Kousei No Ore Demo Boukensha Ni Nareba Riajuu Ni Naremasuka: Chapter #65

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain

Translator(s) note: Sorry for the delayed update on Polterglast blog, there was a blackout. (˃̣̣̥ᴖ˂̣̣̥)

And we're sorry to say, but the 7-days trial for the tier on our Patreon will be erased from 03 June 2024.(๑•́ㅿ•̀๑)ᔆᵒʳʳᵞ




Episode 65: The Principal's Summer Speech is Murderous (2)




Well, there are a lot of bad temptations during summer vacation. I want you all to be aware of yourselves as students of our school, and to be sure to resist those temptations with your strong selves--


 The gymnasium was filled with a damp and warm air.


 There were several large electric fans lined up here and there in the room, spinning their blades as fast as they could, but they were only sending out foul and unpleasant air.


 The atmosphere, which seemed to drain one's energy just by being there, was clearly caused not only by the summer humidity and temperature, but also by the sweat and carbon dioxide released by all the students crammed into the large school gymnasium.


 While all the students were wishing to be released as soon as possible, however, the Principal, standing on the stage, went on and on, showing not the slightest sign of ending.


 Most principals' speeches tend to be long, but this one was clearly more than twice as long as those given by the principals of elementary and junior high schools.


 In the sauna-like atmosphere of the room, none of the students were listening to the Principal's speech anymore.


 After a long time of just passing the Principal's words from the right ear to the left ear, the long-awaited moment finally arrived.


...When I was a student, there was also a sad incident. At the time, I had a girlfriend named Ryoko-san, but during the summer vacation, she fell under the poisonous fangs of a bunch of thugs and got pregnant while she was still a student. Back then, things were more uptight than they are now, so of course it was a big problem. I only learned of her situation after she had left the school, and I deeply regretted that I had failed to protect my beloved girlfriend. But on the other hand, when I learned that my beloved woman had been bedded without my knowledge, I felt an inexpressible rush of heat in my chest, as if my blood was burning somehow, along with pain and suffering that made it impossible for me to breathe. However----


"......Principal. ......Principal! It's about time......"


"Ah, mm, is it that time already..."


 The Principal looked momentarily displeased at the Vice Principal's words, then he coughed once and said,


Well, then, I just have one final note.


 It's finally here! Light returned to the dead fish eyes of the students.


 As the students straightened their posture, as if they would at least listen properly for the last part, the Principal's face turned somewhat sullen.


Well, as you all probably know, a dungeon appeared at our school the other day.


 ----*Murmur, murmur*


 The gymnasium immediately stirred up at the topic that the students were most interested in at the moment.


Quiet, quiet! If you don't be quiet, I'll start talking again from the beginning!


 At these words, the buzzing stopped.


 The students had grown quiet as meek as a lamb, and the Principal continued his story with a rather complicated look on his face, Hm, we have personnel from the Self-Defense Forces and the Guild coming and going to investigate the dungeon that has opened up in our school, so please do not interfere in any way with their work. In particular, you should never sneak into the dungeon without permission. This is a clear violation of the law, and even if you are a minor, you will certainly face criminal charges. Naturally, the school will have no choice but to impose the most severe punishment, so please be careful.


 The Principal, who from the start hinted at criminal charges and expulsion from the school, caused some tension among the students.


 It was a rule that any new dungeon that appeared would be thoroughly investigated first by the Self-Defense Forces and the Guild, with no exceptions. During this time, no one, not even professional adventurers, will be allowed to enter the dungeon.


 Although it was publicly stated that the reason for this was to 'Ascertain whether the newly formed dungeon have any characteristics not seen before' and to 'Investigate whether or not it is appropriate to open the dungeon to the public,' the real reason was said to be because 'The government wants to monopolize the reward for the first conquest of the dungeon.'


 Although it was not clear whether it was true or not, there was a rumor that there is a high probability that a card would drop from the boss monster when a newly created dungeon is conquered.


 The drop rate is a thousand times higher than usual, meaning that it is guaranteed to be at least C-rank card, and even B-rank card have a 50-50 chance of dropping.


 This led to rumors circulating on the Internet that the country was efficiently collecting high-rank cards which were almost impossible to obtain with the normal drop rates...


 In fact, even in developing countries that have little or no control over dungeon access, armies were always the first to be sent to newly emerged dungeons, so the rumor was considered to have some credibility.


You see, the duration of the investigation has not yet been determined, but it will take at least another week or two. Teachers who are advisors for club activities on campus during the summer vacation, please take extra precautions to ensure that your students do not engage in any dangerous activities.


 The few adventurers on campus were surprised to hear this.


 It had already been a week since the dungeon appeared on campus.


 Usually, it only takes about a week to investigate a dungeon within the amateur level.


 The fact that it took two to three weeks for the investigation meant that the dungeon in this school was a professional-class dungeon or a secret dungeon that required more careful investigation.


Finally. Even though a dungeon formed in the school, it will not affect your routine in any way. At most, a branch of Dungeon Mart will open on campus, making it a little more convenient. Remember, you must not act frivolously!


 The Principal speaks with more fervor than ever.


 If I were to paraphrase this statement in an easy-to-understand way, it would be: "Don't think about becoming an adventurer just because a dungeon appears on campus."


 Don't become an adventurer! I could see the difficult situation of the adults in the way they couldn't give a straightforward warning.




 I casually looked around.


 The students who heard the Principal's words were clearly upset. This was especially noticeable among the first-year boys.


 The dungeon that had appeared on campus, combined with the previous incident, seemed to have made the students feel closer to the adventurers and the dungeon than they had ever felt before.


 While third-year students were already preparing for exams and the second-year students had just lost a brother, the first-year students, who had just entered high school and were in high spirits, probably had no idea of the risks involved in becoming adventurers.


 What they have in their minds is not the image of their own corpses in the dungeon, but the sight of becoming adventurers and making their debut in a spectacular way.


 And worst of all for the school, there were several 'model students' in the school.


 It was only natural for them to think, "If so, then I too..."


 The only saving grace was the high initial cost of becoming an adventurer.


 However, summer vacation is an excellent time to earn money.


 I wonder what the atmosphere on the school grounds will be like after the summer break...


A student's duty is to study! Don't get carried away just because it's summer vacation and refrain from doing anything that could get you hurt! Is that clear?!


 Such a warning from the Principal echoed hollowly among the quietly worked up students.






 After the school ceremony was over, the students returned to their classrooms, where the class atmosphere had completely changed to that of a summer vacation.


 Groups of various sizes had formed here and there in the classroom, happily discussing their plans for the summer vacation.


 From this scene, there was no hint of the loss of one of their classmates due to a horrific incident. ...Even the group of people who were very close to Shishido.


 Rather than being sentimental, they seemed to be acting more upbeat than usual, as if they'd forgotten about it.


 But it was no less true for me...


"Kitagawa, are you going to be in the dungeon for the entire summer vacation?"


"No way. Of course I go to the dungeon, but I also travel with my family and hang out with my friends."


 While the other members of the top caste group were talking with their close classmates, I was unusually chatting with Shindo alone.


"He~h, that's unexpected. When I think of Kitagawa, I have the image of someone who is addicted to adventure."


"That's very funny."


 I laughed lightly, and Shindo laughed too.


"I'm guessing that since Kitagawa goes to the dungeon almost every day after school, not only on weekends, but also on weekdays. Right?"


"Hmm... well, I guess so."


"You're addicted to the dungeon after all. The guy who is an adventurer in our high school also said that they dive only four times a month. They say they don't have the nerve."


"Well, I guess I shouldn't say this, but it's more like they are just for the fun of it, right?"


"Hum, true. But Ono told me that even those who aim to become professionals dive only three or four days a week."




 Indeed, as Shindo said, even three-star adventurers, who can be called semi-professionals, usually spend three to four days in the D-rank dungeon and then spend the same number of days to rest.


 No matter how much magic could remove wounds and fatigue, it could not heal the mental exhaustion. Even though a safe zone existed inside the dungeon, sleeping and staying overnight in a location where one was exposed to the murderous intent of foreign enemies would stimulate one's survival instincts as a living being, which would accumulate as an enormous amount of stress.


 The accumulated stress impedes concentration, and in the case of the D-rank dungeons, the slightest mistake could be fatal.


 Therefore, the secret for safety was to take a rest as many days required to conquer the dungeon and to refresh the body and mind.


 However, that would be a story for the average adventurer who has to sleep in the dungeon, and not for me, who can always return home with Hamelin's Flute.


 I can't possibly explained that to him. When I made a vague expression, Shindo laughed.


"I'm not trying to put you down. Everyone thinks it's amazing. Especially athletic teams like ours. We are also working hard for the Inter-Highs, but we can't be as physically grueling as Kitagawa. I feel like that's how you earn the pro level."


 I felt a little embarrassed at his straightforward praise, so I veered the subject from me,


"Even though you say so, you do spend most of your summer vacation practicing and training, don't you, Shindo?"


 When I said that, he sagged.


"That's right... Practicing and training from morning to night, I don't even have time to get a girlfriend."


"What? You don't have a girlfriend?"


 I was surprised and looked hard at his face.


 Shindo is a handsome man with short brown hair and a kind face. He is tall, around 180 centimeters, and his body is toned and fit, probably due to his daily dedication to playing tennis.


 He has a sociable and cheerful personality and is easy to talk to, regardless of gender, so it was surprising that this young man did not have a girlfriend.


"No, well... I do want to get a girlfriend, but you know, I'm busy playing tennis. I'm sure it won't last long if I can't take care of her, and that's why I don't date right now."


"I'm sure there are a lot of girls who would be fine with that if it's Shindo. ...And it's not like you don't have time off at all from club activities, right?"


"Yeah, well, Sundays are rest days, as would be expected, but... N, nevermind about me! What about Kitagawa? Why don't you get a girlfriend? Kitagawa is a very popular guy. You've got money and you're the school hero."


 I smiled wryly at Shindo's words.


 It was true that after the incident, I became a bit of a hero in the school.


 After all, I had helped solve a major crime that had been blocked from the media.


 On top of that, I am a high school student and an adventurer who appeared on TV.


 How could I not be famous for this?


 Some underclassmen who wanted to be adventurers asked to be my apprentice, and girls from other classes and grades came to see my face during recess (they were disappointed when they saw me in person).


 After you get to this point, even someone with a mob face like mine can become popular, just as a professional baseball player can become popular even if he is not good-looking.


 Yes, I have become popular, but...


"Ah, hey, hey, Shindo-kun, Kitagawa-kun."


 There, two girls from our class came over to us.


 They were the Unosano duo, Migino-san and Sano-san, two who was amongst of the hottest girls in class.


 They unbuttoned two buttons of their shirts, revealing their larger-than-average cleavage, and spoke to us in cute tone of voices,


"Have you guys already made plans for your summer vacation?"


"We're planning to go to the beach. If you don't mind, want to go together?"


 ---- Beach......!


 Shindo and I looked at each other.


 This was quite a tempting offer.


 Although the Unosano duo had somewhat of an impersonal face and hairstyle, like members of a certain idol group, they were cute and had a great sense of fashion and flirtatiousness.


 Enjoying the beach with these girls in their swimsuits...


 However, I had this suspicious feeling that if I went off the path, I might end up committing a one-summer avant-garde mistake.


What should I do...? Is it all right to accept this invitation?


 To put it better, the Unosano duo is easy-going, and to put it worse, they have a flirty spirit. It is not impossible that there might be a very naughty event.


 But if people think that I nodded my head in anticipation of that, it could give everyone in the class the image of 'Kitagawa-kun is actually a horny, lecherous man'... (Note: It may already be too late.)


 On the other hand, if I pretend to be a strict guy and refuse the offer, nothing will happen and I will get nothing.


I wonder how many more times I'll have a chance like this in my life...


 ......Hah! At that moment, an electric current went through my brain.


No, wait! Wait! There won't be such thing as a next time,......!


 Once I become a third-year student, my summer vacation will be spent studying for college entrance exams, and I will have no plans to have fun. The summer of my freshman year was a precious time which I spent all of it working part-time, so there is a good chance that this will be the first and last time that I can go to the beach with a girl!


 But... I wonder what Ushikura-san and the others would think if they heard that I went to the beach with the Unosano duo...


 It was not hard to imagine that Ushikura-san's flag, which may or may not be there, would be snapped.


W- what should I do...what should I do?


 While I was worrying within less than a second, Shindo asked me with a similarly distressed look on his face,


"W- what to do...?" 


"What do we do…?"


"......I- I will go if Kitagawa says he will go."




T- this guy...!


 He was forcing me to make the decision.


  Maybe, Shindo is also flustered. He spends his days playing tennis, and the chance to do something naughty with a rather cute girl seems like a rare treat. But on the other hand, he doesn't want to ruin his cool image...


 Therefore, Shindo chose the option of leaving the decision to me, leaving the possibility of going to the beach with the Unosano duo, while also keeping his cool image intact!


Shit! Shindo! You look like a nice guy, but you're quite deft in this!


 But I wouldn't call him a plotter. In fact, I feel like laughing at my own stupidity for not coming up with such a simple solution.


This is bad....... Five seconds has already passed since the Unosano duo invited us to join them. If I spend any more time thinking about it, I might be judged as not being enthusiastic enough. If that happens, the girls will take the option to retreat on their own to protect their pride.


 This will make them think that the fish they dropped may have been too big to catch.


For now, the only thing left to do is to buy some time!


"You see, I do have plans to capture some dungeons, so it will depend on the time. Are the members will be just us four?"


 When I asked that question, pretending to be casual, Sano-san, who had medium-length hair, answered with a smile and peace signs,


"Mochi! It would be embarrassing if there are too many of us."


 It's embarrassing when there's too many people?! My eyes widened. You mean that's how it's designated?!


 The scales in my mind tipped all at once.


 When I looked at Shindo, I saw that although he appeared calm on the surface, his eyes were looking at me as if he were clutching at me.


.......................Huff, there's no choice~ this time I'll take the bait. You owe me this one, okay?


 Just as I was about to respond to the Unosano duo, determined to take on the shame for the sake of my friend----


"Oh, there you are."


 A beautiful androgynous voice echoed from the entrance of the classroom.


This voice is...!


 Not only me, but all the students in the classroom turned their gazes in that direction.


 The owner of the voice came straight to this direction without paying any attention to those gazes.


"Ya, Maro. Do you have a minute?"




 My Teacher, dressed in a long-sleeved blazer even though it was the peak of summer, was smiling coolly with a face that showed no sign of heat at all. Do his sweat glands not exist? Or is he using magic item ......?


"What's wrong? It's unusual for Kannadzuki to come to our classroom."


 I asked my Teacher with a sigh.


 He told me to stop calling him 'Teacher' and using honorifics whenever we are in the school because it makes him look bad.


"Yeah, Oribe-san wants us to meet at the Adventurer's Club after school. She said so when I saw her in the hallway earlier."


"Sayo did? Why doesn't she just send me a message with her cell phone?"


 To think that she would use her senior as a messenger... that's unusual for her because she is the kind of person who respect her seniors.


"Hmm--, I think it's some kind of important matter. She seemed serious, or a little angry."




I wonder if something happened.


 When I was tilting my head...


"Uh, say~......."


 The Unosano duo spoke to my Teacher timidly. Their cheeks were slightly reddish, unlike when they were talking to me and Shindo.


"If you don't mind... would you like to go to the beach with us?"


"We were just about to ask Kitagawa-kun and Shindo-kun to join us, but it looks like they are both busy."


""...! ? ""


 Ehh?! I and Shinto exchanged a shocked look. What is this?!!


"Huh? Hm...?"


"Okay? Let's go? If the sea is too difficult, we can go to a swimming pool!"


"Oh, if you don't like swimming, we can go to an amusement park!"


 The Unosano duo clearly had different enthusiasm compared to when they were inviting me and Shindo.


 My Teacher was taken aback by these girls.


 And right at that moment...


"----Hey! Stop it, you're causing him trouble!"


 The ones who offered a helping hand to my Teacher were a group of girls in the class who were checking out the scene.


 The gyaru1 ones, the liberal arts girls, and the athletic club girls. These girls, united across group boundaries, glared at the Unosano duo with eyes narrowed.


 As soon as the Unosano duo became intimidated by the pressure of their stares, the group of gyaru girls surrounded my Teacher.


"Forget them~ Wanna go karaoke after school?"


"You're still new to this area, right? I'll introduce you to some places to hang out."


"Huh!? Don't be ridiculous!"


 Each of the girl groups and the Unosano duo suddenly snapped on each other like a bunch of dogs.


 It seemed that the unity across group boundaries was a misunderstanding.


 The girls' battle for Kannadzuki commenced without any further ado.


"Wai... Maro, Help--"


 My Teacher was swallowed up by the crowd of girls and disappeared.


 Completely driven out of the crossfire, I and Shindo looked at each other… and burst into laughter.


We, are indeed popular in general. But only ordinarily popular.


Good-looking? Well, Shindo is certainly good-looking. But, he is just an ordinary good-looking man. Not as good-looking as my super-beautiful Teacher, who transcended the boundaries of gender.


A three-star adventurer in high school? That's certainly impressive. But how many are there in the whole of Japan? --And as a note, my Teacher is a professional.


Helping solve a dangerous crime? Sure, even being called a hero. But my Teacher was the one who led that team as a professional!


Appearance. Personality. Competence. Achievements. Financial power. He is superior in all the elements of attractiveness that Shindo and I possessed. That is the existence of Tsubasa Kannadzuki.


No matter. I have my cards. Shindo has tennis.


Regrets, there's no--


 As I endured the feeling of something rising in me as I straightened myself, I heard cute giggles.


 There were Shinomiya-san with a grinning Cheshire Cat-like smile on her face and Ushikura-san with a gentle giggling look on her face.


"What's the matter, you two~? Did you really want to see girls in swimsuits that badly?"


 Shinomiya-san poked me on the cheek while saying that.


"No, not at all, we're not disappointed. Right, Shindo?"


"Right, right right.  We were originally going to refuse. We're busy, like playing tennis and conquering the dungeon."




 Shinomiya-san smiled meaningfully at us as we made lame excuses.

"I see. Too bad. Even though we came to invite you to go to the pool with us instead."


""For real?!""


"But if you're busy, I guess that's not possible. It can't be helped, let's just go by ourselves, Shizuka. Inviting people seems difficult."


"I guess so... If they are busy, it can't be helped."


"No, no, no, it's okay! I can go! I'll take a break from club activities! Right, Kitagawa?!"


"I can adjust my schedule too!"


 We were determined not to let this opportunity pass us by, so we were eager to take it.


"Really? Then can you send me a date when you can make it work? I'll do my best to arrange a date that works for us."


 Shinomiya-san calmly said what needed to be said and left. Before following her, Ushikura-san waved at us with a small smile.


 After seeing them depart, Shindo and I exchanged a look, and then gave a fist pump.







 ----A few hours later. The Denim's restaurant was filled with the hustle and bustle of lunchtime all over.




 At the far end of the non-smoking area, there was a table reserved exclusively for the Adventurers' Club. It had become a regular place for the club. There, we surrounded Anna, her head drooping.


 After the closing ceremony, students and families were enjoying lunch with their companions, but this table was surrounded by a dark atmosphere that was the complete opposite of that of the surrounding crowd.


 Oribe, sitting in front of Anna, said in an icy tone,


"Oi, Leader."




"What the hell, is this?"


 Oribe, who spat it out, turned her eyes to a line of test papers with brilliant red marks.


 "Who was it that said: [If you get a red mark and have to take supplementary lessons, you won't be able to go on the expedition, so let's make sure everyone in the Adventurer's Club doesn't get a red mark!]"


"I did...., Maam."


"[If anyone gets a red mark, they'll be penalized]! Who said that?"


"I- I did, Maam…"


 The beautiful red-haired girl, drenched in sweats and shrank pitifully. However, no one felt sorry for her.


"What terrible scores... With Sayo's test predictions, how could you get such scores?"


 The test predictions that Oribe had made for the members of the Adventurers' Club were so thorough that despite the fact that she is a first-year student, she was perfectly capable of covering the second-year materials, allowing even an idiot to get a high score just by memorizing them.


 Even I, who had an average score all the time, was able to get a high mean score in the 90s for the first time after entering this high school.


 Or maybe it was because she prepared for the second year's test that she had missed parts of the first year's test?


 If so, I feel guilty. I glanced at Oribe and she snorted and crossed her arms.


 Anna hastily said,


"No, no! Sayo's test practice was flawless as usual!"


Then why did you get those red marks...?


"I guess I'll have to ask you to step down from your position as the club's leader as a penalty now, huh?"


"Th- that's!"


 Oribe coldly eyed Anna.


"On- only that-! Please don't~!"


 The teary-eyed Anna desperately clung to her, but the way Oribe looked at her was as merciless as a slaughterhouse worker looking at pigs from a pig farm.


"Okay, okay, for now, let's listen to her reason. Maybe there were unavoidable circumstances."


 My Teacher followed up, his uniform more disheveled and sloppy than when I saw him earlier.


 My Teacher looked at me with a somewhat resentful look, to which I ignored this gaze and nodded,


"Right, maybe she had a high fever that day, or maybe her pet died, so she couldn't concentrate."


 At the mediation of the two upperclassmen, Oribe, who was the type of person who shows respect to seniors, reluctantly stepped back.


 Catching our gaze, Anna twiddled her fingers and gave an answer,


"Uh, actually, I couldn't concentrate on my studies because I was so distracted by the dungeon that had appeared at school..."


"""Okay. Guilty."""


 The verdict was reached without a second thought. The reason was much more trivial than expected.


"But, what do we do now? We can't go on an expedition like this."


 As Oribe clamped Anna's head in a headlock, I looked up to the sky and wondered what could be done.


 We, the Adventurers' Cub, had been planning to take advantage of the long summer vacation to visit various dungeons throughout Japan.


 In order to be promoted to a four-star rank, the plan was to conquer D-rank dungeons in Okinawa and Hokkaido, which are normally difficult to reach, as well as to challenge professional-class dungeons to gain new experience and skills.


 However, with Anna's confirmed supplementary lessons for multiple subjects.... the plan nearly went back to the drawing board.


"I'm really sorry... please forget about me and go on to the expedition, even if it's just you guys..."


 We all looked at Anna who seemed to be seriously dejected.


"That won't work then~"


"Even if you're such an idiot, you're still one of us."


"Right, right. And it won't be any fun if there's anyone left out of the group."


"G- guys.....!"


 The warm words of the Adventurers' Club made Anna's eyes water.


 ...Well, to be honest, not having Anna around makes a big difference when it comes to resources.


 Preparing emergency evacuation and teleportation cards when diving into dungeons, arranging plane tickets and hotels for the expedition, making a list of dungeons to conquer, gathering information about the competitions to enter, and arranging contacts with card merchants to safely and securely sell the cards and magic items acquired...


 All of this was managed by Anna, the leader, using her family's connections.


 To be frank, it was too much trouble for us to plan an expedition without Anna after all this time... although it is not impossible.


 Without Anna, there would be no mood maker.


"Well, there is no choice if things have turned out like this. We'll each be going to the nearby dungeons. Besides, supplementary lessons still have a few breaks, and everything will be finished in the first half of the summer vacation, right?"


"Ah, yeah. We will have one week of supplementary lessons and one week off. It will finish in the first half of the summer vacation."


 When Anna nodded at my words, my Teacher and Oribe also nodded in acceptance.


"Okay, we'll do the expedition then."


"...Well, the training camp schedule was a bit too packed, so I guess this is good."


 The original schedule only allowed for a short trip to hang out with family and friends.


 Although I was looking forward to the camp, it was also true that it would be tasteless to be all about that.


 It turned out to be quite different than what was planned, but in the end, it might have been a good thing.


"So, it's decided then."


 And so began a summer vacation that was a bit of a mess from the very beginning.





[Tips] Rewards for the First Conquer of a Dungeon


 There is a rumor that the dungeon has a first-conquer-only bonus, and that the drop rate of the dungeon boss is boosted a thousand-fold for that first conquer, and the contents of the disappointment box is also more luxurious...


 Although the truth of the rumor is not certain, it is considered to be highly credible because even in developing countries where dungeons are practically slums or dens of criminals, the military is dispatched to seal off the newly emerged dungeons.


 On the other hand, there is a counterargument that if the rumors are true, it is strange that only a few A-rank cards have dropped in the world.






In case you forgot, Gyaru (ギャル) is a Japanese term that refers to a specific subculture or fashion style. It is characterized by a distinct and exaggerated style that typically includes tanned skin, dyed hair, heavy makeup, colorful clothing, nail art, and large circle lenses. The word 'gyaru' is a transliteration of the English word 'girl'.


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